Week 1

Identifying Prewriting or Planning Techniques

A: Listing
B: Clustering
C: Other (Strategic Questions)
D: None of the above
答案: 【 Listing

A: Listing
B: Clustering
C: Other (Strategic Questions)
D: None of the above
答案: 【 Other (Strategic Questions)

A: Listing
B: Clustering
C: Other (Strategic Questions)
D: None of the above
答案: 【 Clustering

Steps of the Writing Process A Quiz

Checking your essay for grammatical and spelling errors is often

A: Planning
B: Drafting
C: Revising
D: Editing
答案: 【 Editing

This step in the writing process
involves making an outline or plan for your essay.
A: Prewriting
B: Planning
C: Drafting
D: Revising
答案: 【 Planning

This part of the writing process involves choosing a topic to write on
and brainstorming ideas for your essay.

A: Prewriting
B: Planning
C: Drafting
D: Revising
答案: 【 Prewriting

This part of the writing process
involves actually writing your essay. During this stage, you should not worry
about writing the “perfect paper.” Your goal during this step is to get your
ideas down on paper.
A: Prewriting
B: Planning
C: Drafting
D: Revising
答案: 【 Drafting

This step in the writing process
involves checking for ways to improve your essay in content and organization.
It is one of the last steps.
A: Planning
B: Drafting
C: Revising
D: Editing
答案: 【 Revising

Week 10

A Quiz about Common Terms

​What is the central claim in an argument?‍
A: It is an important subject that people are arguing about.
B: It is a statement that expresses the writer’s view about the topic.
C: It is the topic sentence of a paragraph in the essay.
D: It is a particular subject matter the writer considers.
答案: 【 It is a statement that expresses the writer’s view about the topic.

‎Which of the following is true about evidence?‍
A: Evidence should be relevant to the claim.
B: Evidence should be sufficient.
C: Evidence should be trustworty.
D: Evidence may include an experiment we can replicate ourselves.
答案: 【 Evidence should be relevant to the claim. ;
Evidence should be sufficient. ;
Evidence should be trustworty. ;
Evidence may include an experiment we can replicate ourselves.

A Quiz about Steps and Strategies

‎Which is the correct arrangement of steps in argumentation?‏
A: 1) persuading the audience 2) arguing the point  3) making a case
B: 1) making a case2) arguing the point 3) persuading the audience
C: a) arguing the point b) persuading the audience c) making a case
D: 1) making a case 2) persuading the audience3) arguing the point
答案: 【 1) making a case2) arguing the point 3) persuading the audience

‍What strategy is generally used at first in argumentation?‍
A: Clarifying problems and articulating a coherent perspective.
B: Acknowledging different viewpoints.
C: Pointing out a common ground to settle matters.
D: Appealing to your readers and motivate them to act.
答案: 【 Clarifying problems and articulating a coherent perspective.

A Quiz about Supports

​Which of the following can serve as convincing evidence to support a claim? ‍
A: Facts and statisitics.
B: Quotations from authorities.
C: Personal experience.
D: Circlar reasoning.
答案: 【 Facts and statisitics. ;
Quotations from authorities. ;
Personal experience.

‌What does the writer often do to appeal to the audience's need and / or values?​
A: He or she often appeals to their ability of logical reasoning.
B: He or she often appeals to their standards for right or wrong and good or bad.
C: He or she often appeals to their patriotism  and compassion for the needy.
D: He or she often appeals to the audience's needs for safety and well-being.
答案: 【 He or she often appeals to their standards for right or wrong and good or bad. ;
He or she often appeals to their patriotism  and compassion for the needy. ;
He or she often appeals to the audience's needs for safety and well-being.

A Quiz about Types of Claims

‌Science fiction is more interesting than romance.  ​
A: Claim of fact.
B: Claim of value.
C: Claim of definition.
D: Claim of policy.
答案: 【 Claim of value.

‌The ozone layer is becoming depleted. ​
A: Claim of fact.
B: Claim of definition.
C: Claim of value.
D: Claim of policy.
答案: 【 Claim of fact.

​Everyone in China should have access to health care. ‌
A: Claim of fact.
B: Claim of value.
C: Claim of policy.
D: Claim of definition.
答案: 【 Claim of policy.

