1. Human rights vs. animal rights-1

Quiz 1

‎The author, through writing the essay, argues for his rightfulness of doing animal research.‌
A: 正确
B: 错误
答案: 【 正确

‏The author was drawn to medical research because he wanted to gain career development by means of animal research.‎
A: 正确
B: 错误
答案: 【 错误

‌Unlike the indifferent public and politicians, medical researchers are irritated by the twisted accusations from animal rights activists and decide to take counter-measures.​
A: 正确
B: 错误
答案: 【 错误

‎Thanks to the highly developed computer technology, computers can replace the actual experiments on animals.‎
A: 正确
B: 错误
答案: 【 错误

‍If medical researches on animals are strictly limited, it will be hard for human beings to make medical progress.‎
A: 正确
B: 错误
答案: 【 正确

‍Directions: Fill in the blank in the following sentence with an exact word from the text.‍‍I am the enemy! I am one of those cursed, cruel  ____ scientists involved in animal research.‍
答案: 【 physician

​Directions: Fill in the blank in the following sentence with an exact word from the text.​​These rumors ____, for I have never thought of myself as an evil person. ​
答案: 【 sting

‎Directions: Fill in the blank in the following sentence with an exact word from the text.‏‎I became a children's doctor because of my love for children and my  ____ desire to keep them healthy. ‏
答案: 【 supreme

‌Directions: Fill in the blank in the following sentence with an exact word from the text.‎‌During medical school and ____, I saw many children die of cancer, and bloodshed from injury.‎
答案: 【 residency

​Directions: Fill in the blank in the following sentence with an exact word from the text. ‌​More importantly, I also saw children healthy thanks to advances in medical science such as infant breathing support, powerful new medicines and  ____ techniques and the entire field of organ transplantation.‌
答案: 【 surgical

‎Directions: Fill in the blank in the following sentence with an exact word from the text.‏‎My desire to tip the _____ in favor of the healthy, happy children drew me to medical research.‏
答案: 【 scales

​Directions: Fill in the blank in the following sentence with an exact word from the text.‍​My accusers have_____ the truth into a fable and cast me as the devil.‍
答案: 【 twisted

‏Directions: Fill in the blank in the following sentence with an exact word from the text.‌‏They claim that I have no moral ______.‌
答案: 【 compass

​Directions: Fill in the blank in the following sentence with an exact word from the text.‍​They claim that I _____ innocent animals for the sole purpose of career advancement.‍
答案: 【 torture

‌Directions: Fill in the blank in the following sentence with an exact word from the text.‍‌They claim that my experiments have no ______ to medicine.‍
答案: 【 relevance

1. Human rights vs. animal rights-2

1.11 Quiz 2

‍According to what you have just said, am I to understand that his newly-offered job ________ no responsibility at all?‏
A: shoulders
B: possesses
C: carries
D: shares
答案: 【 carries

​When you try to define a new word in English, be ________; the shorter the definition, the easier it is to remember.‎
A: credible
B: relevant
C: precise
D: concise
答案: 【 concise

‌Historians have always thought that Jefferson's death on the Fourth of July was a remarkable ________, but it now seems quite possible.‍
A: occasion
B: incidence
C: coincidence
D: accidence
答案: 【 coincidence

‍In this factory the machines are not regulated ________ but are jointly controlled by a central computer system which works very efficiently.‌
A: independently
B: individually
C:  irrespectively
D: irregularly
答案: 【 individually

‏By the last quarter of the football game, the fans were almost ________ to losing, but two unexpected touchdowns grabbed victory.‌
A: resigned
B: restrained
C: resumed
D: retired
答案: 【 resigned

‌Astronauts should be very strong in health, so they are ________ all kinds of tests before they are finally sent up in a spacecraft.​
A: subject to
B: prone to
C: objected to
D: bound to
答案: 【 subject to

‍Don't let such a ________ matter as this come between us so that we can concentrate on the major issue and work together to achieve our goals.‏
A: trivial
B: slight
C: partial
D: minimum
答案: 【 trivial

