Lecture One Mastering interpersonal communication skills


When someone is trying to engage you in conversation, what need you do to give an active response?‎‎‍‎‍‎
A: Finish the task as quickly as possible.
B: Turn around and face the person.
C: Shoulder the duty as if it is yours.
D: Make yourself look different.
答案: 【 Turn around and face the person.

Because of the background noise or distractions, what should we do to make us concentrated on the on-going conversation with the other person?​​​
A: Pay less attention to what is happening around than we usually do.
B: Move to a quiet or soundproofed place to finish the talk.
C: Have more eye contact with the person being engaged with.
D: Speak louder enough to make each other heard clearly.
答案: 【 Have more eye contact with the person being engaged with.

All of following questions are open-ended ones EXCEPT ________.‎​‎
A: Sorry for my boldness, do you go for the right wing?
B: For what purpose do you think the ban has been issued?
C: Can you tell me why the shipping channel gets frozen?
D: Maggie, how do you like the rise of mobile payment?
答案: 【 Sorry for my boldness, do you go for the right wing?

​What is the best reason why to use incentives can’t always change people’s minds?​​​
A: Because forcing to change can’t produce the desirable outcome.
B: Because adverse people are often too resistant to be encouraged.
C: Because making a change doesn’t guarantee a bright future at all.
D: Because individuals are driven by different motives to succeed.
答案: 【 Because individuals are driven by different motives to succeed.

‌Which of the following statements best explains why people are inclined to ask “How does this affect me?” and “What does this mean for me?” when they are told something?​
A: People lack active listening skills in communication.
B: People refuse excessive information in communication.
C: People concern self-related issues in communication.
D: People require complete truth in communication.
答案: 【 People concern self-related issues in communication.

‌Which of the following ways serves as a BAD example of attention grabber that a teacher uses to quiet a noisy classroom?‌
A: Teacher says: “Boys and girls, may I have your attention please?”
B: Teacher says: “Surf’s up.” Students respond: “Shhhh!”
C: Teacher says: “When I say ‘peace’, you say ‘quiet’. Peace…”
D: Teacher says: “Jazz hands.” Students stop everything and do jaz



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