第一讲 微观经济学导论稀缺性与微观经济学


1.       The phenomenon of scarcity stems from the fact that ‏‏
A: most economies’ production methods are not very   good.
B: in most economies, wealthy people consume   disproportionate quantities of goods and services.
C: governments restrict production of too many goods   and services.
D: resources are limited.
答案: 【 resources are limited.

2. Approximately what percentage of the world's economies experience scarcity?​a.​10%​b.​40%​c.​85%​d.​100%​‌​
A: a
B: b
C: c
D: d
答案: 【 d

3. Economics is the study of​a.​production methods.​b.​how society manages its scarce resources.​c.​how households decide who performs which tasks.​d.​the interaction of business and government.​‏​
A: a
B: b
C: c
D: d
答案: 【 b

4. Which of the following is not an example of scarcity?​a.​Only some people can afford to buy a Ferrari.​b.​Every individual in society cannot attain the   highest standard of living to which he or she might aspire.​c.​Doug has an unlimited supply of apples in his   orchard.​d.​Each member of a household cannot get everything   he or she wants.​‎​
A: a
B: b
C: c
D: d
答案: 【 c

5. Which of the following statements best represents the principle represented by the adage, "There is no such thing as a free lunch"?‌a.‌Melissa can attend the concert only if she takes   her sister with her.‌b.‌Greg is hungry and homeless.‌c.‌Brian must repair the tire on his bike before he   can ride it to class.‌d.‌Kendra must decide between going to Colorado or   Cancun for spring break.‌‎‌
A: a
B: b
C: c
D: d
答案: 【 d

6. A tradeoff exists between a clean environment and a higher level of income in that‎a.‎studies show that individuals with higher levels   of income pollute less than low-income individuals.‎b.‎efforts to reduce pollution typically are not   completely successful.‎c.‎laws that reduce pollution raise costs of   production and reduce incomes.‎d.‎employing individuals to clean up pollution   causes increases in employment and income.‎‍‎
A: a
B: b
C: c
D: d
答案: 【 c

7. A likely effect of government policies that redistribute income and wealth from the wealthy to the poor is that those policies‌a.‌enhance equality.‌b.‌reduce efficiency.‌c.‌reduce the reward for working hard.‌d.‌All of the above are correct.‌‎‌
A: a
B: b
C: c
D: d
答案: 【 d

8. Which of the following is not an example of the opportunity cost of going to school?​a.​The money a student could have earned by working   if he had not gone to college.​b.​The nap a student could have enjoyed if he had   not attended class.​c.​The party a student could have enjoyed if he had   not stayed in to study for his exam.​d.​The money a student spends on rent for his   apartment while attending school.​‎​
A: a
B: b
C: c
D: d
答案: 【 d

9. A rational decisionmaker ‌a.‌ignores marginal changes and focuses instead on   “the big picture.”‌b.‌ignores the likely effects of government policies   when he or she makes choices.‌c.‌takes an action only if the marginal benefit of   that action exceeds the marginal cost of that action.‌d.‌takes an action only if the combined benefits of   that action and previous actions exceed the combined costs of that action and   previous actions.‌‌‌
A: a
B: b
C: c
D: d
答案: 【 c

10. Rational people make decisions at the margin by​a.​following marginal traditions.​b.​behaving in a random fashion.​c.​thinking in black-and-white terms.​d.​comparing marginal costs and marginal benefits.​‌​
A: a
B: b
C: c
D: d
答案: 【 d

11. It costs a company $50,000 to produce 5000 beach towels.  The company’s cost will be $50,009 if it produces an additional beach towel.  If the company produces 5,000 beach towels then​a.​its average cost is greater than its marginal   cost.​b.​its average cost and its marginal cost are equal.​c.​its average cost is less than its marginal cost.​d.​there is insufficient information to compute   average and marginal costs.​‍​
A: a
B: b
C: c
D: d
答案: 【 a

12. Ralph Nader's book Unsafe at Any Speed caused Congress to require‏a.‏safety glass in all new cars.‏b.‏seat belts in all new cars.‏c.‏air bags in all new cars.‏d.‏stricter drunk driving laws in all states.‏‌‏
A: a
B: b
C: c
D: d
答案: 【 b

13. Evidence indicates that seat belt laws have led to‎a.‎fewer pedestrian deaths.‎b.‎fewer automobile accidents.‎c.‎fewer deaths per automobile accident.‎d.‎All of the above are correct.‎‍‎
A: a
B: b
C: c
D: d
答案: 【 c

14. Production is efficient if the economy is producing at a point​a.​on the production possibilities frontier.​b.​outside the production possibilities frontier.​c.​on or inside the production possibilities   frontier.​d.​inside the production possibilities frontier.​‌​
A: a
B: b
C: c
D: d
答案: 【 a

15. Suppose a nation is currently producing at a point inside its production possibilities frontier. We know that‏a.‏the nation is producing beyond its capacity, so   inflation will occur.‏b.‏the nation is not using all available resources   or is using inferior technology or both.‏c.‏the nation is producing an efficient combination   of goods.‏d.‏there will be a large opportunity cost if the   nation tries to increase production of any good.‏‍‏
A: a
B: b
C: c
D: d
答案: 【 b

