

‏Which of the following statements is correct when you organize your presentation? ‌
A: Try to use long sentences as much as you can.
B: Focus on three or four main ideas.
C: Use the data that is related to the topic to a little degree.
D: Select more than six main ideas.
答案: 【 Focus on three or four main ideas.

‎Which of the following statements about spoken English and written English is correct?‏
A: Speaking and writing have little in common because they are different forms of communication.
B: Spoken English is relationally-oriented and authoritative.
C: Written English is action-oriented and personal.
D: Spoken transitions are usually longer than written transitions.
答案: 【 Spoken transitions are usually longer than written transitions.

‏How to make a good presentation?​
A: Make sure the body of your presentation only consists of the strongest examples and supporting data necessary to prove your central argument.
B: Speak in a proper speed.
C: If you are giving a long presentation, keep the audience’s attention by changing the pace at regular intervals.
D: All of the above.
答案: 【 All of the above.

​Which of the following statements is correct when you deliver a presentation? ​
A: Hunch up and shuffle your feet.
B: When you speak to a key point, you should make a pause.
C: Speak in a monotone.
D: Always look at your notes.
答案: 【 When you speak to a key point, you should make a pause.

‎What strategy helps get your audience involved in your presentation? ​
A: Use anecdotes or interesting examples.
B: Ask them some questions.
C: Always make eye contact with them.
D: All of the above.
答案: 【 All of the above.

‎Which of the following statements about giving a presentation is incorrect?‌
A: Speaking needs repetition to impress the audience sometimes.
B: Transitional words should be obvious in speaking.
C: Long sentences and complicated words should be involved in speaking.
D: The opening is important because it sets the tone of the talk.
答案: 【 Long sentences and complicated words should be involved in speaking.

​What is needed in delivering a presentation?​
A: Keep your presentation within the time limit.
B: Speak quickly without noticing the reactions of your audience.
C: Always keep your hands on the podium or in your pocket.
D: Try to give your presentation in an exaggerated manner.
答案: 【 Keep your presentation within the time limit.

​What function does transition serve in the presentation?‎
A: Arouse listeners' interest in the presentation
B: Help listeners follow the speaker. 
C: Ease the atmosphere and make closer relationship to each other.
D: Summarize and emphasize the key points.
答案: 【 Help listeners follow the speaker. 

​When you deliver a speech, you should make your sound in control and ________.‏
A: speak quickly
B: speak clearly and firmly
C: raise the pitch of your voice
D: talk in a monotone the whole time
答案: 【 speak clearly and firmly

‎Which one is not one of the reasons that experiences speakers use silence?​
A: To emphasize important points
B: To show the confident of the speaker.
C: To lengthen the presentation to the allotted time.
D: To tells the audience that something important is coming
答案: 【 To lengthen the presentation to the allotted time.

‏What might be a proper gesture when you give a presentation?‌
A: Hunch up and shuffle your feet.
B: Keep your hands on the podium or in your pockets.
C: Stand in one place and hide behind the podium.
D: Walk from side to side and look at different parts of the audience.
答案: 【 Walk from side to side and look at different parts of the audience.

‍What is the characteristic of written English compared with spoken English?‍
A: Lexically dense.
B: Grammatically intricate.
C: Action-oriented.
D: All of the above.
答案: 【 Lexically dense.

​What is necessary when you prepare a presentation? ‏
A: Think about the purpose of your presentation.
B: Think about the number of people who will attend your speech.
C: Think about your dress.
D: Think about the time limit of the speech.
答案: 【 Think about the purpose of your presentation.;
Think about the number of people who will attend your speech.;
Think about your dress.;
Think about the time limit of the speech.

‎Which of the following statements should you keep in mind when you give a presentation?  ‌
A: Focus on what the audience wants to know.
B: Smile to the audience.
C: Make contact with your audience.
D: Try whatever to force the audience to agree with you.
答案: 【 Focus on what the audience wants to know.;
Smile to the audience.;
Make contact with your audience.

