Lecture 1 The Ideal Operational Amplifier

Test questions for The Ideal Operational Amplifier

‎The two input terminals of an operational amplifier are labeled as:‏
A: high and low
B: positive and negative
C: inverting and noninverting
D: differential and nondifferential
答案: 【 inverting and noninverting


‌For the circuit in  the Figure, the output voltage vo is (    ).

A: -6V
B: -5V
C: -1V
D: -0.2V
答案: 【 -5V


‏For the circuit in Figure, the current ix is (    )

A: 0.6mA
B: 0.5mA
C: 0.2mA
D: 1/12 mA
答案: 【 0.5mA


‍For the circuit in Figure, current io is(     )

A: -10 μA
B: -2.5 μA
C: 10/12 μA
D: 10/14 μA
答案: 【 -10 μA


‍If vs=8 mV, in the circuit of Figure, the output voltage is(     )

A: -44 mV
B: -8 mV
C: 4 mV
D: 7 mV
答案: 【 4 mV


‏The power absorbed by the 4k ohm resistor in Figure is(     ).

A: 9 mW
B: 4 mW
C: 2 mW
D: 1 mW
答案: 【 4 mW


‏For the circuit in Figure,the output voltage v0 is(    ).

A: 3 V
B: -3 V
C: -1 V
D: -2 V
答案: 【 -3 V


​For the circuit in Figure,the output current io is(    ).

A: 0.2 mA
B: -0.2 mA
C: 0.1 mA
D: -0.1 mA
答案: 【 -0.2 mA


‎For the circuit in Figure,the output voltage vo is(    ).

A: 5V
B: -5V
C: 3.75V
D: -3.75V
答案: 【 -5V


​For the circuit in Figure,the output voltage vo is (    )

A: 5 V
B: -5 V
C: 8 V
D: -8 V
答案: 【 -8 V


‌For the circuit in Figure,the output voltage vo is  (    ).

A: 5 V
B: -5 V
C: 3.8 V
D: -3.8 V
答案: 【 -3.8 V


‎Assume the operational amplifiers are ideal,if the input voltage is +1V,Determine vo=(      ).

A: 1 V
B: -1 V
C: 2 V
D: 0 V
答案: 【 2 V


​Assume the operational amplifiers are ideal,Determine vo=(    );

A: 1 V
B: -1 V
C: 2 V
D: 0 V
答案: 【 0 V


‍For the circuit in Figure,the output voltage vo is(    )

A: 150 mV
B: 250 mV
C: 350 mV
D: 450 mV
答案: 【 350 mV


​For the circuit in Figure,the output voltage vo is(    )

A: 3.2 V
B: -0.8 V
C: 2.4 V
D: 1.2 V
答案: 【 2.4 V


​For the circuits shown as Figure, assume the op-amps is ideal, and the maximun output voltage of all of the op-amps is ±13V, when time is t=0s, give the input voltage is a step in voltage, and the amplitude of the input is 100mV, when time is t=1s, determine the output voltage of each op-amp is(    ).

A: 13 V
B: -13 V
C: 0 V
D: 100 mV
答案: 【 0 V


‍For the circuit in the Figure, the op-amps are ideal, the input  resistances of the two circuits are (   )

A: Ri1=Ri2=1k ohm
B: Ri1<Ri2
C: Ri1>Ri2
D: Ri1=Ri2=∞
答案: 【 Ri1<Ri2


‌Assume  all the Op-Amps are ideal, determine vo in terms of vi is  (    )

A: vo=-0.5(vi+5)
B: vo=0.5(vi+5)
C: vo=2(vi+5)
D: vo=-2(vi+5)
答案: 【 vo=0.5(vi+5)


‌Determine the voltage transfer ratio vo/vs in this op-amp circuit, where R=10k ohm.

A: -1/3
B: -2/3
C: 1/3
D: 2/3
答案: 【 -2/3


‌Assume  all the Op-Amps are ideal, and when time t=0, the capacitor voltage vc=0, then when t=0, vo1=(     ), vo2=(    ).

A: vo1=4V,vo2=1V;
B: vo1=-4V,vo2=-1V;
C: vo1=7V, vo2=1V;
D: vo1=7V, vo2=-2V
答案: 【 vo1=7V, vo2=-2V


‎Assume  all the Op-Amps are ideal, and when time t=0, the capacitor voltage vc=0, then when 

‎t=( ? )s,  the output voltage vo=0.