16. Unemployment would cause an economy to‍a.‍produce inside its production possibilities   frontier.‍b.‍produce on its production possibilities frontier.‍c.‍produce outside its production possibilities frontier.‍d.‍experience an inward shift of its production   possibilities frontier.‍‏‍
A: a
B: b
C: c
D: d
答案: 【 a

17. Which of the following concepts cannot be illustrated by the production possibilities frontier?‏a.‏efficiency‏b.‏opportunity cost‏c.‏equality‏d.‏trade-offs‏‌‏
A: a
B: b
C: c
D: d
答案: 【 c

The opportunity cost of obtaining more of one good is shown on the production possibilities frontier as the‍a.‍amount of the other good that must be given up.‍b.‍market price of the additional amount produced.‍c.‍amount of resources that must be devoted to its   production.‍d.‍number of dollars that must be spent to produce   it.‍‍‍
A: a
B: b
C: c
D: d
答案: 【 a

Table 1-1​Production Possibilities for Libraryland​Books​Magazines​400​ 0​300​200​200​350​100​450​ 0​500​   19. Refer to Table 1-1.  What is the opportunity cost to Libraryland of increasing the production of books from 200 to 300?​a.​100 magazines​b.​150 magazines​c.​200 magazines​d.​350 magazines​​​
A: a
B: b
C: c
D: d
答案: 【 b

Table 1-1‏Production Possibilities for Libraryland‏Books‏Magazines‏400‏ 0‏300‏200‏200‏350‏100‏450‏ 0‏500‏20. Refer to Table 1-1.  Which of the following statements is correct?‏a.‏The opportunity cost of an additional 100 books   is constant at 50 magazines.‏b.‏The opportunity cost of an additional 100 books   is constant at 100 magazines.‏c.‏Libraryland’s production possibilities frontier   is a straight, downward-sloping line.‏d.‏The opportunity cost of an additional 100 books   increases as more books are produced.‏‌‏
A: a
B: b
C: c
D: d
答案: 【 d

1.1-1.6 部分测试

Ben bakes bread and Shawna knits sweaters.  Ben and Shawna both like to eat bread and wear sweaters.  In which of the following cases is it impossible for both Ben and Shawna to benefit from trade?‍‍‍‍
A: Ben cannot knit sweaters and Shawna cannot bake   bread.
B: Ben is better than Shawna at baking bread and   Shawna is better than Ben at knitting sweaters.
C: Ben is better than Shawna at baking bread and at   knitting sweaters.
D: Both Ben and Shawna can benefit from trade in all   of the above cases.
答案: 【 Both Ben and Shawna can benefit from trade in all   of the above cases.

A production possibilities frontier is bowed outward when​​​‎​
A: the more resources the economy uses to produce   one good, the fewer resources it has available to produce the other good.
B: an economy is self-sufficient instead of   interdependent and engaged in trade.
C: the rate of tradeoff between the two goods being   produced is constant.
D: the rate of tradeoff between the two goods being   produced depends on how much of each good is being produced.
答案: 【 the rate of tradeoff between the two goods being   produced depends on how much of each good is being produced.

A certain cowboy spends 10 hours per day mending fences and herding cattle.  For the cowboy, a graph that shows his various possible mixes of output (fences mended per day and cattle herded per day) is called his‎‎‎‎‎
A: line of tastes.
B: trade-off curve.
C: production possibilities frontier.
D: consumption possibilities frontier.
答案: 【 production possibilities frontier.

Table 3-1‎Assume that Andia and Zardia can switch between producing wheat and producing beef at a constant rate.‎ ‎Minutes Needed to Make 1‎Bushel of Wheat‎Pound of Beef‎Andia‎20‎12‎Zardia‎15‎10‎    Refer to Table 3-1.  Assume that Andia and Zardia each has 360 minutes available.  If each person divides his time equally between the production of wheat and beef, then total production is ‎​‎
A: 10.5 bushels of wheat and 16.5 pounds of beef.
B: 21 bushels of wheat and 33 pounds of beef.
C: 35 bushels of wheat and 22 pounds of beef.
D: 42 bushels of wheat and 66 pounds of beef.
答案: 【 21 bushels of wheat and 33 pounds of beef.

