Week 6 Cause and Effect Essays

6.1 What is a Cause and Effect Essay随堂测验

‌How can we organize the cause and effect essay?‎
A: Through chronological order.
B: Through order of importance.
C: Through categorical order.
D: All of them
答案: 【 All of them

​An essay focusing on the reasons for the problem or situation is called a Cause Essay.‎
A: 正确
B: 错误
答案: 【 正确

‎What is a cause essay?‍
答案: 【 An essay focusing on the reasons for the problem or situation is called a Cause Essay.

6.2 How to Write a Cause and Effect Essay随堂测验

‎What is the structure for a cause and effect paragraph? We can follow the structure like this:‎
A: Topic sentenceCause 1Cause 2Cause 3Reworded topic sentence
B: Topic sentenceEffect 1Effect 2Effect 3Reworded topic sentence
C: Topic sentenceCause 1Effect 2Cause 3Reworded topic sentence
D: All of them
答案: 【 Topic sentenceCause 1Cause 2Cause 3Reworded topic sentence;
Topic sentenceEffect 1Effect 2Effect 3Reworded topic sentence

‍What are the two patterns of organizing a cause and effect essay? ‎
A: Multiple causes→one effect
B: One cause→multiple effects
C: Multiple causes→multiple effects
D: All of them
答案: 【 Multiple causes→one effect ;
One cause→multiple effects

Week10Writing Format

10.1 How to Write an Effective Title随堂测试

‍Which of the followling statements is correct?​
A: A good title should be as brief as possible. Do not exceed 10 words for a short essay and 20 words for a long one.
B: A well-crafted title should indicate the focal point of your essay clearly and concisely.
C:  A good title includes prime keywords that will be sprinkled throughout the essay.
D: A good title should NOT contain “waste words” like “a study of”, “observations on”, “research on”, and “report on”, etc.
答案: 【 A good title should be as brief as possible. Do not exceed 10 words for a short essay and 20 words for a long one.;
A well-crafted title should indicate the focal point of your essay clearly and concisely.;
 A good title includes prime keywords that will be sprinkled throughout the essay.;
A good title should NOT contain “waste words” like “a study of”, “observations on”, “research on”, and “report on”, etc.

10.2 How to Use Punctuation Properly随堂测验

​Which of the following statement is correct?‍​‍
A: To separate items in a series, we should use comma (,).
B: To show the omission of one or more letters in a contraction, we should use apostrophe ( ’ ).
C: To indicate the exact words of the quoted speaker/writer, we should use comma (,).
D: To indicate articles in books, newspapers or magazines, chapters in a book, short stories, or poems, we should use quotation marks (“ ”).
答案: 【 To separate items in a series, we should use comma (,).;
To show the omission of one or more letters in a contraction, we should use apostrophe ( ’ ). ;
To indicate articles in books, newspapers or magazines, chapters in a book, short stories, or poems, we should use quotation marks (“ ”).

Week3Effective Paragraphs



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