A: 1
B: 1/70
C: 1/35
D: 2
答案: 【 1/35

‏For an ideal op amp, which of the following statements are not true?‏
A: The differential voltage across the input terminals is zero
B: The current into the input terminals is zero.
C: The current from the output terminal is zero
D: The input resistance is zero
E: The output resistance is zero
答案: 【 The current from the output terminal is zero;
The input resistance is zero

‍Difference amplifiers maybe used in (    ).​
A: instrumentation amplifiers
B: voltage followers
C: buffers
D: summing amplifiers
E: subtracting amplifiers
答案: 【 instrumentation amplifiers;
subtracting amplifiers

​In the linear operational amplifiers circuit, the inverting input of the operational amplifier is virtual ground.‌​‌
A: 正确
B: 错误
答案: 【 错误

‍The voltage gain of the voltage follower is 1, so it can be replaced by a wire.‎
A: 正确
B: 错误
答案: 【 错误

‏In the case of open-loop, the integrated operational amplifier must work in the non-linear region.‎‏‎
A: 正确
B: 错误
答案: 【 正确


‎Assume  all the Op-Amps are ideal, determine vo is  (    )V.

‎答案: 【 5

Lecture 10 Differential and Multistage Amplifiers

Test questions for Differential and Multistage Amplifiers


‍For the circuit in Figure, the DC voltage VCE4 is(     )V

A: 1.7
B: 2.7
C: 3.7
D: 4.7
答案: 【 4.7

​The goal of the design of the differential amplifiers is to (    ).‎
A: improve the voltage gain
B: minimize the effect of the common-mode input signal
C: increase the input resistance 
D: decrease the output resistance
答案: 【 minimize the effect of the common-mode input signal


‎Consider the circuit shown in Figure. The bipolar transistor parameters are β=100,   VBE(on)=0.7V ,VA=∞ for T1 and T2, the T3 and T4 are identical.When RL=∞, determine the differential-mode voltage gain Avd2=vo2/vi=(    ).

A: 49.7
B: -49.7
C: 24.85
D: -24.85
答案: 【 24.85


‍Consider the circuit shown in Figure. The bipolar transistor parameters are β=100,VBE(on)=0.7V ,VA=∞ for T1 and T2, the T3 and T4 are identical.Determine the differential-mode input resistance Rid=(    )k ohm.

A: 16.3
B: 32.6
C: 10.4
D: 12.4
答案: 【 32.6


‍Consider the circuit shown in Figure. The bipolar transistor parameters are β=100,VBE(on)=0.7V ,VA=∞ for T1 and T2, the T3 and T4 are identical.When RL=∞, determine the differential-mode voltage gain Avd2=vo2/vi=(    ).

A: 130.6
B: -130.6
C: 65.3
D: -65.3
答案: 【 65.3


‍Consider the circuit shown in Figure. The bipolar transistor parameters are β=100,VBE(on)=0.7V ,VA=∞ for T1 and T2, the T3 and T4 are identical.Determine the differential-mode input resistance Rid=(    )k ohm

A: 16.3
B: 32.6
C: 10.4
D: 12.4
答案: 【 12.4


‍Consider the circuit shown in Figure. The bipolar transistor parameters are β=100,VBE(on)=0.7V ,VA=∞ for T1 and T2, the T3 and T4 are identical.When RL=∞, determine the differential-mode voltage gain Avd2=vo2/vi=(    )

A: 155.77
B: -155.77
C: 77.88
D: -77.88
答案: 【 77.88


‎Consider the circuit shown in Figure. The bipolar transistor parameters are β=100,VBE(on)=0.7V ,VA=∞ for T1 and T2, the T3 and T4 are identical.Determine the differential-mode input resistance Rid=(    )k ohm.

A: 16.3
B: 32.6
C: 10.4
D: 12.4
答案: 【 10.4


‎Consider the circuit shown in Figure, when two-sided output, the differential-mode voltage gain is vo/vi=-10, and  the common-mode voltage gain is very very small, we can not consider this, which output waveform is right (    ).

A: A
B: B
C: C
D: D
答案: 【 C

‍The common mode rejection ratio of differential amplifier means(    )‎
A: Ability to suppress zero drift
B: Driving load capacity
C: The value of differential mode gain
D: The value of common mode gain
答案: 【 Ability to suppress zero drift


‌Consider the differential amplifier shown in figure, The phases of vG1 and vo1 are (   ),and the phases of vG1 and vo2 are(    ).