Table 3-1‏Assume that Andia and Zardia can switch between producing wheat and producing beef at a constant rate.‏ ‏Minutes Needed to Make 1‏Bushel of Wheat‏Pound of Beef‏Andia‏20‏12‏Zardia‏15‏10‏Refer to Table 3-1.  Which of the following combinations of wheat and beef could Andia produce in one 8-hour day?‏‏‏‏
A: 6 bushels of wheat and 35 pounds of beef
B: 9 bushels of wheat and 25 pounds of beef
C: 15 bushels of wheat and 20 pounds of beef
D: 24 bushels of wheat and 40 pounds of beef
答案: 【 9 bushels of wheat and 25 pounds of beef

Table 3-1‏Assume that Andia and Zardia can switch between producing wheat and producing beef at a constant rate.‏ ‏Minutes Needed to Make 1‏Bushel of Wheat‏Pound of Beef‏Andia‏20‏12‏Zardia‏15‏10‏Refer to Table 3-1.  Which of the following combinations of wheat and beef could Zardia not produce in one 10-hour day?‏‏‍‏
A: 10 bushels of wheat and 45 pounds of beef
B: 20 bushels of wheat and 30 pounds of beef
C: 25 bushels of wheat and 25 pounds of beef
D: 30 bushels of wheat and 15 pounds of beef
答案: 【 25 bushels of wheat and 25 pounds of beef

Mike and Sandy are two woodworkers who both make tables and chairs.  In one month, Mike can make 4 tables or 20 chairs, where Sandy can make 6 tables or 18 chairs.  Given this, we know that the opportunity cost of 1 chair is‍‍‍‍
A: 1/5 table for Mike and 1/3 table for Sandy.
B: 1/5 table for Mike and 3 tables for Sandy.
C: 5 tables for Mike and 1/3 table for Sandy.
D: 5 tables for Mike and 3 tables for Sandy.
答案: 【 1/5 table for Mike and 1/3 table for Sandy.

Mike and Sandy are two woodworkers who both make tables and chairs.  In one month, Mike can make 4 tables or 20 chairs, where Sandy can make 6 tables or 18 chairs.  Given this, we know that the opportunity cost of 1 table is‏‏‏‎‏
A: 1/5 chair for Mike and 1/3 chair for Sandy.
B: 1/5 chair for Mike and 3 chairs for Sandy.
C: 5 chairs for Mike and 1/3 chair for Sandy.
D: 5 chairs for Mike and 3 chairs for Sandy.
答案: 【 5 chairs for Mike and 3 chairs for Sandy.

Absolute advantage is found by comparing different producers’​​‎​
A: opportunity costs.
B: payments to land, labor, and capital.
C: input requirements per unit of output.
D: locational and logistical circumstances.
答案: 【 input requirements per unit of output.

The producer that requires a smaller quantity of inputs to produce a certain amount of a good, relative to the quantities of inputs required by other producers to produce the same amount of that good,‎‎‍‎
A: has a low opportunity cost of producing that   good, relative to the opportunity costs of other producers.
B: has a comparative advantage in the production of   that good.
C: has an absolute advantage in the production of   that good.
D: should be the only producer of that good.
答案: 【 has an absolute advantage in the production of   that good.

Suppose Jim and Tom can both produce two goods: baseball bats and hockey sticks.  Which of the following is not possible?‏‏‏‌‏
A: Jim has an absolute advantage in the production   of baseball bats and in the production of hockey sticks.
B: Jim has an absolute advantage in the production   of baseball bats and a comparative advantage in the production of hockey   sticks.
C: Jim has an absolute advantage in the production   of hockey sticks and a comparative advantage in the production of baseball   bats.
D: Jim has a comparative advantage in the production   of baseball bats and in the production of hockey sticks.
答案: 【 Jim has a comparative advantage in the production   of baseball bats and in the production of hockey sticks.

Kelly and David are both capable of repairing cars and cooking meals.  Which of the following scenarios is not possible?‌‌​‌
A: Kelly has a comparative advantage in repairing   cars and David has a comparative advantage in cooking meals.
B: Kelly has an absolute advantage in repairing cars   and David has an absolute advantage in cooking meals.
C: Kelly has a comparative advantage in repairing   cars and in cooking meals.
D: David has an absolute advantage in repairing cars   and in cooking meals.
答案: 【 Kelly has a comparative advantage in repairing   cars and in cooking meals.

When each person specializes in producing the good in which he or she has a comparative advantage, total production in the economy‍‍‍‍
A: falls.
B: stays the same.
C: rises.
D: may fall, rise, or stay the same.
答案: 【 rises.

Total output in an economy increases when each person specializes because​​‎​
A: there is less competition for the same resources.
B: each person spends more time producing that   product in which he or she has a comparative advantage.
C: a wider variety of products will be produced   within each country due to specialization.
D: government necessarily plays a larger role in the   economy due to specialization.
答案: 【 each person spends more time producing that   product in which he or she has a comparative advantage.

Suppose that a worker in Caninia can produce either 2 blankets or 8 meals per day, and a worker in Felinia can produce either 5 blankets or 1 meal per day.  Each nation has 10 workers.  For many years, the two countries traded, each completely specializing according to their respective comparative advantages.  Now war has broken out between them and all trade has stopped.  Without trade, Caninia produces and consumes 10 blankets and 40 meals per day and Felinia produces and consumes 25 blankets and 5 meals per day.  The war has caused the combined daily output of the two countries to decline by‌‌‌‌
A: 15 blankets and 35 meals.
B: 25 blankets and 40 meals.
C: 35 blankets and 45 meals.
D: 50 blankets and 80 meals.
答案: 【 15 blankets and 35 meals.

