Topic 1 Leisure Activities

Building Your Vocabulary 十选一

‍approach                    deserve          determined                combine               solution‏‍miserable                    healthful        balance                     deprive                 lifestyle‏‍No one can function properly if he is ____ of adequate sleep.‏
答案: 【 deprived

​approach                    deserve          determined                combine               solution‎​miserable                    healthful        balance                     deprive                 lifestyle‎​This is a ___ place — fresh air and plenty of sunshine!‎
答案: 【 healthful

‌approach                    deserve          determined                combine               solution‎‌miserable                    healthful        balance                     deprive                 lifestyle‎‌According to many weight-loss books, diets are more effective when ____with exercise.‎
答案: 【 combined

‍approach                    deserve          determined                combine               solution‌‍miserable                    healthful        balance                     deprive                 lifestyle‌‍There’s no point in trying to stop her — it’ll only make her more _______.‌
答案: 【 determined

‏approach                    deserve          determined                combine               solution‎‏miserable                    healthful        balance                     deprive                 lifestyle‎‏He doesn’t have a very healthy ____ — a lot of stress, very fatty food and no exercise.‎
答案: 【 lifestyle

‏approach                    deserve          determined                combine               solution​‏miserable                    healthful        balance                     deprive                 lifestyle​‏She had to hold onto the railings (栏杆) to keep her ___ when learning to skate.​
答案: 【 balance

‍approach                    deserve          determined                combine               solution‏‍miserable                    healthful        balance                     deprive                 lifestyle‏‍Parents don’t always know what ___ to take when dealing with teenage children.‏
答案: 【 approach

‎approach                    deserve          determined                combine               solution‏‎miserable                    healthful        balance                     deprive                 lifestyle‏‎These doctors help you talk about your problems but they don’t give you any __.‏
答案: 【 solutions

​approach                    deserve          determined                combine               solution‍​miserable                    healthful        balance                     deprive                 lifestyle‍​All the staff in the company seemed to look __ and the atmosphere was not at all pleasant.‍
答案: 【 miserable

‎approach                    deserve          determined                combine               solution​‎miserable                    healthful        balance                     deprive                 lifestyle​‎She does such a good job that she _____ every penny she earns.​
答案: 【 deserves

Self-assessment Test

‍Section B  Multiple Choice‌There are 10 incomplete sentences in this section. For each sentence there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence.‌You need to rewrite this sentence because it is _____: the readers will have difficulty in understanding it.‌
A: alternative
B: comprehensive
C: deliberate
D: ambiguous
答案: 【 ambiguous

​I can't ___ what has happened to the vegetables, for they were freshly picked this morning.‏
A: figure out
B: draw out
C:  look out
D: count out
答案: 【 figure out

‏Injured workers are entitled to receive all medical care required to cure or _____ the effects of the injury.‏
A: relieve
B: push
C: sway
D: grip
答案: 【 relieve

‏Economic policies designed to _____ full employment.​
A: secure
B: fulfill
C: realize
D: finish
答案: 【 secure

​The company has convinced a Chinese bank to simply _____ the law and allow them to transfer the funds to a privately held company.‌
A: neglect
B: refuse
C: ignore
D: deny 
答案: 【 ignore

​The government has been ______ in the way to treat unemployment and rising prices. ‏
A: continual
B: constant
C: continuous
D: consistent
答案: 【 consistent

‍Eating too much fat can ______ heart disease and cause high blood pressure. ‌
A: attribute to
B: attend to
C: contribute to
D: devote to
答案: 【 contribute to

‏The plan is to give the machines to entrepreneurs who will then have a motive to protect and _____ the equipment.‏
A: obtain
B: attain
C: maintain
D: detain
答案: 【 maintain

​Some countries in the disaster areas have difficulty solving the problems of their ______ food supply. ‌
A: rare
B: short
C: scarce      
D:  lack
答案: 【 scarce      

‏The tomato juice left brown ______ on the front of my jacket.  ‎
A: spots
B: points
C: track
D: trace
答案: 【 spots