A: in phase, in phase
B: opposite phase,in phase
C: in phase, opposite phase
D: opposite phase, opposite phase
答案: 【 opposite phase,in phase


‍Consider the differential amplifier shown in figure,in the AC equivalent circuit with common mode input signal, the effect of Rs on half circuit is equivalent to(    )

A: short
B: open
C: 2Rs
D: Rs
答案: 【 2Rs

‌Consider the differential amplifier shown in figure ,in the AC equivalent circuit with differential mode input signal, the effect of Rs on half circuit is equivalent to(    )‌‌‌
A: short
B: open
C: 2Rs
D: Rs
答案: 【 short


‏Consider the differential amplifier shown in figure ,when two-sided output, and vo=vo1-vo2,the expression of differential mode voltage gain is  (    )

A: -β*Rc/rπ
B: β*Rc/rπ
C: -β*Rc/(rπ+Rb)
D: β*Rc/(rπ+Rb)
答案: 【 -β*Rc/(rπ+Rb)

‍For a differential amplifier,the two inputs vi1=30mV, and vi2=10mV,when one-sided output, the output voltage is vo2=1V, and the CMRR= ∞, so the value of differential mode voltage gain is (     )‏‍‏
A: 30
B: 40
C: 50
D: 60
答案: 【 50


‍The circuit is shown in the figure,then the differential mode voltage gain Avd2=vo2/vid=(    ), the CMRR is (    )

A: 3.85, 77
B: 3.85, 110
C: -3.85, 77
D: -3.85, 110
答案: 【 3.85, 77


‍The circuit is shown in the figure,when the circuit is two-sided output,then the differential mode voltage gain Avd=(vo1-vo2)/vid=(    ), the CMRR is (    )

A: 7, ∞
B: -7, ∞
C: -7.7, ∞
D: 7.7, ∞
答案: 【 -7, ∞

​which of the following are the characteristics of differential amplifier circuit  (  )‏​‏
A: Both the difference mode voltage gain and common mode voltage gain of the circuit are very large;
B: Usually the difference mode voltage gain maybe not very large,but the common mode voltage gain is very very small;
C: The circuit is well matched;
D: The circuit has a strong ability to reject noise;
E: Both the difference mode voltage gain and common mode voltage gain of the circuit are very small;
答案: 【 Usually the difference mode voltage gain maybe not very large,but the common mode voltage gain is very very small;;
The circuit is well matched;;
The circuit has a strong ability to reject noise;


‏Consider the differential amplifier shown in figure,the main function of RE in the circuit is(    )

A: Improve the input resistance of differential mode;
B: Increase common mode input resistance;
C: Increase differential mode voltage gain;
D: Increase common mode voltage gain;
E: Improve common mode rejection ratio CMRR;
答案: 【 Increase common mode input resistance;;
Improve common mode rejection ratio CMRR;


‏The circuit is shown in the figure. If the| vo/v1|=10, the common mode gain is very small and can be think its zero,What is the correct output voltage waveform in the figure.

A: A
B: B
C: C
D: D
E: E
F: F
答案: 【 C;

‍Mismatching of differential amplifier will reduce the common mode rejection ratio.‏‍‏
A: 正确
B: 错误
答案: 【 正确

‏For differential-mode voltage gain analysis, the one-sided input of differential amplifier is equivalent to the two-sided input.​
A: 正确
B: 错误
答案: 【 正确

‏The one-sided output of differential amplifier is equivalent to the two-sided output.​
A: 正确
B: 错误
答案: 【 错误

‏The CMRR is a parameter to express the voltage amplification ability of amplifier circuit.‎‏‎
A: 正确
B: 错误
答案: 【 错误


‌Consider the differential amplifier shown in figure, if CMRR=100, and Avd2=vo2/v1=100, v1=20mV, then the ac output vo2=(     )mV;

‌答案: 【 1990

Lecture 11 Feedback and Stability

Test questions for Feedback and Stability

‏For amplification circuits, open loop means (     )‏
A: No DC power supply
B: No signal source
C: No feedback path 
D: No load
答案: 【 No feedback path 

​For amplification circuits, closed loop means (     )​
A: With signal source
B: With feedback path
C: With DC power supply
D: With load
答案: 【 With feedback path


‍Find out the feedback path in the circuit shown in the figure and which is positive feedback.

A: A
B: B
C: C
D: D
答案: 【 D


‌Find out the feedback path in the circuit shown in the figure and which is only ac feedback.

A: A
B: B
C: C
D: D
答案: 【 D


​Find out the feedback path in the circuit shown in the figure and determine this feedback

​configuration is (    )

A: negative series-shunt feedback
B: negative shunt-shunt feedback
C: positive series-shunt feedback
D: negative shunt-series feedback
答案: 【 negative series-shunt feedback


​For the circuit shown in Figure, the feedback path Rf2-Rf1 is  (    )

A: ac negative feedback
B: DC negative feedback
C: ac positive feedback
D: DC positive feedback
答案: 【 DC negative feedback


‌For the circuit shown in Figure, the feedback path T3-Re1 is  (    )

A: ac positive feedback
B: DC positive feedback
C: ac and DC positive feedback
D: ac and DC negative feedback
答案: 【 ac and DC negative feedback


‎For the circuit shown in Figure, the ac feedback between two stages is  (    )

A: Shunt-shunt
B: Shunt-series
C: Series-shunt
D: Series-series
答案: 【 Shunt-shunt


