Unit 1 Testing(章节测试)

​Which of the following is INCORRECT about the definition of argumentation ?‏
A: It is a genre of writing, whose objective is to refute other's point of view.
B: It requires you to investigate a topic, to collect and evaluate evidence.
C: It requires you to establish a position on a topic in a concise and logic manner.
D: It needs examples, statistics, and quotations to support. 
答案: 【 It is a genre of writing, whose objective is to refute other's point of view.

‍Which of the following support the opinion that AI should be curbed(遏制) ?​
A: The development of AI may help us live healthier than previous generations. 
B: AI may cause some ethical or legal problems like the accidents caused by auto-driving.
C: The spread of AI may lighten the household burden of human beings.
D: With the proliferation of AI, human being may live a more convenient life. 
答案: 【 AI may cause some ethical or legal problems like the accidents caused by auto-driving.

‌Which of the following is NOT one of the elements of argumentation ?‎
A: A clear thesis statement.
B: Arguments with solid evidence.
C: Restatement of your arguments.
D: Agreement with alternative side.
答案: 【 Agreement with alternative side.

‎Which of the following can be used to support the following argument ?‏‎Argument: One's achievement is mainly decided by his nurture(后天的环境) not by nature(先天的资质). ‏
A: No matter how deligent you are, you cannot compare with those whose parents or grandparents  have high social status and great fortune. 
B: Just like Thomas Edison once said,"Genius is one percent inspiration, ninety-nine percent perspiration."
C: From my point of view, one's gift outweighs one's diligence in most cases. 
D: For example, Zhongyong in Chinese history is a case aganist the argument.  
答案: 【 Just like Thomas Edison once said,"Genius is one percent inspiration, ninety-nine percent perspiration."

‌Which of the following statement is correct about induction or deduction ?‌
A: Induction begins with a general principle or premise.
B: Deduction follows bottom-up direction.
C: Induction is from the general to the specific.
D: Induction supports a general conclusion by examine specific facts or cases.
答案: 【 Induction supports a general conclusion by examine specific facts or cases.

Unit 2 Testing(章节测试)

‌Which of the following is NOT a reason why we paraphrase?​
A: To avoid the risk of plagiarism.
B: To fully understand the original text.
C: To make things easy to understand.
D: To use an outside source in our own article.
答案: 【 To make things easy to understand.

‏Which of the following word/words do NOT need to be changed in a paraphrase?‌‏‌
A: Maintain.
B: Air conditioner.
C: Magnificent.
D: Dispute.
答案: 【 Air conditioner.

​‏​Which of the following is a good paraphrase for the sentence below:‏​News people provide us with the only picture we have of ourselves and of the world.‏​‏​‏
A: News reporters take pictures of people and the world, which are the only way for us to know the world.
B: News media are the only overall information source for us to know ourselves and the world. 
C: News reporters offer us the only story happening around us and in the world.
D: News reporters offer us the only image we have of ourselves and of the world.
答案: 【 News media are the only overall information source for us to know ourselves and the world. 

‍What is the first thing you should make sure when you paraphrase?​
A: The ideas of the original is appropriate in your essay.
B: You have fully understood the original sentence.
C: The original sentence is a grammatically correct one.
D: The source of original is a frequently quoted source.
答案: 【 The ideas of the original is appropriate in your essay.

​Why should we read the original text repeatedly before paraphrasing ?‎​‎
A: To learn to use the expressions in the original.
B: To memorize the original.
C: To understand the writing style.
D: To fully understand the original.
答案: 【 To fully understand the original.


Unit 3 Testing(章节测试)

‎In classification essay, the thesis statement is introduced in parallel structure and identical grammatical forms in ________.‌
A: introduction part
B: developmental paragraphs
C: conclusion part
D: All of the above.
答案: 【 introduction part

​Teachers had better be sorted into different groups according to their _________.‌
A: appearances
B: clothes 
C: teaching methods
D: heights
答案: 【 teaching methods

​What principle is observed to classify students in one class into three categories—excellent, average and poor ?​
A: Be significant.
B: Be consistent and exclusive.
C: Be coherent.
D: Be complete.
答案: 【 Be complete.

​When things in life should be sorted into clear groups, what method should be used ?‏
A: Contrast.
B: Classification.
C: Argumentation.
D: Summary.
答案: 【 Classification.

‎In the conclusion part of classification essay, you need to ________.‎
A: emphasize the relationships of all the categories
B: reinforce the subject and make some personal suggestions
C: define the feature of each category
D: Both A and B.
答案: 【 Both A and B.

Unit 4 Testing(章节测试)

‏Which of the following is NOT the reason why we should grasp the structure of lecture listening ?​
A: Better understand a lecture.
B: Probe for the intention of lecturer.
C: Clarify the function of details.
D: Identify the important information.
答案: 【 Probe for the intention of lecturer.

