Unit 1 The Power of Language 语言的力量


​I’m afraid your driving license is ______ in Eastern Europe. (valid, invalid)‍​‍
答案: 【 invalid

‏These results are ______ with the findings of the previous study. (consistent, consistency)‎‏‎
答案: 【 consistent

‌We were not surprised by their ______ that the train services would be reduced. (state,statement)‏‌‏
答案: 【 statement

‌The statistics ______ a change in people’s spending habits. (reflect, reflection)‎‌‎
答案: 【 reflect

‍Twenty-five dollars was ______ more than he had expected to pay. (considerable, considerably)​‍​
答案: 【 considerably

‌Direct ______ between the two languages is not possible. (compare, comparison)‎‌‎
答案: 【 comparison


‌Police say that they believe  the attacks were carried ______ by nationalists.‎
答案: 【 out

‌The anti-smoking campaign had made quite an impact ______ young people.​
答案: 【 on

​I’ve been asked to limit my speech ______ ten minutes maximum.‌
答案: 【 to

‎He struggled for mastery ______ his emotions but failed.‌
答案: 【 over

‍Dr. Marion is the person ______ control of all medical decisions in the hospital.​
答案: 【 in

‎It’s ______ to all of us to try to solve the problems in our neighborhoods.‎
答案: 【 up


‍ ____________________ (经理会做最终决定)!  (be up to) ‏
答案: 【 It’s up to the manager to make the final decision

‏They expect the meeting to ____________________ (对国家的未来产生显著的影响).  (have an impact on)  ‍‏‍
答案: 【 have a marked impact on the future of the country

I know you don’t  think that this project is important, ____________________ (但这对我很重要).  (matter)  ​‍​
答案: 【 but it matters to me

There were some violence after the match, ____________________ (但是没过多久警方就控制住了局势).  ( in control of) ‍‎‍
答案: 【 but the police were soon in control of the situation

‏I’m afraid ____________________ (除了让你走,我别无选择).  (no alternative but)  ‍
答案: 【 I have no alternative but to ask you to leave


段落翻译:​English plays an important role in the workplace and when used in the correct and appropriate manner, it can help boost a career or a business. Some may need or want to study business English before they start their careers. Those who are already working have the opportunity to see what they can and cannot do effectively in English in their current job. ​A valuable skill to have in business is how to negotiate. You need to know what you want, as well as how to bargain and make concessions. Being able to deal with a conflict and knowing how to end negotiations can make a big difference to the outcome.​       ​‍​
答案: 【 英语在工作场所发挥着重要作用。正确、得体地使用英语可以帮助人们推动职业或业务发展。也许有些人需要或者想要在开创事业之前学习商务英语。而那些已经工作的人,则有机会认识到他们在目前的工作中能有效地利用英语干什么, 不能有效地利用英语干什么。


‌‌‌Example: Perhaps one in every seven deaths in Europe’s crowded cities were caused by the disease.‌‌Improved version:        Perhaps one in every seven deaths in Europe’s crowded cities was caused by the disease.‌‌ ‌‌When dipped in mustard, Sam said the sausage was excellent.‌‌‌
答案: 【 Sam said the sausage was excellent when dipped in mustard.

‎Annie’s dress was old, faded, and it had wrinkles.​‎​
答案: 【 Annie’s dress was old, faded, and wrinkled.

‏A Frenchman murdered two wives he didn’t like their cooking.​‏​
答案: 【 A Frenchman murdered two wives because he didn’t like their cooking.

My new running shoes fell apart during the marathon which cost more than a hundred dollars.‍‌‍
答案: 【 My new running shoes, which cost more than a hundred dollars, fell apart during the marathon.


‏Directions: Supply a topic sentence for the following paragraph. ‎‏_______________________________________________________. A good starting point is narrowing down the type of car you want or need. Be realistic. You may envision yourself cruising around town in a little convertible, but that won’t leave much room for the kids and dogs. Once you’ve settled on the basic vehicle, do some research to find out which vehicles have good reliability ratings. The Internet and books can help you pick out the high maintenance turkeys. The next step is finding the model you are looking for. Used car lots will give you an idea of price, but they can be expensive and full of used car salesmen. Check your local paper, car buyers’ magazines and the Internet. When you finally track down what looks good, arrange to have your mechanic inspect it. Never omit this step. After your mechanic gives the car the OK, all that’s left is to haggle over the price.‎‏‎
答案: 【 Finding a reliable used car at an affordable price requires both planning and persistence.