The gains from trade are‎‎‏‎
A: evident in economic models, but seldom observed   in the real world.
B: evident in the real world, but impossible to   capture in economic models.
C: a result of more efficient resource allocation   than would be observed in the absence of trade.
D: based on the principle of absolute advantage.
答案: 【 a result of more efficient resource allocation   than would be observed in the absence of trade.

Trade can make everybody better off because it‍‍‏‍
A: increases cooperation among nations.
B: allows people to specialize according to   comparative advantage.
C: requires some workers in an economy to be   retrained.
D: reduces competition among domestic companies.
答案: 【 allows people to specialize according to   comparative advantage.

Table 3-2‌Assume that Aruba and Iceland can switch between producing coolers and producing radios at a constant rate.‌ ‌Labor Hours‌Needed to Make 1‌Cooler‌Radio‌Aruba‌2‌5‌Iceland‌1‌4‌    Refer to Table 3-2.  Aruba’s opportunity cost of one cooler is  ‌‌‌‌
A: 0.4 radio and Iceland’s opportunity cost of one   cooler is 0.25 radio.
B: 0.4 radio and Iceland’s opportunity cost of one   cooler is 4 radios.
C: 2.5 radios and Iceland’s opportunity cost of one   cooler is 0.25 radio.
D: 2.5 radios and Iceland’s opportunity cost of one   cooler is 4 radios.
答案: 【 0.4 radio and Iceland’s opportunity cost of one   cooler is 0.25 radio.

Table 3-2‎Assume that Aruba and Iceland can switch between producing coolers and producing radios at a constant rate.‎ ‎Labor Hours‎Needed to Make 1‎Cooler‎Radio‎Aruba‎2‎5‎Iceland‎1‎4‎ Refer to Table 3-2.  Suppose Aruba decides to increase its production of radios by 10.  What is the opportunity cost of this decision?‎‎‎‎
A: 0.25 coolers
B: 2.5 coolers
C: 4 coolers
D: 25 coolers
答案: 【 25 coolers

Table 3-2‎Assume that Aruba and Iceland can switch between producing coolers and producing radios at a constant rate.‎ ‎Labor Hours‎Needed to Make 1‎Cooler‎Radio‎Aruba‎2‎5‎Iceland‎1‎4‎Refer to Table 3-2.  Aruba has an absolute advantage in the production of ‎‎‏‎
A: coolers and Iceland has an absolute advantage in   the production of radios.
B: radios and Iceland has an absolute advantage in   the production of coolers.
C: both goods and Iceland has an absolute advantage   in the production of neither good.
D: neither good and Iceland has an absolute   advantage in the production of both goods.
答案: 【 neither good and Iceland has an absolute   advantage in the production of both goods.

1.       The phenomenon of scarcity stems from the fact that ​​​​
A: most economies’ production methods are not very   good.
B: in most economies, wealthy people consume   disproportionate quantities of goods and services.
C: governments restrict production of too many goods   and services.
D: resources are limited.
答案: 【 resources are limited.

Approximately what percentage of the world's economies experience scarcity?‍‍‍‍
A: 10%
B: 40%
C: 85%
D: 100%
答案: 【 100%

 Economics is the study of‏‏‎‏
A: production methods.
B: how society manages its scarce resources.
C: how households decide who performs which tasks.
D: the interaction of business and government.
答案: 【 how society manages its scarce resources.

Which of the following is not an example of scarcity?​​​​
A: Only some people can afford to buy a Ferrari.
B: Every individual in society cannot attain the   highest standard of living to which he or she might aspire.
C: Doug has an unlimited supply of apples in his   orchard.
D: Each member of a household cannot get everything   he or she wants.
答案: 【 Doug has an unlimited supply of apples in his   orchard.

Which of the following statements best represents the principle represented by the adage, "There is no such thing as a free lunch"?‏‏‌‏
A: Melissa can attend the concert only if she takes   her sister with her.
B: Greg is hungry and homeless.
C: Brian must repair the tire on his bike before he   can ride it to class.
D: Kendra must decide between going to Colorado or   Cancun for spring break.
答案: 【 Kendra must decide between going to Colorado or   Cancun for spring break.

A tradeoff exists between a clean environment and a higher level of income in that‌‌‎‌
A: studies show that individuals with higher levels   of income pollute less than low-income individuals.
B: efforts to reduce pollution typically are not   completely successful.
C: laws that reduce pollution raise costs of   production and reduce incomes.
D: employing individuals to clean up pollution   causes increases in employment and income.
答案: 【 laws that reduce pollution raise costs of   production and reduce incomes.

A likely effect of government policies that redistribute income and wealth from the wealthy to the poor is that those policies‏‏​‏
A: enhance equality.
B: reduce efficiency.
C: reduce the reward for working hard.
D: All of the above are correct.
答案: 【 All of the above are correct.

