Week 1 Liability I

Week 1 Liability I Module Test

‏Which of the following is a financial liability? ( )‎
A: A magazine publisher's obligation to provide the magazine monthly for an agreed-upon period.
B: Warranties.
C: Accounts payable.
D: Income taxes payable.
答案: 【 Accounts payable.

​Which is an example of a liability? ( )​
A: The decision to borrow $150,000 from the ABC Bank on January 15, 2013.
B: Withdrawing $10,000 from the operating line of credit on January 15, 2013.
C: Selecting the supplier to provide the raw materials for the manufacturing process.
D: Choosing the site for a future plant expansion from a list of several possible choices.
答案: 【 Withdrawing $10,000 from the operating line of credit on January 15, 2013.

‎Which of the following is correct about a "liability" under IFRS Framework? ( )‌
A: A future obligation arising from past events, the settlement of which is expected to result in an inflow of resources.
B: A present obligation arising from past events, the settlement of which is expected to result in an inflow of resources.
C: A past obligation arising from past events, the settlement of which is expected to result in an outflow of resources.
D: A present obligation arising from past events, the settlement of which is expected to result in an outflow of resources.
答案: 【 A present obligation arising from past events, the settlement of which is expected to result in an outflow of resources.

‍Which statement is correct under the IFRS definition for a "liability"? ( )‏
A: The obligating event must be probable before the liability can be recognized.
B: The obligating event must be virtually certain before the liability can be recognized.
C: A reliable measure of the obligation must exist before the liability can be recognized.
D: A precise measure of the obligation must exist before the liability can be recognized.
答案: 【 A reliable measure of the obligation must exist before the liability can be recognized.

‍Which is not an example of a financial liability? ( )‎
A: Payment to supplier for raw material received.
B: Obligation to repay a US dollar bank loan.
C: Obligation under a finance lease.
D: Obligation under a customer loyalty program.
答案: 【 Obligation under a customer loyalty program.

For a $200,000 trade payable with terms of 2/15, net 50, how much would be reported as "purchase discount lost" under the net method if a payment was made after 60 days? ( )‌
A: $0
B: $4,000
C: $5,000
D: $30,000
答案: 【 $4,000

‎Which statement is correct? ( )‎
A: Supplier discounts can only be accounted for by using the net method.
B: When the net method is used, the payable is recorded at the invoiced amount.
C:  When the gross method is used, the payable is recorded at the invoiced amount less the discount
D: From a theoretical perspective, the net method should be used as forgone discounts are a financing cost
答案: 【 From a theoretical perspective, the net method should be used as forgone discounts are a financing cost

On March 1, 20X0, G company issued a $20,000, non-interest bearing note, due on March 1, 20X1, in exchange for a machine. The fair value of the machine is not easily determinable. The market rate of interest for similar transactions is 4%. G’s year-end is December 31. Which statement is correct? ( )​
A:  At the issuance date, the company should Debit Note Payable 19,231
B: At the issuance date, the company should Credit Note Payable 19,231.
C: At the issuance date, the company should Debit Note Payable 20,000.
D: At the issuance date, the company should Credit Note Payable 20,000.
答案: 【 At the issuance date, the company should Credit Note Payable 19,231.

On March, 20X0, G company issued a $20,000, non-interest bearing note, due on March 1, 20X1, in exchange for a machine. The fair value of the machine is not easily determinable. The market rate of interest for similar transactions is 4%. G’s year-end is December 31.Which statement is correct? ( )‍
A: To record the accrual of interest at December 31, 20X0, the company should Debit interest expense 769 and Credit Note payable 769.
B: To record the accrual of interest at December 31, 20X0, the company should Debit Note payable 769 and Credit interest expense 769.
C: To record the accrual of interest at December 31, 20X0, the company should Debit interest expense 641 and Credit Note payable 641.
D: To record the accrual of interest at December 31, 20X0, the company should Debit Note payable 641 and Credit interest expense 641.
答案: 【 To record the accrual of interest at December 31, 20X0, the company should Debit interest expense 641 and Credit Note payable 641.

