Unit One What You Need to Know Before Making a Presentation

Test 1

​Speaking style refers to the type of _____ a speaker uses, and the effect it creates. ‏
A: language and phrasing
B: gestures
C: topics
D: manners
答案: 【 language and phrasing

‏Presentation is _____ than conversation. In a conversation you talk and listen in an easy exchange.‎
A: more fluid and interactive 
B: less fluid and interactive 
C: more fluid and less interactive
D: less fluid and more interactive
答案: 【 less fluid and interactive 

‎In presentation, presenters may have a feeling of disassociation because of _____.​
A: standing in front of the audience
B: the lack of eye contact between presenter and audience
C: the lack of physical closeness between presenter and audience
D: standing closely to the audience
答案: 【 the lack of physical closeness between presenter and audience

Which of the following is appropriate for presentation?‌‌‌
A: Slang
B: Planned and rehearsed gestures
C: Spontaneous topics
D: Restless movement
答案: 【 Planned and rehearsed gestures

​In persuading people to take action for or against something, presenters use _____ to appeal to audience’s emotions.‏
A: ethos
B: logos
C: pathos
D: rhetoric
答案: 【 pathos

‏Tips on how to make a presentation are listed below. Which FOUR of them are given PARTICULARLY for making a persuasive presentation?‌‏‌
A: Do a thorough research on the subject.
B: Research on the views of the opposing side.
C: Get to understand what the audience already knows about the topic.
D: Consider what views the audience has on the topic.
E: Choose the right approach to convince the audience when drafting the outline.
F: List the information you want to include and put it in a logical order.
G: State the purpose of making the speech in the introductory part.
H: Try to establish a link with the audience in the opening part.
I: Restate the thesis statement in the concluding part.
J: Try to summarize the main points before finishing the presentation. 
答案: 【 Research on the views of the opposing side.;
Consider what views the audience has on the topic.;
Choose the right approach to convince the audience when drafting the outline.;
Try to establish a link with the audience in the opening part.

‌Which of the following mistakes belong to inappropriate DELIVERY of a presentation?‎
A: Many distracting animations.
B: Being casually dressed.
C: Standing with crossed arms.
D: Abrupt ending without a summary.
E: Text-heavy slides.
F: Using monotonous voice.
G: Reading solely from slides.
H: Fidgeting and swaying throughout the presentation.
I: Not giving an overview of the presentation at the beginning.
答案: 【 Being casually dressed.;
Standing with crossed arms.;
Using monotonous voice.;
Reading solely from slides.;
Fidgeting and swaying throughout the presentation.

‍An informative presentation aims to convince the audience to accept a point of view.​‍​
A: 正确
B: 错误
答案: 【 错误

​Both presentation and academic writing should be precise, accurate, objective, and explicit.‏
A: 正确
B: 错误
答案: 【 正确

‌To get his main point across, an academic writer needs to use the device of repetition.‍‌‍
A: 正确
B: 错误
答案: 【 错误

‏Conversation is more complex than presentation but less complicated than academic writing. ​
A: 正确
B: 错误
答案: 【 错误

​A presentation is either informative or persuasive.‏​‏
A: 正确
B: 错误
答案: 【 错误

‌Complete the statements with words from the Word Bank below. Fill in each blank with only one word.​Word   Bank ​‌detailed            structured            relationship            delivery  formal               interactive            informal                 teacher        transmitter        attractive              within                    distance        out-directed      closeness             informative           persuasive​‌​‌Presentation is more highly _____. It demands detailed planning and preparation.​‌​
答案: 【 structured

‍Complete the statements with words from the Word Bank below. Fill in each blank with only one word.‌Word   Bank‌‍detailed        structured            relationship          delivery    ‌‍formal           interactive            informal               teacher         transmitter     attractive             within                  distance  ‌‍out-directed   closeness            informative        persuasive‌‍ ‌‍The presenter usually wears formal clothes, assumes a more erect posture and avoids distracting manners and verbal habits. Therefore, a presentation requires a different method of _____ from conversation.‌‍‌
答案: 【 delivery



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