‏Section B‌‏‌Directions: There are 2 passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). You should decide on the best choice. ‌Passage One‌Exercise is one of the few factors with a positive role in long-term maintenance of body weight. Unfortunately, that message has not gotten through to the average American, who would rather try switching to “light” beer and low-calorie bread than increase physical exertion. The Centers for Disease Control, for example, found that fewer than one-fourth of overweight adults who were trying to shed pounds said they were combining exercise with their diet.‌In rejecting exercise, some people may be discouraged too much by caloric-expenditure charts: for example, one would have to briskly walk three miles just to work off the 275 calories in one delicious Danish pastry (小甜饼). Even exercise professionals concede half a point here. “Exercise by itself is a very tough way to lose weight,” says York Onnen, program director of the President’s Council on Physical Fitness and Sports.‌Still, exercise’s supporting role in weight reduction is vital. A study at the Boston University Medical Center of overweight police officers and other public employees confirmed that those who dieted without exercise regained almost all their old weight, while those who worked exercise into their daily routine maintained their new weight.‌If you have been sedentary (极少活动的) and decide to start walking one mile a day, the added exercise could burn an extra 100 calories daily. In a year’s time, assuming no increase in food intake, you could lose ten pounds. By increasing the distance of your walks gradually and making other dietary adjustments, you may lose even more weight.‌‏31.   What is said about the average American in the passage?‌
A: They tend to exaggerate the healthful effect of “light” beer.
B: They usually ignore the effect of exercise on losing weight.
C: They prefer “light” beer and low-calorie bread to other drinks and food.
D: They know the factors that play a positive role in keeping down body weight.
答案: 【 They usually ignore the effect of exercise on losing weight.

​Some people dislike exercise because ________.‌
A: they think it is physically exhausting
B: they find it hard to exercise while on a diet
C: they don’t think it possible to walk 3 miles every day
D: they find consulting caloric-expenditure charts troublesome
答案: 【 they find it hard to exercise while on a diet

‍“Even exercise professionals concede half a point here” (Line 3, Para. 2) means “They ________”.‌
A: agree that the calories in a small piece of pastry can be difficult to work off by exercise
B: partially believe diet plays a supporting role in weight reduction
C: are not fully convinced that dieting can help maintain one’s new weight
D: are not sufficiently informed of the positive role of exercise in losing weight
答案: 【 partially believe diet plays a supporting role in weight reduction

‌What was confirmed by the Boston University Medical Center’s study?‌
A: Controlling one’s calorie intake is more important than doing exercise. 
B: Even occasional exercise can help reduce weight.
C: Weight reduction is impossible without exercise.
D: One could lose ten pounds in a year’s time if there’s no increase in food intake.
答案: 【 Weight reduction is impossible without exercise.

‌What is the author’s purpose in writing this article?‌
A: To justify the study of the Boston University Medical Center.
B: To stress the importance of maintaining proper weight.
C: To support the statement made by York Onnen.
D: To show the most effective way to lose weight.
答案: 【 To show the most effective way to lose weight.

Passage Two‌According to a survey, which was based on the responses of over 188,000 students, today’s traditional-age college freshmen are “more materialistic and less altruistic (利他主义的)” than at any time in the 17 years of the poll.‌Not surprising in these hard times, the student’s major objective “is to be financially well off. Less important than ever is developing a meaningful philosophy of life.” It follows then that today the most popular course is not literature or history but accounting.‌Interest in teaching, social service and the “altruistic” fields is at a low. On the other hand, enrollment in business programs, engineering and computer science is way up.‌That’s no surprise either. A friend of mine (a sales representative for a chemical company) was making twice the salary of her college instructors her first year on the job—even before she completed her two-year associate degree.‌While it’s true that we all need a career, it is equally true that our civilization has accumulated an incredible amount of knowledge in fields far removed from our own and that we are better for our understanding of these other contributions—be they scientific or artistic. It is equally true that, in studying the diverse wisdom of others, we learn how to think. More important, perhaps, education teaches us to see the connections between things, as well as to see beyond our immediate needs.‌Weekly we read of unions who went on strike for higher wages, only to drive their employer out of business. No company; no job. How shortsighted in the long run!‌But the most important argument for a broad education is that in studying the accumulated wisdom of the ages, we improve our moral sense. I saw a cartoon recently which shows a group of businessmen looking puzzled as they sit around a conference table; one of them is talking on the intercom (对讲机): “Miss Baxter,” he says, “could you please send in someone who can distinguish right from wrong?”‌From the long-term point of view, that’s what education really ought to be about.‌‌‎36.   According to the author’s observation, college students ________.‌
A: have never been so materialistic as today
B: have never been so interested in the arts
C: have never been so financially well off as today
D: have never attached so much importance to moral sense
答案: 【 have never been so materialistic as today