​Even the smallest baby can ______ its mother by her voice.‏
答案: 【 identify

‌This new report ______ the current situation in our schools.‏
答案: 【 represents

‌The performance of each employee is ______ once a year.‌
答案: 【 evaluated

assumption   critical    represent   credible  ‏landmark    evaluate    identify    appropriate‏‏In my opinion, there was no ______ evidence against him.‏‍‏
答案: 【 credible

‍People tend to make ______ about you based on your appearance.‎
答案: 【 assumptions

‌We need to ensure that the teaching they receive is ______ to their needs.‌
答案: 【 appropriate


‎Arguments were put ______ for changing some of the rules of the game.‍
答案: 【 forth

‌When judging his performance, don’t take his age ______ account. ‎
答案: 【 into

‏Just compare the one that has been cleaned ______ the others.‍
答案: 【 with

‌Education should be relevant ______ the child’s needs.‎
答案: 【 to

‏That bit of the form is for UK citizens—it doesn’t apply ______ you.‏
答案: 【 to

‏He’s universally recognized as an authority ______ Russian affairs.‏
答案: 【 on


​‌powerful        defines            action            tears           express      ‌shape            internally          respond to     personal      good‌​‌Language is one of the things that sets us apart as beings, one of the things that essentially ____1____ us as humans. When language is used well it can elicit very deep feeling in others, motivate others to ____2____ and define the nature of our relationships. Sometimes in poetry the juxtaposition of two words or a certain phrase can bring ____3____ to the eyes, call up a whole host of imagery and move us deeply. We have seen language recently used in the politics of persuasion, used for ____4____ or ill – depending on your viewpoint. When we use language to ____5____ our true feelings to someone it can open and deepen the connection between us. Language is a very ____6____ tool. How we use language shapes our world both ____7____ and externally. How you use self-talk – what you say to yourself about yourself and about the world directly ____8____ your experience of both yourself and the world. How you deliver communication shapes the way the world ____9____ you. We can use language more effectively in both spheres: internal and external and directly influence the health and power of our ___10_____ relationships and our business relationships.‌​请把你的答案按照顺序写在对应的题号后面!答案之间用分号隔开。‌​___________________________‌
答案: 【 defines; action; tears; good; express; powerful; internally; shapes; responds to; personal


​What the witness said in court ____________________ (与他对警察的陈述不一致).  (be consistent with)‍
答案: 【 was not consistent with the statement he made to the police

‌What he said ____________________ (与正在处理的事件无关).  (be relevant to) ‍‌‍
答案: 【 is not relevant to the matter in hand

‌Urban planners in practice have to____________________ (考虑到不同社会群体的利益). (take … into account)  ‏‌‏
答案: 【 take the interests of different social groups into account

‏____________________ (把近期工作与先前的工作相比较) and you will see how much you have improved.  (compare … with …) ​‏​
答案: 【 Compare your recent work with what you did earlier

‎____________________ (你的情况有任何改变,请告知我们) when you are away from home.  (inform … of …)‌
答案: 【 Please inform us of any changes in your circumstances


‍段落翻译:‍‍To become a flexible reader, you need to know how to select and use a reading style that is consistent with your purpose for reading. Knowing when and how to use different reading styles will make you a flexible reader. Study reading is the reading style used by flexible readers when their purpose is to read difficult material at a high level of comprehension. When using the study reading style, you should read at a rate that is slower than your normal reading rate. Furthermore, as you read you must challenge yourself to understand the material. Study reading will often require you to read material more than once to achieve a high level of comprehension. Sometimes, reading the material aloud will also help you improve your comprehension.‍
答案: 【 要成为一名灵活的读者,你需要知道如何选择和使用一种与阅读目的相一致的阅读方式。知道什么时候以及如何使用不同的阅读方式,会使你成为一名灵活的读者。研读是灵活的读者在阅读理解性很强、难度较大的阅读材料时使用的方式。采用这种阅读方式时,阅读速度应该比正常速度慢。而且,在阅读时,必须尽力去理解所读内容。研阅读常常要求阅读多次,以期达到高度的理解。有时,大声朗读也会帮助提高理解水平。