In December 20X0, a shoe store offered its customers a discount voucher that entitles them to a 30% discount on their purchases the following January. The store's sales for December 20X0, were of $2 million and 15,000 vouchers were awarded to customers. The store estimates that the sale proceeds in January 2018 will be of $1.5 million and approximately 20% of the sale will be related by vouchers. Which statement is correct? ( )‌
A: The journal entry at 20X0: Debit Revenue 1,880,000
B: The journal entry at 20X0: Credit Revenue 1,880,000
C: The journal entry at 20X0: Debit Revenue 1,910,000
D: The journal entry at 20X0: Credit Revenue 1,910,000
答案: 【 The journal entry at 20X0: Credit Revenue 1,910,000


‎Which of the following characteristic is required for a liability under IFRS Framework?​
A: A past obligation.
B: A present obligation.
C: An unknown obligation.
D: A future obligation.
答案: 【 A present obligation.

​Which of the following characteristic is required for a liability under IFRS Framework? ‎
A: Arises from a past event.
B: Arises from a non-financial transaction
C: Arises from a future transaction
D: Arises from a forecasted transaction.
答案: 【 Arises from a past event.

​Which of the following characteristic is required for a "liability" under IFRS Framework?​
A: Expected to result in the inflow of economic benefits.
B: Expected to result in the inflow of economic benefits that are measurable.
C: Expected to result in the outflow of resources embodying economic benefits.
D: Expected to result in the outflow of economic benefits that are virtually certain.
答案: 【 Expected to result in the outflow of resources embodying economic benefits.

‍Which is not an example of a non-financial liability?‌
A: Warranty liability.
B: Bank loan.
C: Income taxes payable.
D: Deferred revenue.
答案: 【 Bank loan.


‌1.For a $100,000 trade payable with terms of 2/10, net 45, how much would be reported as "purchase discount lost" under the gross method if a payment was made after 60 days?‎
A: $0
B: $2,000
C: $4,500
D: $10,000
答案: 【 $0

‎2.How are "purchase discounts lost" reported in the financial statements?‌
A: As a reduction of sales.
B: As an increase in liability.
C: As an increase in inventory.
D: As an expense item.
答案: 【 As an expense item.

‏3.Which statement is correct?‍
A: Supplier discounts can only be accounted for by using the gross method.
B: The amount owing for trade payables is generally not known with a high degree of certainty.
C: When the gross method is used, the payable is recorded at the invoiced amount.
D: When accounts payable are paid off, it represents a positive cash flow for the company.
答案: 【 When the gross method is used, the payable is recorded at the invoiced amount.


1. Which of the following statements regarding notes payable issued at a 0% interest rate is true?​
A: The issuer of the note will not recognize any interest expense.
B: A 0% interest rate indicates that the interest expense is recognized at the end of the term of the note payable.
C: Interest expense is calculated using market rates of similar debt instruments over the term of the note.
D: The note payable is recognized at face value on date of issuance.
答案: 【 Interest expense is calculated using market rates of similar debt instruments over the term of the note.

2.  On January 1, 20X0, A company issued a $200,000, non-interest bearing note, due on January 1, 20X1, in exchange for a computer system. Assume a December 31 year-end and that the company does not prepare interim statements. The Market rate of interest is 5%. ‎Which statement is correct?‎‍‎
A: At the issuance date, the company should Debit Note Payable 190,476.
B: At the issuance date, the company should Credit Note Payable 190,476.
C: At the issuance date, the company should Debit Note Payable 200,000.
D: At the issuance date, the company should Credit Note Payable 200,000.
答案: 【 At the issuance date, the company should Credit Note Payable 190,476.