‎The students’ criteria for selecting majors today have much to do with ________.​
A: the influences of their instructors
B: the financial goals they seek in life
C: their own interpretations of the courses
D: their understanding of the contributions of others
答案: 【 the financial goals they seek in life

‍By saying “While it’s true that... be they scientific or artistic” (Lines 1-3, Para. 5), the author means that ________.‌
A: business management should be included in educational programs
B: human wisdom has accumulated at an extraordinarily high speed
C: human intellectual development has reached new heights
D: the importance of a broad education should not be overlooked
答案: 【 the importance of a broad education should not be overlooked

‏Studying the diverse wisdom of others can ________.​
A: create varying artistic interests
B: help people see things in their right perspective
C: help improve connections among people
D: regulate the behavior of modern people
答案: 【 help people see things in their right perspective

‎Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?​
A: Businessmen absorbed in their career are narrow-minded.
B: Managers often find it hard to tell right from wrong.
C: People engaged in technical jobs lead a more rewarding life.
D: Career seekers should not focus on immediate interests only.
答案: 【 Career seekers should not focus on immediate interests only.

‏Part I  Vocabulary  (25 minutes)‏‏Section A  Blank Filling‏‏Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the form where necessary.‏‏thrive      capable    comprehensive    schedule      relieve ‏‏approach   maintain    adjust           abandon      obstacle      ‏‏‏‏Can you give me something to ________  my headache?‏‏‏
答案: 【 relieve

‎A primary nurse can propose a different  __________ of treatment when the present one is not effective.‎
答案: 【 approach

‎This article, the second in a series, goes into more __________ technical detail.​
答案: 【 comprehensive

‌Fear of change is a major __________ to progress.​‌​
答案: 【 obstacle

‏The biggest risk a project faces is not in failing to plan, but failing to __________ the plan.​
答案: 【 adjust

‍Believing that they were stronger together, they __________ in harmony and worked hard to manage relationships and built consensus. ‏
答案: 【 thrived##%_YZPRLFH_%##throve

​Dozens of homes have had to be __________ as the sea has crept farther and farther inland.‎
答案: 【 abandoned

​Although the weather was very had, the buses still ran on __________.‍
答案: 【 schedule

‌Since you would not be seeing each other, it is important to establish and __________ an emotional connection.​
答案: 【 maintain

‎He is a man who is __________ of judging works of art.‌
答案: 【 capable

‎Part II Reading Comprehension    (35 minutes)‍‎Section A‍Directions: In this part there is a passage with ten blanks. You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage. Read the passage through carefully before making your choices. Each choice in the bank is identified by a letter. You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once.‍‎注意:请在答题处填入相应的大写字母!字母一定要大写!‍A loses             B maintenance      C ushered  ‍D incapable        E honor              F quits‍G celebrity       H modified         I practicing  ‍J visible            K unaware          L selfless  ‍M inspire        N countless         O perfection‍     With medal in hand, Paul was suddenly ___21____ into a world of lucrative endorsements and figure skating world tours, of exclusive events and autograph seekers. Everything you might expect of a ____22___ hero, but none of what Paul himself believes merits the ___23____ of that title.‍“What makes a true hero is ____24___ service,” he says. “Or someone whose life and actions ____25___ you to be better and to be a bigger person. I don’t think what I did was selfless service. But God used the story of my life to inspire others.”‍Heroism, Paul has observed, requires daily ___26____. Just as a skater achieves perfection by ___27___ small parts of his larger routine day after day, a hero must look for ways to serve on a regular basis — not just in a crisis or more ___28___ situation.‍        As an Olympic medal ___29____ its luster after years of storage, a hero will lose his credibility if he stops looking to the needs of others. When Paul joins the thousands of others watching the Olympics in Salt Lake City, he knows that behind the scenes of each victory, of each record setting finish, stand ___30____ stories of everyday heroes. Heroes who refuse to give up.‍‍21. __________‍
答案: 【 C

答案: 【 G

答案: 【 E

答案: 【 L

答案: 【 M

答案: 【 B

答案: 【 I

答案: 【 J

答案: 【 A

答案: 【 N

Topic 2 Business and Brands

Building Your Vocabulary 十选一

‏abuse               reveal                        economical           sponsor                stage‌‏discard            authority                    eliminate              destructive           bargain‌‏If you agree to be our sales agent, we will allow you a good discount as part of the             .‌
答案: 【 bargain

‎abuse               reveal                         economical           sponsor                stage​‎discard            authority                    eliminate              destructive           bargain​‎On no account should we              our fine traditions and styles of work. ​
答案: 【 discard