‍We can usually organize our notes by _______. ‏
A: shorthand and numbers
B: abbreviations 
C: acronyms
D: linear notes and mind maps
答案: 【 linear notes and mind maps

​What we cannot find in the introduction part of a lecture listening ?‏
A: Topic of a lecture.
B: Term explanation.
C: Examples.
D: Outline of the content.
答案: 【 Examples.

​We can be an active listener by ______.‎
A: Predicting the content.
B: Taking notes.
C: Focusing on the details.
D: Paying attentions to examples. 
答案: 【 Predicting the content.

‍Which of the following is NOT one part of a typical research model ?‎
A: Abstract.
B: Introduction.
C: Discussion.
D: Result.
答案: 【 Abstract.


Unit 5 Testing(章节测试)

‍What is NOT a type of definition ? ‎‍‎
A: Sentence definition.
B: Extended definition.
C: Definition essay.
D: Chunked definition.
答案: 【 Chunked definition.

​In the following sentence, from which following aspects does the sentence extend the definition?‌​ “An endangered species is a species (a population) of animals, plants or other organisms that is in danger of becoming extinct. This could happen because there are few of that animal left, its predators have grown in number, or the climate that it lives in is changing, or the places it lives in have been destroyed.”‌
A: Nationality.
B: History.
C: Features.
D: Working principles. 
答案: 【 Working principles. 

‌In the following sentence, from which following aspects does the sentence extend the definition? “The snow leopard (Panthera uncia) is a feline, which lives in central Asia. It used to be thought not to be closely related to the smaller leopard, which is why they were put in different genera before. However, recent research has discovered this is not correct. The cat is closely related to the other big cats in the genus Panthera.”​
A: Genres.
B: History.
C: Features.
D: Explanation.
答案: 【 History.

‌Filling blanks with the right indefinite or definite articles: Interactional competency is ______ ability to communicate with others.  Piano is _____ type of musical instrument which consists with strings and keys. Culture is _____ set of features and variables that define a group of community.‏
A: the, a, a
B: the, a,the
C: a, the, a
D: the, the, a
答案: 【 the, a, a

‏According to the video on ‘calorie’, which of the definition is the best to define calorie. ​
A: Calorie is one way to document our daily food consumptions.
B: Calorie is how much energy we get when we eat. 
C: Calorie is one way to document the energy we consume and use. 
D: People gain calories when they eat.
答案: 【 Calorie is one way to document the energy we consume and use. 

答案: 【 three times ten to the power of eight

答案: 【 logarithmic exponential

答案: 【 The rate at which work is done is called power

答案: 【 In this case, all we need to do is measure the potential difference across two terminals of the circuit.

‍翻译这个句子:‍‍       “受拉伸的细绳中的驻波,是产生其振幅沿该绳按正弦方式变化的一种波形的横向谐振振荡。”‍‍‍
答案: 【 Standing waves in a stretched string are transverse   harmonic oscillations that result in a wave pattern whose amplitude varies in a sinusoidal manner along the string.

Unit 6 Testing(章节测试)

‍Which of the following is NOT the characteristic of a concept ?​
A: General.
B: Concrete.
C: Abstract.
D: Intangible.
答案: 【 Concrete.

​Which of the following is describing a concept by classification ?‍
A: Love is divided into benevolence, responsibility and sexual attraction. 
B: Mania is an obsession to someone or something.
C: Friendship is like an umbrella which brings us comfort and trust.
D: Public speaking is to speak in front of a lot of people. 
答案: 【 Love is divided into benevolence, responsibility and sexual attraction. 

​Which of the following is describing a concept by comparison and contrast ?‍
A: Corporate culture is an unseen part of a working environment.
B: A good corporate culture can drive firms to go beyond excellence.
C: There are several types of corporate cultures like the family culture, the passionate culture.
D: Corporate culture is different from corporate ethics, which is more general than the latter.
答案: 【 Corporate culture is different from corporate ethics, which is more general than the latter.

‍Which of the following statement is correct ? ​
A: Characteristic is not a prominent aspect of something.
B: Exemplification is less effective in describing a concept. 
C: We'd better link descriptive sentences to a coherent one. 
D: We'd better describe a concept by adopting one method a time. 
答案: 【 We'd better link descriptive sentences to a coherent one. 

‏What of the following is NOT the common method of describing a concept ?‎
A: Comparison or contrast.
B: Classification.
C: Consequences.
D: Clarification.
答案: 【 Clarification.

答案: 【 Engineers can create what has never existed before.

‏翻译:‍‏ “实验表明欧姆定律只适用于金属导体。”‍‏‍
答案: 【 Experiment indicates that Ohm’s law holds only for metallic conductors.

答案: 【 Computers differ greatly in size.

答案: 【 After transformation, the signal in the time domain is changed into the signal in the frequency domain.

答案: 【 Variations in the load have little effect on the frequency or amplitude of oscillations.


Unit 7 Testing(章节测试)

‍Which of the following is true about the two pictures discussed at the very



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