Unit Five On-the-job Skills

Test Five

‎Proposal is a type of writing which ______your plans and vision in order to gain support for your plan. ‍‎‍
A: critical
B: relevant
C: maps out
D: profitable
答案: 【 maps out

Mistakes, poor design and obvious _____in your proposal will lead to failure.​
A: flaws
B: profitable
C: convince
D: appealing
答案: 【 flaws

​A very short story or _________  or personal experience will act as an effective illustration of a point, add “color” to your presentation, and be remembered by listeners.​​​
A: case study
B: mail address
C: Twitter
D: slides
答案: 【 case study

‏To write a successful and convincing proposal, you should use charts and financial  _________ purposefully.‏
A: data
B: money
C: agenda
D: meeting
答案: 【 data

​It is important that you write a business report in a _________, clean and mistake-free manner.​
A: professtional
B: relaxed
C: critical
D: test
答案: 【 professtional

MEMORANDUM‎TO:     All Section B-4 Employees‎From:   Mary Hightower‎RE:     Relocation of Office Space‎DATE:  Wednesday, July 6‎We are going to relocate to new office space before the end of this month in order to start business in the new space on Monday, August 1. I know this is relatively short notice, but I know you’ll be delighted with the larger workspaces as well as the better view!‎The new office space for B-4 is on the 11th floor of the Parker Building on Renault Road, just a few minutes from here. The new location offers better parking opportunities. It seems likely that everyone will get a personal parking space!‎The movers are coming on July 28 and 29. Until then, pack only non-essential items. Packing materials will be made available from Monday, July 11. A meeting to discuss any moving problems will be held this Friday at 2:00 p.m. See you then.‎Mary Hightower‎ ‎What is the purpose of the memorandum?           ‎
A:  To notify employees of a move       
B: To inform employees of a business opportunity     
C: To request a moving company to move an office 
D: To direct employees to new parking spaces
答案: 【  To notify employees of a move       

Hard skills are teachable abilities or skill sets that are easy to quantify. Examples of hard skills include: proficiency in a foreign language, a degree or certificate, typing speed, machine operation, computer programming. These hard skills are often listed in your cover letter and resume, and are easy for an employer or recruiter to recognize. ‏What is the meaning for “quantify”?‏‎‏
A: Qualify
B: Calculate
C: To describe or  express by numbers
D: Acquire
答案: 【 To describe or  express by numbers

Analytical skills and Communication skills: Employees need to be able to figure things out, so you will need to have some analytical skills to succeed in the workplace. In conjunction with being able to analyze, employees are expected to be able to organize, plan and prioritize and communicate effectively. ‍What is the NOT the correct meaning for “prioritize”?‍‏‍
A: To put tasks,  problems, etc. in order of importance
B: To deal with the most  importance thing first.
C: To treat something as being more important than other things
D: To deal with the most  profitable thing first.
答案: 【 To deal with the most  profitable thing first.

Which description about soft skill is NOT right?‎
A:  People skills
B: Interpersonal skills
C: Skills that are much easier to quantify
D: Skills that are relate to interact with people.
答案: 【 Skills that are much easier to quantify

 What is NOT true about hard skills?‎
A: Skills that are teachable.
B: Skills that are easy  to quantify and recognize.
C: Communicative skills  are hard skills.
D: Skills that should be listed in your cover letter and resume.
答案: 【 Communicative skills  are hard skills.

 Which of the following skills is a soft one?‎
A: Computer skill
B: Management skill
C: Language skill
D: Typing skill
答案: 【 Management skill

​Which of the following elements often appear in a business report?‍
A: findings
B: introduction
C: adjournment
D: executive summary
答案: 【 findings;
executive summary

‎What are the main parts of meeting minutes?‏
A: Heading
B: Recommendations
C: Participants
D: Announcements
答案: 【 Heading;

‏In business report, what graph styles are often used?​
B: Pie 
C: Bar
D: Bubble
答案: 【 Pie ;

​Generally speaking, the slides of PPT should look flashy with suitable pictures or illustrations on them.​
A: 正确
B: 错误
答案: 【 错误

‌Business report serves one main purpose: to help a company solve a problem.‎
A: 正确
B: 错误
答案: 【 正确

‎A good proposal should not include problems to be solved.‎
A: 正确
B: 错误
答案: 【 错误

‍Meeting minutes are the official record of the meeting, they should reflect positively on the participants and the organization.‏
A: 正确
B: 错误
答案: 【 正确

