Unit 1 lecture 1 Introduction speaker Wang Yifan,Yan Jun

1 Definition and main branches of chemistry

1. Among the main branches of chemistry, the so-called "four major chemistry" secondary disciplines are‎‎‎
A: Inorganic chemistry, organic chemistry, analytical chemistry and biochemistry.
B: Inorganic chemistry, organic chemistry, physical chemistry and analytical chemistry
C: Inorganic chemistry, organic chemistry, biochemistry and polymer chemistry
D: Not sure
答案: 【 Inorganic chemistry, organic chemistry, physical chemistry and analytical chemistry

2. Organic chemistry is also known as carbon chemistry, which of the following material options belongs to the study object of organic chemistry?‌‏‌
A: CO、CO2、C60
C: CaC2、WC、SiC
答案: 【 CH4、HCOOH、C2H5OH

2 Main characteristics of Chemistry

1. Which of the following options is the reason why chemistry is known as "the central science of the 21st century"?‍‏‍
A: Chemistry is the bridge between many disciplines and involves all aspects of human life.
B: Chemistry is a central, practical and creative science.
C: Chemistry is an experimental science.
D: The history of the development of science and technology has eloquently proved this statement.
答案: 【 Chemistry is the bridge between many disciplines and involves all aspects of human life.

‏2. As the pillar of modern civilization, the four major disciplines are‏
A: Environment, information, materials and physical sciences.
B: Chemistry, energy, materials and life sciences.
C: Energy, information, materials and life sciences.
D: Food, information, materials and resource science.
答案: 【 Energy, information, materials and life sciences.

3 The formation of Chemical Science

1.The use of fire has a great impact on human society. The first thing it brings about is ‏‏‏
A: The improvement of alchemy, alchemy and medicine. 
B: The transformation of ceramic technology and metal smelting.
C: The development of chemical processes such as papermaking, porcelain, glass, etc.
D: The rise of agriculture, animal husbandry and handicrafts.
答案: 【 The transformation of ceramic technology and metal smelting.

2. The scientist known as "the father of modern chemistry" is ‍​‍
A: Boyle
B: Mendeleev
C: Bezelius
D: Liebich
答案: 【 Boyle

4 Chemistry as the pioneer of energy

1. From the perspective of major energy use, the era of modern society can be called ‍‌‍
A: Information age.
B: Nuclear age.
C: The era of petroleum.
D: Solar energy era.
答案: 【 The era of petroleum.

‌2. Which of the following is the clean and renewable energy related to chemistry?‎
A: Hydrogen fuel cells.
B: Thermonuclear reactor.
C: Battery. 
D: Primary battery.
答案: 【 Hydrogen fuel cells.

5 Chemistry as the maker of materials and so on

‌1. The future development trend of material development is‍
A: Nanomaterials.
B: Composites with special functions.
C: Hydrogen storage material.
D: Polymer material.
答案: 【 Composites with special functions.

‌2. One of the outstanding roles that chemistry plays in modern society is‏
A: The culprit of environmental pollution.
B: The developer of chemical weapons.
C: The protector of the environment.
D: Comprehensive users of waste.
答案: 【 The protector of the environment.

6 The relationship between medicine and chemistry and so on

‍1. The drugs that started the field of antibiotics today is‎
A: Artemisinin.
B: Penicillin.
C: Oxytetracycline.
D: Sulfonamides.
答案: 【 Sulfonamides.

2. Among the following options, which is known as the “Apollo moon landing project” of life sciences? ‌​‌
A: Post-Genome Project. 
B: Protein engineering.
C: Genetic engineering. 
D: Human genome project.
答案: 【 Human genome project.

7 The relationship between new drugs and chemistry, etc.

‍1. The key method for Youyou Tu to extract artemisinin is‍
A: Cold extraction with low boiling point solvent.
B: Vacuum distillation.
C: Recrystallization method.
D: Steam distillation.
答案: 【 Cold extraction with low boiling point solvent.

