
Quiz 1

‏Which type of business organization has all the respective rights and privileges of a legal person?‎
A: Sole proprietorship
B: Corporation
C: General partnership
D: Limited partnership
答案: 【 Corporation

​The Principal-Agent Problem arises    ‎
A: because managers have little incentive to work in the interest of shareholders when this means working against their own self-interest.
B: because of the separation of ownership and control in a corporation.
C: Both A and B
D: None of the above    
答案: 【 Both A and B

‎In the management buyout, the managers of the firm buy out the existing stockholders and make the company a private firm. Is this a way of reducing of conflict of interests between stockholders and managers?    ‏
A: Yes,managers now also become the lead stockholders in the firm.
B: Yes,  managers will feel happy.
C: No,managers now also become the lead stockholders in the firm.
D: No,  managers will feel happy.
答案: 【 Yes,managers now also become the lead stockholders in the firm.

​In a corporation, the ultimate decisions regarding business matters are made by‍
A: the Board of Directors
B: debt holders
C: shareholders
D: investors    
答案: 【 the Board of Directors

‎Which is not the advantages of a corporation?‌
A: Easy transfer of ownership
B: Limited life
C: Easy to get financing
D: Entitled to sign contracts
答案: 【 Limited life

‍Which of the following statements is false?‏
A: In bankruptcy, management is given the opportunity to reorganize the firm and renegotiatewith debt holders.
B: Because a corporation is a separate legal entity, when it fails to repay its debts, the people wholent to the firm, the debt holders are entitled to seize the assets of the corporation incompensation for the default.
C: As long as the corporation can satisfy the claims of the debt holders, ownership remains in thehands of the equity holders.
D:  If the corporation fails to satisfy debt holdersʹ claims, debt holders may lose control of the firm.
答案: 【  If the corporation fails to satisfy debt holdersʹ claims, debt holders may lose control of the firm.

‎Which of the following assumptions would you need for stock maximization to be the “right” objective for a business to adopt?‎‎‎‎‎
A: There are no social costs
B: Managers act in the best interests of stockholders
C: Lenders to the firm are fully protected from expropriation
D:  All of the above
答案: 【  All of the above

‍Which one is not the character a good goal should possess?‏
A: The goal should be very clear.
B: The goal should be measurable.
C: The goal should not bring costs to other businesses or groups.
D: The goal should be easily changeable and adjustable.
答案: 【 The goal should be easily changeable and adjustable.

‍ Which one is not the assumption on which the maximization of stock price is based?‏
A: The manager can control the issuing amount of bonds
B: The manager does not consider his own interests.
C: The creditor is completely protected in order to avoid wealth being exploited by shareholders.
D: Business managers will not use their own unique information to mislead financial markets.
答案: 【 The manager can control the issuing amount of bonds

​ If shareholders are unhappy with a CEOʹs performance, they are most likely to‍
A: buy more shares in an effort to gain control of the firm.
B: file a shareholder resolution.
C: replace the CEO through a grassroots shareholder uprising.
D: sell their shares.
答案: 【 sell their shares.

2. Introduction of Investment Decisions

Quiz 2

At an annual interest rate of 7%, the future value of $5,000 in five years is closest to:‎
A: $3,565
B: $6,750
C:  $7,015
D: $7,035
答案: 【  $7,015

At an annual interest rate of 7%, the present value of $5,000 received in five years is closest to:‏
A:  $3,565
B: $6,750
C:  $7,015
D: $7,035
答案: 【  $3,565

‎Which of the following statements is FALSE?‏
A: The process of moving a value or cash flow forward in time is known as compounding.
B: The effect of earning interest on interest is known as compound interest.
C: It is only possible to compare or combine values at the same point in time.
D:  A dollar in the future is worth more than a dollar today.
答案: 【  A dollar in the future is worth more than a dollar today.

 Which of the following statements is FALSE?‌
A: Finding the present value and compounding are the same.
B:  A dollar today and a dollar in one year are not equivalent.
C: If you want to compare or combine cash flows that occur at different points in time, you first need to convert the cash flows into the same units or move them to the same point in time.
D: The equivalent value of two cash flows at two different points in time is sometimes referred to as the time value of money.
答案: 【 Finding the present value and compounding are the same.

 Which of the following statements regarding arbitrage is the most correct?‍‍‍
A:  Any situation in which it is possible to make a profit without taking any risk is known as an arbitrage opportunity.
B: Any situation in which it is possible to make a profit without making any investment is known as an arbitrage opportunity.
C:  We call a competitive market in which there are no arbitrage opportunities an arbitrage market.
D: The practice of buying and selling equivalent goods in different markets to take advantage of a price difference is known as arbitrage.
答案: 【 The practice of buying and selling equivalent goods in different markets to take advantage of a pr



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