‍A meeting memo should be made direct, complicated and informative.‌
A: 正确
B: 错误
答案: 【 错误

‍To build up your meeting agenda, you need to consider meeting purposes.‏
A: 正确
B: 错误
答案: 【 正确

‍The closing part of a memo focuses on outcomes and supporting details.‌
A: 正确
B: 错误
答案: 【 错误

To ensure that the slides look good means that they should look flashy.   ‏​‏
A: 正确
B: 错误
答案: 【 错误

Now that you know what you want to include in the report you can set about gathering information using a number of sources. At this stage you should be concerned about what will or will not go into the report, just gather as much relevant information as you can.    ‌‏‌
A: 正确
B: 错误
答案: 【 错误

‏Every memo has two sections: __________ and
message. ‌
答案: 【 heading

‍The third slide of a wonderful PPT should set
out the________ of your presentation. ​
答案: 【 structure

‍When you create the meeting agenda, your are
creating the road map of the meeting and planning the ____________.‍
答案: 【 outcome

‌ The official written record of a meeting is called a meeting ______.  ‌
答案: 【 minutes

​A basic meeting _____ is one of the easiest and most efficient ways to get information out to your employees or colleagues about an upcoming meeting.   ‍
答案: 【 memo

Unit Four On Boarding

Test Four

‏You pass a co-worker in the hallway and he asks "How are you?". ‌‏You respond by:‌
A: Telling him that your back has been hurting you and you have a cold
B: Saying "Fine, thanks"
C: Explaining that you are tired and stressed out in your job
D: asking “ Where are you going?”
答案: 【 Saying "Fine, thanks"

‍People value closeness and friendliness. It is appropriate to stand close to a business contact or a colleague and frequently touch his/her arm while talking‎
A: True
B: False
C: I can not judge.
D: It is polite.
答案: 【 False

‌A co-worker comes to your office to introduce you to a friend of his. You:  ‌
A: You stand up, establish eye contact, smile and shake his hand
B: Smile and nod
C:  Wave and tell him how happy you are to meet him
D: Give him a "high five"
答案: 【 You stand up, establish eye contact, smile and shake his hand

‌You have a meeting with a colleague from a different department scheduled for 10:00am. You've spoken to the receptionist and you have been waiting outside the colleague's office for a while and it is now 10:05. You want to make sure the person knows you're there. You:‌
A: Peek your head in the doorway and say "Excuse me"
B: Stand near the door where your colleague will see you
C: Continue to sit and wait
D: Enter the office confidently, introduce yourself and remind them you have a 10:00am meeting 
答案: 【 Stand near the door where your colleague will see you

​After a meeting with a contact, in order to express your thanks, it is appropriate to:‍
A: Send him/her a small box of chocolates with a note
B: Drop by the office and give him/her a hot cup of coffee
C: Send a dozen red roses to his/her home
D: Send a thank you letter
答案: 【 Send a thank you letter

‍When you are meeting your coworkers. Normally, HR manager or head of office will introduce and welcome you. Which of the following introduction speech is not appropriate?‏
A: Luckily the weather has aligned with our wishes. The sun and I bid you a warm welcome.
B: It's my pleasure to extend a cheerful welcome to you all!
C: Hello, how are you doing today?
D: On behalf of my colleagues, I wish you all a convivial welcome. 
答案: 【 Hello, how are you doing today?

‎Usually the organizational structure of the company is shown as the organizational chart. Two common types of organizational charts exist, tall and :‌
A: short chart
B: detailed chart
C: flat chart
D:  level chart
答案: 【 flat chart

‍In a typical office building, can you use the meeting room whenever it is empty? ​
A: Yes, just walk in and use it 
B: Yes, but you have to organize a meeting at first
C: No, you should never use it 
D: No, you should book the room in advance.
答案: 【 No, you should book the room in advance.

‏Read the following statements and decide which one is inappropriate behavior based on your common sense.​
A: Avoid “Reply All” when E-mail.
B: Bring your cute cuddly dog to the workplace. 
C: Move to a more private area to answer your personal call.
D: Clean up your mess (dishes put away or in the dishwasher, etc.) in the break room or kitchen at your workplace. 
答案: 【 Bring your cute cuddly dog to the workplace. 