​abuse               reveal                         economical           sponsor                stage‌​discard            authority                    eliminate              destructive           bargain‌​The pop singer cancelled his concert scheduled for tonight because the               cannot pay him the money he asked for. ‌
答案: 【 sponsor

‏abuse               reveal                         economical           sponsor                stage​‏discard            authority                    eliminate              destructive           bargain​‏The curtains opened, to               a darkened stage.​
答案: 【 reveal

‎abuse               reveal                         economical           sponsor                stage​‎discard            authority                    eliminate              destructive           bargain​‎Severe damage witnessed the               force of the storm.​
答案: 【 destructive

‌abuse               reveal                         economical           sponsor                stage‍‌discard            authority                    eliminate              destructive           bargain‍‌The mother could not               her amusement at the boy’s mistake.  ‍
答案: 【 abuse

‍abuse               reveal                         economical           sponsor                stage‏‍discard            authority                    eliminate              destructive           bargain‏‍The               showed no signs of giving in to the kidnaper’s demands. ‏
答案: 【 authorities

‍abuse               reveal                         economical           sponsor                stage‌‍discard            authority                    eliminate              destructive           bargain‌‍Engineers are forever seeking more               methods of solving problems.‌
答案: 【 economical

‍abuse               reveal                         economical           sponsor                stage‎‍discard            authority                    eliminate              destructive           bargain‎‍The protest was a well-planned and carefully               affair. ‎
答案: 【 staged

​abuse               reveal                         economical           sponsor                stage‏​discard            authority                    eliminate              destructive           bargain‏​If you think you may be allergic to a food or drink,               it from your diet.‏
答案: 【 eliminate


‎Section B  Multiple Choice‏There are 10 incomplete sentences in this section. For each sentence there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence.‏The interstate highway system was finally _________ in 1956 and has been hailed as one of the greatest public works projects of the century.‏
A: promoted
B: launched 
C: marketed
D: afforded
答案: 【 launched 

‍We’ve wondered how big a role taste preference actually plays in brand ________.‎
A: royalty
B: loyalty
C: dedication
D: contribution
答案: 【 loyalty

‏Equivalent German models tend to be heavier and slightly less easy to use, whereas the American _________ are considerably more expensive.‌
A: samples
B: visions
C: versions
D: exemplification
答案: 【 versions

‏Evidence came up that specific speech sounds are ________ by babies as young as 6 months old.​
A: spotted
B: recognized
C: sought
D: specified
答案: 【 recognized

‍The device is said to be capable of _________ one spoken language into another.‌
A: converting
B: diverting
C: transiting
D: transferring
答案: 【 converting

​A peculiarly pointed chin is his most memorable facial ________.‍
A: mark
B: feature 
C: trace
D: appearance
答案: 【 feature 

​She cut her hair short and tried to _________ herself as a man.‎
A: decorate
B: disguise
C: fabricate
D: fake
答案: 【 disguise

‏Someday software will translate both written and spoken language so well that the need for any common second language could _______.‏
A: decline
B: descend
C: delete
D: depress
答案: 【 decline

‌The profit-sharing plan is designed to ________ the staff to work hard.‍
A: calculate
B: demonstrate
C: speculate
D: motivate
答案: 【 motivate

‍ Although she was an _______ star in high school, she still keeps a low key.‌
A: undisputed
B: undistributed
C: undiscovered
D: undisturbed
答案: 【 undisputed

Section B ‍Directions: There are 2 passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). You should decide on the best choice. ‍Passage One‍Henry Ford, the famous U.S. inventor and car manufacturer, once said, “The business of America is business.” By this he meant that the U.S. way of life is based on the values of the business world.‍Few would argue with Ford’s statement. A brief glimpse at a daily newspaper vividly shows how much people in the United States think about business. For example, nearly every newspaper has a business section, in which the deals and projects, finances and management, stock prices and labor problems of corporations are reported daily. In addition, business news can appear in every other section. Most national news has an important financial aspect to it. Welfare, foreign aid, the federal budget, and the policies of the Federal Reserve Bank are all heavily affected by business. Moreover, business news appears in some of the unlikeliest places. The world of arts and entertainment is often referred to as “the entertainment industry” or “show business.”‍The positive side of Henry Ford’s statement can be seen in the prosperity that business has brought to U.S. life. One of the most important reasons so many people from all over the world come to live in the United States is the dream of a better job. Jobs are produced in abundance (大量地) because the U.S. economic system is driven by competition. People believe that this system crates more wealth, more jobs, and a materially better way of life.‍The negative side of Henry Ford’s statement, however, can be seen when the word business is taken to mean big business. And the term big business—referring to the biggest companies, is seen in opposition to labor. Throughout U.S. history working people have had to fight hard for higher wages, better working conditions, and the fight to form unions. Today, many of the old labor disputes are over, but there is still some employee anxiety. Downsizing—the laying off of thousands of workers to keep expenses low and profits high—creates feelings of insecurity for many.‍‍‏31.   The United States is a typical country ________.‍
A: which encourages free trade at home and abroad
B: where people’s chief concern is how to make money
C: where all businesses are managed scientifically
D: which normally works according to the federal budget
答案: 【 where people’s chief concern is how to make money

