Unit 1 Education

Completing information 1


‌With the help of your notes of video 1, complete the information by putting appropriate words in each gap.Write down your answers in numeric sequence. 

​答案: 【 assigns the video of the lecture to students to watch even before the class


‏答案: 【 facilitator


‎答案: 【 not in class


​答案: 【 lecturing


‏答案: 【 interacting

Completing information 2


‌With the help of your notes of video 2, complete the information by putting appropriate words in each gap.Write down your answers in numeric sequence.

​答案: 【 watching videos


‏答案: 【 cycle


‏答案: 【 learning


‍答案: 【 contents


‌答案: 【 deeper learning community


‎答案: 【 engaging relevant authentic joy-producing


‍答案: 【 experience


‏答案: 【 concept exploration

Deciding when to define

‎Decide whether you need to include definitions in your speaking or writing.‌‎when a term is unfamiliar but key to audience understanding‌‎‌
A: 正确
B: 错误
答案: 【 正确

‏when a commonly used word or phrase is given a different meaning in your work‎‏‎
A: 正确
B: 错误
答案: 【 正确

‌when a term will help expand upon a point in your writing or speaking‎
A: 正确
B: 错误
答案: 【 正确

​when there might be confusion over a thing or a concept if you do not make it clear‌
A: 正确
B: 错误
答案: 【 正确

‍when you want your readers or audience to have a new way of understanding a term‌
A: 正确
B: 错误
答案: 【 正确

Defining in an effective way

‌A formal definition consists of three elements: term, class and differentia. Analyse the following definitions, and decide what element the underlined part is in each definition.‌‌A university is a high-level educational institution in which students study for‌‌degrees and academic research is done. The underlined part is (a)_______________________.‌‌‌
答案: 【 class

​Materials science is the branch of science that deals with the structure,‎​properties, and processing of materials, especially with regard to their potential‎​usefulness. The underlined part is (a)_______________________.‎​‎
答案: 【 term

‍Astronomy is a branch of scientific study primarily concerned with celestial‍‍objects inside and outside of the earth’s atmosphere. The underlined part is (a)_______________________.‍‍‍
答案: 【 differentia

‍A library is a building or room containing collections of books, periodicals, and‎‍sometimes films and recorded music for use or borrowing by the public or the‎‍members of an institution. The underlined part is (a)_______________________.‎‍‎
答案: 【 class

Extending a definition

‎Study the following definition of psychology, and identify the techniques the author uses to extend the definition.​‎​‎Psychology may be defined as the science that studies the behavior of man and other animals. For this definition to be useful, it is necessary to specify more clearly what psychologists mean by behavior. An idea of the meaning of behavior can be gained if the topics covered by psychology are examined: the behaving organism, growth and development, motivation and emotion, perception, learning and thinking, individuality and personality, conflict, adjustment and mental health, and social aspects of psychology. The behaving organism is important because as a science rooted in biology, psychology is interested in the bodily processes that make activity possible ...​‎SOURCE: BuzanT. {1971). Speed reading. Newton Abbot: David and Charles.​‎(You can also find the text on pate 019 in the textbook.)​
A: analogies
B: comparisons
C: extra information
D: examples
答案: 【 extra information

Formal vs. naming definitions

‌Study the following four definitions and decide which are formal definitions.‏
A: Anthropology may be defined as a branch of both science and sociology in which people, society and culture are studied.
B: Physics is a branch of science in which forces such as heat, light, sound, pressure, gravity and electricity, and the way that they affect objects, are studied.
C: The scientific study of language, especially language form, language meaning, and language in context can be defined as linguistics.
D: Education is the process of facilitating learning, or the acquisition of knowledge, skills, values, beliefs, and habits.
答案: 【 Anthropology may be defined as a branch of both science and sociology in which people, society and culture are studied.;
Physics is a branch of science in which forces such as heat, light, sound, pressure, gravity and electricity, and the way that they affect objects, are studied.;
Education is the process of facilitating learning, or the acquisition of knowledge, skills, values, beliefs, and habits.

