

‎ Some home and office buildings in the U.S are now being heated with __________ energy.‍
A: lunar
B: solar       
C: natural
D: water
答案: 【 solar       

‏On July 20th, 1969, two American __________ planted the first human footsteps on the moon.‏
A: visitors
B:  pilots
C:  scientists
D: astronauts
答案: 【 astronauts

‏For thousands of years __________ have been looking at the moon, studying its appearance and its motion through the sky. ​
A: astronomers
B: writers
C: educators
D: detectors
答案: 【 astronomers

‏The ancient Babylon calendar was quite similar to the Chinese __________ calendar.‌
A: astral
B: lunar
C: solar
D: man-made
答案: 【 lunar

‎At one time or another every thinking person had speculated about his place in the __________.​
A: air
B: city
C: cosmos
D: country
答案: 【 cosmos

​For three years, the __________ followed one another. It's unlucky for them.‌
A: disasters
B: harvests
C: invitation
D: desert
答案: 【 disasters

‍New York is considered as a __________ in the business.​
A: cosmopolis
B: capital
C: well-known place
D: tourist attraction
答案: 【 cosmopolis

‍Seagulls glided overhead on __________ currents.​
A: sea
B: swift
C: wings
D: aerial
答案: 【 aerial

‌Now we know that the fishes in the sea are all __________.‌
A: brown
B: salty
C: pretty
D: brutal
答案: 【 salty

‎ A/An __________ alerts the readers to look for additional information at the foot of the paper.​
A: pure
B: acid
C: ashy
D: asterisk
答案: 【 asterisk

‍If you want to put out a fire, you may draw water from a __________ in the street.‍
A: hydrant
B: thermos
C: spittoon
D: basin
答案: 【 hydrant

‌We have stored a lot of __________ vegatables for the winter.‍
A: counterfeit
B: sightly
C: dehydrated
D: sour
答案: 【 dehydrated

‎Most of the children are in favor of going to the __________, for they are interested in living fish and water plants.‌
A: orchard
B: aquarium
C: grocery
D: laundry
答案: 【 aquarium

‌In about 3,000 B.C., Iberians settled on British islands and brought them __________ culture.‎
A: neolithic
B: magnificent
C: truthful
D: polite
答案: 【 neolithic

‏__________ would have people believe that their lives are regulated by the movements of the stars, planets, sun, and moon.‍
A: A dwarf
B: A coach
C: An acrobat
D: An astrologer
答案: 【 An astrologer

‏In 1997, they saw evidence of planets near other stars like the sun. But scientists now think that life could be even nearer in our own __________ system.​
A: solar
B: lunar
C: earthly
D: planetary
答案: 【 solar

‏He patiently waited , then when I was done , he said he would like Chinese New Year did not begin January first , and that Chinese New Year ,which is tied to the __________ cycle ,is one of the most celebrated holidays on the Chinese calendar .‍
A: planet
B: solar
C: lunar
D: major
答案: 【 lunar

‍Many people believe we are heading for environmental __________ unless we radically change way we live.​
A: protection
B: deterioration
C: destruction
D: disaster
答案: 【 disaster

‌Such discoveries are likely to have revolutionary consequences for biology, __________ and philosophy. They may change the way we look at ourselves and our place in the universe.​
A: expectancy
B: astronomy
C: psychology
D:  environtology
答案: 【 astronomy

‎While company managers have known about the benefits for a long time, many have done little about it, sceptical of whether they could trust their employees to work to full __________ without supervision, or concerned about the additional expenses teleworking policies might incur as staff start charging their home phone bills to the business.‎
A: capacity
B: accuracy
C: expectancy
D:  proposals
答案: 【 capacity


1. The story of creation ‍‍‍     In the beginning, before time began, the Bible tells us how God created the world. The earth was an empty and dark place and there was no life or light. In the six days, God created the world and everything living on the earth. ‍   The first thing God created was the light. God said, ”let there be light.” Suddenly, the first bright light began to shine on the empty, stormy waters covering the earth. God saw the light was good and he named the light “day”, and he called the darkness “night.” ‍   Now, God commanded the waters covering the whole earth to pull back. God divided the earth between the dry land and the big seas. And so it happened. Now the world had mountains and valleys. It had lakes and rivers. And God said “let the earth be filled with green grass.” He put tall trees and beautiful flowers everywhere. He filled the world with color. And God saw all he created was wonderful and said to himself, “this is good.”‍   On the fourth day, God made the sun, the moon, and the stars. He made the sun shine from the sky during the day and the moon to shine in the night along with all the countless glittering stars of the universe. But the earth was very quiet and still because no living beings had been created. Then, on the fifth day, God created fish in the seas and rivers, and birds to fly through the sky.‍   On the sixth day, God made animals of every kind to live on the dry land of the earth. God made every animal you can think of, from elephants and zebra’s, lions and cattle, sheep, dogs and cats, to all the smallest creature you can find on the earth. When God had created all this, He said, “this is really, really, good.” God was almost finished creating the world, but something important was still missing. God knew the fantastic of all this creations had not yet been created.‍‍ ‍  1.Which of the following is true according to the passage?‍
A: God only created rivers on the fourth day
B: All animals that God created were small
C: God made the sun on the fifth day
D: God saw all he created was wonderful 
答案: 【 God saw all he created was wonderful 

1. The story of creation ‌‌   In the beginning, before time began, the Bible tells us how God created the world. The earth was an empty and dark place and there was no life or light. In the six days, God created the world and everything living on the earth. ‌   The first thing God created was the light. God said, ”let there be light.” Suddenly, the first bright light began to shine on the empty, stormy waters covering the earth. God saw the light was good and he named the light “day”, and he called the darkness “night.” ‌   Now, God commanded the waters covering the whole earth to pull back. God divided the earth between the dry land and the big seas. And so it happened. Now the world had mountains and valleys. It had lakes and rivers. And God said “let the earth be filled with green grass.” He put tall trees and beautiful flowers everywhere. He filled the world with color. And God saw all he created was wonderful and said to himself, “this is good.”‌   On the fourth day, God made the sun, the moon, and the stars. He made the sun shine from the sky during the day and the moon to shine in the night along with all the countless glittering stars of the universe. But the earth was very quiet and still because no living beings had been created. Then, on the fifth day, God created fish in the seas and rivers, and birds to fly through the sky.‌‍        On the sixth day, God made animals of every kind to live on the dry land of the earth. God made every animal you can think of, from elephants and zebra’s, lions and cattle, sheep, dogs and cats, to all the smallest creature you can find on the earth. When God had created all this, He said, “this is really, really, good.” God was almost finished creating the world, but something important was still missing. God knew the fantastic of all this creations had not yet been created.‌‌ ‌    2. What can be predicted according to the passage?‌
A: God will disappeare in a certain moment.
B: God will enlarge the dry land.
C: God knew the fantastic of all this creations had not yet been created.
D: God will empower the animal.
答案: 【 God knew the fantastic of all this creations had not yet been created.