‎2. Among the ten Nobel Prizes in Chemistry from 2001 to 2010, the number of terms related to life sciences is‏
A: Ten
B: Six
C: Eighth
D: Five
答案: 【 Six

8 College Chemistry (I) - Introduction to basic chemistry

‎1. "College Chemistry" (part I)-the main subjects covered by the teaching content of basic chemistry are ‎
A: Inorganic chemistry, analytical chemistry, organic chemistry, physical chemistry. 
B: Inorganic chemistry, analytical chemistry, physical chemistry.
C: Inorganic chemistry, analytical chemistry. 
D: Organic chemistry.
答案: 【 Inorganic chemistry, analytical chemistry, physical chemistry.

‌2. The main teaching objects of the excellent online course of college chemistry are? ‌
A: Social learners.
B: Students majoring in biomedicine and non-chemical engineering. 
C: Social learners and college students majoring in biomedicine and non-chemical engineering.
D: Students majoring in biomedicine. 
答案: 【 Social learners and college students majoring in biomedicine and non-chemical engineering.

Unit 1 lecture 2 The colligative property of dilute solution speaker Liu Shaoqian, He Piao, Liu Chao

1 Vapor pressure lowering of the solution


1. At 30, the vapor pressure of pure water is 4239.7pa, and the vapor pressure of solution containing 1000g water and 3mol sugar   is (  )  

A: 2333Pa
B: 2919.8Pa
C: 4022.5Pa
D: 4226.3Pa
答案: 【 4022.5Pa

2. The factors affecting the vapor pressure of pure substances are (  )‎‍‎
A: Type of substance
B: aggregation state of substance
C: Temperature
D: Type, aggregation state and temperature of substance
答案: 【 Type, aggregation state and temperature of substance

2 Boiling point elevation of solution


‎1. It is known that the    of water is   , if 0.20mol sucrose    is dissolved in 1000g water, the normal boiling point of the resulting solution is 

A: 100.102℃
B: 99.898℃
C: 100.204℃
D: 99.796℃
答案: 【 100.102℃

​2. Which of the following factors does not affect the boiling point of dilute solution(  )​
A: Boiling point of solvent
B: Environment temperature
C: External pressure
D: Molality of solute
答案: 【 Environment temperature

‎3. The three-phase point of water is a temperature and pressure condition under which water, ice and steam can coexist. The corresponding temperature is 0.01℃. Under this temperature, the external pressure of water is(  )‏
A: 101.325kPa
B: 0.6106kPa
C: 100kPa
D: 1000kPa
答案: 【 0.6106kPa

3 Freezing point depression of solution


‍1. It is known that the     of ice is    , in order to reduce the freezing point of the solution by 1, how many moles of sugar must be added to 100ml water? 

A: 0.54 
B: 0.27 
C: 0.054
D: 0.027
答案: 【 0.054

​2. Generally speaking, the "freezing point of solution" is (  )‌
A: Temperature range of solid-liquid coexistence
B: Temperature at which solid and liquid phases coexist
C: A given temperature
D: The temperature at which a solid begins to appear in a liquid solution
答案: 【 The temperature at which a solid begins to appear in a liquid solution

3. Which of the following does not belong to the application of freezing point depression (  )​‎​
A: Judgment of the purity of substances
B: Vacuum distillation
C: Desalination of seawater
D: Determination of the molar mass of the substance
答案: 【 Vacuum distillation

4 Osmotic phenomenon and osmotic pressure

1. The ideal semipermeable membrane is (  )‌‍‌
A: A membrane that only allows solvent molecules to pass through
B: A membrane that only allows solute molecules to pass through
C: A membrane that allows solvent molecules and small solute molecules to pass through, but does not allow large solute molecules to pass through
D: A membrane that allows only small molecules of solute to pass through, but does not allow solvent molecules and macromolecular solute molecules to pass through
答案: 【 A membrane that only allows solvent molecules to pass through

2. At a certain temperature, when the dilute solution and the concentrated solution are separated by an ideal semipermeable membrane, the external pressure applied on the concentrated solution surface to stop the osmosis of water must be (  )‏​‏
A: Osmotic pressure of dilute solution
B: Osmotic pressure of concentrated solution
C: The sum of osmotic pressure of both solutions
D: Difference of osmotic pressure between concentrated solution and dilute solution
答案: 【 Difference of osmotic pressure between concentrated solution and dilute solution