Which of the following is not an example of the opportunity cost of going to school?‌‌​‌
A: The money a student could have earned by working   if he had not gone to college.
B: The nap a student could have enjoyed if he had   not attended class.
C: The party a student could have enjoyed if he had   not stayed in to study for his exam.
D: The money a student spends on rent for his   apartment while attending school.
答案: 【 The money a student spends on rent for his   apartment while attending school.

A rational decisionmaker ‎‎​‎
A: ignores marginal changes and focuses instead on   “the big picture.”
B: ignores the likely effects of government policies   when he or she makes choices.
C: takes an action only if the marginal benefit of   that action exceeds the marginal cost of that action.
D: takes an action only if the combined benefits of   that action and previous actions exceed the combined costs of that action and   previous actions.
答案: 【 takes an action only if the marginal benefit of   that action exceeds the marginal cost of that action.

It costs a company $50,000 to produce 5000 beach towels.  The company’s cost will be $50,009 if it produces an additional beach towel.  If the company produces 5,000 beach towels then​​‍​
A: its average cost is greater than its marginal   cost.
B: its average cost and its marginal cost are equal.
C: its average cost is less than its marginal cost.
D: there is insufficient information to compute   average and marginal costs.
答案: 【 its average cost is greater than its marginal   cost.


A: 厂商生产商品的产量和价格
B: 失业率的上升和下降
C: 政府宏观经济研究部门的雇佣情况
D: 税收对某一商品价格的影响
答案: 【 失业率的上升和下降

A: 正确
B: 错误
答案: 【 正确


A:  最富有的国家也有稀缺性;
B: 相对而言,稀缺性的存在更因为欲望无限;
C: 相对而言,稀缺性的存在更因为资源有限;
D: 稀缺性的存在也促成了效率的提高;
答案: 【 相对而言,稀缺性的存在更因为资源有限;

A: 因为稀缺性,我们支付商品时需要支付价格;
B: 因为稀缺性,我们进行收入分配;
C: 因为稀缺性,我们必须做到有效率地配置资源;
D: 因为稀缺性,我们必须克制自己的欲望;
答案: 【 因为稀缺性,我们支付商品时需要支付价格;;

A: 稀缺性可以通过修身养性来解决;
B: 稀缺性是技术进步的动力;
C: 稀缺性是促使了经济活动的繁荣;
D: 稀缺性存在于所有的社会;
答案: 【 稀缺性是技术进步的动力;;


A: 资源配置是否有效率;
B: 稀缺性;
C: 收入分配不公;
D: 资源是如何配置的;
答案: 【 收入分配不公;

A: 负斜率;
B: 一个商品转换成另外一个商品的比率越来越小;
C: 凸向原点;
D: 是可以向外推移的;
答案: 【 凸向原点;

A: 如果技术进步,边界可以外扩;
B: 人类社会必然在边界上生产;
C: 生产可能性边界一般都是凹向原点的;
D: 生产可能性边界在技术进步快的前提下可能是正斜率的;
答案: 【 如果技术进步,边界可以外扩;;


A: 电影票的价格
B: 时间的成本
C: 电影票的市场价值和看电影花掉的时间的价值
D: 今后要礼尚往来回送别人礼物的价值
答案: 【 电影票的市场价值和看电影花掉的时间的价值

A: 煤炭当前的市场价值
B: 煤炭的购入成本
C: 煤炭在未来能够卖出的最好价格
D: 煤炭的购入成本和未来最好价格两者中最大的那个值
答案: 【 煤炭当前的市场价值

1.4-1.6 部分测试

1. Ben bakes bread and Shawna knits sweaters.  Ben and Shawna both like to eat bread and wear sweaters.  In which of the following cases is it impossible for both Ben and Shawna to benefit from trade?‏a.‏Ben cannot knit sweaters and Shawna cannot bake   bread.‏b.‏Ben is better than Shawna at baking bread and   Shawna is better than Ben at knitting sweaters.‏c.‏Ben is better than Shawna at baking bread and at   knitting sweaters.‏d.‏Both Ben and Shawna can benefit from trade in all   of the above cases.‏‎‏
A: a
B: b
C: c
D: d
答案: 【 d

2. A production possibilities frontier is bowed outward when‌a.‌the more resources the economy uses to produce   one good, the fewer resources it has available to produce the other good.‌b.‌an economy is self-sufficient instead of   interdependent and engaged in trade.‌c.‌the rate of tradeoff between the two goods being   produced is constant.‌d.‌the rate of tradeoff between the two goods being   produced depends on how much of each good is being produced.‌‌‌
A: a
B: b
C: c
D: d
答案: 【 d

3. A certain cowboy spends 10 hours per day mending fences and herding cattle.  For the cowboy, a graph that shows his various possible mixes of output (fences mended per day and cattle herded per day) is called his‌a.‌line of tastes.‌b.‌trade-off curve.‌c.‌production possibilities frontier.‌d.‌consumption possibilities frontier.‌​‌
A: a
B: b
C: c
D: d
答案: 【 c