‎Which of the following statements is correct when making a presentation? ‍
A: It’s not important to attract the audience’s attention at the beginning.
B: It’s essential to give a pause before saying something important.
C: You’d better answer questions from the audience after conclusion.
D: You don’t have to make eye contact with your audience, just speak by yourself.
答案: 【 It’s essential to give a pause before saying something important.;
You’d better answer questions from the audience after conclusion.



‏What kind of opening of speech is effective?‏
A: humorous
B: direct
C: rhetorical
D: all of the above
答案: 【 all of the above

‍What is the effective strategy to start a presentation?‌
A: To refer to the previous speaker or the situation.
B: To ask one or two questions.
C: To use a shocking statement or use humor and anecdotes.
D: All of the above.
答案: 【 All of the above.

‏What should you do if you want to refer to the previous speaker at the beginning of the presentation?‌
A: The speaker’s wit.
B: The speaker’s reputation.
C: The speaker’s style.
D: All of the above.
答案: 【 All of the above.

‌What should NOT be included in the opening remarks?‎
A: Extending greeting.
B: Brief self- introduction.
C: Emphasizing the key points.
D: Outlining the main points.
答案: 【 Emphasizing the key points.

‍What is missed in the following opening remarks?​‍       “Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. Thank you for coming to this presentation this afternoon. I’ve invited you here today to have a look at my findings. First, I’d like to show you the performance of the company, the sales of the company over the last three years; then let’s have a look at our market share in the women swear market and discuss our competitors; and thirdly, I’d like to suggest some improvements in our range of women swear. At the end I’d be happy to answer any of your questions.”​
A: Greeting.
B: Outline.
C: Name and position of the speaker.
D: Topic.
答案: 【 Name and position of the speaker.

‎What is needed to do during the preparation of the main body of presentation EXCEPT_______?‎
A: To make a conclusion or recommendation.
B: To determine the key points you want to cover.
C: To organize or sequence these points.
D: To use transitions to move from one point to another.
答案: 【 To make a conclusion or recommendation.

‍Which of the following organizations helps persuade the audience to take your suggestion?‏
A: Problem-solution organization.
B: Chronological organization.
C: Cause-effect organization.
D: Less important to most critical.
答案: 【 Problem-solution organization.

‍If you want to analyze a series of events, which of the following organizations is the best one?‏
A: Problem-solution organization.
B: Chronological organization.
C: Cause-effect organization.
D: Less important to most critical.
答案: 【 Chronological organization.

‌What purpose should you try to achieve when you design the conclusion of a presentation?‎
A: Summarize or recap the main ideas.
B: Capture the attention of the audience.
C: Sequence the key points.
D: Provide the information of the speaker.
答案: 【 Summarize or recap the main ideas.

‎What might be a proper framework of a presentation? ​
A: Problem statement, introduction, proposed ideas, research findings and results, next steps of research, conclusion.
B: Problem statement, proposed ideas, introduction, research findings and results, next steps of research, conclusion.
C: Introduction, problem statement, proposed ideas, research findings and results, next steps of research, conclusion.
D: Introduction, proposed ideas, problem statement, next steps of research, research findings and results, conclusion.
答案: 【 Introduction, problem statement, proposed ideas, research findings and results, next steps of research, conclusion.

‏Which strategies can be used to end your presentation? ‎
A: To make a conclusion or recommendation.
B: To invite your audience to ask questions.
C: To summarize what you have said.
D: All of the above.
答案: 【 All of the above.

‍How to overcome nervousness when you give a presentation? ‌
A:  Let the thought of failure creep into your mind.
B: Practice and have self-confidence.
C: Avoid eye contact with the audience.
D: Read from scripts and feel safe.
答案: 【 Practice and have self-confidence.

‍Which one is not a proper opening technique to capture the audience’s attention at the beginning of your presentation? ‎
A: Criticizing the audience.
B: Using a well-known quotation.
C: Stating a little-known fact.
D: Asking a question.
答案: 【 Criticizing the audience.

​What is your understanding of “making eye contact with your audience”? ​
A: Turn down all the lights so that only the slide screen is visible.
B: Interact with the audience through eye-to-eye contact.
C: With special attention to particular individuals.
D: Read a script to the audience.
答案: 【 Interact with the audience through eye-to-eye contact.

‌What is a good presentation manner? ‎
A: Repeatedly use an expression su



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