第一章 SWOT分析


​Who usually conducts a SWOT Analysis for a business?‌
A: Banks
B: Lawyers
C: Employees
D: Managers
答案: 【 Managers

‎Which of the following SWOT elements are internal factors for a business?​
A: Strengths and Weaknesses
B: Opportunities and Threats
C: Strengths and Opportunities
D: Weaknesses and Threats
答案: 【 Strengths and Weaknesses

‏Which of the following could be a strength for a business?​
A: Weather
B: A new international market
C: A price that is too high
D: The location of a business
答案: 【 The location of a business

‎Which of the following should be asked when you try to identify the strengths of your company?‍
A: Which advantages does your company lack?
B: Which trends can negatively affect your business?
C: What do you do better than your competitors?
D: Does political climate help you develop your business?
答案: 【 What do you do better than your competitors?

‍Which of the following could be a weakness for a business?‍
A: A developing market
B: Competitors with better financial support
C: Poor quality of goods and services
D: Special marketing expertise
答案: 【 Poor quality of goods and services

‎Which of the following is true about weaknesses?‍
A: It’s external and helpful.
B: It’s internal and harmful.
C: It’s external and harmful.
D: It’s internal and helpful.
答案: 【 It’s internal and harmful.

‏Which of the following could be an opportunity for a business?​
A: Having quality processes and procedures
B: Moving into new thriving market segments
C: Damaged reputation
D: A new competitor in its home market
答案: 【 Moving into new thriving market segments

‏A new vocational training project can be considered as a/an ______ for an employee.‎
A: strength
B: opportunity
C: threat
D: weakness
答案: 【 opportunity

‍Which of the following could be a threat for a business?​
A: Changes in technology
B: A market vacated by an incapable competitor
C: Location of the business
D: Lack of marketing expertise
答案: 【 Changes in technology

‌______ could be a threat for Simon, who has worked in the company for 30 years after graduating from high school.‍
A: A new position that matches his skills
B: His poor communication skills
C: His limited educational experience
D: A possible downsizing at his company
答案: 【 A possible downsizing at his company

‌Which of the following may affect the strengths of Nestle?‍
A: Nestle is selling a branch company for about $3 billion.
B: Nestle is allowed to keep taking water from Southern California forest.
C: Social activists protest about the Nestle’s global strategies.
D: Investors are demanding Nestle to reduce its use of plastic packaging.
答案: 【 Nestle is selling a branch company for about $3 billion.

​Nike’s price is higher than most of its competitors. Which of the following may help to improve the weaknesses of Nike?‌
A: Nike is reported by several newspapers for its sweatshops in Asia.
B: There are fierce competitions from some premium brands.
C: Nike continues to sponsor some famous American athletes.
D: Nike is to cut out the middle man and start selling directly on Internet.
答案: 【 Nike is to cut out the middle man and start selling directly on Internet.

‏Which of the following can be regarded as an opportunity for Facebook?‏
A: Several countries are considering unblocking Facebook.
B: Some people may share indecent information on Facebook.
C: Facebook is available in many languages.
D: People worry about their privacy on Facebook.
答案: 【 Several countries are considering unblocking Facebook.

‍Which of the following can be regarded as a threat for Apple?‌
A: Apple is working on improving its iOS.
B: Android enables multiple global and regional app stores.
C: Apple will offer its new iPhones in 5 color options.
D: Android is prone to threats like malwares as its source code can be manipulated.
答案: 【 Android enables multiple global and regional app stores.

‍Jessica has just conducted a SWOT analysis of her firm. What should her next steps be?‌
A: Making sure that strengths are offset by weaknesses and opportunities and turned into threats.
B: Making sure that weaknesses are offset by opportunities and threats are turned into strengths.
C: Making sure that weaknesses are offset by the strengths and threats are turned into opportunities.
D: Making sure that opportunities are offset by threats and strengths are turned into weaknesses.
答案: 【 Making sure that weaknesses are offset by the strengths and threats are turned into opportunities.

