Final Examination

Final Examination

Unit 1 How to Be an Effective Learner

Unit 1 Exercise

‏An active listener __________________________. ​
A: jumps to conclusions about the speaker's meaning
B: engages with the speaker
C: tries to recall everything the speaker says
D: is apt to be affected by physical distractions
答案: 【 engages with the speaker

‎When you read critically, you are __________________________.‏
A: criticizing the writer 
B: trying to memorize what is written
C: revising the writing
D: analyzing the evidence and the arguments 
答案: 【 analyzing the evidence and the arguments 

‏To be a critical reader, you must be __________________________ first.​
A: clear about your own purpose in reading 
B: clear about your personal interest
C: clear about the writer's writing style 
D: clear about the strategies of critical reading
答案: 【 clear about your own purpose in reading 

‏Which of the following statements is correct?‍
A: Public speaking can be applied to many occasions in our life.
B: Great public speakers do not feel nervous.
C: A speaker tries to memorize the speech when he/she is in practice.
D: Using complicated language helps you to be a successful speaker.
答案: 【 Public speaking can be applied to many occasions in our life.

‏What is the speaker mainly trying to do in a job interview? ‏
A: The speaker is trying to enlighten the audience. 
B: The speaker is trying to entertain the audience. 
C: The speaker is trying to persuade and convince the audience.
D: The speaker is trying to teach something to the audience. 
答案: 【 The speaker is trying to persuade and convince the audience.

Unit 10 How to Identify Fallacies

Unit 10 Exercise

‌What aspects of evidence should we consider when we identify a fallacy in an argument?​
A: Relevance, agreement, and acceptability. 
B: Relevance, acceptability, and sufficiency. 
C: Agreement, relevance, and sufficiency.
D: Acceptability, agreement, and sufficiency.
答案: 【 Relevance, acceptability, and sufficiency. 

‍If there is no evidence in the argument, then it is a fallacy of ___________.‎
A: problematic premises
B: irrelevant reasons
C: hasty generalization
D: untrue conclusion
答案: 【 problematic premises

‍Which argument is a post hoc fallacy?‎
A: This is the best way to take notes, because my teacher told me that.
B: It is a good movie because all my friends like it.
C: Don't believe what he said, because he always lies to us.
D: When he left home, it started to rain. He brought the rain to us.
答案: 【 When he left home, it started to rain. He brought the rain to us.

‎As he is not lying, so he is telling the truth. It is a fallacy of __________.‏
A: faulty analogy
B: begging the question
C: red herring
D: hasty generalization
答案: 【 begging the question

‍If you buy this TV, you will buy that refrigerator. It is a fallacy of_______.​
A: slippery slope
B: ad hominem
C: faulty analogy
D: red herring
答案: 【 slippery slope

Unit 11 How to Summarize Effectively

Unit 11 Exercise

‏A summary is a_______________.‌
A: repetition of the original content
B: new idea different from the original content 
C: condensed version of other's idea in your words
D: paraphrasing of the whole content
答案: 【 condensed version of other's idea in your words

‎Which of the following statement is true?‌
A: A good summary should be much shorter than the original text.
B: The supporting materials are very necessary in the summary.
C: A good summary should be 100% faithful and objective.
D: Critical thinking ability needs to be applied in making a good summary.
答案: 【 Critical thinking ability needs to be applied in making a good summary.

‍According to the lecture, under what circumstance would you like to make a summary?‌
A: When you want to argue against the author's idea.
B: When you want to read the text in a short time.
C: When you want to repeat the text.
D: When you want to quote from the original text.
答案: 【 When you want to argue against the author's idea.



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