5 The relationship between osmotic pressure, concentration

6 The significance of osmotic pressure in medicine


1. Which of the following solutions has the same osmolarity as that of solution? 

答案: 【 

‌2. Which of the following is an isotonic solution in medicine? (  )‍
答案: 【 

3. The solution that can make red blood cells shrink is (  ).‏‏‏
D: A mixture of physiological saline and water of equal volume
答案: 【 

Unit 1 lecture 3 Electrolyte solution speaker Wang Manjuan, Yi Xiaoyi

1 Strong electrolyte, weak electrolyte and dissociation ...

‌Among the following substances, which is usually a strong electrolyte?​
A: Strong polar molecule
B: Weak polar molecule
C: Non-polar molecule
D: Homonuclear diatomic molecule 
答案: 【 Strong polar molecule

‏In a solution with a concentration of 0.1 mol/kg, how much the dissociation degree of the solute should be more than so that it can be called a strong electrolyte?‍
A: 50%
B: 80%
C: 100%
D: 30%
答案: 【 30%

10 Solubility and solubility product

‎The wrong statement about Ksp and s of insoluble electrolytes is​
A: Both can represent the solubility of insoluble electrolytes
B: They can be converted into each other
C: There is no difference between them 
D: The two are interrelated
答案: 【 There is no difference between them 

‏Which of the following statement about the Ksp and S of insoluble electrolytes is correct?‏
A: The larger the Ksp, the greater the S
B: For the same type of insoluble electrolyte, the larger the Ksp, the greater the S
C: The smaller the Ksp, the smaller the S
D: The Ksp and S of a given insoluble electrolyte are not related
答案: 【 For the same type of insoluble electrolyte, the larger the Ksp, the greater the S

11 Precipitation dissolution equilibrium

‏When IP = Ksp, the insoluble electrolyte‎
A: Solution unsaturated
B: Balance between precipitation and dissolution
C: The solution is supersaturated
D: Forms precipitation
答案: 【 Balance between precipitation and dissolution

‎The common ion effect makes the solubility of insoluble electrolytes‌
A: Reduce
B: Increase
C: Unchanged
D: Unable to judge
答案: 【 Reduce

12 Formation and dissolution of precipitates

​In which condition will the insoluble electrolyte solution form precipitate?‏
A: IP = Ksp
B: IP < Ksp
C: IP > Ksp
D: Solution unsaturation
答案: 【 IP > Ksp


When  of a certain concentration is mixed with NaI, if IP > Ksp , what will happen in the solution?

A: Generate precipitation
B: Redox reaction
C: No precipitation will be formed
D: Unable to judge
答案: 【 Generate precipitation

13 Stepwise precipitation

‏If two kinds of ions can form precipitates with the same precipitant, which one will precipitate first‎
A: with high solubility product
B: with large ion product
C: with high ion concentration
D: with the ion product first reaching the solubility product
答案: 【 with the ion product first reaching the solubility product

‌Which of the following is not related to the order of fractional precipitation?‍
A: Solubility product of insoluble electrolyte
B: ion concentration
C: Ion product of insoluble electrolyte
D: charge of ions
答案: 【 charge of ions

14 Transformation of precipitation


The Ksp of AgCl and AgI are  and , respectively. If solid KI is added to the saturated solution of AgCl, then what will happen? 

A: There is no obvious change
B: Precipitate black precipitate
C: Precipitate white precipitate
D: Precipitate yellow precipitate
答案: 【 Precipitate yellow precipitate


The Ksp of AgCl and AgI are  and , respectively. Adding sufficient amount of KI to the solution containing AgCl solid, then what will happen? 

A: There is no obvious change
B: part of AgCl wll transform into AgI
C: All of the AgCl transform into AgI
D: Unable to judge
答案: 【 All of the AgCl transform into AgI

2 The theory of strong electrolyte solution - Ion Inter...

‏The ones that make up the ionosphere are‍
A: Central ion and counter charge ion
B: Central ion and positively charged ion
C: Positively charged ion
D: Anti-charge ion
答案: 【 Central ion and counter charge ion

‏The measured dissociation degree of strong electrolyte solution is always ‎
A: Equal to 100%
B: Greater than 100%
C: Less than 100%
D: Unable to determine
答案: 【 Less than 100%

3 Activity and activity coefficient

‌Which of the flowing statement about activity is correct?‎
A: Represents the effective concentration of ions
B: Activity is concentration
C: The activity is greater than the concentration
D: The dimension of activity is 1mol/L
答案: 【 Represents the effective concentration of ions

