Part I. Basics Chapter 1. Introduction

Quizzes for Chapter 1

‏Turing Test is designed to provide what kind of satisfactory operational definition? ‌‏图灵测试旨在给予哪一种令人满意的操作定义‌
A:  machine intelligence机器智能
B: human intelligence人工智能
C: machine action机器动作
D: human action人类动作
E: human thinking人类思考
答案: 【  machine intelligence机器智能

‎Select the following true statements regarding the concept of artificial intelligence‏‎选择以下关于人工智能概念的正确表述‏
A: Artificial intelligence is the intelligence exhibited by machines or software.人工智能是通过机器或软件展现的智能
B: Artificial intelligence aims to create intelligent machines.人工智能旨在创造智能机器
C: Artificial intelligence defines itself as the study of human agents.人工智能将其定义为人类智能体的研究
D: Artificial intelligence is to enable the development of computers that are able to do things normally done by human.人工智能是为了开发一类计算机使之能够完成通常由人类所能做的事
E: Artificial intelligence is to study and construct agent programs that perform well in a given environment.人工智能是研究和构建在给定环境下表现良好的智能体程序
答案: 【 Artificial intelligence is the intelligence exhibited by machines or software.人工智能是通过机器或软件展现的智能;
Artificial intelligence aims to create intelligent machines.人工智能旨在创造智能机器;
Artificial intelligence is to enable the development of computers that are able to do things normally done by human.人工智能是为了开发一类计算机使之能够完成通常由人类所能做的事;
Artificial intelligence is to study and construct agent programs that perform well in a given environment.人工智能是研究和构建在给定环境下表现良好的智能体程序

​Which of the following are the foundations of artificial intelligence?​​如下学科哪些是人工智能的基础?​
A: Philosophy哲学
B: History历史
C: Mathematics数学
D: Medicine医学
E: Economics经济学
F: Psychology心理学
答案: 【 Philosophy哲学;

​Which of the following statements are true to describe strong AI(General AI)? ‏​下列陈述中哪些是描述强AI(通用AI)的正确答案?‏
A: The appropriately programmed computer with the right inputs and outputs would thereby have a mind in exactly the same sense human beings have minds.是经过适当编程的具有正确输入和输出的计算机,因此有与人类同样判断力的头脑
B: It defines non-sentient computer intelligence or AI that is focused on one narrow task.其定义为无知觉的计算机智能,或专注于一个狭窄任务的AI
C: It means a machine with the ability to apply intelligence to any problem.指的是一种机器,具有将智能应用于任何问题的能力
D: It means a machine with the ability to apply intelligence to a specific problem. 指的是一种机器,仅针对一个具体问题
答案: 【 The appropriately programmed computer with the right inputs and outputs would thereby have a mind in exactly the same sense human beings have minds.是经过适当编程的具有正确输入和输出的计算机,因此有与人类同样判断力的头脑;
It means a machine with the ability to apply intelligence to any problem.指的是一种机器,具有将智能应用于任何问题的能力

‎Select the following computer systems which are instances of artificial intelligence. ‌‎选择下列计算机系统中属于人工智能的实例‌
A: Robot机器人
B: Intelligent personal assistant智能个人助理
C: Voice-activated telephone menus声控电话菜单
D: Web search enginesWeb搜索引擎
E: Distributed computing超市条形码扫描器
答案: 【 Robot机器人;
Intelligent personal assistant智能个人助理;
Web search enginesWeb搜索引擎

‍Select which of the following ones are research area of artificial intelligence.‏‍选择下列哪些是人工智能的研究领域‏
A: Distributed computing分布式计算
B: Expert system专家系统
C: Software outsourcing软件外包
D: Machine learning机器学习
E: Image understanding图像理解
F: Face recognition 人脸识别
答案: 【 Expert system专家系统;
Machine learning机器学习;
Image understanding图像理解;
Face recognition 人脸识别