Table 3-1​Assume that Andia and Zardia can switch between producing wheat and producing beef at a constant rate.​ ​Minutes Needed to Make 1​Bushel of Wheat​Pound of Beef​Andia​20​12​Zardia​15​10​     4. Refer to Table 3-1.  Assume that Andia and Zardia each has 360 minutes available.  If each person divides his time equally between the production of wheat and beef, then total production is ​a.​10.5 bushels of wheat and 16.5 pounds of beef.​b.​21 bushels of wheat and 33 pounds of beef.​c.​35 bushels of wheat and 22 pounds of beef.​d.​42 bushels of wheat and 66 pounds of beef.​‌​
A: a
B: b
C: c
D: d
答案: 【 b

‍Table 3-1‍Assume that Andia and Zardia can switch between producing wheat and producing beef at a constant rate.‍ ‍Minutes Needed to Make 1‍Bushel of Wheat‍Pound of Beef‍Andia‍20‍12‍Zardia‍15‍10‍5. Refer to Table 3-1.  Which of the following combinations of wheat and beef could Andia produce in one 8-hour day?‍a.‍6 bushels of wheat and 35 pounds of beef‍b.‍9 bushels of wheat and 25 pounds of beef‍c.‍15 bushels of wheat and 20 pounds of beef‍d.‍24 bushels of wheat and 40 pounds of beef‍‌‍
A: a
B: b
C: c
D: d
答案: 【 b

‏Table 3-1‏Assume that Andia and Zardia can switch between producing wheat and producing beef at a constant rate.‏ ‏Minutes Needed to Make 1‏Bushel of Wheat‏Pound of Beef‏Andia‏20‏12‏Zardia‏15‏10‏6. Refer to Table 3-1.  Which of the following combinations of wheat and beef could Zardia not produce in one 10-hour day?‏a.‏10 bushels of wheat and 45 pounds of beef‏b.‏20 bushels of wheat and 30 pounds of beef‏c.‏25 bushels of wheat and 25 pounds of beef‏d.‏30 bushels of wheat and 15 pounds of beef‏‎‏
A: a
B: b
C: c
D: d
答案: 【 c

7. Mike and Sandy are two woodworkers who both make tables and chairs.  In one month, Mike can make 4 tables or 20 chairs, where Sandy can make 6 tables or 18 chairs.  Given this, we know that the opportunity cost of 1 chair is‎a.‎1/5 table for Mike and 1/3 table for Sandy.‎b.‎1/5 table for Mike and 3 tables for Sandy.‎c.‎5 tables for Mike and 1/3 table for Sandy.‎d.‎5 tables for Mike and 3 tables for Sandy.‎​‎
A: a
B: b
C: c
D: d
答案: 【 a

8. Mike and Sandy are two woodworkers who both make tables and chairs.  In one month, Mike can make 4 tables or 20 chairs, where Sandy can make 6 tables or 18 chairs.  Given this, we know that the opportunity cost of 1 table is‌a.‌1/5 chair for Mike and 1/3 chair for Sandy.‌b.‌1/5 chair for Mike and 3 chairs for Sandy.‌c.‌5 chairs for Mike and 1/3 chair for Sandy.‌d.‌5 chairs for Mike and 3 chairs for Sandy.‌‍‌
A: a
B: b
C: c
D: d
答案: 【 d

9. Absolute advantage is found by comparing different producers’​a.​opportunity costs.​b.​payments to land, labor, and capital.​c.​input requirements per unit of output.​d.​locational and logistical circumstances.​‏​
A: a
B: b
C: c
D: d
答案: 【 c

10. The producer that requires a smaller quantity of inputs to produce a certain amount of a good, relative to the quantities of inputs required by other producers to produce the same amount of that good,​a.​has a low opportunity cost of producing that   good, relative to the opportunity costs of other producers.​b.​has a comparative advantage in the production of   that good.​c.​has an absolute advantage in the production of   that good.​d.​should be the only producer of that good.​‏​
A: a
B: b
C: c
D: d
答案: 【 c

11. Suppose Jim and Tom can both produce two goods: baseball bats and hockey sticks.  Which of the following is not possible?‏a.‏Jim has an absolute advantage in the production   of baseball bats and in the production of hockey sticks.‏b.‏Jim has an absolute advantage in the production   of baseball bats and a comparative advantage in the production of hockey   sticks.‏c.‏Jim has an absolute advantage in the production   of hockey sticks and a comparative advantage in the production of baseball   bats.‏d.‏Jim has a comparative advantage in the production   of baseball bats and in the production of hockey sticks.‏‌‏
A: a
B: b
C: c
D: d
答案: 【 d

12. Kelly and David are both capable of repairing cars and cooking meals.  Which of the following scenarios is not possible?‎a.‎Kelly has a comparative advantage in repairing   cars and David has a comparative advantage in cooking meals.‎b.‎Kelly has an absolute advantage in repairing cars   and David has an absolute advantage in cooking meals.‎c.‎Kelly has a comparative advantage in repairing   cars and in cooking meals.‎d.‎David has an absolute advantage in repairing cars   and in cooking meals.‎‌‎
A: a
B: b
C: c
D: d
答案: 【 c