‌Love is not like a rummage sale, in which everyone tries to grab what he wants. It is more like a Christmas, in which gifts and thoughtfulness come just a little unexpectedly. ‍
A: Claim of definition.
B: Claim of fact.
C: Claim of policy.
D: Claim of value.
答案: 【 Claim of definition.

‏The invention of the Internet has led to great changes in modern life. ​
A: Claim of definition.
B: Claim of value.
C: Claim of policy.
D: Claim of cause.
答案: 【 Claim of cause.

A Quiz about Warrants

​When will an argument be convincing? ‌
A: The audience shares the warrant, and the link between the claim and support is made.
B: The audience supplies an opposing warrant, and the link between the claim and support is not made.
C: The audience questions and disagrees with the assumptions, or unstated reasons.
D: The author and audience hold different cultural values or different social norms.
答案: 【 The audience shares the warrant, and the link between the claim and support is made.

A Quiz to Distinguish Facts and Opinions

​What is true about FACTS? ‎
A: They are open for debating.
B: They are statements that can be verified.
C: They are statements of personal beliefs.
D: They can be verified by observation or experimentation.
答案: 【 They can be verified by observation or experimentation.

‍Which of the following statements are OPINIONS?‏
A: Girls tend to drop out of math classes sooner than boys.
B: Hiroshima was the primary target of the first atomic bomb mission.
C: The gift of time is the gift of life, forever, if we know how to receive it.
D: The Chinese population represents about one fifth of the world’s population.
答案: 【 The gift of time is the gift of life, forever, if we know how to receive it.

Week 10 测验 Distinguishing Facts and Opinions

​"Nuclear fusion releases energy" is a fact.  ​
A: 正确
B: 错误
答案: 【 正确

​"Solar energy has attracted a great deal of public attention over the past decade" is an opinion.‍
A: 正确
B: 错误
答案: 【 错误

‍"Many people hope that solar energy will produce a clean, nonpolluting means heating our homes and offices" is a fact. ​
A: 正确
B: 错误
答案: 【 正确

​"In the interest of national security, the petroleum industry should be encouraged by government legislation" is an opinion. ‏
A: 正确
B: 错误
答案: 【 正确

‎The term “mobile phone newspapers” refers to the news published in regularly recurring text and spread through mobile phones. The statement is a fact. ‎
A: 正确
B: 错误
答案: 【 正确

​"Mobile phone news programs are more influential than they should be" is a fact.‍
A: 正确
B: 错误
答案: 【 错误

​"Journalists are obliged both to report the news and to form public opinion" is a personal opinion. ‍
A: 正确
B: 错误
答案: 【 错误

‍"Nuclear fusion is a possible solution of our energy problems" is an opinion.​
A: 正确
B: 错误
答案: 【 正确

‍"The petroleum industry is retreating yearly" is an opinion. ‍‍‍
A: 正确
B: 错误
答案: 【 错误

​"Nonpolluting means of creating energy should replace those produced by fossil fuels immediately" is a fact.‏
A: 正确
B: 错误
答案: 【 错误

‌"Because natural gas, methane, is a clean fuel, the government should encourage its use" is an opinion. ‎
A: 正确
B: 错误
答案: 【 正确

‍"Journalists should not have access to information dealing with national security" is a personal opinion. ‌
A: 正确
B: 错误
答案: 【 正确

‍"Cartoons and pictures are the most entertaining features of mobile phone news programs." The statement is personal opinion. ‏
A: 正确
B: 错误
答案: 【 正确

Week 11

A Quiz about Basics of Argumentation

‎What happens if we ignore the opposing position? ​
A: Our argument will be more convincing.
B: Our argument will make a strong appeal to the audience.
C: Our argument will be more acceptable.
D: Our argument will be one-sided and thus lose the audience.
答案: 【 Our argument will be one-sided and thus lose the audience.

‎What are the three means of Aristotle's rhetoric of persuasion? ‍
A: Logos, the logical reasoning and the effective use of evidence.
B: Ethos, the author's appeal to his or her own credibility.
C: Ethics, moral principles or rules of conduct recognized in a society.
D: Pathos, the appeals to the audience's or reader's needs and values.
答案: 【 Logos, the logical reasoning and the effective use of evidence. ;
Ethos, the author's appeal to his or her own credibility. ;
Pathos, the appeals to the audience's or reader's needs and values.