Identifying different parts in expanded phrases

​Write down head noun,post-modifier, pre-modifier, determiner for corresponding parts in the following expanded noun phrase.​​​​①the  ②core  ③ideas  ④of constructivist learning theory​​​
答案: 【 determiner

‌①the  ②core  ③ideas  ④of constructivist learning theory​
答案: 【 pre-modifier

‏①the  ②core  ③ideas  ④of constructivist learning theory‏‏‏
答案: 【 head noun

​①the  ②core  ③ideas  ④of constructivist learning theory‍​‍
答案: 【 post-modifier

Identifying the definition of a theory

‍From a philosophical viewpoint of education, “constructivism” may refer to __________.‍
A: how learners create fine and innovative art
B: how learners construct knowledge for themselves
C: how learners work on public festivals and street designs
D: how learners use mental models to understand the world around them
答案: 【 how learners construct knowledge for themselves


Preparing for video lectures


‍Look at the above screenshots of two videos, and finish the following questions.

‍1. What subject area might two videos cover?

A: sports
B: art
C: education
D: philosophy
答案: 【 education

‌2. "_________________" might be the key word of two videos?​
答案: 【 flip classroom##%_YZPRLFH_%##flipped classroom

Reading definitions of a concept

‏You have been given an essay with the title Knowledge is better acquired by implicit learning. “Implicit learning” is one of the many concepts in the field of education, and usually it goes along with the term “explicit learning”. Decide which of the two following statements about the essay question is more accurate?​ ​A. Implicit learning help learners acquire knowledge more effectively.​‏     B. Learner should acquire knowledge through implicit learning.​‏​
答案: 【 A

Reading definitions of a thing

‎As part of a course on education, you have been given the essay title The advantages of E-learning. You have to first of all find out the meaning of E-learning. Which of the following aspects of E-learning do you think you should know about?‌ ‌A. What is the full form of E-learning?  ‌B. What are the various definitions of E-learning? (since it can be defined from different perspectives by different professionals)‌C. How is E-learning realized?‌D. Who need E-learning?‌E. What are the differentiating characteristics of E-learning?‌‎  F. What are the applications of E-learning?‌‎‌
答案: 【 A. B. C. D. E. F

‎Read the disordered extract from a book on E-learning to check whether you can get the information you need about E-learning. Restore the disordered definitions of E-learning to its original form. ‍‎‍What Is E-Learning?‍❶ It is a Web-based,   personalized learning experience and provides measurable results (Rich 2001).‍❷ E-learning, which is   short for electronic learning, is defined broadly by Web technology   professionals as education and training delivered by an instructor or   self-paced from a curriculum database stored on the enterprise local area   network (Berry 2000). ‍❸ The broadest   definition refers to any distance-learning mode other than a correspondence   course with printed material (Mantyla 2001). ‍❹ It refers to anything   delivered, enabled, or mediated by electronic technology for the explicit   purpose of learning (Hicks 2000). ‍❺ E-learning applications   include self-study, instructor-led, Web-based training, knowledge-management,   and performance support (Broadbent 2000). ‍❻ It offers the   possibility of learning from information delivered to us electronically   (Honey 2001). ‍❼ The clearest   definition is found in the book E-learning:   Strategies for Delivering Knowledge in the Digital Age, where the author   says e-learning refers to the use of Internet technologies to deliver a broad   array of solutions that enhance knowledge and performance. ‍❽ Solutions are   networked, which means instant updating, retrieval, distribution, and   delivery to computer users at standard Internet technology (Rosenberg 2001,   28–29).‍Luther Tai. (2007). Corporate E-Learning: ‍An Inside View of IBM's Solutions. Oxford: Oxford Scholarship Online‍‎‍‎Your answer to this question should be given in such form as 3-2-5-...‍
答案: 【 2-4-6-1-3-7-8-5


‎The scientific study of language, especially language form, language meaning, and language in context can be defined as linguistics. What type of definition is this?‎
A: a formal definition
B: a naming definitio
C: an extended definition
D: a theory definition
答案: 【 a naming definitio

‌Psychology may be defined as the science that studies the behavior of man and other animals.​‌In this definition, ‘the science’ is ____________.​
A: the term
B: the class
C: the differentia
D: the prepositional phrase
答案: 【 the class

‍An election is a formal group decision-making process by which a population chooses an individual to hold public office. Elections are scheduled on a regular cycle and usually involve both major and many small parties. In this definition, the italicized senten



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