第一章 单元测试

Variation in the traits of organisms may be attributable to( )
A:alterations in chromosome structure.
B:gene mutations.
C:all of the above.
D:variation in chromosome number.
答案: 【all of the above.

A human skin cell has 46 chromosomes. A human gamete (egg or sperm cell) has ( )
A:None of the above is the number of chromosomes in a sperm cell
答案: 【23

A person studying the rate of transcription of a particular gene is working in the field of( )
A:molecular genetics.
B:population genetics.
C:None of the above is correct.
D:transmission genetics.
答案: 【molecular genetics.

The scientific method involves which of the following? ( )
B:The collection of observations and the formulation of a hypothesis
C:Data analysis and interpretation
D:All of the above
答案: 【All of the above

Which of the following terms have the same meaning? ( )
A:Wild type and normal
B:Wild type and abnormal
C:Wild type and mutant
D:Mutant and normal
答案: 【Wild type and normal

第二章 单元测试

A pea plant is Tt. Which of the following statements is correct?( )
A:Its phenotype is Tt, and its genotype is short.
B:Its genotype is Tt, and its phenotype is tall.
C:Its genotype is Tt, and its phenotype is short.
D:Its phenotype is Tt, and its genotype is tall.
答案: 【Its genotype is Tt, and its phenotype is tall.

A Tt pea plant is crossed to a tt plant. What is the expected ratio of phenotypes for offspring from this cross? ( )
A:1 tall : 3 short
B:1 tall : 1 short
C:3 tall : 1 short
D:2 tall : 1 short
答案: 【1 tall : 1 short

A cross is made between a pea plant that is RrYy and one that is rrYy. What is the predicted outcome of the seed phenotypes? ( )
A:3 round, yellow : 1 round, green : 3 wrinkled, yellow : 1 wrinkled, green
B:1 round, yellow : 1 round, green : 1 wrinkled, yellow : 1 wrinkled, green
C:3 round, yellow : 3 round, green : 1 wrinkled, yellow : 1 wrinkled, green
D:9 round, yellow : 3 round, green : 3 wrinkled, yellow : 1 wrinkled, green
答案: 【3 round, yellow : 1 round, green : 3 wrinkled, yellow : 1 wrinkled, green

In a population of wild squirrels, most of them have gray fur, but an occasional squirrel is completely white. If we let P and p represent dominant and recessive alleles, respectively, of a gene that codes an enzyme necessary for pigment formation, which of the following statements do you think is most likely to be correct? ( )
A:The white squirrels are PP, and the P allele is a loss-of-function allele.
B:The white squirrels are pp, and the p allele is a loss-of-function allele.
C:The gray squirrels are pp, and the p allele is a loss-of-function allele.
D:The gray squirrels are PP, and the P allele is a loss-of-function allele.
答案: 【The white squirrels are pp, and the p allele is a loss-of-function allele.

A cross is made between AA Bb Cc Dd and Aa Bb cc dd individuals. Rather than making a very large Punnett square, which statistical operation could you use to solve this problem, and what would be the probability that the cross produces an offspring that is AA bb Cc dd?( )
A:Product rule, 1/32
B:Binomial expansion, 1/32
C:Product rule, 1/4
D:Binomial expansion, 1/4
答案: 【Product rule, 1/32


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