Week 1

A Quiz to Differentiate Synonyms

​We are going to ___________ the kitchen by ten feet this year. ‏
A: extend
B: expand 
C: increase 
D: develop
答案: 【 extend

​They want to ___________ their sales by ten per cent next year. ‎
A: extend 
B: increase 
C: expand 
D: enlarge
答案: 【 increase 

‎The metal will __________ when we heat it. ‎
A: extend
B: increase 
C: broaden
D: expand
答案: 【 expand

Week 10-1 Comparison and Contrast

A Quiz about Analogy

‌The main purpose of an analogy is to _______________.‍
A: make a statement more vivid
B: make a statement more humorous
C: use familiar or concrete things to illuminate new abstract concepts
D: classify or illuminate a concrete concept with an abstract concept
答案: 【 make a statement more vivid;
make a statement more humorous;
use familiar or concrete things to illuminate new abstract concepts

A Quiz about the Elements of Comparison and Contrast

‏A comparison ______________.‎
A: organizes and develops points of difference
B: organizes and develops points of similarity
C: focuses on both similarities and differences
D: is none of the three things
答案: 【 organizes and develops points of similarity

​What is NOT true about comparison and contrast?‍
A: All details are equally important.
B: Key details are often a matter of personal preference.
C: It is essential to identify and elaborate on a key detail to create an emphasis.
D: In comparison or contrast, we focus on the most important point.
答案: 【 All details are equally important.

Week 9 Test (Comparison and Contrast)

‌Which is a FALSE statement about methods of comparison and contrast?‏
A: Different patterns cannot be combined in use.
B: The subject-by-subject pattern (or the block pattern) tends to work better for short essays.
C: The point-by-point pattern works better with many aspects.
D: Many people like to write literature review in the point-by-point pattern.
答案: 【 Different patterns cannot be combined in use.

‍What is NOT true about the Block Pattern of organization?‍
A: It’s the best approach to develop long and complicated comparison-and-contrast essays.
B: It presents all the information about Item A and then all that about B.
C: It fully discusses Item A at first and then turns to Item B.
D: It’s useful for short and relatively simple comparison-and-contrast essays.
答案: 【 It’s the best approach to develop long and complicated comparison-and-contrast essays.

‌Which pattern of comparison do you find in the following outlines?‏‌‏‌Person A1) family background2) educational background3) working experience‏‌‏‌Person B1) family background2) educational background3) working experience‏
A: The block pattern.
B: Analogy.
C: Similarity-and-difference.
D: The point-to-point pattern.
答案: 【 The block pattern.

‌What is true about the point-to-point comparison?‌
A: We move back and forth between Item A and Item B at each point.
B: We should discuss items in the same order throughout the essay.  
C: Shifting between Item A and Item B makes the comparison easy to follow.
D: It fully discusses Item A at first and then turns to Item B.
E: It presents all the information about Item A and then all that about Item B.
答案: 【 We move back and forth between Item A and Item B at each point.;
We should discuss items in the same order throughout the essay.  ;
Shifting between Item A and Item B makes the comparison easy to follow.

‌Which quotations below are analogies?​
A: Reading without reflecting is like eating without digesting. (—Edmund Burke)
B: Potential is like a diamond in the rough. You know there is value, but it just needs to be polished first.
C: Life is like a coin. You can spend it anyway you wish, but you can only spend it once.
D: Music is fluid architecture, and architecture frozen music. (F. W. J. Schelling)
E: He has many mouths to feed in his family.
F: Nature’s first green is goldHer hardest hue to hold Her early leaf’s a flower But only so an hour.    (Robert Frost)
G: A novel is usually a long piece in prose.
答案: 【 Reading without reflecting is like eating without digesting. (—Edmund Burke);
Potential is like a diamond in the rough. You know there is value, but it just needs to be polished first.;
Life is like a coin. You can spend it anyway you wish, but you can only spend it once.;
Music is fluid architecture, and architecture frozen music. (F. W. J. Schelling)

Week 10-2 Cause and Effect

A Quiz about Choosing Appropriate Transitions

‎Increased air pollution __________ respiratory illness.‍
A: results from
B: causes by
C: attributes to
D: results in
答案: 【 results in

‎He is the only child and  ___________ heir to the property.‍
A: thus
B: then
C: nevertheless
D: yet
答案: 【 thus

‍He made a serious mistake and,  __________, he lost his job.‌
A: consequently
B: obviously
C: subsequently
D: occasionally
答案: 【 consequently

​“Why don’t you get a car?” “Well, ___________, I don’t have a driving li



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