Unit 1 _Early Autumn_

Unit 1 测验

‎The words on the cardboard “I’m blind, Please help” do not seem to draw much attention because _____.‎
A: people tend to ignore such familiar street side scenes
B: the language is too simple, and not eye-catching
C: the words have a commanding air that annoys people
D: the demand for help is not direct and strong enough
答案: 【 people tend to ignore such familiar street side scenes

‌Ezra Pound has made another comment that literature is “news that stays news.” This probably means _____.‎
A: that literary writing will not go out of date
B: that literature always concerns itself with social issues
C: that literature remains to be readers’ favorite choice
D: that literature repeatedly occurs in news headlines
答案: 【 that literary writing will not go out of date

‎Which of the following adjectives can probably best describe Bill’s attitude?‏
A: Emotional.
B: Indifferent.
C: Puzzled.
D: Hopeful.
答案: 【 Indifferent.

‌All the following statements give proper summaries of some aspect of the short story “Early Autumn” except one. Which is the EXCEPTION?‎
A: It is minimalistic in style.
B: It has some poetic quality.
C: It resorts to “slice of life” method of presentation.
D: It is a good lesson for young people.
答案: 【 It is a good lesson for young people.


‌In the video clip, why is the blind man puzzled?‎
A: Because few people seem to be willing to help.
B: Because the reaction from the passers-by seems to have suddenly changed.
C: Because a lady lingers for too long a time around him.
D: Because somebody messes about with his cardboard sign.
答案: 【 Because the reaction from the passers-by seems to have suddenly changed.


‌When Ezra Pound says that “great literature is simply language charged with meaning to the utmost possible degree,” he probably means that _____.‌
A: great literature tends to be simple in language but deep in meaning
B: great literature would allow a lot of possible explanations
C: great literature is language made more dynamic and meaningful
D: great literature, unlike ordinary speech, uses rhetorical and artful language
答案: 【 great literature is language made more dynamic and meaningful


‍What is probably NOT TRUE of Mary, the main character in “Early Autumn”?‍
A: She misses the days of the past.
B: She still loves Bill.
C: She works to keep a family of three children.
D: She is satisfied with her life and job in New York.
答案: 【 She is satisfied with her life and job in New York.


‌When we say that the first paragraph foreshadows the body of the short story, we mean that it_____.‎
A: prepares the reader for the later event
B: casts a dark shadow over the story
C: shapes the structure of the story development
D: gives a signal that something great is to occur
答案: 【 prepares the reader for the later event

Unit 10 “The Law of Life”

Unit 10 测验

‎Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE about Naturalism?​
A: Naturalism is an intellectual trend that attempts to apply scientific principles of objectivity and detachment to its study of human beings.
B: The central assumption of naturalism is that human beings have control over nature and their own lives.
C: French writer Emile Zola is the leading exponent of Naturalism.
D: As a literary movement, it was most active in the late 19th and early 20th century in France, America and Britain.
答案: 【 The central assumption of naturalism is that human beings have control over nature and their own lives.

‍What is an important source of inspiration for Jack London’s writings?‏
A: The frozen land of Klondike in Canada.
B: The northern part of the United States of America.
C: The underground world of the city of San Francisco.
D: The unexplored wild mountain regions.
答案: 【 The frozen land of Klondike in Canada.

‍What does “the law of life” in this short story imply?‏
A: Nature governs man and animals in different ways.
B: Every living thing must eventually die.
C: Man should live in tune with nature.
D: Nature punishes those who disregard its force.
答案: 【 Every living thing must eventually die.

‎The Naturalist idea of “Nature is not kindly to the flesh” is shown through the following ideas EXCEPT______.‏
A: Natural disasters cause many human sufferings.
B: Nature shows no mercy to anyone.
C: Man or beast, they all bend to the same law of life.
D: Nature has no concern for individual feelings and sentiments.
答案: 【 Natural disasters cause many human sufferings.


​The literary term “Naturalism” is mainly concerned with______.​
A: babbling brooks, pretty birdies and beautiful flowers
B: the description of natural landscape
C: the natural law that governs life
D: the natural manners of the characters
答案: 【 the natural law that governs life


‏Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE about Jack London’s life?‌
A: Jack London was born in San Francisco.
B: He lived a hard life in his youth.
C: He was an eager reader in public library.
D: He received good education at university.
答案: 【 He received good education at university.


‏Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE about the plot of “The Law of Life”?​
A: Old Koskoosh is the former chief of an Eskimo tribe.
B: The tribe is preparing to leave Old Koskoosh alone in the snow to die.
C: Before the fire expires, wolves are approaching him in a circle.
D: Old Koskoosh fails to understand why the tribesmen should be so cruel.
答案: 【 Old Koskoosh fails to understand why the tribesmen should be so cruel.


‎The following statements all testify to the philosophy of Naturalism in the story except one. Which is the EXCEPTION?  ‍
A: Naturalists care little about moral issues in their judgment.
B: Man’s existence is shaped by heredity and environment.
C: Human value can only be displayed in their fight against Nature.
D: There is a strong sense of determinism in the story.
答案: 【 Human value can only be displayed in their fight against Nature.

Unit 11 “The Secret Life of Walter Mitty”

Unit 11 测验

‌WWI had greatly shaken the faith of European and American writers in Western civilization. Which might NOT be one of their doubts?‎
A: The human capability to restore the world order.
B: The ability of the intellectuals to create new art forms.
C: The adequacy of traditional literature to represent the postwar realities.
D: The sound moral basis to recapture the past glory.
答案: 【 The ability of the intellectuals to create new art forms.

‌Which of the following adjectives is NOT a suitable description of Walter Mitty’s wife?‍
A: Fussy.     
B: Bossy.
C: Considerate.
D: Unsympathetic.
答案: 【 Considerate.

‌Which of the following adjectives can probably best describe Mitty in his daydreams?‌
A: Resolute.
B: Incapable.
C: Unskilled.
D: Henpecked.
答案: 【 Resolute.

‌The short story is a narration in which reality and fantasy interweave. What does this way of presentation suggest? ‌
A: Mitty resorts to fantasy to deal with frustrations in life.
B: Mitty is confused about reality and fantasy.
C: Mitty has great imaginative power.
D: Mitty’s fantasizing is an effective healing process.
答案: 【 Mitty resorts to fantasy to deal with frustrations in life.


‎Literary historians locate the beginning of the modernist revolt as far back as the 1890s, but most agree that high modernism came ______.‍
A: after WWII
B: after WWI
C: after the turn of the century
D: in 1930s
答案: 【 after WWI


‎Which of the following adjectives best describes Walter Mitty’s real life?​
A: Colorful.
B: Uneventful.
C: Noble.    
D: Exciting.
答案: 【 Uneventful.


‍The narrative of the story ______.‍
A: follows logical order.
B: follows the order of importance.
C: follows psychological order.
D: is randomly arranged.
答案: 【 is randomly arranged.


‍Which of the following statements about the short story is NOT TRUE?‌
A: Mitty’s fantasies are stimulated by trivial things in reality.
B: All the daydreams are brought up



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