​Examine some applicationsof artificial intelligence (AI) to discover which the following tasks can currently be solved by AI.​​考察人工智能(AI)的一些应用,去发现目前下列哪些任务可以通过AI来解决​
A:  Playing a decent game of table tennis (Ping-Pong).打一场像样的乒乓球比赛
B: Buying a week’s worth of groceries at the market.在市场上购买一周的食品杂货
C: Buying a week’s worth of groceries on the Web.在Web上购买一周的食品杂货
D: Playing the game of Texas Holdem Poker at a competitive level.以竞技水平玩德州扑克游戏
E: Translating spoken English into spoken Chinese in real time.将英文口语实时翻译为中文口语
答案: 【  Playing a decent game of table tennis (Ping-Pong).打一场像样的乒乓球比赛;
Buying a week’s worth of groceries on the Web.在Web上购买一周的食品杂货;
Playing the game of Texas Holdem Poker at a competitive level.以竞技水平玩德州扑克游戏;
Translating spoken English into spoken Chinese in real time.将英文口语实时翻译为中文口语

‏Rationally means the property of a systemwhich does the right thing given what it ________. ‌‏理性指的是一个系统的属性,即在_________的环境下做正确的事。‌
答案: 【 knows

Part I. Basics Chapter 2. Intelligent Agent

Quizzes for Chapter 2

‍For the following comparisons, select which approaches are more general and more amenable to scientific development.​‍对于如下比拟,选择哪些方法更通用并且更适合于科学开发​
A: Thinking humanly类人思考
B: Thinking rationally理性思考
C: Acting humanly类人动作
D: Acting rationally理性动作
答案: 【 Thinking rationally理性思考;
Acting rationally理性动作

‏A rational agent is one that does the right thing, but what does it mean to do the right thing? Considering the consequences of the agent’s behavior, select the following true statements regarding the concept of "right thing".‎‏理性智能体指的是有正确行为的智能体,但正确的行为意味着什么?考虑智能体行为的后果,选择下列有关“正确的行为”概念的真实陈述‎
A: This sequence of actions causes the environment to go through a sequence of states. 这些动作序列引起环境改变而产生状态序列
B: An agent in an environment generates a sequence of actions according to the
percepts. 智能体在某个环境中依据感知生成动作序列
C: If the sequence is desirable, then the agent has performed well.如果该序列是所期望的,则该智能体表现良好
D: But if the sequence is undesirable, then the agent destroys the environment.但若该序列是不期望的,则该智能体对其环境造成破坏。
答案: 【 This sequence of actions causes the environment to go through a sequence of states. 这些动作序列引起环境改变而产生状态序列;
An agent in an environment generates a sequence of actions according to the
percepts. 智能体在某个环境中依据感知生成动作序列;
If the sequence is desirable, then the agent has performed well.如果该序列是所期望的,则该智能体表现良好

‏PEAS is a task environment description which stands for:‌‏PEAS是一种任务环境描述,它代表:‌
A: Performance性能
B: Perceive感知
C: Environment环境
D: Exclusion排斥
E: Actuators动作器
F: Actions动作
G: Sense感觉
H: Sensors感受器
答案: 【 Performance性能;

‏Which of the following statements are true about environment types for intelligent agents?‏‏下列中语句哪些与智能体环境类型有关‏
A: Fully observable vs. partially observable完全可观测与部分可观测
B: Single agent vs. multi-agent单智能体与多智能体
C: Good agent vs. bad agent好的智能体与差的智能体
D: Episodic vs. sequential阵发性与连续性
E: Deterministic vs. stochastic确定性与随机性
F: Solidvs vs. liquid固体与液体
G: Perfect vs. imperfect完美与不完美
答案: 【 Fully observable vs. partially observable完全可观测与部分可观测;
Single agent vs. multi-agent单智能体与多智能体;
Episodic vs. sequential阵发性与连续性;
Deterministic vs. stochastic确定性与随机性

‎Thinking the differences between gent functions and agent programs, select correct statements from following ones. ‌‎考虑智能体函数与智能体程序的差异,从下列陈述中选择正确的答案‌
A: An agent program implements an agent function一个智能体程序实现一个智能体函数
B: An agent function implements an agent program.一个智能体函数实现一个智能体程序
C: An agent program has no any relation with an agent function.智能体程序与智能体函数没有任何关系
D: An agent program contains agent function. 智能体程序包含智能体函数
答案: 【 An agent program implements an agent function一个智能体程序实现一个智能体函数;
An agent program contains agent function. 智能体程序包含智能体函数