‌The influence of business in the U.S. is evidenced by the fact that ________.‏
A: most newspapers are run by big businesses
B: even public organizations concentrate on working for profits
C: Americans of all professions know how to do business
D: even arts and entertainment are regarded as business
答案: 【 even arts and entertainment are regarded as business

‍According to the passage, immigrants choose to settle in the U.S., dreaming that ________.‍
A: they can start profitable businesses there
B: they can be more competitive in business
C: they will make a fortune overnight there
D: they will find better chances of employment
答案: 【 they will find better chances of employment

​Henry Ford’s statement can be taken negatively because ________.‎
A: working people are discouraged to fight for their fights
B: there are many industries controlled by a few big capitalists
C: there is a conflicting relationship between big corporations and labor
D: public services are not run by the federal government
答案: 【 there is a conflicting relationship between big corporations and labor

‍A company’s efforts to keep expenses low and profits high may result in ________.‍
A: reduction in the number of employees
B: improvement of working conditions
C: fewer disputes between labor and management
D: a rise in workers’ wages
答案: 【 reduction in the number of employees

Passage Two‍Consumers are being confused and misled by the hodge-podge (大杂烩) of environmental claims made by household products, according to a “green labeling” study published by Consumers International Friday.‍Among the report’s more outrageous (令人无法容忍的) findings-a German fertilizer described itself as “earthworm friendly” a brand of flour said it was “non-polluting” and a British toilet paper claimed to be “environmentally friendlier”‍The study was written and researched by Britain’s National Consumer Council (NCC) for lobby group Consumer International. It was funded by the German and Dutch governments and the European Commission.‍“ While many good and useful claims are being made, it is clear there is a long way to go in ensuring shoppers are adequately informed about the environmental impact of products they buy,” said Consumers International director Anna Fielder.‍The 10-country study surveyed product packaging in Britain, Western Europe, Scandinavia and theUnited States. It found that products sold inGermanyand theUnited Kingdommade the most environmental claims on average.‍The report focused on claims made by specific products, such as detergent (洗涤剂) insect sprays and by some garden products. It did not test the claims, but compared them to labeling guidelines set by the International Standards Organization (ISO) in September, 1999.‍Researchers documented claims of environmental friendliness made by about 2,000 products and found many too vague or too misleading to meet ISO standards.‍“Many products had specially-designed labels to make them seem environmentally friendly, but in fact many of these symbols mean nothing,” said report researcher Philip Page.‍“Laundry detergents made the most number of claims with 158. Household cleaners were second with 145 separate claims, while paints were third on our list with 73. The high numbers show how very confusing it must be for consumers to sort the true from the misleading.” he said.‍‍The ISO labeling standards ban vague or misleading claims on product packaging, because terms such as “environmentally friendly” and “non-polluting” cannot be verified. “What we are now pushing for is to have multinational corporations meet the standards set by the ISO.” said Page.‍36.   According to the passage, the NCC found it outrageous that ________.‍‍
A: all the products surveyed claim to meet ISO standards
B: the claims made by products are often unclear or deceiving
C: consumers would believe many of the manufactures’ claim
D: few products actually prove to be environment friendly
答案: 【 the claims made by products are often unclear or deceiving

‍As indicated in this passage, with so many good claims, the consumers ________.‌
A: are becoming more cautious about the products they are going to buy
B: are still not willing to pay more for products with green labeling
C: are becoming more aware of the effects different products have on the environment
D: still do not know the exact impact of different products on the environment
答案: 【 still do not know the exact impact of different products on the environment

‌A study was carried out byBritain’s NCC to ________.‍
A: find out how many claims made by products fail to meet environmental standards
B: inform the consumers of the environmental impact of the products they buy
C: examine claims made by products against ISO standards
D: revise the guidelines set by the International Standards Organization
答案: 【 examine claims made by products against ISO standards

‍What is one of the consequences caused by the many claims of household products?‌
A: They are likely to lead to serious environmental problems.
B: Consumers find it difficult to tell the true from the false.
C: They could arouse widespread anger among consumer.
D: Consumers will be tempted to buy products they don’t need.
答案: 【 Consumers find it difficult to tell the true from the false.