3.  On January 1, 20X0, A company issued a $200,000, interest bearing note, due on January 1, 20X1, in exchange for a computer system. Assume a December 31 year-end and that the company does not prepare interim statements.  The 5% annual interest rate on the note, which approximates the market rate of interest for similar transactions. ​Which statement is correct?​‏​
A: At the issuance date, the company should Debit Note Payable 190,476.
B: At the issuance date, the company should Credit Note Payable 190,476.
C: At the issuance date, the company should Debit Note Payable 200,000.
D: At the issuance date, the company should Credit Note Payable 200,000.
答案: 【 At the issuance date, the company should Credit Note Payable 200,000.


‏1. Which of the following liabilities can potentially be reported as either or both a current and a non-current liability?‍
A: Bank overdraft.
B: Unearned revenue.
C: 180-day bank loan.
D: Income taxes payable.
答案: 【 Unearned revenue.

​2.A clothing store maintains a loyalty program for its customers. For every purchase, members receive points that do not expire. In fiscal 20X0, the store made sales of $1 million and awarded 50,000 points that have a fair value of $50,000. The company estimates that approximately 75% of these points will be redeemed by members. ‌​Which statement is correct?‌
A: The journal entry at 20X0: Debit  Revenue  1000,000.
B: The journal entry at 20X0: Credit  Revenue  1000,000.
C: The journal entry at 20X0: Debit   Unearned Revenue  50,000.
D: The journal entry at 20X0: Credit  Unearned Revenue  50,000
答案: 【 The journal entry at 20X0: Credit  Unearned Revenue  50,000

‍3. A clothing store maintains a loyalty program for its customers. For every purchase, members receive points that do not expire. In fiscal 20X0, the store made sales of $1 million and awarded 50,000 points that have a fair value of $50,000. The company estimates that approximately 75% of these points will be redeemed by members. Members redeemed 10,000 points in fiscal 20X1. ‏‍Which statement is correct?‏
A: The journal entry at 20X1: Debit  Unearned Revenue 13,333
B: The journal entry at 20X1: Credit  Unearned Revenue 13,333
C: The journal entry at 20X1: Debit  Unearned Revenue 10,000
D: The journal entry at 20X1:Credit  Unearned Revenue 10,000
答案: 【 The journal entry at 20X1: Credit  Unearned Revenue 13,333


‏A clothing store maintains a loyalty program for its customers. For every purchase, members receive points that do not expire. In fiscal 20X0, the store made sales of 1 million dollars and awarded 50,000 points that have a fair value of $50,000. The company estimates that approximately 75% of these points will be redeemed by members. Which statement is correct?  (  )‍
A: The journal entry at 20X0:  Debit  Revenue  1000,000
B: The journal entry at 20X0:  Credit  Revenue  1000,000
C: The journal entry at 20X0:  Debit   Unearned Revenue   50,000
D: The journal entry at 20X0:  Credit  Unearned Revenue   50,000
答案: 【 The journal entry at 20X0:  Credit  Unearned Revenue   50,000

‍A clothing store maintains a loyalty program for its customers. For every purchase, members receive points that do not expire. In fiscal 20X0, the store made sales of 1 million dollars and awarded 50,000 points that have a fair value of $50,000. The company estimates that approximately 75% of these points will be redeemed by members. Members redeemed 10,000 points in fiscal 20X1. Which statement is correct? (  )‎
A: The journal entry at 20X1: Debit  Unearned Revenue 13,333
B: The journal entry at 20X1: Credit  Unearned Revenue 13,333
C: The journal entry at 20X1: Debit  Unearned Revenue 10,000
D: The journal entry at 20X1:Credit  Unearned Revenue 10,000
答案: 【 The journal entry at 20X1: Credit  Unearned Revenue 13,333

Week 2 Liability II

Week 2 Liability II Module Test

​Sales made in fiscal 20X0 for $50,000,000 include a 5 year warranty coverage. The estimated cost for warranty is expected to be 2% for the first 4 years and 5% for the last year. Determine how much warranty expense will be recorded in fiscal 20X0. (  )‎
A: 1,000,000
B: 4,000,000
C: 5,000,000
D: 6,500,000
答案: 【 6,500,000

‏Which statement about warranties is correct?  (  )‍
A: Warranties are provisions.
B: Warranties included with the product sold are accounted for under IFSR15.
C: Warranties are financial liabilities.
D: Companies only use cash basis method to account for warranty costs.
答案: 【 Warranties are provisions.