‌Directions: Put the following sentences in the proper order so that they make a complete paragraph.‏‌1. For instance, the word “kick” can mean many different things depending on how it is used in a phrase.‏‌2. Learning how phrases come together in English will come with continued submersion in the language.‏‌3. On the other hand, you could say, “I get a kick out of that T.V. show.”‏‌4. This means that you enjoy the T.V. show, and has nothing to do with striking something with a foot.‏‌5. As you learn the language, focus not only on the words and their meanings, but also on the way the words come together to make phrases.‏‌6. When you say, “He kicked the ball,” you are using the word as a verb that means to strike the ball with the foot. ‏‌请把你的排序方式写在空格处!数字之间用一个空格分开。‏
答案: 【 5 1 6 3 4 2


The annual strategic dialogue  between China and America  is very ______ for the relationship between the two countries. (significant, insignificant)‏​‏
答案: 【 significant

‎A move towards healthy eating could help ______ heart disease. (eliminate, elimination)‌‎‌
答案: 【 eliminate

​Your life changes ______ when you have a baby. (dramatic, dramatically)​​​
答案: 【 dramatically

‌I can say with ______ that all our targets have now been met. (confident, confidence)‏‌‏
答案: 【 confidence

‌Like so many ______ people he was never satisfied. (creative, creativity)‏‌‏
答案: 【 creative

Having so little money to spend on an apartment does ______ you in your choice. (limit, limitation)‍‍‍
答案: 【 limit


‌command  quality    infinite  commonly    ‌‌matter   internal    please   impact‌‌‌‌The children ______ more to her than anything else in the world.‌
答案: 【 matter

​Lung cancer is the most ______ found cancer in men.​
答案: 【 commonly

‏It ______ her mother that she chose a college close to home.​
答案: 【 pleased

‎The city offers a/an ______ variety of things to do.‍
答案: 【 infinite

‎He hated being in the army because he had to obey ______.‏
答案: 【 commands

​The ______ of the picture on our television isn’t very good.‍
答案: 【 quality

Unit 11 Cyber World


‎Section B​‎Directions: Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the form where necessary.​‎reveal         variety           potential             deprive   ​‎multiple       convey            personality           suspect​‎​‎If you see James in the school, do ______ my apologies to him.​‎​‎​
答案: 【 convey

‏Police ______ that she had some connection with the robbery.​‏​
答案: 【 suspected

‎He has a very outgoing ______ and makes friends very easily. ‌‎‌
答案: 【 personality

​I discussed with my ______ friends whether I would immediately have a baby. (intimate, intimacy)‏
答案: 【 intimate

​We thought that Egypt was an incredibly ______ country. (romance, romantic)‌​‌
答案: 【 romantic

‌Her biography ______ that she was not as rich as everyone thought.​‌​
答案: 【 revealed

​A number of ______ buyers have expressed interest in the company.‏​‏
答案: 【 potential

‏He claimed that he had been deprived ______ his freedom.​‏​
答案: 【 of

‏Technicians were examining the missile to ______ why it didn’t fire. (determine, determination)‌‏‌
答案: 【 determine

‍There is a ______ that management only wants to cut costs. (perceive, perception)‏‍‏
答案: 【 perception

​This type of work is not easy because it requires ______ concentration. (intense, intensity)‏​‏
答案: 【 intense

​Section C‏​Directions: Complete each of the following sentences with a suitable word. ‏​The play succeeded thanks ______ fine acting by all the cast.‏​‏
答案: 【 to

‏It was reported that computers were often perceived ______ a threat.‍‏‍
答案: 【 as

​The sound quality is superior ______ that on a regular CD. ‌​‌
答案: 【 to

‍Section A‌‍Directions: Complete each of the following sentences with the correct choice of the words given in the brackets.  ‌‍I wasn’t complaining, I ______ said that I was tired. (mere, merely)‌‍‌
答案: 【 merely

​Students are offered a wide ______ of courses in this department. ‍​‍
答案: 【 variety

‍We oppose capital punishment ______ any circumstances.‍‍‍
答案: 【 under##%_YZPRLFH_%##in