​Selectthe following true ways that can be used to represent states for an agent.‎​选择下列哪些方法可以用于表示智能体的状态‎
A: Atomic原子式
B: Distributed分布式
C: Factored因子式
D: Networked网络式
E: Molecular模块式
F: Structured结构式
答案: 【  Atomic原子式;

‏The approach of artificial intelligence (AI) which epresents information through symbols and their relationships is _______ AI, and which represents information in a distributed form within a network is Connectionist AI.凭借符号及他们之间的关系来表征信息的人工智能方法是____________AI,而用网络内部的一种分布式形式来表征信息的是联结主义AI。‍
答案: 【 Symbolist

‌An intelligent agent is anything that can be viewed as perceiving its environment through _______, and acting upon that environment through actuators.
答案: 【 sensors

Part II. Searching Chapter 3. Solving Problems by Search

Quizzes for Chapter 3

‏There are two main kinds of formulation for 8-queens problem. Which of the following items is such a formulation that starts with all 8 queens on the board and moves them around?‎‏有两种8皇后问题的形式化方式。“初始时8个皇后都放在棋盘上,然后再进行移动”是哪一种形式化方式?‎
A: Incremental formulation增量形式化
B: Normal formulation正则形式化
C: Complete-state formulation全态形式化
D: Half-state formulationon半态形式化
答案: 【  Complete-state formulation全态形式化

​Let h(n) denote heuristic function and g(n) denote cost, the evaluation function   f(n) used by Greedy search is:‌​设h(n)表示启发式函数且g(n)表示代价,则贪婪搜索所使用的评价函数是‌
A: f(n) = h(n)
B: f(n) = g(n)
C: f(n) = g(n) + h(n)
D: f(n) = g(n) - h(n)
答案: 【 f(n) = h(n)

‌Let h(n) denote heuristic function and g(n) denote cost, the evaluation function    f(n) used by A* search is: ‌‌设h(n)表示启发式函数且g(n)表示代价,则A*搜索所使用的评价函数是:‌
A: f(n) = h(n)
B: f(n) = g(n)
C: f(n) = g(n) + h(n)
D: f(n) = g(n) - h(n)
答案: 【 f(n) = g(n) + h(n)

‏Which of the following items are used to formulate a problem?‍‏下列哪些项用于对问题进行形式化‍
A: Environment环境
B: Initial state初始状态
C: Goal state目标状态
D: Perception感知
E: Actions动作
F: Actuator执行器
G: Transition model转换模型
H: Agent function智能体函数
I: Goal test目标检测
J: Path cost路径检测
答案: 【 Initial state初始状态;
Transition model转换模型;
Goal test目标检测;
Path cost路径检测

‍Select which of the following search methods are true uninformed search.‏‍选择如下哪些搜索方法属于无信息搜索‏
A: A* SearchA*搜索
B: Best-first Search最佳优先搜索
C: Bidirectional search双向搜索
D: Breadth-first search宽度优先搜索
E: Depth-first search深度优先搜索
F: Depth-limited search深度受限搜索
G: Greedy Search贪婪搜索
H:   Uniform-cost search一致代价搜索
答案: 【 Bidirectional search双向搜索;
Breadth-first search宽度优先搜索;
Depth-first search深度优先搜索;
Depth-limited search深度受限搜索;
  Uniform-cost search一致代价搜索

‏The search strategies that use problem-specific knowledge beyond the definition of the problem itself are known as:​‏除了问题本身的定义之外,使用问题特定知识的搜索策略被认为是​
A: Binary search二元搜索
B: Brute force search蛮力搜索
C: Informed search有信息搜索
D: Uninformed search无信息搜索
E:  Heuristic search启发式搜索
答案: 【 Informed search有信息搜索;
 Heuristic search启发式搜索

‎Some  ______ problems or NP-hard  problems can be solved only by search.‌‎某些_______或NP难问题只能通过搜索来求解。‌
答案: 【 NP-complete

‏Problem formulation is the process of deciding what _______ and states to consider, given a goal.‌‏问题形式化是给定一个目标,决定要考虑的_______与状态的处理。‌
答案: 【 actions

Part II. Searching Chapter 4. Local Search and Swarm Intelligence



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