13. When each person specializes in producing the good in which he or she has a comparative advantage, total production in the economy‌a.‌falls.‌b.‌stays the same.‌c.‌rises.‌d.‌may fall, rise, or stay the same.‌‏‌
A: a
B: b
C: c
D: d
答案: 【 c

14. Total output in an economy increases when each person specializes because​a.​there is less competition for the same resources.​b.​each person spends more time producing that   product in which he or she has a comparative advantage.​c.​a wider variety of products will be produced   within each country due to specialization.​d.​government necessarily plays a larger role in the   economy due to specialization.​‍​
A: a
B: b
C: c
D: d
答案: 【 b

15. Suppose that a worker in Caninia can produce either 2 blankets or 8 meals per day, and a worker in Felinia can produce either 5 blankets or 1 meal per day.  Each nation has 10 workers.  For many years, the two countries traded, each completely specializing according to their respective comparative advantages.  Now war has broken out between them and all trade has stopped.  Without trade, Caninia produces and consumes 10 blankets and 40 meals per day and Felinia produces and consumes 25 blankets and 5 meals per day.  The war has caused the combined daily output of the two countries to decline by‎a.‎15 blankets and 35 meals.‎b.‎25 blankets and 40 meals.‎c.‎35 blankets and 45 meals.‎d.‎50 blankets and 80 meals.‎‏‎
A: a
B: b
C: c
D: d
答案: 【 a

16. The gains from trade are‍a.‍evident in economic models, but seldom observed   in the real world.‍b.‍evident in the real world, but impossible to   capture in economic models.‍c.‍a result of more efficient resource allocation than   would be observed in the absence of trade.‍d.‍based on the principle of absolute advantage.‍‎‍
A: a
B: b
C: c
D: d
答案: 【 c

17. Trade can make everybody better off because it​a.​increases cooperation among nations.​b.​allows people to specialize according to   comparative advantage.​c.​requires some workers in an economy to be   retrained.​d.​reduces competition among domestic companies.​​​
A: a
B: b
C: c
D: d
答案: 【 b

Table 3-2‎Assume that Aruba and Iceland can switch between producing coolers and producing radios at a constant rate.‎ ‎Labor Hours‎Needed to Make 1‎Cooler‎Radio‎Aruba‎2‎5‎Iceland‎1‎4‎   18. Refer to Table 3-2.  Aruba’s opportunity cost of one cooler is  ‎a.‎0.4 radio and Iceland’s opportunity cost of one   cooler is 0.25 radio.‎b.‎0.4 radio and Iceland’s opportunity cost of one   cooler is 4 radios.‎c.‎2.5 radios and Iceland’s opportunity cost of one   cooler is 0.25 radio.‎d.‎2.5 radios and Iceland’s opportunity cost of one   cooler is 4 radios.‎‏‎
A: a
B: b
C: c
D: d
答案: 【 a

‍Table 3-2‍Assume that Aruba and Iceland can switch between producing coolers and producing radios at a constant rate.‍ ‍Labor Hours‍Needed to Make 1‍Cooler‍Radio‍Aruba‍2‍5‍Iceland‍1‍4‍19. Refer to Table 3-2.  Suppose Aruba decides to increase its production of radios by 10.  What is the opportunity cost of this decision?‍a.‍0.25 coolers‍b.‍2.5 coolers‍c.‍4 coolers‍d.‍25 coolers‍‎‍
A: a
B: b
C: c
D: d
答案: 【 d

  ‏Table 3-2‏Assume that Aruba and Iceland can switch between producing coolers and producing radios at a constant rate.‏ ‏Labor Hours‏Needed to Make 1‏Cooler‏Radio‏Aruba‏2‏5‏Iceland‏1‏4‏20. Refer to Table 3-2.  Aruba has an absolute advantage in the production of ‏a.‏coolers and Iceland has an absolute advantage in   the production of radios.‏b.‏radios and Iceland has an absolute advantage in   the production of coolers.‏c.‏both goods and Iceland has an absolute advantage   in the production of neither good.‏d.‏neither good and Iceland has an absolute   advantage in the production of both goods.‏‎‏
A: a
B: b
C: c
D: d
答案: 【 d

‎Table 3-2‎Assume that Aruba and Iceland can switch between producing coolers and producing radios at a constant rate.‎ ‎Labor Hours‎Needed to Make 1‎Cooler‎Radio‎Aruba‎2‎5‎Iceland‎1‎4‎21. Refer to Table 3-2.  Aruba has a comparative advantage in the production of ‎a.‎coolers and Iceland has a comparative advantage   in the production of radios.‎b.‎radios and Iceland has a comparative advantage in   the production of coolers.‎c.‎both goods and Iceland has a comparative   advantage in the production of neither good.‎d.‎neither good and Iceland has a comparative advantage   in the production of both goods.‎‌‎
A: a
B: b
C: c
D: d
答案: 【 b