‌Which statement about contingent liabilities is correct?  ( )‏
A: It is a possible obligation that arises from past transactions and events.
B: It is an obligation that arises from past transactions and events.
C: It involves uncertainty about either the timing or the amount of payment.
D: It is a condition that depends upon the outcome of an anticipated event.
答案: 【 It is a possible obligation that arises from past transactions and events.

‍Which statement is correct about provisions, contingent assets and contingent liabilities? ( )‎
A: Provisions are recorded in the financial statements whereas contingent assets are not recorded.
B: Provisions are recorded in the financial statements whereas contingent liabilities are not recorded.
C: Probable contingent liabilities are recorded at management's best estimates.
D: Probable contingent assets are recorded at management's best estimates.
答案: 【 Provisions are recorded in the financial statements whereas contingent assets are not recorded.

‍ What are "non-current liabilities"?  (  )‏
A: Obligations that are expected to be settled in the next operating cycle of the company.
B: Obligations that are expected to be settled within the next 12 months.
C: Obligations that are expected to be settled more than 12 months after the company's year-end.
D: Obligations that are expected to be settled more than 24 months after the company's year-end.
答案: 【 Obligations that are expected to be settled more than 12 months after the company's year-end.

​Which statement is correct about financial leverage?  (  )‌
A: It reduces the risk of bankruptcy to the company.
B: It reduces the level of risk exposure of the shareholders.
C: It quantifies the relationship between the relative level of a firm's debt and its equity base.
D: It has nothing to do with the relationship between the relative level of a firm's debt and its equity base.
答案: 【 It quantifies the relationship between the relative level of a firm's debt and its equity base.

‏Which statement is correct about the financial leverage of a company with an equity base of $400,000?  (  )‌
A: A company that borrows $150,000 is more leveraged than a company that borrows $250,000.
B: A company that borrows $250,000 is more leveraged than a company that borrows $150,000.
C: The return on equity of the company is unaffected by the financial leverage.
D: The return on equity of the company will be higher if it has a lower leverage.
答案: 【 A company that borrows $250,000 is more leveraged than a company that borrows $150,000.

‎What is the "best efforts" approach? ( )‎
A: Broker's guarantee of the price to the borrower.
B: Broker sells as much of the debt issue as possible.
C: Debt that is backed by specific collateral.
D: Feature that permits the issuer to redeem before maturity.
答案: 【 Broker sells as much of the debt issue as possible.

​What is "firm commitment" underwriting? ( )‌
A: Broker's guarantee of the price to the borrower.
B: Broker sells as much of the debt issue as possible.
C: Debt that is backed by specific collateral.
D: Feature that permits the borrower to redeem before maturity.
答案: 【 Broker's guarantee of the price to the borrower.

‏What is a "covenant"? ( )‍
A: Guarantee of the price to the borrower.
B: Contract that outlines the terms of the borrowing agreement.
C: Promise from the borrower to restrict certain activities.
D: Feature that permits the issuer to redeem before maturity.
答案: 【 Promise from the borrower to restrict certain activities.


‏1. Which statement about warranties is correct? ‏
A: Warranties are provisions.
B: Warranties included with the product sold are accounted for under IFSR15.
C: Warranties are financial liabilities.
D: Companies only use cash basis method to account for warranty costs.
答案: 【 Warranties are provisions.