第二章 Maslow需求层次论


​According to Maslow’s theory, the needs of ________ are the most basic needs of human being.  ​
A: self-actualization
B: biology and physiology
C: esteem
D: safety  
答案: 【 biology and physiology

‍When all of the physiological needs are met, people tend to become concerned with ________.​
A: social needs
B: safety needs
C: esteem needs
D: sel-acutalization needs
答案: 【 safety needs

‏“Catherine is well recognized by her peers for being creative and has recently been promoted to a higher position, and she feels satisfied with her responsibility and role.” This example shows that Catherine has well fulfilled her ________ needs.​
A: social
B: esteem
C: biological and physiological
D: belonging and love
答案: 【 esteem

​The order of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, from bottom to top is: ________.‌
A: Safety, Esteem, Social, Self-actualization, Physiological
B: Physiological, Social, Safety, Esteem, Self-Actualization
C: Physiological, Safety, Social, Esteem, Self-Actualization
D: Safety, Physiological, Esteem, Social, Self-actualization
答案: 【 Physiological, Safety, Social, Esteem, Self-Actualization

‎Which of the following can possibly satisfy the needs of safety, according to Maslow’s theory?‌
A: Free lunches.
B: Reasonable wages.
C: Retirement benefits.
D: Travel bonuses.
答案: 【 Retirement benefits.

‏What should a company do if it wants to motivate employees by meeting their esteem needs? ‌
A: Organize team-based projects.
B: Create comfortable working environment.
C: Offer training and higher job titles.
D: Buy life insurance for them.
答案: 【 Offer training and higher job titles.

‍Which of the following statements is true in Maslow’s motivation theory. ​
A: Effective leaders should adapt to the changing needs in different settings.
B: The order of the hierarchy of needs is not fixed.
C: Food, shelter and wages fall into the category of safety needs.
D: People move up to seek satisfaction at a higher level even the basic needs have not met yet.
答案: 【 Effective leaders should adapt to the changing needs in different settings.

‌Which of the following is NOT the satisfaction of self-actualization needs in terms of management?‏
A: Offer challenging jobs.
B: Give self-improvement training.
C: Develop career potential.
D: Arrange after-work get-togethers.
答案: 【 Arrange after-work get-togethers.

‏One employee becomes depressed and lonely, and feels isolated from group activities and social events. According to Maslow, which category of needs has not been fulfilled?​
A: Esteem needs. 
B: Safety needs.
C: Social needs.
D: Physiological needs.
答案: 【 Social needs.

‎Esteem needs, displayed at the ________ layer from the bottom in Maslow's hierarchy, are the need for appreciation and respect.‎
A: first
B: second
C: third
D: fourth
答案: 【 fourth

​According to Maslow’s motivation theory, which one of the following statements is true?​
A: Even though the needs at one level are not satisfied, people still move up to seek satisfaction at a higher level.
B: Even though the physiological needs have been met, they are always a strong motivator.
C: Self-actualization needs are often measured by the extent of success and challenge at work.
D: All employee needs are the same and they don’t change with time.
答案: 【 Self-actualization needs are often measured by the extent of success and challenge at work.

‌Which of the following is NOT the significance of Maslow’s motivation theory in business management?​
A: To keep subordinates strongly motivated.
B: To direct employees towards organizational goals.
C: To understand the market and change developing strategies.
D: To improve productivity and job satisfaction. 
答案: 【 To understand the market and change developing strategies.

‏Company activities like competitions, mentoring, brainstorming sessions, after-work get-togethers and even office dinners can help to develop employees’ sense of ________.‍
A: esteem
B: safety
C: love and belonging
D: self-actualization
答案: 【 love and belonging

‌ Which of the following practices may NOT really satisfy the need of esteem?‎
A: Obtaining a coveted promotion  
B: Receiving prizes and awards
C: Having regular breaks and rests
D: Achieving academic accomplishments 
答案: 【 Having regular breaks and rests

​“My aim is self-knowledge and enlightenment. The most important thing to me is realising my ultimate personal potential. I seek and welcome ‘peak’ experiences.” From this statement, we see that the speaker’s ________ needs have been his/her dominant motivation.‍
A: self-actualization
B: physiological
C: social
D: esteem
答案: 【 self-actualization

第三章 360度绩效考核


‌Who is the targeted employee of 360-degree performance appraisal?​
A: Receptionist.
B: Type-writer.
C: Secretary.
D: Sales manager.
答案: 【 Sales manager.

​The following statement is an example of self appraisal, “I try and maintain great client relations through effective communication techniques which is one of my core strengths as well.” Which quality does it address? ‍
A: Communication.
B: Creativity.
C: Teamwork spirit.
D: Goal-setting.  
答案: 【 Communication.