2. Adam and Eve‌‌   On the sixth day God said, “I want to create people. They shall have a conscience, so they can think, know and love me, and love each other. I will make them masters of everything I have made, so they can take care of all the things I just have created.” God took dust from the dry land and he formed Adam, the first man.‌   God gave Adam his shape and breathed life through his nostrils, so Adam became alive and started to breathe like all living things do. Adam opened his eyes and found himself in a wonderful garden, called Eden, which God had created for him.‌Adam was so excited about all the many animals which were surrounding him in the Garden of Eden. So he began to give all the animals names to tell them from one another. But Adam felt lonely, because among all the living beings he did not find any that looked liked him. Adam was the only human on the earth.‌   God saw that it was not good for Adam to be alone and said, ”I will create a companion for Adam to be alone and said ,”I will create a companion for Adam so he will not be alone anymore.” So Adam fell into a deep sleep. God took out one of his ribs and from it he created a companion for Adam, called eve. When Adam woke up from his deep sleep and opened his eyes he saw this new person. He said, “She shall be called woman, because she came from man.”‌    God blessed Adam and Eve and told them to be happy and enjoy all that he had created. God said, “Have children and let them help you in taking care of everything which I have created. I want every corner of the earth to be full of life and want everything to prosper, blossom and grow. You can find the garden I have made for you, but do not eat the fruit of the tree of knowledge. If you do so, you will die.”‌   After these first six days when time had just begun and God had created everything, he said, “everything is perfect now. This is very very good.” ‌‌ ‌  3. What can be inferred from the passage?‌
A: The companion for Adam was called woman.
B: Women came from man’s rib.
C: God gave two warnings to Adam and Eve.
D: Adam was a threat to other creatures in the Garden of Eden.
答案: 【 Women came from man’s rib.

2. Adam and Eve‎‎‎   On the sixth day God said, “I want to create people. They shall have a conscience, so they can think, know and love me, and love each other. I will make them masters of everything I have made, so they can take care of all the things I just have created.” God took dust from the dry land and he formed Adam, the first man.‎   God gave Adam his shape and breathed life through his nostrils, so Adam became alive and started to breathe like all living things do. Adam opened his eyes and found himself in a wonderful garden, called Eden, which God had created for him.‎   Adam was so excited about all the many animals which were surrounding him in the Garden of Eden. So he began to give all the animals names to tell them from one another. But Adam felt lonely, because among all the living beings he did not find any that looked liked him. Adam was the only human on the earth.‎    God saw that it was not good for Adam to be alone and said, ”I will create a companion for Adam to be alone and said ,”I will create a companion for Adam so he will not be alone anymore.” So Adam fell into a deep sleep. God took out one of his ribs and from it he created a companion for Adam, called eve. When Adam woke up from his deep sleep and opened his eyes he saw this new person. He said, “She shall be called woman, because she came from man.”‎    God blessed Adam and Eve and told them to be happy and enjoy all that he had created. God said, “Have children and let them help you in taking care of everything which I have created. I want every corner of the earth to be full of life and want everything to prosper, blossom and grow. You can find the garden I have made for you, but do not eat the fruit of the tree of knowledge. If you do so, you will die.”‎  After these first six days when time had just begun and God had created everything, he said, “everything is perfect now. This is very very good.” ‎‎ ‎   4.What do we know about Adam’s companion?‎
A: She was called as Adam’s best friend.
B: She liked animals very much.
C: Her appearance made Adam sad.
D: She made Adam not alone anymore.
答案: 【 She made Adam not alone anymore.

3. The Fall‌‌    It looked as if nothing could destroy the happiness Adam and Eve experienced in the Garden of Eden where God had created everything so wonderful and perfect. But one day when Eve was standing near the tree of knowledge, looking at the fruit she could not to eat, she heard the voice of creature named Satan. ‌    Satan could make himself look like any animal and he now looked like a snake and said to Eve, “Has God really told you not to eat of the fruit of the tree? Are you really sure God meant what he said?”“Yes, I am sure God has said we cannot eat from this fruit,” Eve said. “But are you sure you cannot just have a little bite of the fruit? I can tell you they really taste good” Satan tempted. And Eve could not stand the temptation. She reached out and took fruit from tree, tasted it and she ate it. She also gave some of it to Adam and he ate it, too. But as soon as they had eaten from the fruit they felt bad. Everything was suddenly different and they were ashamed for what they had done. They also realized that they were naked and were hiding in shame. In the evening when God came walking through the garden, Adam and Eve dared not to go out and meet him. So God was calling out,“Adam, where are you?”“Here I am,” said Adam and God could hear how Adam’s voice had completely changed. And God said, “So, did you eat from the fruit I had forbidden you to eat?”“Actually, it was Eve, the woman you gave to me. She made me eat the fruit,” Adam said. And Eve said, “No, it was the evil snake that tempted me and made me eat from the tree.”‌     But God was angry and said, “I have told you very often not to eat from this fruit and this means you cannot be here in the garden any longer. Now I have to throw you out of the Garden of Eden forever and you will have to live on the earth where you must take care of yourself. And you will no longer be able to speak with me face to face like you have done here in Eden.”‌‎          It was a very sad day when Adam and Eve had to leave the garden. An angel holding a flaming sword was guarding the entrance to Eden preventing anybody ever to enter into the garden again. The paradise in the garden with God was lost for Adam and Eve. But God still loved Adam and Eve. God did not forget them.‌‌ ‌5. The underlined word “tempted” in the second paragraph can be replaced by ‌
A: seduced
B: suggested
C: stimulated
D: encouraged
答案: 【 seduced

