Study Resources I

A Quiz to Differentiate Synonyms

‎We are going to ___________ the kitchen by ten feet this year. ‎
A: extend
B: expand 
C: increase 
D: develop
答案: 【 extend

‏They want to ___________ their sales by ten per cent next year. ‎
A: extend 
B: increase 
C: expand 
D: enlarge
答案: 【 increase 

‍The metal will __________ when we heat it. ‎
A: extend
B: increase 
C: broaden
D: expand
答案: 【 expand

Week 1 Course Introduction and an Overview of the Semester

A Quiz

Week 1 Test

Week 10 Elements of an Argument

A Quiz about Supports

‍Which of the following can serve as convincing evidence to support a claim?​
A: Facts and statistics.
B: Quotations from authorities.
C: Personal experience.
D: Circular reasoning.
答案: 【 Facts and statistics.;
Quotations from authorities.;
Personal experience.

‌What does the writer often do to appeal to the audience's need and / or values?​
A: He or she often appeals to their ability of logical reasoning.
B: He or she often appeals to their standards for right or wrong and good or bad.
C: He or she often appeals to their patriotism and compassion for the needy.
D: He or she often appeals to the audience's needs for safety and well-being.
答案: 【 He or she often appeals to their standards for right or wrong and good or bad. ;
He or she often appeals to their patriotism and compassion for the needy.;
He or she often appeals to the audience's needs for safety and well-being.

A Quiz about Types of Claims

‌The ozone layer is becoming depleted. The statement is a claim of ______________. ​
A: fact 
B: definition 
C: value 
D: policy 
答案: 【 fact 

‏The invention of the Internet has led to great changes in modern life. This is a claim of ________________. ‌
A: definition 
B: value 
C: policy 
D: cause 
答案: 【 cause 

‍Science fiction is more interesting than romance.  The statement makes a claim of _________________. ‎
A: fact
B: value 
C: definition 
D: policy 
答案: 【 value 

‌Everyone in China should have access to health care. This is a claim of __________________________. ‏
A: fact 
B: value 
C: policy 
D: definition 
答案: 【 policy 

‎Love is not like a rummage sale, in which everyone tries to grab what he wants. It is more like a Christmas, in which gifts and thoughtfulness come just a little unexpectedly. This statement presents a claim of ______________________. ​
A: fact 
B: definition 
C: policy 
D: value 
答案: 【 definition 

A Quiz about Warrants

‍When will an argument be convincing?‌
A: The audience shares the warrant, and the link between the claim and support is made.
B: The audience supplies an opposing warrant, and the link between the claim and support is not made.
C: The audience questions and disagrees with the assumptions, or unstated reasons.
D: The author and audience hold different cultural values or different social norms.
答案: 【 The audience shares the warrant, and the link between the claim and support is made.

Week 10 Introduction to Argumentation

A Quiz about Common Terms

‎What is the central claim in an argument?‏
A: It is an important subject that people are arguing about.
B: It is a statement that expresses the writer’s view about the topic.
C: It is the topic sentence of a paragraph in the essay.
D: It is a particular subject matter the writer considers.
答案: 【 It is a statement that expresses the writer’s view about the topic.

‏Which of the following is true about evidence?‍
A: Evidence should be relevant to the claim.
B: Evidence may be irrelevant to the claim. 
C: Evidence should be trustworthy.
D: Evidence may include an experiment we can replicate ourselves.
答案: 【 Evidence should be relevant to the claim. ;
Evidence should be trustworthy. ;
Evidence may include an experiment we can replicate ourselves.

A Quiz about Steps and Strategies

‍Which is the correct arrangement of steps in argumentation?‎
A: 1) persuading the audience 2) arguing the point  3) making a case
B: 1) making a case2) arguing the point 3) persuading the audience
C: a) arguing the point b) persuading the audience c) making a case
D: 1) making a case 2) persuading the audience3) arguing the point
答案: 【 1) making a case2) arguing the point 3) persuading the audience

​What strategy is generally used at first in argumentation?‍
A: Clarifying problems and articulating a coherent perspective.
B: Acknowledging different viewpoints.
C: Pointing out a common ground to settle matters.
D: Appealing to your readers and motivate them to act.
答案: 【 Clarifying problems and articulating a coherent perspective.

A Quiz to Distinguish Facts and Opinions

​Which of the following statements are OPINIONS?‏
A: Girls tend to drop out of math classes sooner than boys.
B: Hiroshima was the primary target of the first atomic bomb mission.
C: The gift of time is the gift of life, forever, if we know how to receive it.
D: The Chinese population represents about one fifth of the world’s population.
答案: 【 The gift of time is the gift of life, forever, if we know how to receive it.

​What is true about FACTS? ‎
A: They are open for debating.
B: They are statements that can be verified.
C: They are statements of personal beliefs.
D: They can be verified by observation or experimentation.
答案: 【 They can be verified by observation or experimentation.

Week 12 Writing Arguments

A Quiz about Basics of Argumentation

‏What happens if we ignore the opposing position? ‍
A: Our argument will be more convincing.
B: Our argument will make a strong appeal to the audience.
C: Our argument will be more acceptable.
D: Our argument will be one-sided and thus lose the audience.
答案: 【 Our argument will be one-sided and thus lose the audience.

‍What are the three essential elements in the Toulmin Model of argument? ‎
A: The rebuttal, counter-arguments or opposing claims
B: The claim, the argument you want to make.
C: The support, your reasons and evidence to support the claim.
D: The warrant, unstated reasons or assumptions that validify links between the claim and the support.
答案: 【 The claim, the argument you want to make.;
The support, your reasons and evidence to support the c



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