‎Which of the following statement is the superior appraisal?‌
A: I strive to add creativity to all my projects, so that I can make them more interesting and accomplish the work on time with enthusiasm. 
B: Danny is regular at work with a great attendance track record.
C: Danny always tries and maintains a cool and neutral manner during challenging times, and attempts to motivate us to keep up our level of enthusiasm during such times.
D: Danny defines, delegates, and directs work in a flexible manner.  
答案: 【 Danny defines, delegates, and directs work in a flexible manner.  

‌Subordinate evaluations of their supervisors are often perceived as more accurate than typical manager assessments of supervisor performance. Which of the following is the possible reason?​
A: Because the number of employees is larger than bosses.  
B: Because employees knows the rating method better.
C: Because employees are more involved in daily interaction with their supervisor than is the supervisor's manager.
D: Because employees have more time than their bosses.  
答案: 【 Because employees are more involved in daily interaction with their supervisor than is the supervisor's manager.

​Which of the following is the advantage of peer appraisal?‏
A: It may negatively affect working relationships.
B: It may negatively affect working relationships.
C: Employees may be reluctant to make judgment regarding their peers.
D: It can increase the accuracy of performance ratings. 
答案: 【 It can increase the accuracy of performance ratings. 

​Which of the following is not the purpose of 360-degree performance appraisal?​
A: To evaluate staff performance.
B: To reach decision whether the employ should be promoted or not.
C: To establish training plan.
D: To connect with partners. 
答案: 【 To connect with partners. 

‏Which statement is true about 360-degree performance appraisal?‏
A: It is used only as an administrative tool.
B: It is used only as a development tool.
C: It is useful as a feedback for both developmental and administrative purposes.
D: It is neither an administrative tool nor a developmental tool.
答案: 【 It is useful as a feedback for both developmental and administrative purposes.

‍_______ is the process of using multiple sources of appraisal to gain a comprehensive perspective on one’s performance. ‏
A: Peer appraisal
B: Superior appraisal
C: Subordinate appraisal
D: 360-degree performance appraisal
答案: 【 360-degree performance appraisal

​Which of the following method is often used in 360-degree performance appraisal?‌
A: Telephone interview.
B: Group discussion.
C: Rating scale.
D: Presentation.
答案: 【 Rating scale.

‏Which is not the most important component in 360-degree performance appraisal?​
A: Peer appraisal
B: Superior appraisal
C: Subordinate appraisal
D: peer criticizing 
答案: 【 peer criticizing 

‍_______ is an important part of the Performance appraisal process where the employees themselves give the feedback or their views and points regarding their performance.‏
A: Client appraisal.
B: Subordinate appraisal.
C: Peer appraisal.
D: Self appraisal. 
答案: 【 Self appraisal. 

​________ forms the traditional part of the 360 degree appraisal where the employees’ responsibilities and actual performance is rated by the immediate higher level supervisor.‎
A: Self appraisal
B: Subordinate appraisal
C: Superior appraisal
D: Peer appraisal 
答案: 【 Superior appraisal

‌The subordinate appraisal is an evaluation tool whereby employees assess the performance of ______.‎
A: themselves
B: peers
C: subordinates
D: supervisors
答案: 【 supervisors

‌_____ appraisal is a type of performance evaluation that is done by one or more people of matching competencies. It is usually done among the members of the same team. This is a method employed to preserve the quality standard at a desired level.​
A: Self
B: Peer
C: Superior
D: Subordinate  
答案: 【 Peer

‎Which of the following is advantage of 360-degree performance appraisal?‏
A: It is both time-consuming and would cost a large sum of money.
B: It provides detailed information on an employee’s performance.
C: It is difficult to figure out the results.
D: It arouses suspicion within an organization.  
答案: 【 It provides detailed information on an employee’s performance.

第四章 STP模型


​Which of the following is NOT the goal of the S-T-P process?‍
A: To evaluate how effective an organization’s marketing mix is.
B: To help the organization develop an appropriate marketing mix.
C: To enable the organization to make important marketing decisions concerning where they should compete.
D: To guide the organization to the implementation of an appropriate marketing mix. 
答案: 【 To evaluate how effective an organization’s marketing mix is.

‌Which statement is NOT true about the benefits of the S-T-P process? ​
A: The S-T-P process helps a company match its products with its customers.
B: The S-T-P process helps marketers arrange the importance of different offers from a company.
C: The S-T-P process guides marketers to develop and deliver personalized and relevant messages to different audiences.
D: The S-T-P process guides a company to divide its customers into small groups.
答案: 【 The S-T-P process guides a company to divide its customers



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