‌What is a claim? ​
A: An assertion or a position.
B: A statement of what you believe to be true. 
C: A demand that the reader should do.
D: A fact or a truth.
答案: 【 An assertion or a position. ;
A statement of what you believe to be true.  ;
A demand that the reader should do.

‌What are the three essential elements in the Toulmin Model of argument? ‏
A: The rebuttal, counter-arguments or opposing claims
B: The claim, the argument you want to make.
C: The support, your reasons and evidence to support the claim.
D: The warrant, unstated reasons or assumptions that validify links between the claim and the support.
答案: 【 The claim, the argument you want to make.;
The support, your reasons and evidence to support the claim. ;
The warrant, unstated reasons or assumptions that validify links between the claim and the support.

A Quiz about the Tasks in the Drafting Stage

‍What tasks are there in drafting an argumentative essay? ‍
A: Formulating a thesis statement.
B: Keeping focused by using the introduction and conclusion.
C: Organizing ideas and details effectively.
D: Looking for appropriate words.
答案: 【 Formulating a thesis statement. ;
Keeping focused by using the introduction and conclusion. ;
Organizing ideas and details effectively.

A Quiz to Identify Mistakes in Reasoning

‍Parets should prevent their children from watching violent TV programs because such programs are forceful and extreme.‍
A: 正确
B: 错误
答案: 【 错误

‏Changsha is a beautiful city, as anyone can see. ‏
A: 正确
B: 错误
答案: 【 错误

‍Everyone else wants to read the writer's new book, so will I. ‎
A: 正确
B: 错误
答案: 【 错误

‍I cannot take the seat after his during the exam. I got a poor grade last time when I sat behind him. ‌
A: 正确
B: 错误
答案: 【 错误

​I knew the question would be on the test because I didn't study for it. ‌
A: 正确
B: 错误
答案: 【 错误

Week 12

A Quiz about Summary Writing

‏Which of the following correctly describes the process of summary writing? ‏
A: Summarizing requires attentions to the details at the very beginning.
B: Summarizing does not omit any detail in the original text.
C: Summarizing takes several steps including reading the text first.
D: Summarizing often contains long quotations from the original text.
答案: 【 Summarizing takes several steps including reading the text first.

​What are the criteria for good summary writing? ‌
A: Being complete and concise.
B: Being objective.
C: Including many details.
D: Paraphrased in one's own words.
答案: 【 Being complete and concise. ;
Being objective.;
Paraphrased in one's own words.

‏What should we look at during the first reading? ​
A: The title and subtitle, or headings and subheadings.
B: The introductory and closing paragraphs.
C: Graphics and special typography.
D: Every detail.
答案: 【 The title and subtitle, or headings and subheadings. ;
The introductory and closing paragraphs. ;
Graphics and special typography.

‎What should we do while drafting and revising a summary? ‎
A: Identify the title, author(s), and publication date of the original work.
B: Include all the main ideas and key supporting details.
C: Follow the logic and order of the original work.
D: Work on the draft for clarity, unity, and coherence.
答案: 【 Identify the title, author(s), and publication date of the original work. ;
Include all the main ideas and key supporting details. ;
Follow the logic and order of the original work. ;
Work on the draft for clarity, unity, and coherence.

​What do we often do during a second reading of the text? ‌
A: Start writing a draft for the summary.
B: Checking or highlighting main ideas and key supporting details.
C: Taking notes or jotting down a list of main ideas.
D: Rereading the checked or highlighted parts and reviewing the notes.
答案: 【 Checking or highlighting main ideas and key supporting details. ;
Taking notes or jotting down a list of main ideas. ;
Rereading the checked or highlighted parts and reviewing the notes.

A Quiz about the Common Structure of Reviews

​Which statement correctly describes the common structure of reviews? ‏
A: A review should always include headings and subheading.
B: A multiple-page review usually has a structure very different from a short one.
C: A review consists four parts: the introduction, summary, evaluationn, and conclusion.
D: A review should not evaluate but summarize the author's main ideas objectively.
答案: 【 A review consists four parts: the introduction, summary, evaluationn, and conclusion.

​What does the summary section rarely contain? ‌
A: A briefing of the key points in the work.
B: The author's purpose and/or intention.
C: Critique or evaluation of the work.
D: The organization or structure of the text.
答案: 【 Critique or evaluation of the work.