‌F: Hello, Marilyn speaking.‌‌M:Marilyn, this is Orsen Parker from Technoworld. You passed the interview and we’d like you to join our team. Congratulations! Could you start next Monday morning at 9 o'clock sharp?‌‌F: Thank you! That’s great! Yes, Monday morning at 9 o'clock would be fantastic.‌‌M:OK, super. Before you begin, would you please prepare the files required by our corporation which I will send you an email later. And we also need you to fill out some additional paperwork. Is there a day this week that you could come in for an hour or two?‌‌F: Of course, I will be there on time. ‌‌‌‌When does Orsen want Marilyn to come for a start?‌
A: Tuesday at 9 o’clock
B: Monday at 9 o'clock
C: Friday at 9 o’clock
D: Wednesday at 9 o’clock
答案: 【 Monday at 9 o'clock

‌F: Hello, Marilyn speaking.‍‌M:Marilyn, this is Orsen Parker from Technoworld. You passed the interview and we’d like you to join our team. Congratulations! Could you start next Monday morning at 9 o'clock sharp?‍‌F: Thank you! That’s great! Yes, Monday morning at 9 o'clock would be fantastic.‍‌M:OK, super. Before you begin, would you please prepare the files required by our corporation which I will send you an email later. And we also need you to fill out some additional paperwork. Is there a day this week that you could come in for an hour or two?‍‌F: Of course, I will be there on time. ‍‌‍‌How will Orsen send the files which Marilyn has to prepare?‍
A: By e-mail
B: By telegram
C: By fax
D: By phone
答案: 【 By e-mail

​F: Hello, Marilyn speaking.‍​M:Marilyn, this is Orsen Parker from Technoworld. You passed the interview and we’d like you to join our team. Congratulations! Could you start next Monday morning at 9 o'clock sharp?‍​F: Thank you! That’s great! Yes, Monday morning at 9 o'clock would be fantastic.‍​M:OK, super. Before you begin, would you please prepare the files required by our corporation which I will send you an email later. And we also need you to fill out some additional paperwork. Is there a day this week that you could come in for an hour or two?‍​F: Of course, I will be there on time. ‍​‍​What does Marilyn need to do when meeting Orsen?‍
A: Fill out some paperwork
B: Turn in her CV
C: Make a presentation
D: Have a business dinner
答案: 【 Fill out some paperwork

​F:   Bob, did you contact technical support about my computer? I’m working on an important presentation, and all my work is on that computer.‌​M:  Yes, I called them. They told me they’d send someone over tomorrow afternoon.‌​F:   Tomorrow afternoon? That will be too late. I’m meeting with my clients at 4     tomorrow to discuss ways to promote their company. Could you please call tech     support again, and ask them if they can come any sooner?‌​M:   Sure, I’ll call them right away. I’ll talk to a supervisor to make sure they get a technician over here today.‌​‌​What does the woman want Bob to do?‌​‌
A: Call technical support
B: Help her to fix the machine
C: Scan the paper
D: Make a presentation
答案: 【 Call technical support

​F:   Bob, did you contact technical support about my computer? I’m working on an important presentation, and all my work is on that computer.‌​M:  Yes, I called them. They told me they’d send someone over tomorrow afternoon.‌​F:   Tomorrow afternoon? That will be too late. I’m meeting with my clients at 4     tomorrow to discuss ways to promote their company. Could you please call tech     support again, and ask them if they can come any sooner?‌​M:   Sure, I’ll call them right away. I’ll talk to a supervisor to make sure they get a technician over here today.‌​‌​What will the woman meet her clients for?‌
A: Discussing the tender documents
B: Having a business dinner
C: Promoting their company
D: Demonstrating her new model
答案: 【 Promoting their company

‍F:   Bob, did you contact technical support about my computer? I’m working on an important presentation, and all my work is on that computer.‌‍M:  Yes, I called them. They told me they’d send someone over tomorrow afternoon.‌‍F:   Tomorrow afternoon? That will be too late. I’m meeting with my clients at 4     tomorrow to discuss ways to promote their company. Could you please call tech     support again, and ask them if they can come any sooner?‌‍M:   Sure, I’ll call them right away. I’ll talk to a supervisor to make sure they get a technician over here today.‌‍‌‍What will Bob do later?‌
A: Call the supervisor
B: Buy a new computer
C: Cancel the meeting
D: Sign a contract
答案: 【 Call the supervisor

​F:   Diego, have we received a fax from Chris at Complex Computers yet? ‎​M:  We did, but it came through blurry. I called, and Chris said they were having problems with the fax machine. They’re trying to fix it.‎​F:    Mr. Ramon needs to review that document as soon as possible. It’s the new service contract for our office PCs. ‎​M:   I’ll phone Chris and see how they’re doing. If the machine’s still down, I’ll have him sca



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