‎The samples varied ______ quality but were generally acceptable. ‌‎‌
答案: 【 in


答案: 【 since

答案: 【 use

答案: 【 communicate

答案: 【 while

答案: 【 in touch with

‌Directions: Fill in the blanks with a word or a phrase that best completes the passage. You may choose a suitable one from the list given.​daily           get   up           since          communicate         while ​schedule      everywhere       in touch with       use               enjoy​‌ ​Don’t we find it irresistible? The Internet is ___1___, and it is loved and used by everyone for everything. Many of us ___2___ in the morning, and before saying hello to anyone we live with or before even having breakfast, we sit down and use and ___3___ the Internet. We get our news, receive our mail, send our letters, write to our teachers, do our shopping, arrange our lives, ___4___ our travels, meet new friends, review all the knowledge in the universe, and most of us do it ___5___ we are sitting in a chair looking at the screen. Can life get any better? I think any of us who make the Internet a ___6___ companion would agree that nothing has been the same  ___7___ we first decided to go online.     A quick survey reveals that most people will tell you that they use the Internet to stay ___8___ others on the Internet. Most of us say that writing or receiving e-mail is our number one ___9___ of the Internet. We do this at home, at work, or wherever we sit down at a computer. We send and receive e-mails for fun, for personal reason, for daily business, and in all areas of our work. The Internet allows us to ___10___ from room to room, city to city, or country to country for the same price and the same immediate speed. Correspondence is king of Internet use.​‌请把你的答案写在各题号后面的空格中!​‌_________________________________​
答案: 【 everywhere

答案: 【 get up

答案: 【 enjoy

答案: 【 schedual

答案: 【 daily


‏____________________ (在任何情况下你都不能接近那个人).  (under no circumstances)  ​‏​
答案: 【 Under no circumstances should you approach the man

‎It is for the court to ____________________ (决定她是否有罪).  (determine)  ‌‎‌
答案: 【 determine whether she is guilty

I don’t want to go and ____________________ (不管怎样,我没被邀请).  (in any case)  ‏‌‏
答案: 【 in any case, I haven’t been invited.

​You can’t function properly ____________________ (当你失眠时).  (be deprived of)  ​​​
答案: 【 when you’re deprived of sleep

​Section B‎​Directions: Translate the following paragraph into Chinese.‎Relationships are becoming increasingly common across the Internet in all their varied forms. Tens of thousands of people are exploring online romances and millions more are forging friendships over the Internet. In our new digital age these online relationships could very well be the next logical step for humanity. People have the opportunity to know all manner of folk they would never meet in their day-to-day life. These online relationships often cross cultural, economical, national, age and societal boundaries in ways not even possible in the real world.‎However, when you are talking to people online, you have no way of telling what the person you are talking to is like. Without the ability to see someone, you cannot properly judge them, and you never know what sort of person you are talking to until you make the dangerous step of meeting them in real life.‎​‎
答案: 【 通过因特网进行各种方式的沟通,这样的人际关系正变得越来越常见。在网上,数以万计的人在寻觅网络恋情,而数以百万计的人在构建友谊。在我们身处的这个新的数字时代,这些网络关系很有可能会成为人类下一步合理发展的方向。人们有机会认识形形色色的、在他们日常生活中永远不会遇到的人。这些网络关系常常跨越文化、经济、国家、年龄和社会界限,而这些在现实世界中通常是不可能的。

‌Section A​‌Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words or phrases in the brackets.​‌Scientists claimed that this discovery ____________________ (被视为一项重大突破).  (perceive)​‌​
答案: 【 was perceived as a major breakthrough


‏Directions: Put the following sentences in the proper order so that they make a complete paragraph.‎‏1. Nancy’s mother was very skeptical until Nancy said, “It’s true, Mom. Think of something to ask it.”‎‏2. My friend Nancy and I decided to introduce her elderly mother to the magic of the Internet.‎‏3. We told her it could answer any question she had.‎‏4. As I sat with fingers poised over the keyboard, Nancy’s mother thought for a while and  responded, “How is Aunt Helen feeling?”‎‏5. Our first move was to access the popular Ask Jeeves website.‎‏请把你的排序方式写在空格处!数字之间用一个空格分开。‎
答案: 【 2 5 3 1 4


‎Section A​‎Directions: Complete each of the following sentences with the correct choice of the words given in the brackets.​‎Many women have abandoned their ______ role as wife and mother. (traditional, traditionally)​‎​
答案: 【 traditional