3. The Fall‌‌‌    It looked as if nothing could destroy the happiness Adam and Eve experienced in the Garden of Eden where God had created everything so wonderful and perfect. But one day when Eve was standing near the tree of knowledge, looking at the fruit she could not to eat, she heard the voice of creature named Satan.‌    Satan could make himself look like any animal and he now looked like a snake and said to Eve, “Has God really told you not to eat of the fruit of the tree? Are you really sure God meant what he said?”“Yes, I am sure God has said we cannot eat from this fruit,” Eve said. “But are you sure you cannot just have a little bite of the fruit? I can tell you they really taste good” Satan tempted. And Eve could not stand the temptation. She reached out and took fruit from tree, tasted it and she ate it. She also gave some of it to Adam and he ate it, too. But as soon as they had eaten from the fruit they felt bad. Everything was suddenly different and they were ashamed for what they had done. They also realized that they were naked and were hiding in shame. In the evening when God came walking through the garden, Adam and Eve dared not to go out and meet him. So God was calling out,“Adam, where are you?”“Here I am,” said Adam and God could hear how Adam’s voice had completely changed. And God said, “So, did you eat from the fruit I had forbidden you to eat?”“Actually, it was Eve, the woman you gave to me. She made me eat the fruit,” Adam said. And Eve said, “No, it was the evil snake that tempted me and made me eat from the tree.”‌    But God was angry and said, “I have told you very often not to eat from this fruit and this means you cannot be here in the garden any longer. Now I have to throw you out of the Garden of Eden forever and you will have to live on the earth where you must take care of yourself. And you will no longer be able to speak with me face to face like you have done here in Eden.”‌    It was a very sad day when Adam and Eve had to leave the garden. An angel holding a flaming sword was guarding the entrance to Eden preventing anybody ever to enter into the garden again. The paradise in the garden with God was lost for Adam and Eve. But God still loved Adam and Eve. God did not forget them.‌‌ ‌6.What is the passage mainly about?‌
A: Satan tempted Adam and Eve.
B: Paradise in the garden of Eden
C: Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit.
D: The reason why Adam and Eve had to leave the garden.
答案: 【 Paradise in the garden of Eden

‍4. Great flood‎‍The LORD saw that humanity had become thoroughly evil on the earth and that every idea their minds thought up was always completely evil. The LORD regretted making human beings on the earth, and he was heartbroken. So the LORD said, “I will wipe off of the land the human race that I’ve created: from human beings to livestock to the crawling things to the birds in the skies, because I regret I ever made them.” But as for Noah, the LORD approved of him. Noah was a moral and exemplary man; he walked with God.‎‍God said to Noah, “The end has come for all creatures, since they have filled the earth with violence. I am now about to destroy them along with the earth, so make a wooden ark. Make the ark with nesting places and cover it inside and out with tar. I am now bringing the floodwaters over the earth to destroy everything under the sky that breathes. Everything on earth is about to take its last breath. But I will set up my covenant with you. You will go into the ark together with your sons, your wife, and your sons’ wives. From all living things—from all creatures—you are to bring a pair, male and female, into the ark with you to keep them alive. From each kind of bird, from each kind of livestock, and from each kind of everything that crawls on the ground—a pair from each will go in with you to stay alive. Take some from every kind of food and stow it as food for you and for the animals.”‎‍Noah did everything exactly as God commanded him.‎‍The flood remained on the earth for forty days. Everything on dry land with life’s breath in its nostrils died. God wiped away every living thing that was on the fertile land—from human beings to livestock to crawling things to birds in the sky. They were wiped off the earth. Only Noah and those with him in the ark were left. The waters rose over the earth for one hundred fifty days.‎‍After forty days, Noah opened the window of the ark that he had made. He sent out a raven, and it flew back and forth until the waters over the entire earth had dried up. Then he sent out a dove to see if the waters on all of the fertile land had subsided, but the dove found no place to set its foot. It returned to him in the ark since waters still covered the entire earth. Noah stretched out his hand, took it, and brought it back into the ark. He waited seven more days and sent the dove out from the ark again. The dove came back to him in the evening, grasping a torn olive leaf in its beak. Then Noah knew that the waters were subsiding from the earth. He waited seven more days and sent out the dove, but it didn’t come back to him again. In Noah’s six hundred first year, on the first day of the first month, the waters dried up from the earth.‎‍‎‍7. Which of the following is NOT TRUE according to the passage?‎
A: Noah did everything as God commanded him
B: God made an ark just by himself
C: God wiped away every living thing except Noah and those with him
D: The LORD regretted making human beings on the earth
答案: 【 God made an ark just by himself

4. Great flood‍The LORD saw that humanity had become thoroughly evil on the earth and that every idea their minds thought up was always completely evil. The LORD regretted making human beings on the earth, and he was heartbroken. So the LORD said, “I will wipe off of the land the human race that I’ve created: from human beings to livestock to the crawling things to the birds in the skies, because I regret I ever made them.” But as for Noah, the LORD approved of him. Noah was a moral and exemplary man; he walked with God.‍God said to Noah, “The end has come for all creatures, since they have filled the earth with violence. I am now about to destroy them along with the earth, so make a wooden ark. Make the ark with nesting places and cover it inside and out with tar. I am now bringing the floodwaters over the earth to destroy everything under the sky that breathes. Everything on earth is about to take its last breath. But I will set up my covenant with you. You will go into the ark together with your sons, your wife, and your sons’ wives. From all living things—from all creatures—you are to bring a pair, male and female, into the ark with you to keep them alive. From each kind of bird, from each kind of livestock, and from each kind of everything that crawls on the ground—a pair from each will go in with you to stay alive. Take some from every kind of food and stow it as food for you and for the animals.”‍Noah did everything exactly as God commanded him.‍The flood remained on the earth for forty days. Everything on dry land with life’s breath in its nostrils died. God wiped away every living thing that was on the fertile land—from human beings to livestock to crawling things to birds in the sky. They were wiped off the earth. Only Noah and those with him in the ark were left. The waters rose over the earth for one hundred fifty days.‍After forty days, Noah opened the window of the ark that he had made. He sent out a raven, and it flew back and forth until the waters over the entire earth had dried up. Then he sent out a dove to see if the waters on all of the fertile land had subsided, but the dove found no place to set its foot. It returned to him in the ark since waters still covered the entire earth. Noah stretched out his hand, took it, and brought it back into the ark. He waited seven more days and sent the dove out from the ark again. The dove came back to him in the evening, grasping a torn olive leaf in its beak. Then Noah knew that the waters were subsiding from the earth. He waited seven more days and sent out the dove, but it didn’t come back to him again. In Noah’s six hundred first year, on the first day of the first month, the waters dried up from the earth.‍‍‍​8. What can be inferred from the passage?‍
A: The waters rose over the earth for one hundred forty days.
B: Noah was a moral man who despised God
C: God was very satisfied with human beings
D: Humanity had become thoroughly evil on the earth
答案: 【 Humanity had become thoroughly evil on the earth