‎For the circuit shown in Figure, the feedback path T3-Rf2-T1 is  (    )

A: ac positive feedback
B: DC positive feedback
C: ac and DC positive feedback
D: ac and DC negative feedback
答案: 【 ac and DC negative feedback


‎For the circuit shown in Figure, the feedback path T2-Rf1-T1 is  (    )

A: DC positive feedback
B: ac positive feedback
C: ac negative feedback
D: DC negative feedback
答案: 【 DC negative feedback

‍If the output current of the feedback circuit tends to be stabilized, and the input resistance tends to be increased, which negative feedback should be used (    ).‏‍‏
A: Shunt-Shunt
B: Shunt-Series 
C: Series-Shunt
D: Series-Series
答案: 【 Series-Series


‎Consider the feedback circuit in Figure , determine the feedback (T3-T1) configuration is (    )

A: Shunt-Shunt
B: Shunt-Series
C: Series-Shunt
D: Series-Series
答案: 【 Series-Series


‏Consider the feedback circuit in Figure, determine the feedback between two stages configuration is (    )

A: Shunt-Shunt
B: Shunt-Series
C: Series-Shunt
D: Series-Series
答案: 【 Series-Shunt


​Consider the feedback circuit in Figure, determine the feedback between two stages configuration is (    )

A: Shunt-Shunt
B: Shunt-Series
C: Series-Shunt
D: Series-Series
答案: 【 Series-Shunt


​Consider the feedback circuit in Figure , determine the feedback between two stages configuration is (    )

A: Shunt-Shunt
B: Shunt-Series
C: Series-Shunt
D: Series-Series
答案: 【 Series-Shunt


​Consider the feedback circuit in Figure, determine the feedback configuration is (    )

A: Shunt-Shunt
B: Shunt-Series 
C: Series-Shunt
D: Series-Series
答案: 【 Series-Shunt


‏Consider the feedback circuit in Figure, compared with the open loop Ri and Ro, determine the closed-loop Rof and Rif will(    )

A: increase, decrease
B: decrease,increase
C: increase, increase
D: decrease, decrease
答案: 【 increase, decrease


‍Consider the feedback circuit in Figure, determine the feedback between two stages configuration is (    )

A: Shunt-Shunt
B: Shunt-Series
C: Series-Shunt
D: Series-Series
答案: 【 Shunt-Series


‌Consider the feedback circuit in Figure, if |1+Aβ|>>1,determine the closed-loop gain io/is is (    )

A: -8.8
B: 8.8
C: -5
D: -6
答案: 【 8.8


‌Consider the feedback circuit in Figure, determine the feedback between two stages configuration is (    )

A: Shunt-Shunt
B: Shunt-Series
C: Series-Shunt
D: Series-Series
答案: 【 Series-Series


‌ Consider the feedback circuit in Figure, if |1+Aβ|>>1,determine the closed-loop gain io/vs is (    )

A: 98ms
B: 100ms
C: -100ms
D: -98ms
答案: 【 100ms


‌Consider the feedback circuit in Figure, determine the feedback between two stages configuration is (    )

A: Shunt-Shunt
B: Shunt-Series
C: Series-Shunt
D: Series-Series
答案: 【 Shunt-Shunt


‍Consider the feedback circuit in Figure , if |1+Aβ|>>1,determine the closed-loop gain vo/is is (    )

A: 25k ohm
B: -25k ohm
C: 5k ohm
D: -5k ohm
答案: 【 -25k ohm


‏Consider the feedback circuit in Figure, determine the feedback between two stages configuration is (    )

A: Shunt-Shunt
B: Shunt-Series
C:  Series-Shunt
D: Series-Series
答案: 【 Shunt-Shunt

‏In the case of constant input, if feedback is introduced, which means that negative feedback is introduced.​‏​
A: output increase
B: input resistance increase
C: net input increase
D: net input decrease
E: output decrease
答案: 【 net input decrease;
output decrease

‏Which of the following are the advantages of negative feedback?(     )‏
A: the closed-loop gain decreases
B: the circuit may oscillate
C: Gain sensitivity is improved
D: Can extand bandwidth
E: Can reduce nonlinear distortion
答案: 【 Gain sensitivity is improved;
Can extand bandwidth;
Can reduce nonlinear distortion

​Which of the following are the disadvantages of negative feedback?(     )‍
A: the closed-loop gain decreases
B: the circuit may oscillate
C: Gain sensitivity is improved
D: Can extand bandwidth
E: Can reduce nonlinear distortion
答案: 【 the closed-loop gain decreases;
the circuit may oscillate


‌Find out the feedback path in the circuit shown in the figure and which is negative feedback.

A: A
B: B
C: C
D: D



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