‎It is said that the new light bulbs ______ less electricity. (consume, consumption)‌‎‌
答案: 【 consume

‍Keeping a sheep in the garden is a ______ way of keeping the grass short! (novel, novelty)‌‍‌
答案: 【 novel

‌Section B‎‌Directions: Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the form where necessary.‎evolve                 tremendous       access             standard  ‎simplify              innovative           decline         interaction‎‌‎‌The technology has been ______ so that anyone can use it.‎‌‎
答案: 【 simplified

‌The company has ______ over the years into a multi-million dollar organization.‎‌‎
答案: 【 evolved

‌She’s been a ______ help to me over the last few months. ‌‌‌
答案: 【 tremendous

​Generally speaking, not everyone judges su enerally speaking, not everyone judges success by the same ______.  ‎‎​‎
答案: 【 standards

​He gets impatient ______ the people who don’t agree with him.‌
答案: 【 with

‏Her time is fully taken ______ with writing because she likes it so much.​
答案: 【 up

​Businesses have become increasingly ______ on complicated computing systems. (rely, reliant)​​​
答案: 【 reliant

‎You have the ______ of bicycling or taking the bus. (option, optional)‌‎‌
答案: 【 option

‎He’s a good teacher, but inclined to be a bit ______ with slow learners. (patient, impatient)‍‎‍
答案: 【 impatient

‌There’s not enough ______ between the management and the workers.‏‌‏
答案: 【 interaction

​It is reported that the number of people buying their own homes has ______.​​​
答案: 【 declined

‎He’s completely reliant ______ his wheelchair to get about.​
答案: 【 on

‍Section C​
‍Directions: Complete each of the following sentences with a suitable word. ​
‍We worried about his dependency ______ his mother.​
答案: 【 on

‏He had not yet become accustomed ______ the fact that he was a rich man.‌‏‌
答案: 【 to

​ ______ this respect, we are no different from other people.‌
答案: 【 In


‍____________________ (实事求是地讲,他没有希望), but that didn’t stop him trying.  (realistically) ‏
答案: 【 Realistically speaking, he hadn’t a hope

‎Some groups still have difficulty ____________________ (获得社会服务).  (access) ‏‎‏
答案: 【 gaining access to social services

​Section B‌
​Directions: Translate the following paragraph into Chinese.‌
Internet TV most often refers to television shows that are available to watch on the Internet via downloading or streaming video. Most networks now feature their television programs on Internet TV sections of the show’s official website. However, these are often only viewable to Internet users located within the United States. Unlike streaming video, downloadable video allows users to keep the video content on their computers, and is the most popular method of watching Internet TV.‌
The major benefits of Internet TV include programming selection and flexibility. Unlike regular television, Internet TV users can select virtually any program and episode they choose to watch at any given time. Internet TV watchers also don’t need to record programs with a digital video recorder in order to pause, rewind or fast forward through certain sections—both streaming and downloading sites allow users these capabilities with Internet TV. ‌
答案: 【 网络电视常指能从网上下载或者通过流媒体来播放观看的电视节目。如今美国许多广播电视网把电视节目放在节目官网的网络电视频道里, 但是, 只有本土的网络用户才能观看到这些视频。与流媒体不同,可下载的视频能够储存至用户电脑,这也是观看网络电视最流行的方式。

‍Until then did I realize that we were __________________________ (在这个方面落后).  (in this respect) ‎
答案: 【 lagging behind in this respect

‏The statistics show that____________________ (只有10%的美国人经常参加锻炼).  (engage in)‏
答案: 【 only 10% of American adults engage in regular exercise

‍Section A‎‍Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words or phrases in the brackets.‎‍I know how busy you must be and ____________________ (我不想占用你太多时间).  (take up)‎‍‎
答案: 【 I wouldn’t want to take up too much of your time


答案: 【 For example

答案: 【 In the same way

答案: 【 Thirdly

‏Beginning in the decade of the 1950s, NASA first initiated a program to develop and launch a series of passive satellites.​
答案: 【 Beginning in the 1950s, NASA initiated a program to develop and launch a series of passive satellites.

‌There is a possibility that one of the causes of so many teenagers running away from home is the fact that many of them have indifferent parents who don’t really care about them.‍‌‍
答案: 【 Perhaps one reason that so many teenagers run away from home is that their parents don’t care about them.