‌5. Origin of languages and cultures​‌All people on the earth had one language and the same words. When they traveled east, they found a valley in the land of Shinar and settled there. They said to each other, “Come, let’s make bricks and bake them hard.” They used bricks for stones and asphalt for mortar. They said, “Come, let’s build for ourselves a city and a tower with its top in the sky, and let’s make a name for ourselves so that we won’t be dispersed over all the earth.”​‌Then the LORD came down to see the city and the tower that the humans built. And the LORD said, “There is now one people and they all have one language. This is what they have begun to do, and now all that they plan to do will be possible for them. Come, let’s go down and mix up their language there so they won’t understand each other’s language.” Then the LORD dispersed them from there over all of the earth, and they stopped building the city. Therefore, it is named Babel, because there the LORD mixed up the language of all the earth; and from there the LORD dispersed them over all the earth.​‌​‌​‌9. Which of the following is NOT TRUE according to the passage?​
A: The LORD decided to mix up language so people can understand each other's language.
B: People used bricks for stones and asphalt for mortar.
C: People decided to make a name for themselves so that they won't be dispersed over all the earth.
D: All people on the earth had one language and the same words at the beginning.
答案: 【 The LORD decided to mix up language so people can understand each other's language.

5. Origin of languages and cultures​All people on the earth had one language and the same words. When they traveled east, they found a valley in the land of Shinar and settled there. They said to each other, “Come, let’s make bricks and bake them hard.” They used bricks for stones and asphalt for mortar. They said, “Come, let’s build for ourselves a city and a tower with its top in the sky, and let’s make a name for ourselves so that we won’t be dispersed over all the earth.”​Then the LORD came down to see the city and the tower that the humans built. And the LORD said, “There is now one people and they all have one language. This is what they have begun to do, and now all that they plan to do will be possible for them. Come, let’s go down and mix up their language there so they won’t understand each other’s language.” Then the LORD dispersed them from there over all of the earth, and they stopped building the city. Therefore, it is named Babel, because there the LORD mixed up the language of all the earth; and from there the LORD dispersed them over all the earth.​​​10. The underlined word in the passage can be replaced by?​
A: Scattered.
B: Displaced
C: Discreted.
D: Stopped.
答案: 【 Scattered.


It is obvious that he is trying stalling us.‎
A: evident     
B:  understable  
C: silly
D: impossible
答案: 【 evident     

​Some botanists are interested in the study of submarine plant life.‎
A: undersea
B: tropical
C: water
D: house
答案: 【 undersea

​This part of the sea is rich in marine products.‏
A: livestock
B: foreign
C: aquatic
D: food
答案: 【 aquatic

‌A new government department was established to control maritime traffic.​
A: sea
B: military
C: high way
D: air
答案: 【 sea

‎Our urban problem are the same as yours: crime, overcrowding and poverty.‍
A: housing shortage
B: social
C: present day
D: city
答案: 【 city

‍The spleen is a small organ located beneath the left side of the rib cage.​
A: caught
B: found
C: ingrown
D: implanted
答案: 【 found

‏Ann was humiliated by her friend's remarks.‌
A: pleased
B: embarrassed
C: encouraged
D: surprised
答案: 【 embarrassed

‏He is very humble in the company of his superiors.​
A: lowly
B: pride
C: fantastic
D: distinctive
答案: 【 lowly

‌He fell from his horse and dislocated his collar bone.‏
A: tore
B: slip
C: twisted
D: wrapped
答案: 【 twisted

‏Whatever we do, we can't deviate from the truth.‍
A: retreat
B: flee
C: wander
D: depart
答案: 【 depart

‏I regret that a previous engagement prevents me from accepting your kind invitation.‍
A: unusual
B: unique
C: last
D: special
答案: 【 last

‌The supply ships sailed under convoy.‏
A: protection
B: excursion
C: journey
D: transportation
答案: 【 protection

‌Scientists only knew that it was collocated on certain principles.‍
A: drew
B: calculated
C: resolved
D: arranged
答案: 【 arranged

‎____________ is science of the properties and relations of lines, angles, surfaces and solids.‍
A: Geography
B: Geometry
C: Drawing
D: Arithmetic
答案: 【 Geometry

‍Much territory in Africa is desert.​
A: religion
B: area
C: scene
D: beach
答案: 【 area

​A polite person endeavours to please others.​
A: civil
B: common
C: prominent
D: hospitable
答案: 【 civil

‍The doctor asked the nurse to insulate the serious patient from others.​
A: avoid
B: separate
C: resist
D: prevent
答案: 【 separate

‎He is stupid. He even don't know Tokyo is the metropolis of Japan.‏
A: president
B: leader
C: capital
D: religion
答案: 【 capital

​His instruction will help us to obviate difficulties.‍
A: get rid of
B: remove
C: meet
D: occupy
答案: 【 get rid of

​Left from the home, the child was deviated from the right path.‎
A: led
B: guided
C: followed
D: turned away
答案: 【 turned away


‏‏1. Birth of Jesus‏‏This is how the birth of Jesus Christ took place. When Mary his mother was engaged to Joseph, before they were married, she became pregnant by the Holy Spirit. Joseph her husband was a righteous man. Because he didn’t want to humiliate her, he decided to call off their engagement quietly. As he was thinking about this, an angel from the Lord appeared to him in a dream and said, “Joseph son of David, don’t be afraid to take Mary as your wife, because the child she carries was conceived by the Holy Spirit. She will give birth to a son, and you will call him Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins.” Now all of this took place so that what the Lord had spoken through the prophet would be fulfilled:‏‏Look! A virgin will become pregnant and give birth to a son,‏‏        And they will call him, Emmanuel.‏‏(Emmanuel means “God with us.”)‏‏When Joseph woke up, he did just as an angel from God commanded and took Mary as his wife. But he didn’t have sexual relations with her until she gave birth to a son. Joseph called him Jesus.‏‏They had to travel to the city of Bethlehem to register for a census ordered by the Roman emperor, Caesar Augustus. Both Nazareth and Bethlehem are in the country now called Israel. It is about 65 miles (105 km) from Nazareth to Bethlehem, and the trip probably took them several days.‏‏When Joseph and Mary got to Bethlehem, there was no place for them to stay because the inn was already full. They ended up spending the night in a stable, a place where animals were kept. There was probably fresh hay on the floor that they used for beds.‏‏That night, Jesus was born. There was no crib, so they laid baby Jesus in a manger, a feeding trough for animals. The manger probably had fresh hay in it and made a nice bed for the baby.‏‏‏‏1. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage ?‏
A: Mary will save people from their sins.
B: Joseph was an irresponsible man.
C: Joseph and Mary ended up spending the night in a inn when they got to Berhlehem.
D: Joseph and Mary laid baby Jesus in a manger for there was no crib
答案: 【 Joseph and Mary laid baby Jesus in a manger for there was no crib