‍When they got married, they said that their love for each other was  _______ and would continue for the rest of their lives.‏
A: definite
B: indefinite
C: finite
D:  infinite
答案: 【  infinite

‌We should live our daily lives with the goal of helping others and providing others _______ support and understanding.‌
A: for
B: on
C: with
D: by
答案: 【 with

‏When the principles themselves are in question, _____ the complex   biological systems of human life under study, computer modeling alone is of little value.‎
A: as the case it is
B: as is the case with
C: like the case
D: with the case is like
答案: 【 as is the case with

‌Directions: Read the following passage carefully. The passage is followed by some questions or unfinished sentences. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the best answer to each question.‍‌Questions 1 to 5 are based on the same passage.‍         When a topic about rights is brought up, we automatically think of human rights and more than likely, our own. Or maybe we think back to when the rights of humans were based on their skin color or appearance. And while that’s great that we acknowledge the rights that our species has as a whole, we are still missing the bigger picture. What about the rights of non-human animals? Don’t animals suffer in a similar way to the way slaves suffered back from the 1300s until the 1800s? Yet still forms of slavery exist today and they are not only enslaving humans but a majority of animals!‍        Taking a step back and looking at slavery as a whole, it seems that the main reason for this discrimination bottles down to race – the color of one’s skin. In simpler terms, the way one looks. This may seem silly, but whether you are white, black, brown, yellow, furry, scaly… your rights vary! Why? Because our society not only compares your opinions or beliefs to the rest of the world but something you can’t change – your appearance. ‍        As far as human beings are concerned, would you eat the mentally ill, the weak, the young, or the abused? What makes animals so different that they don’t classify under these categories like humans do? Sure, animals can’t vote and don’t have jobs but neither should or do some people. Yet why we value their lives any differently? In the end, no matter what part of the ecosystem we play a role in, each and every one of us has a heart, a mind, and a soul though used differently. How you choose to use these is up to you. But why not give others an equivalent opportunity to use theirs to their fullest potential, too? And even if you don’t believe animals have souls; aren’t you an animal, too?‍         Besides, there’s no denying that cats and dogs have souls. Why do we put them into a separate box instead of putting all animals into the same one? Sure, we have our differences; between human to human, animal to animal or human to animal, being unique is something we should cherish and embrace, not destroy and shackle. Do we take away some rights of the illiterate or the mute? Of course not! It’s time we stop putting not only humans into boxes, but animals, as well. We’ve taken a step forward when it comes to race but what about species? We’ve liberated those in chains, those who were once viewed as our slaves. Yet, now, we sit here disgusted with the act of it all. One can’t help but wonder if the day will come for animals, too; one can only hope.‍        If humans deserve to be liberated, why not liberate animals?‍        Human beings are a part of the animal kingdom, not apart from it. ‍‌‍‌Question 11 is based on the above passage.‍‌What is the purpose of this passage?‍
A: To appeal for equal treatments of animals as we treat human beings.
B: To advocate a fight against those who mistreat animals.
C: To show humans and animals are treated in different ways. 
D: -----
答案: 【 To appeal for equal treatments of animals as we treat human beings.

‍Question 12 is based on the passage of question 11.‏‍What does "the bigger picture" refer to in Para. 1? ‏
A: The universe including all species.
B: The rights of non-human animals.
C: The slavery.
D: -----
答案: 【 The rights of non-human animals.

‏Question 13 is based on the passage of question 11.‏‏Why does the author mention slavery from the 1300s until the 1800s? ‏
A: Because humans treated animals kindly at that time.
B: Because the mistreatment slaves suffer still exists today. 
C: Because animals are mistreated today as slaves were at that time. 
D: -----
答案: 【 Because animals are mistreated today as slaves were at that time. 

‌Question 14 is based on the passage of question 11.‏‌What is the root cause for discrimination against slaves, according to Para. 2? ‏
A: Personal abilities.
B: The way one looks.
C: Personal literacy.
D: -----
答案: 【 The way one looks.

‍Question 14 is based on the passage of question 11.‎‍Which of the following st



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