​2. Sales made in fiscal 20X0 for $50,000,000 include a 5 year warranty coverage. The estimated cost for warranty is expected to be 2% for the first 4 years and 5% for the last year. Determine how much warranty expense will be recorded in fiscal 20X0. ‍
A: 1,000,000
B: 4,000,000
C: 5,000,000
D: 6,500,000
答案: 【 6,500,000

​3. In 20X0, Sun’s Cycles Inc. sold 2,500 mountain bikes. For the first time, Sun offered an in-store, no-charge, two-year warranty on each bike sold. Company management estimates that the average cost of providing the warranty is $5 per unit in the first year of coverage and $7 per unit in the second year. Prepare the summary journal entry to recognize Sun’s warranty expense in 20X0.‏
A: Dr. Warranty expense  12,500;  Cr. Provision for warranty obligations  12,500;
B: Dr. Provision for warranty obligations  12,500; Cr. Wage expense  12,500;
C: Dr. Warranty expense  30,000; Cr. Provision for warranty obligations  30,000;
D: Dr. Provision for warranty obligations 30,000; Cr. Wage expense  30,000;
答案: 【 Dr. Warranty expense  30,000; Cr. Provision for warranty obligations  30,000;


‌1. Which statement about contingencies is correct?​
A: It involves only potential economic outflows of resources.
B: It is a possible condition that depends upon the outcome of a future event.
C: It involves uncertainty about either the timing or amount of payment.
D: It is an existing condition that depends upon the outcome of a future event.
答案: 【 It is an existing condition that depends upon the outcome of a future event.

​2. Which statement about contingent liabilities is correct? ‍
A: It is a possible obligation that arises from past transactions and events.
B: It is an obligation that arises from past transactions and events.
C: It involves uncertainty about either the timing or amount of payment.
D: It is a condition that depends upon the outcome of an anticipated event.
答案: 【 It is a possible obligation that arises from past transactions and events.

‍3. Which statement about contingencies is correct? ‌
A: If the future outcome is remote but reliably measurable, a provision is recorded.
B: If the future outcome is remote, but not reliably measurable, disclosure is required.
C: If the future outcome is remote, but not reliably measurable, no action is required.
D: If the future outcome is remote, but reliably measurable, disclosure is required.
答案: 【 If the future outcome is remote, but not reliably measurable, no action is required.

‏4. Which statement is correct about provisions, contingent assets and contingent liabilities?‌
A: Provisions are recorded in the financial statements whereas contingent assets are not recorded.
B: Provisions are recorded in the financial statements whereas contingent liabilities are not recorded.
C: Probable contingent liabilities are recorded at management's best estimates.
D: Probable contingent assets are recorded at management's best estimates.
答案: 【 Provisions are recorded in the financial statements whereas contingent assets are not recorded.


‎1. What are "non-current liabilities"? ​
A: Obligations that are expected to be settled in the next operating cycle of the company.
B: Obligations that are expected to be settled within the next 12 months.
C: Obligations that are expected to be settled more than 12 months after the company's year-end.
D: Obligations that are expected to be settled more than 24 months after the company's year-end.
答案: 【 Obligations that are expected to be settled more than 12 months after the company's year-end.

​2. Which of the following would be a "non-current liability"?‏
A: Payment due after 3 years, but the company has violated the debt covenants.
B: Payment due to a supplier 45 days after year-end for supplies received before year-end.
C: Payment due to a supplier in 18 months for goods to be received 3 months after year-end.
D: Payment due after 3 years, on which the debt covenants have been not been violated.
答案: 【 Payment due after 3 years, on which the debt covenants have been not been violated.


​1. Which statement best explains the concept of "leverage"?‌
A: A measure of the efficiency of the company.
B: A measure of solvency of the company.
C: A measure of the company's operations.
D: A measure of the company's debt paying ability.
答案: 【 A measure of solvency of the company.

‎2. Which statement is correct about financial leverage?‌
A: It reduces the risk of bankruptcy to the company.
B: It reduces the level of risk exposure of the shareholders.
C: It quantifies the relationship between the relative level of a firm's debt and its equity base.
D: It has nothing to do with the relationship between the relative level of a firm's debt and its equity base.
答案: 【 It quantifies the relationship between the relative level of a firm's debt and its equity base.