‎1. Birth of Jesus‎This is how the birth of Jesus Christ took place. When Mary his mother was engaged to Joseph, before they were married, she became pregnant by the Holy Spirit. Joseph her husband was a righteous man. Because he didn’t want to humiliate her, he decided to call off their engagement quietly. As he was thinking about this, an angel from the Lord appeared to him in a dream and said, “Joseph son of David, don’t be afraid to take Mary as your wife, because the child she carries was conceived by the Holy Spirit. She will give birth to a son, and you will call him Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins.” Now all of this took place so that what the Lord had spoken through the prophet would be fulfilled:‎Look! A virgin will become pregnant and give birth to a son,‎        And they will call him, Emmanuel.‎(Emmanuel means “God with us.”)‎When Joseph woke up, he did just as an angel from God commanded and took Mary as his wife. But he didn’t have sexual relations with her until she gave birth to a son. Joseph called him Jesus.‎They had to travel to the city of Bethlehem to register for a census ordered by the Roman emperor, Caesar Augustus. Both Nazareth and Bethlehem are in the country now called Israel. It is about 65 miles (105 km) from Nazareth to Bethlehem, and the trip probably took them several days.‎When Joseph and Mary got to Bethlehem, there was no place for them to stay because the inn was already full. They ended up spending the night in a stable, a place where animals were kept. There was probably fresh hay on the floor that they used for beds.‎That night, Jesus was born. There was no crib, so they laid baby Jesus in a manger, a feeding trough for animals. The manger probably had fresh hay in it and made a nice bed for the baby.‎‎2. What do you think the underlined word is in the passage?‎
A: A kind of animal 
B: A kind of furniture
C: A kind of food
D: A kind of flavor
答案: 【 A kind of furniture

2. Gifts of the magi‌‎After Jesus was born in Bethlehem in the territory of Judea during the rule of King Herod, magi came from the east to Jerusalem. They asked, “Where is the newborn king of the Jews? We’ve seen his star in the east, and we’ve come to honor him.”‌‎When King Herod heard this, he was troubled, and everyone in Jerusalem was troubled with him. He gathered all the chief priests and the legal experts and asked them where the Christ was to be born. They said, “In Bethlehem of Judea, for this is what the prophet wrote:‌‎You, Bethlehem, land of Judah,‌‎        by no means are you least among the rulers of Judah,‌‎            because from you will come one who governs,‌‎            who will shepherd my people Israel.”‌‎Then Herod secretly called for the magi and found out from them the time when the star had first appeared. He sent them to Bethlehem, saying, “Go and search carefully for the child. When you’ve found him, report to me so that I too may go and honor him.” When they heard the king, they went; and look, the star they had seen in the east went ahead of them until it stood over the place where the child was. When they saw the star, they were filled with joy. They entered the house and saw the child with Mary his mother. Falling to their knees, they honored him. Then they opened their treasure chests and presented him with gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. Because they were warned in a dream not to return to Herod, they went back to their own country by another route.‌‎‌‎3. What can be inferred from the passage?‌
A: Everyone in Jerusalem was troubled with King Herod.
B: Magi came from the west to Jerusalem.
C: The prophet was unreliable.
D: Magi was a threat to King Herod.
答案: 【 Everyone in Jerusalem was troubled with King Herod.

2. Gifts of the magi‏After Jesus was born in Bethlehem in the territory of Judea during the rule of King Herod, magi came from the east to Jerusalem. They asked, “Where is the newborn king of the Jews? We’ve seen his star in the east, and we’ve come to honor him.”‏When King Herod heard this, he was troubled, and everyone in Jerusalem was troubled with him. He gathered all the chief priests and the legal experts and asked them where the Christ was to be born. They said, “In Bethlehem of Judea, for this is what the prophet wrote:‏You, Bethlehem, land of Judah,‏        by no means are you least among the rulers of Judah,‏            because from you will come one who governs,‏            who will shepherd my people Israel.”‏Then Herod secretly called for the magi and found out from them the time when the star had first appeared. He sent them to Bethlehem, saying, “Go and search carefully for the child. When you’ve found him, report to me so that I too may go and honor him.” When they heard the king, they went; and look, the star they had seen in the east went ahead of them until it stood over the place where the child was. When they saw the star, they were filled with joy. They entered the house and saw the child with Mary his mother. Falling to their knees, they honored him. Then they opened their treasure chests and presented him with gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. Because they were warned in a dream not to return to Herod, they went back to their own country by another route.‏‏4. Why did King Herod sent the magi to Bethlehem?‏
A: He wanted to start a war.
B: In order to find Jesus.
C: To gave threat to the magi.
D: To win some support.
答案: 【 In order to find Jesus.

‏‏3. Escape to Egypt‏‏When the magi had departed, an angel from the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream and said, “Get up. Take the child and his mother and escape to Egypt. Stay there until I tell you, for Herod will soon search for the child in order to kill him.” Joseph got up and, during the night, took the child and his mother to Egypt. He stayed there until Herod died. This fulfilled what the Lord had spoken through the prophet: I have called my son out of Egypt.‏‏When Herod knew the magi had fooled him, he grew very angry. He sent soldiers to kill all the male children in Bethlehem and in all the surrounding territory who were two years old and younger, according to the time that he had learned from the magi. This fulfilled the word spoken through Jeremiah the prophet:‏‏A voice was heard in Ramah,‏‏    weeping and much grieving.‏‏        Rachel weeping for her children,‏‏            and she did not want to be comforted,‏‏                because they were no more.‏‏After King Herod died, an angel from the Lord appeared in a dream to Joseph in Egypt. “Get up,” the angel said, “and take the child and his mother and go to the land of Israel. Those who were trying to kill the child are dead.” Joseph got up, took the child and his mother, and went to the land of Israel. ‏‏‏‏5.What can be inferred from the passage?‏‏‏‏
A: The angel told Joseph to take the child and his mother and escape to India
B: Herod grew very angry when he knew the magi had fooled him
C: King Herod killed Joseph in the end 
D: Joseph didn't listen to the angel
答案: 【 Herod grew very angry when he knew the magi had fooled him