‍Which of the following statement about activity coefficient is wrong?‎
A: The activity coefficient is related to the concentration
B: The activity coefficient is related to the ion charge
C: The unit of activity coefficient is 1
D: The activity coefficient is usually greater than 1
答案: 【 The activity coefficient is usually greater than 1

4 The relationship between activity coefficient and ionic ..

​For a given electrolyte, which of the following statement is correct?‎
A: The greater the ionic strength, the greater the activity coefficient.
B: The greater the ionic strength is, the smaller the activity coefficient is.
C: The smaller the ionic strength is, the smaller the activity coefficient is.
D: The greater the ionic strength, the greater the activity. 
答案: 【 The greater the ionic strength is, the smaller the activity coefficient is.

‍The activity coefficient of ions in a solution has nothing to do with‎
A: Ion concentration
B: Ion activity
C: Ion charge
D: Ionic nature
答案: 【 Ionic nature

5 Acid-base theory

‏According to the proton theory of acid and base, acid is‍
A: A molecule or ion that can give protons.
B: A molecule or ion that can accept protons.
C: Proton receptor
D: Electron acceptor
答案: 【 A molecule or ion that can give protons.

‌In the proton transfer reaction, the direction of proton transfer is​
A: Transfer from stronger acid to weaker base
B: Transfer from a stronger acid to a stronger base
C: Transfer from weaker acid to weaker base
D: Transfer from a weaker acid to a stronger base
答案: 【 Transfer from a stronger acid to a stronger base

‏According to the electron theory of acid and base, acid is‌
A: A molecule or ion that can give a pair of electrons
B: A molecule or ion that can accept electron pairs
C: Proton receptor
D: Electron donor
答案: 【 A molecule or ion that can accept electron pairs

6 Dissociation equilibrium of weak electric solution

‏In acid-base pairs with conjugated relationship, the relationship between Ka and Kb is ​
A: Ka·Kb > Kw
B: Ka·Kb < Kw
C: Ka·Kb= Kw 
D: Ka = Kb
答案: 【 Ka·Kb= Kw 

​The effect of common ion effect on the dissociation degree of weak electrolyte is‍
A: Increase
B: Unchanged
C: Decrease
D: Unable to judge
答案: 【 Decrease

‏The relationship between the common ion effect and the salt effect is​
A: Both cannot exist at the same time
B: The effect of the common ion effect is always greater than that of the salt effect
C: Both of them can exist at the same time
D: The effect of the common ion effect is always less than that of the salt effect
答案: 【 Both of them can exist at the same time

7 Calculation of pH value of monoprotic weak acid or monoaci

​The simplest formula for calculating the pH value of monoacidic weak acid solution does not need to satisfy‏
A: Kaca ≥20 Kw
B: ca/Ka ≥500
C: α < 5%
D: ca/Ka < 500
答案: 【 ca/Ka < 500

‏Add the same volume of water to 0.1 mol/L ammonia solution, then‍
A: [] becomes half of the original
B: [] becomes half of the original
C: pH increases
D: pH decreases
答案: 【 pH increases

‌In 0.1 mol/L NH4Cl solution, which of the following is true?‏
A:  [] > 0.1 mol/L
B:  [] < 0.1 mol/L
C: [] = 0.1 mol/L
D: [] = 0.1 mol/L
答案: 【  [] < 0.1 mol/L

8 Calculation of pH value of polyprotic weak acid or polyaci

‌The simplest formula for calculating the pH value of polyacidic weak acid solution does not need to satisfy‎
A: Ka1ca ≥20 Kw
B: ca/Ka1 < 500
C: Ka1/Ka2 > 100
D: ca/Ka1 ≥ 500
答案: 【 ca/Ka1 < 500

‎In 0.1 mol/L Na2CO3 solution, which of the following is true?‎
A: [] = 0.1 mol/L
B: [] = 0.1 mol/L
C: There is a small amount of
D: [] = 0.1 mol/L
答案: 【 There is a small amount of


In solution, which of the following is true?