‏Table 3-2‏Assume that Aruba and Iceland can switch between producing coolers and producing radios at a constant rate.‏ ‏Labor Hours‏Needed to Make 1‏Cooler‏Radio‏Aruba‏2‏5‏Iceland‏1‏4‏22. Refer to Table 3-2.  Aruba should specialize in the production of‏a.‏coolers and Iceland should specialize in the   production of radios.‏b.‏radios and Iceland should specialize in the   production of coolers.‏c.‏both goods and Iceland should specialize in the   production of neither good.‏d.‏neither good and Iceland should specialize in the   production of both goods.‏‎‏
A: a
B: b
C: c
D: d
答案: 【 b

‌Table 3-2‌Assume that Aruba and Iceland can switch between producing coolers and producing radios at a constant rate.‌ ‌Labor Hours‌Needed to Make 1‌Cooler‌Radio‌Aruba‌2‌5‌Iceland‌1‌4‌23. Refer to Table 3-2.  Assume that Aruba and Iceland each has 80 labor hours available.  Originally, each country divided its time equally between the production of coolers and radios.  Now, each country spends all its time producing the good in which it has a comparative advantage.  As a result, the total output of coolers increased by‌a.‌20.‌b.‌40.‌c.‌60.‌d.‌80.‌‌‌
A: a
B: b
C: c
D: d
答案: 【 a

   ​Table 3-2​Assume that Aruba and Iceland can switch between producing coolers and producing radios at a constant rate.​ ​Labor Hours​Needed to Make 1​Cooler​Radio​Aruba​2​5​Iceland​1​4​24. Refer to Table 3-2.  At which of the following prices would both Aruba and Iceland gain from trade with each other?​a.​2 radios for 4 coolers​b.​2 radio for 6 coolers​c.​2 radio for 10 coolers​d.​Aruba and Iceland could not both gain from trade   with each other at any price.​‌​
A: a
B: b
C: c
D: d
答案: 【 b

‎Table 3-2‎Assume that Aruba and Iceland can switch between producing coolers and producing radios at a constant rate.‎ ‎Labor Hours‎Needed to Make 1‎Cooler‎Radio‎Aruba‎2‎5‎Iceland‎1‎4‎25. Refer to Table 3-2.  Aruba and Iceland would not be able to gain from trade if Iceland's opportunity cost of one radio changed to‎a.‎0 coolers.‎b.‎0.25 coolers.‎c.‎2.5 coolers.‎d.‎Aruba and Iceland can always gain from trade   regardless of their opportunity costs.‎‍‎
A: a
B: b
C: c
D: d
答案: 【 c

Table 3-3‎Assume that Falda and Varick can switch between producing wheat and producing cloth at a constant rate.‎ ‎Quantity Produced in 1 Hour‎Bushels of Wheat‎Yards of Cloth‎Falda‎8‎12‎Varick‎6‎15‎       26.   Refer to Table 3-3.  Falda has an absolute advantage in the production of ‎a.‎wheat.‎b.‎cloth.‎c.‎both goods.‎d.‎neither good.‎‎‎
A: a
B: b
C: c
D: d
答案: 【 a

‏Table 3-3‏Assume that Falda and Varick can switch between producing wheat and producing cloth at a constant rate.‏ ‏Quantity Produced in 1 Hour‏Bushels of Wheat‏Yards of Cloth‏Falda‏8‏12‏Varick‏6‏15‏27. Refer to Table 3-3.  Varick has an absolute advantage in the production of ‏a.‏wheat.‏b.‏cloth.‏c.‏both goods.‏d.‏neither good.‏‌‏
A: a
B: b
C: c
D: d
答案: 【 b

​Table 3-3​Assume that Falda and Varick can switch between producing wheat and producing cloth at a constant rate.​ ​Quantity Produced in 1 Hour​Bushels of Wheat​Yards of Cloth​Falda​8​12​Varick​6​15​   28. Refer to Table 3-3.  Falda has a comparative advantage in the production of ​a.​wheat.​b.​cloth.​c.​both goods.​d.​neither good.​​​
A: a
B: b
C: c
D: d
答案: 【 a

​Table 3-3​Assume that Falda and Varick can switch between producing wheat and producing cloth at a constant rate.​ ​Quantity Produced in 1 Hour​Bushels of Wheat​Yards of Cloth​Falda​8​12​Varick​6​15​29. Refer to Table 3-3.  Varick has a comparative advantage in the production of ​a.​wheat.​b.​cloth.​c.​both goods.​d.​neither good.​‌​
A: a
B: b
C: c
D: d
答案: 【 b


A: 生产什么
B: 为谁生产
C: 如何生产
D: 生产多少
答案: 【 生产什么;

A: 正确
B: 错误
答案: 【 正确


A: 专业化分工是建立在绝对优势的基础上的
B: 市场交换是建立在绝对优势的基础上的
C: 专业化分工与市场交换是建立在比较优势的基础上的
D: 即使各个生产者都存在自己的绝对优势,这也不必然导致专业化分工和市场化交换
答案: 【 专业化分工与市场交换是建立在比较优势的基础上的

A: 生产者



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