​3. Escape to Egypt​When the magi had departed, an angel from the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream and said, “Get up. Take the child and his mother and escape to Egypt. Stay there until I tell you, for Herod will soon search for the child in order to kill him.” Joseph got up and, during the night, took the child and his mother to Egypt. He stayed there until Herod died. This fulfilled what the Lord had spoken through the prophet: I have called my son out of Egypt.​When Herod knew the magi had fooled him, he grew very angry. He sent soldiers to kill all the male children in Bethlehem and in all the surrounding territory who were two years old and younger, according to the time that he had learned from the magi. This fulfilled the word spoken through Jeremiah the prophet:​A voice was heard in Ramah,​    weeping and much grieving.​        Rachel weeping for her children,​            and she did not want to be comforted,​                because they were no more.​After King Herod died, an angel from the Lord appeared in a dream to Joseph in Egypt. “Get up,” the angel said, “and take the child and his mother and go to the land of Israel. Those who were trying to kill the child are dead.” Joseph got up, took the child and his mother, and went to the land of Israel. ​​6. What did Herod do after he knew the magi had fooled him?​​‏​
A: He sent a spy to Bethlehem
B: He gave a prophet immediately
C: He sent soldiers to kill all the male children in Bethlehem
D: He arrested the Joseph and killed him
答案: 【 He sent soldiers to kill all the male children in Bethlehem

4. The Gift of the Magi by O Henry (Summary)‌‏The story begins with Della despairing over the meager amount of money she’s managed to save over the past few months by pinching pennies. She had been hoping to save enough to buy her husband Jim a worthy Christmas present. Della suddenly goes to gaze at her reflection in a window, letting her hair fall to its full length below her knee. Della’s brown hair and Jim’s gold watch that had been passed down from his grandfather are the couple’s most prized possessions.‌‏Della runs to a hair shop and sells her hair for twenty dollars. Then she uses the money to buy Jim a simple platinum watch chain. The chain is described as possessing “quietness and value,” like Jim.‌‏Della returns home to fix her hair into curls and make dinner. When Jim walks into the door, he freezes, staring at Della’s hair. Della tells him that she did it in order to buy a proper Christmas present for him. Jim snaps out of his shock, hugs Della, and throws a package on the table. He explains that no haircut could make him love her any less, but that he was surprised because of the present that he bought for her. Della opens the package to find expensive tortoiseshell combs for her long hair. She’s ecstatic for a moment before she begins crying, and Jim has to comfort her.‌‏Suddenly, Della remembers her present to Jim, and asks to see Jim’s watch so that she could put the new chain on it. Jim sits back on the couch and smiles, then admits that he sold his watch in order to buy the combs.‌‏The narrator wraps up the story by describing the magi who invented the art of giving Christmas presents. He compares Della and Jim to these wise men, and concludes that of all those who give gifts, these two are the wisest.‌‏‌‏7. Which of the following is NOT TRUE according to the passage ?‌
A: Della runs to a hair shop to ask for advice.
B: A simple platinum watch chain is the gift for Jim.
C: Della is ecstatic when she opens the package.
D: Jim explains that no haircut can make him love Della any less.
答案: 【 Della runs to a hair shop to ask for advice.

​4. The Gift of the Magi by O Henry (Summary)​The story begins with Della despairing over the meager amount of money she’s managed to save over the past few months by pinching pennies. She had been hoping to save enough to buy her husband Jim a worthy Christmas present. Della suddenly goes to gaze at her reflection in a window, letting her hair fall to its full length below her knee. Della’s brown hair and Jim’s gold watch that had been passed down from his grandfather are the couple’s most prized possessions.​Della runs to a hair shop and sells her hair for twenty dollars. Then she uses the money to buy Jim a simple platinum watch chain. The chain is described as possessing “quietness and value,” like Jim.​Della returns home to fix her hair into curls and make dinner. When Jim walks into the door, he freezes, staring at Della’s hair. Della tells him that she did it in order to buy a proper Christmas present for him. Jim snaps out of his shock, hugs Della, and throws a package on the table. He explains that no haircut could make him love her any less, but that he was surprised because of the present that he bought for her. Della opens the package to find expensive tortoiseshell combs for her long hair. She’s ecstatic for a moment before she begins crying, and Jim has to comfort her.​Suddenly, Della remembers her present to Jim, and asks to see Jim’s watch so that she could put the new chain on it. Jim sits back on the couch and smiles, then admits that he sold his watch in order to buy the combs.​The narrator wraps up the story by describing the magi who invented the art of giving Christmas presents. He compares Della and Jim to these wise men, and concludes that of all those who give gifts, these two are the wisest.​​8. What do you think of Della and Jim?​
A: They are indifferent to each other.
B: They are selfish and inconsiderate
C: They love each other so much
D:  They are heartless people
答案: 【 They love each other so much

5. A rich man and his steward‏‌Jesus told his disciples: “There was a rich man whose steward was accused of wasting his possessions. So he called him in and asked him, ‘What is this I hear about you? Give an account of your management, because you cannot be steward any longer.’ “The steward said to himself, ‘What shall I do now? My master is taking away my job. I’m not strong enough to dig, and I’m ashamed to beg—I know what I’ll do so that, when I lose my job here, people will welcome me into their houses.’ “So he called in each one of his master’s debtors. He asked the first, ‘How much do you owe my master?’ “‘Nine hundred gallons of olive oil,’ he replied. “The steward told him, ‘Take your bill, sit down quickly, and make it four hundred and fifty.’ “Then he asked the second, ‘And how much do you owe?’ “‘A thousand bushels of wheat,’ he replied. “He told him, ‘Take your bill and make it eight hundred.’ “The master commended the dishonest steward because he had acted shrewdly. For the people of this world are more shrewd in dealing with their own kind than are the people of the light. I tell you, use worldly wealth to gain friends for yourselves, so that when it is gone, you will be welcomed into eternal dwellings. “Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much, and whoever is dishonest with very little will also be dishonest with much. So if you have not been trustworthy in handling worldly wealth, who will trust you with true riches? And if you have not been trustworthy with someone else’s property, who will give you property of your own?‏‌‏‌9. What can be inferred from the passage?‏
A: The rich man was very gracious.
B: The master hit the dishonest steward badly.
C: The rich man's steward was accused of wasting his possessions.
D: The steward begged for forgiveness from the rich man.
答案: 【 The rich man's steward was accused of wasting his possessions.