A: There is no 
B:  only comes from the dissociation of
C:  only comes from the dissociation of water
D: There is a small amount of 
答案: 【 There is a small amount of 

9 Calculation of pH value of amphoteric substance solution

‌The correct description of the acidity and basicity of amphoteric solution is‏
A: Acid
B: Neutral
C: Alkaline
D: It's all possible
答案: 【 It's all possible

‏When amphoteric substance is used as acid or base, the constants are Ka and Kb, respectively. When Ka > Kb, the property of the solution is‏
A: Acid
B: Alkaline 
C: Neutral
D: Unable to judge
答案: 【 Acid

Unit 2 lecture 4 Buffer solution speaker Wang Manjuan, Yan Jun

1 Buffer solution and its composition

​When two solutions (both concentrations are 0.10mol/L) are mixed by equal volume, which of the following composition cannot form a buffer solution?​
A: HAc-NaAc
B: NH4Cl-NH3
D: H3PO4-NaH2PO4
答案: 【 HAc-NaOH

‍According to the definition of buffer solution, the option that cannot form a buffer is​
A: HCl
B: NaH2PO4
C: NaAc
D: NH4Cl-NH3
答案: 【 NaAc

2 Buffering principle of buffer solution

​Which of the following options plays a role in resisting the addition of a small amount of strong acid in buffer solutions.‏
A: Anti-acid component
B: Anti-base component
C: Conjugated acid
D: Uncertain
答案: 【 Anti-acid component

​The main reason why the buffer solution can keep the pH value basically unchanged is‍
A: Salt effect
B: Common ion effect
C: The existence of conjugated acid
D: The existence of conjugated bases
答案: 【 Common ion effect

3 Calculation of pH value of buffer solution

‏The [conjugated acid] in the formula for calculating the pH value of buffer solution refers to‎
A: The initial concentration of conjugated acid
B: The equilibrium concentration of conjugated acid
C: The initial activity of conjugated acid
D: The initial concentration of conjugated base
答案: 【 The equilibrium concentration of conjugated acid

‎There is an error between the calculated pH value of the buffer solution obtained by Henderson-Hansenbach formula and the actual measured pH value. The main factor that results this error is‌
A: Dissociation of water
B: Common ion effect
C: Salt effect
D: Ionic strength
答案: 【 Ionic strength

4 Buffer capacity and buffer range

‏Which of the following options is wrong about the buffer capacity β?‌
A: β can be positive or negative
B: The greater the β, the stronger the buffer capacity
C:  β can only be positive, not negative
D: The value of β is related to the unit
答案: 【 β can be positive or negative

‌Which of the following has the strongest buffer capacity when both solutions are mixed with same volume?‌
A: 0.10 mol/L HAc + 0.10 mol/L NaAc
B: 0.30 mol/L HAc + 0.10 mol/L NaAc
C: 0.20 mol/L HAc + 0.20 mol/L NaAc
D: 0.10 mol/L HAc + 0.30 mol/L NaAc
答案: 【 0.20 mol/L HAc + 0.20 mol/L NaAc

‌Regarding the determination of the effective buffer range of the buffer solution, which of the following is not the factor we should consider​
A: pH= pKa±1
B: The buffer ratio is between 0.1 and 10 
C: Large buffer capacity
D: High total concentration
答案: 【 High total concentration

5 Preparation of buffer solution

‏To prepare a buffer solution with pH = 5.00, which of the following can be selected‏
A: HCOOH-HCOONa (pKa= 3.75)
B: HAc-NaAc (pKa= 4.75)
C: NH4Cl-NH3 (pKb= 4.75)
D: Lactic acid-sodium lactate (pKa= 3.86)
答案: 【 HAc-NaAc (pKa= 4.75)

​Which of the following is a wrong description of the standard buffer solution‌
A: Stable in nature
B: Have a certain buffer capacity
C: Have a certain anti-dilution ability
D: Not affected by temperature
答案: 【 Not affected by temperature

Unit 2 lecture 5 Chemical analysis (1) speaker He Yuewu, Xiang Juan

1 Overview of quantitative analysis

‏1. Which of the following cannot be used to indicate the content of components to be tested in a liquid sample? (  ) ‎‏‎
A: Mass concentration
B: Volume fraction
C: The amount of matter
D: Mass fraction
答案: 【 The amount of matter

‌2. Which of the following methods is not commonly used to separate interfering components? (  )‏
A: Precipitation separation method



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