​What must be included in the introduction? ‍
A: Bibliographic information.
B: A summary of the text.
C: Background information.
D: A brief overview of the review.
答案: 【 Bibliographic information.;
Background information. ;
A brief overview of the review.

‎What does a reviewer often discuss in its evaluation section? ​
A: How well the author has achieved his or her goals.
B: How the text is compared with others on the same subject.
C: What possibilities are suggested by the text.
D: What specific points are not convincing or left out.
答案: 【 How well the author has achieved his or her goals. ;
How the text is compared with others on the same subject. ;
What possibilities are suggested by the text. ;
What specific points are not convincing or left out.

‍What does a reviewer often conclude with? ‎
A: Some background information.
B: A restatemetn of the overall evaluation.
C: Recommendations and suggestiosn.
D: Further qualification and/or explanation.
答案: 【 A restatemetn of the overall evaluation. ;
Recommendations and suggestiosn. ;
Further qualification and/or explanation.

Week 13

A Quiz about Types of Abstracts

‌When did the structured abstract come into being? ‍
A: Before 1960s.
B: In 1960s.
C: Before 1980s.
D: In 1980s.
答案: 【 In 1980s.

‎What is the essential difference between the traditional and the structured abstracts?​
A: Whether or not following the IMRaD structure.
B: Whether or not providing background information.
C: With or without labels for the sections.
D: With or without the description of the results.
答案: 【 With or without labels for the sections.

​Why do we use abstracts? ‏
A: Indexing help for professionals.
B: Previews for readers and reviewers.
C: Mini-texts of the paper.
D: Detailed description of the research approach.
答案: 【 Indexing help for professionals. ;
Previews for readers and reviewers. ;
Mini-texts of the paper.

A Quiz to Compare Two Types of Essays

‌What are the major DIFFERENCES between a traditional 5-paragraph essay and an extended essay? ‎
A: In length.
B: In the overall structure.
C: Number of paragraphs in the introduction.
D: In the use of section headings or subheadings.
答案: 【 In length. ;
Number of paragraphs in the introduction. ;
In the use of section headings or subheadings.

Week 14

A Quiz about Academic Correspondence

‏What are the general principles for academic correspondence? ‎
A: Strong audience awareness.
B: Multiple subjects in one document.
C: Bevity and focus.
D: Design to emphasize.
答案: 【 Strong audience awareness. ;
Bevity and focus. ;
Design to emphasize.

A Quiz about Lab Reports in the Memo Format

‏What major difference can been found in a short "informal" lab report in comparison with a formal report? ‌
A: The memo format.
B: The part of Introduction.
C: The part of Procedure.
D: The part of Results.
答案: 【 The memo format.

‌A short "informal" lab report often provides a three-part introductory overview. The three steps are listed randomly as follows:  ‍‌explaining the specific question or task arising from that problem that you will be dealing with‍‌explaining why the report is being submitted or what it is intended to do‍‌stating the general problem first to give the reader a context or “big picture”‍‌‍‌Which of the following restores the correct order of the steps in the overview? ‍
A: 1, 2, and 3.
B: 2, 3, and 1.
C: 3, 1, and 2.
D: 1, 3, and 2.
答案: 【 3, 1, and 2.

​What is usually included in the description of the "Procedure" or "Methods" ?‎
A: Equipment, materials and quantities used in the experiment.
B: Any observations in the narrative.
C: Flow charts or diagrams if necessary.
D: Any results in the narrative.
答案: 【 Equipment, materials and quantities used in the experiment. ;
Flow charts or diagrams if necessary.

‌Which statements in the following correctly describe the part of Results?‏
A: This part describes the findings clearly and concisely.
B: Tables and other information not needed by all readers are attached separately.
C: This part presents the most important results first.
D: This part presents the results in ascending order of importance.
答案: 【 This part describes the findings clearly and concisely.;
Tables and other information not needed by all readers are attached separately.;
This part presents the most important results first.

A Quiz to Compare Formal Lab Reports with Research Papers

‎While scientists focus on their new findings, students write lab reports on expected results from frequently repeated scientific experiments. ​
A: 正确
B: 错误
答案: 【 正确

‎Lab reports have the same audience as college essay writing.‏
A: 正确
B: 错误
答案: 【



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