5. A rich man and his steward‍Jesus told his disciples: “There was a rich man whose steward was accused of wasting his possessions. So he called him in and asked him, ‘What is this I hear about you? Give an account of your management, because you cannot be steward any longer.’ “The steward said to himself, ‘What shall I do now? My master is taking away my job. I’m not strong enough to dig, and I’m ashamed to beg—I know what I’ll do so that, when I lose my job here, people will welcome me into their houses.’ “So he called in each one of his master’s debtors. He asked the first, ‘How much do you owe my master?’ “‘Nine hundred gallons of olive oil,’ he replied. “The steward told him, ‘Take your bill, sit down quickly, and make it four hundred and fifty.’ “Then he asked the second, ‘And how much do you owe?’ “‘A thousand bushels of wheat,’ he replied. “He told him, ‘Take your bill and make it eight hundred.’ “The master commended the dishonest steward because he had acted shrewdly. For the people of this world are more shrewd in dealing with their own kind than are the people of the light. I tell you, use worldly wealth to gain friends for yourselves, so that when it is gone, you will be welcomed into eternal dwellings. “Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much, and whoever is dishonest with very little will also be dishonest with much. So if you have not been trustworthy in handling worldly wealth, who will trust you with true riches? And if you have not been trustworthy with someone else’s property, who will give you property of your own?‍‍10. What is the main idea of the passage?‍‎‍
A: Stewards should be strict with themselves.
B: Master should be grateful for everything they have.
C: Honesty is needed only when you made mistakes.
D: Honesty is an important value 
答案: 【 Honesty is an important value 



‍The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle is one of the earliest written records of England.‏
A: anthology       
B: guide
C: journal  
D: annals
答案: 【 annals

‏Hitler and Mussolini were contemporaries.‌
A: living in different periods
B: living in different countries
C: living in the same period
D: living in the same country
答案: 【 living in the same period

‏The powers of the courts are defined by law.‌
A: printed
B: answered
C: specified
D: found
答案: 【 specified

‌At one time the boundaries of science were thought to be infinite.‏
A: laudatory
B: great
C: boundless
D: limited
答案: 【 boundless

‎He confined his activities to educational circles.‎
A: limited
B: continued
C: extended
D: stopped
答案: 【 limited

​Never in the annals of crime has there been such a daring robbery.‌
A: records
B: recorders
C: recount
D: recourse
答案: 【 records

‍The company issues an annual report every March.‌
A: a yearly
B: a comprehensive
C: a financial
D: a product
答案: 【 a yearly

‎The chairman wanted to adjourn the meeting.‍
A: dissolve
B: finish
C: admit
D: adjoin
答案: 【 dissolve

‏The innovation of jet flight had made the world seem smaller.‏
A: speed
B:  improvement
C: shortening
D: introduction
答案: 【  improvement

‏The novelty of his surroundings soon wore off, and then he wanted to move again.‍
A: strangeness
B: effect
C: influence
D: simplicity
答案: 【 strangeness

‍His brother John is a very good archer.‏
A: sportsman
B:  swimmer
C: footballer
D: bowman
答案: 【 bowman

‌Before the revolution, the country had been a monarchy for hundreds of years.​
A: state ruled by a king
B: state of collective leadership
C: state ruled by a group of army officers
D: state without any rulers
答案: 【 state ruled by a king

‏Natural adhesives are primarily of animal or vegetable origin.‍
A: solely
B: partially
C: principally
D: extensively
答案: 【 principally

‍His prime concern in life was his health.‏
A: untimely
B:  secondly
C: significantly
D: primary
答案: 【 primary

‍The pioneers had to endure quite primitive living conditions.​
A: comfortable
B: miserable
C: plain
D: rude
答案: 【 plain

‌At the opening game of the baseball season in Washington D.C., the President, according to protocol, is invited to throw out the first ball.‌
A: ceremony
B: amusement
C: hobby
D: religion
答案: 【 ceremony

‎The movie star will not accept a minor role; she wants to play the protagonist.‍
A: boss
B: broker
C: manager
D:  lead
答案: 【  lead

‌After his graduation, he worked as a journalist in France.‏
A: traveller
B: guide
C: passenger
D: newsman
答案: 【 newsman

‏The car was made in 1800; it is now regarded as antique.‏
A: homemade
B:  old
C: layman
D: gorge
答案: 【  old

‍The old college buildings at Oxford cost much money to renovate.‏
A: renew
B: decorate
C: destroy
D: replace
答案: 【 renew


1. Judas betrays Jesus‎‍    When Jesus finished speaking all these words, he said to his disciples, “You know that the Passover is two days from now. And the Human One will be handed over to be crucified.”‎‍    Then the chief priests and elders of the people gathered in the courtyard of Caiaphas the high priest. They were plotting to arrest Jesus by cunning tricks and to kill him. But they agreed that it shouldn’t happen during the feast so there wouldn’t be an uproar among the people.‎‍    When Jesus was at Bethany visiting the house of Simon, who had a skin disease, a woman came to him with a vase made of alabaster containing very expensive perfume. She poured it on Jesus’ head while he was sitting at dinner. Now when the disciples saw it they were angry.‎‍    But Jesus knew what they were thinking. He said, “Why do you make trouble for the woman? She’s done a good thing for me. You always have the poor with you, but you won’t always have me. By pouring this perfume over my body she’s prepared me to be buried. I tell you the truth that wherever in the whole world this good news is announced, what she’s done will also be told in memory of her.”‎‍   Then one of the Twelve, who was called Judas Iscariot, went to the chief priests and said, “What will you give me if I turn Jesus over to you?” They paid him thirty pieces of silver. From that time on he was looking for an opportunity to turn him in.‎‍‎‍1.What can be inferred from the passage?‎
A: Judas was innocent and grateful. 
B: The chief priests respected Jesus in a sincere way.
C: Jesus was assassinated in Passover.
D: The chief priests were plotting to arrest Jesus by cunning tricks and to kill him.
答案: 【 The chief priests were plotting to arrest Jesus by cunning tricks and to kill him.