‎It can be inferred from the passage that the lobby group Consumer International wants to ________.‏
A: make product labeling satisfy ISO requirements
B: see all household products meet environmental standards
C: warn consumers of the danger of so-called green products
D: verify the efforts of non-polluting products
答案: 【 make product labeling satisfy ISO requirements

​Part I  Vocabulary  (25 minutes)‌​Section A  Blank Filling‌​Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the form where necessary.‌​manufacture   disguise    reputation    motivate      eliminate ‌​rival                launch      appliance     distribute     claim   ‌​As a famous magician, David Copperfield’s _________ spreads over the world.‌
答案: 【 reputation

‌_________ are machines designed to do a particular thing in the home, such as preparing food, heating or cleaning.‌
答案: 【 Appliances

‎He decided to _________ himself as a business man.‌
答案: 【 disguise

‍Rapidly industrializing countries like China and India have _________ many of the West's consumer products.‎
答案: 【 manufactured

‌We now turn our attention to these topics and how to _________ the threats.‍
答案: 【 eliminate

​NBC's " Nightly News " has sustained its lead over _________ broadcasters in the last three weeks.​
答案: 【 rival

‌If you plan to _________ documentation in printed form, you might also have to make it available in electronic form.‍
答案: 【 distribute

‎One Pakistan-based terrorist group has _________ responsibility for the bomb explosion.‌
答案: 【 claimed

‏A teacher should _________ his students to work hard.‍
答案: 【 motivate

​The fact that he is gone has given more weight to fears that he may try to _________ a civil war.‏
答案: 【 launch

‍Part II Reading Comprehension    (35 minutes)‍Section A ‍Directions: In this part there is a passage with ten blanks. You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage. Read the passage through carefully before making your choices. Each choice in the bank is identified by a letter. You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once.‍‍注意:请在答题处填入相应的大写字母!‍‍ Ivory Soap is an American institution, about as widely recognized as the Washington Monument and far more well respected than Congress. It had already __21__ this noble status when Theodore Roosevelt was still a rough-riding cowboy in North Dakota. Introduced in 1879 as an __22__ white soap intended to rival the quality of imported soaps, it was mass marketed by means of one of the first nationwide advertising __23__. People were told that Ivory was “so pure that it floats,” and the __24__ took hold. As a result, at least half a dozen generations of Americans have gotten themselves clean with Ivory.   ‍‍    So many hands, faces, and baby bottoms have been washed with Ivory that their numbers beat the imagination. Not even Proctor & Gamble knows how many billions of bars of Ivory have been sold. The company keeps a __25__ count, however, of the billions of dollars it earns. ‍‍    Annual sales of Ivory Soap, Ivory Snow, Crest toothpaste, Folger’s coffee, and the hundreds of other products now marketed under the Proctor & Gamble umbrella __26__ thirty billion dollars.‍‍    The company has grown a bit since it was founded in 1837 in Cincinnati, Ohio, by a pair of immigrants named William Proctor and James Gamble, each of whom __27__ $3 596.47 to the enterprise. For decades Proctor & Gamble manufactured candles and soap in __28__ modest quantities. It took more than twenty years for sales to top one million dollars, which they did shortly before the Civil War. The company’s big break came with the __29__ of its floating soap and the realization that an __30__ advertising campaign could turn a simple, though high-quality, product into a phenomenon.‍‍ ‍‍A exceed              B featured               C campaigns    ‍‍D attained            E introduction         F design‍‍G inexpensive      H relatively             I comparable‍‍J approximately   K notion                 L pledged  ‍‍M discard             N elaborate            O precise‍‍‍‍21. _________‍‍‍
答案: 【 D

答案: 【 G

答案: 【 C

答案: 【 K

答案: 【 O

答案: 【 A

答案: 【 L

答案: 【 H

答案: 【 E

答案: 【 N

Topic 3 Great Minds

Building Your Vocabulary 十选一

​apparent                            convince                    curiosity           detail                 fundamental​​patience                    respond                     spark                 stir                      ultima



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