‏In 1972, President Nixon and his counterparts in Beijing took a number of important steps that would result in an improvement in relations between their respective countries.‍
答案: 【 In 1972, President Nixon and his Chinese counterpart took important steps to improve [or that would improve] relations between their countries.

‍This morning at 6:30 a.m., I woke up out of sleep to hear my alarm go off, but the alarm was turned off by me, and I returned back to a sleeping state.‍
答案: 【 I awoke at 6:30 this morning but turned off the alarm and went back to sleep.

‌Section B‏‌Directions: Choose from the following transitional expressions and put them in the blanks in the paragraphs. ‏‌ ‏likewise     a second way      both            similarly  ‏also         for example       thirdly        in the same way‏‌ ‏My hometown and my college town have several things in common. First, ___6___ are small rural communities. __7____, my hometown, Gridlock, has a population of only about 10,000 people. __8____, my college town, Subnormal, consists of about 11,000 local residents. This population swells to 15,000 people when the college students are attending classes. ___9___ in which these two towns are similar is that they are both located in rural areas. Gridlock is surrounded by many acres of farmland, which is devoted mainly to growing corn and soybeans. ___10___, Subnormal lies in the center of farmland that is used to raise hogs and cattle. ____11__, these towns are similar in that they contain college campuses. Gridlock, for example, is home to Neutron College, which is famous for its Agricultural Economics program as well as for its annual Corn-Watching Festival. ___12___, the town of Subnormal boasts the beautiful campus of Quark College, which is well known for its Agricultural Engineering department and __13____ for its yearly Hog-Calling Contest.‏‌请把你的答案写在各题号后面的空格内!‏‌________________________________‏
答案: 【 both

答案: 【 A second way

‍Section A​
Directions: The following sentences are not concise. Try to improve them.​
Example:            Many uneducated citizens who have never attended school continue to vote for better schools.​
‍Improved version:   Many uneducated citizens continue to vote for better schools.​
She sailed on a boat to London and she flew on an airplane to Paris and then she took a train to Rome.​
答案: 【 She took a boat to London, an airplane to Paris and a train to Rome.

答案: 【 Similarly

答案: 【 Likewise

答案: 【 also

‎Section C‌‎Directions: Write a short essay with a clear central idea and effective development in about 150 words. You should base your writing on the following situation and give consideration to the unity, coherence and variety of each paragraph. ‌‎ ‌‎Your best friend recently has become   addicted to online chat rooms and games and your friendship has started to   suffer since you do not approve of his/her practice. What do you plan to do   to maintain this friendship?‌‎‌
答案: 【 A Friend in Need is a Friend Indeed
First, I will tell him/her although I disapprove of his/her addiction to the Internet, I still cherish our friendship and it is just because we are friends and I care for his/her interests that I suggest him/her to stay away from too much online chat and games which are harmful.
Then, I will go on to explain why addiction to the online chat room and games are no good for him: It wastes a lot of time, may seriously affect his study or work, may cut him/her off from the really world, and prevent him/her from doing exercises and getting involved in more interesting and meaningful social activities. And I will find some cases from the newspaper or the Internet about people having similar troubles and thus resulting in serious consequences to prove my ideas.
Finally, I will try my best to ask my friend to go to parks, or do sports, or do some volunteer work with me to drive him/her away from the computer.

Unit 12 A Break from Life


‍Section B​
‍Directions: Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the form where necessary.​

refresh           empower        symptom    justify    ​‍ subside           manufacture    drain         nurture​

‍ ​
‍The throbbing in my head ______ a little after I take a warm shower. ​
答案: 【 subsided

​Most of those cars were ______ in China for China’s domestic market.‍​‍
答案: 【 manufactured

‎I was so inspired and ______ by your article and follow-up readings on Barbara’s blog. ‌
答案: 【 empowered

​You don’t cure an illness by ignoring it or just fighting the ______. ‏
答案: 【 symptoms

‌Section C‍
‌Directions: Complete each of the following sentences with a suitable word. ‍
‌He piled ______ fallen leaves in a corner of the yard.‍
答案: 【 up

‍More than fifty people responded ______ the advertisement. ‍‍‍
答案: 【 to

‎That millionaire has even been tossed ______ of the house for he had no money to pay for the rent.‌
答案: 【



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