‌3. Which statement is correct about the financial leverage of a company with an equity base of $400,000?‏
A: A company that borrows $150,000 is more leveraged than a company that borrows $250,000.
B: A company that borrows $250,000 is more leveraged than a company that borrows $150,000.
C: The return on equity of the company is unaffected by the financial leverage.
D: The return on equity of the company will be higher if it has a lower leverage.
答案: 【 A company that borrows $250,000 is more leveraged than a company that borrows $150,000.

‎4. Which statement is not correct about financial leverage for a $300,000 investment versus a $100,000 investment?​
A: The probability of success is the same under both investment options.
B: The payout will be 3 times higher or 3 times lower with the larger investment.
C: The probability of success is 3 times greater with the larger investment.
D: The larger investment increases the return on equity but also faces a greater potential for loss.
答案: 【 The probability of success is 3 times greater with the larger investment.


‎1. What is a "covenant"? ‎
A: Guarantee of the price to the borrower.
B: Contract that outlines the terms of the borrowing agreement.
C: Promise from the borrower to restrict certain activities.
D: Feature that permits the issuer to redeem before maturity.
答案: 【 Promise from the borrower to restrict certain activities.

​2. What are "secured bonds"?‎
A: Bonds that never mature.
B: Bonds that protect investors against inflation.
C: Bonds that mature at different dates.
D: Bonds backed by specific collateral.
答案: 【 Bonds backed by specific collateral.

‏3. What are "zero-coupon bonds"? ‌
A: Bonds that pay the market rate of interest.
B: Bonds that are unsecured.
C: Bonds that do not pay interest.
D: Bonds that are sold at a premium.
答案: 【 Bonds that do not pay interest.

‌4. What is the "best efforts" approach?‏
A: Broker's guarantee of the price to the borrower.
B: Broker sells as much of the debt issue as possible.
C: Debt that is backed by specific collateral.
D: Feature that permits the issuer to redeem before maturity.
答案: 【 Broker sells as much of the debt issue as possible.

‎5.What is "firm commitment" underwriting?‎
A: Broker's guarantee of the price to the borrower.
B: Broker sells as much of the debt issue as possible.
C: Debt that is backed by specific collateral.
D: Feature that permits the borrower to redeem before maturity.
答案: 【 Broker's guarantee of the price to the borrower.

Week 3 Liability III

Week 3 Liability Ill Module Test

‍What is the effective interest rate? (  )‎
A: Yield on the issue date.
B: Amount to be repaid at maturity.
C: Price of bond on issue date.
D: Interest rate specified in the bond indenture.
答案: 【 Yield on the issue date.

‍A $100,000 5-year 6% bond is issued on January 1, 2017. The bond pays interest annually. The market rate is 8%. What is the selling price of the bonds, rounded to nearest dollar?  (  )‎
A: $7,986
B: $92,014
C: $100,000
D: $108,425
答案: 【 $92,014

‌When will bonds sell at a premium? ()‌
A: When the coupon rate is equal to the par value.
B: When the coupon rate is below the market rate.
C: When the coupon rate is above the market rate.
D: When the coupon rate is equal to market value.
答案: 【 When the coupon rate is above the market rate.

​A $100,000 5-year 7% bond is issued on January 1, 2017. The bond pays interest annually. The market rate is 6%. What is the selling premium or discount on the bonds, rounded to nearest dollar? ( )‎
A: $4,213 discount
B: $4,213 premium
C: $4,100 discount
D:  $4,100 premium
答案: 【 $4,213 premium

What is the coupon rate?  ( )‎
A: Yield on the issue date.
B: Amount to be repaid at maturity.
C: Rate of return earned by the investor.
D: Interest rate specified in the bond indenture.
答案: 【 Interest rate specified in the bond indenture.


‍1. What is the coupon rate?‌
A: Yield on the issue date.
B: Amount to be repaid at maturity.
C: Rate of return earned by the investor.
D: Interest rate specified in the bond indenture.
答案: 【



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