‎1. Judas betrays Jesus‎    When Jesus finished speaking all these words, he said to his disciples, “You know that the Passover is two days from now. And the Human One will be handed over to be crucified.”‎    Then the chief priests and elders of the people gathered in the courtyard of Caiaphas the high priest. They were plotting to arrest Jesus by cunning tricks and to kill him. But they agreed that it shouldn’t happen during the feast so there wouldn’t be an uproar among the people.‎    When Jesus was at Bethany visiting the house of Simon, who had a skin disease, a woman came to him with a vase made of alabaster containing very expensive perfume. She poured it on Jesus’ head while he was sitting at dinner. Now when the disciples saw it they were angry.‎    But Jesus knew what they were thinking. He said, “Why do you make trouble for the woman? She’s done a good thing for me. You always have the poor with you, but you won’t always have me. By pouring this perfume over my body she’s prepared me to be buried. I tell you the truth that wherever in the whole world this good news is announced, what she’s done will also be told in memory of her.”‎   Then one of the Twelve, who was called Judas Iscariot, went to the chief priests and said, “What will you give me if I turn Jesus over to you?” They paid him thirty pieces of silver. From that time on he was looking for an opportunity to turn him in.‎‎2. Which of the following is the best word to describe Judas?‎
A: Smart.
B: Tricky.
C: Pure.
D: Dumb.
答案: 【 Tricky.

‎‍2. Last supper‎‍    That evening he took his place at the table with the twelve disciples. As they were eating he said, “I assure you that one of you will betray me.”‎‍   Deeply saddened, each one said to him, “I’m not the one, am I, Lord?”‎‍    He replied, “The one who will betray me is the one who dips his hand with me into this bowl. The Human One goes to his death just as it is written about him. But how terrible it is for that person who betrays the Human One! It would have been better for him if he had never been born.”‎‍    Now Judas, who would betray him, replied, “It’s not me, is it, Rabbi?”‎‍    Jesus answered, “You said it.”‎‍    While they were eating, Jesus took bread, blessed it, broke it, and gave it to the disciples and said, “Take and eat. This is my body.” He took a cup, gave thanks, and gave it to them, saying, “Drink from this, all of you. This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many so that their sins may be forgiven. I tell you, I won’t drink wine again until that day when I drink it in a new way with you in my Father’s kingdom.” Then, after singing songs of praise, they went to the Mount of Olives.‎‍‎‍3.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?‎
A: The last supper was a ceremonial.
B: The twelve disciples all betrayed Jesus.
C: Jesus assured that one of the twelve disciples would betray him.
D: The blood of Jesus could cure all diseases.
答案: 【 Jesus assured that one of the twelve disciples would betray him.

​2. Last supper​    That evening he took his place at the table with the twelve disciples. As they were eating he said, “I assure you that one of you will betray me.”​   Deeply saddened, each one said to him, “I’m not the one, am I, Lord?”​    He replied, “The one who will betray me is the one who dips his hand with me into this bowl. The Human One goes to his death just as it is written about him. But how terrible it is for that person who betrays the Human One! It would have been better for him if he had never been born.”​    Now Judas, who would betray him, replied, “It’s not me, is it, Rabbi?”​    Jesus answered, “You said it.”​    While they were eating, Jesus took bread, blessed it, broke it, and gave it to the disciples and said, “Take and eat. This is my body.” He took a cup, gave thanks, and gave it to them, saying, “Drink from this, all of you. This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many so that their sins may be forgiven. I tell you, I won’t drink wine again until that day when I drink it in a new way with you in my Father’s kingdom.” Then, after singing songs of praise, they went to the Mount of Olives.​​4. The one who will betray Jesus was?​
A: The one who were singing songs.
B: The one who took the cup.
C: The one who dips his hand with Jesus into a bowl.
D: The one who praised everyone in the supper.
答案: 【 The one who dips his hand with Jesus into a bowl.

‎‎3. Arrest‎‏    While Jesus was still speaking, Judas, one of the Twelve, came. With him was a large crowd carrying swords and clubs. They had been sent by the chief priests and elders of the people. His betrayer had given them a sign: “Arrest the man I kiss.” Just then he came to Jesus and said, “Hello, Rabbi.” Then he kissed him.‎‏    But Jesus said to him, “Friend, do what you came to do.” Then they came and grabbed Jesus and arrested him.‎‏   One of those with Jesus reached for his sword. Striking the high priest’s slave, he cut off his ear. Then Jesus said to him, “Put the sword back into its place. All those who use the sword will die by the sword. Or do you think that I’m not able to ask my Father and he will send to me more than twelve battle groups of angels right away? But if I did that, how would the scriptures be fulfilled that say this must happen?” Then Jesus said to the crowds, “Have you come with swords and clubs to arrest me, like a thief? Day after day, I sat in the temple teaching, but you didn’t arrest me. But all this has happened so that what the prophets said in the scriptures might be fulfilled.” Then all the disciples left Jesus and ran away.‎‏‎‏5. What is the sign given by the betrayer?‎‎‎
A: Do what you came to do.
B: Hello, Rabbi.
C: Arrest the man I kiss.
D: Put the sword back into its place.
答案: 【 Arrest the man I kiss.

3. Arrest‌    While Jesus was still speaking, Judas, one of the Twelve, came. With him was a large crowd carrying swords and clubs. They had been sent by the chief priests and elders of the people. His betrayer had given them a sign: “Arrest the man I kiss.” Just then he came to Jesus and said, “Hello, Rabbi.” Then he kissed him.‌    But Jesus said to him, “Friend, do what you came to do.” Then they came and grabbed Jesus and arrested him.‌   One of those with Jesus reached for his sword. Striking the high priest’s slave, he cut off his ear. Then Jesus said to him, “Put the sword back into its place. All those who use the sword will die by the sword. Or do you think that I’m not able to ask my Father and he will send to me more than twelve battle groups of angels right away? But if I did that, how would the scriptures be fulfilled that say this must happen?” Then Jesus said to the crowds, “Have you come with swords and clubs to arrest me, like a thief? Day after day, I sat in the temple teaching, but you didn’t arrest me. But all this has happened so that what the prophets said in the scriptures might be fulfilled.” Then all the disciples left Jesus and ran away.‌‌6. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?‌
A: Judas fooled other disciples and killed them.
B: Jesus was arrested by Judas.
C: Jesus was killed in the crowd.
D: All the disciples left Jesus and ran away in the end.
答案: 【 All the disciples left Jesus and ran away in the end.

4. Judas' death‍‏    When Judas, who betrayed Jesus, saw that Jesus was condemned to die, he felt deep regret. He returned the thirty pieces of silver to the chief priests and elders, and said, “I did wrong because I betrayed an innocent man.”‍‏    But they said, “What is that to us? That's your problem.” Judas threw the silver pieces into the temple and left. Then he went and hanged himself.‍‏    The chief priests picked up the silver pieces and said, “According to the Law it's not right to put this money in the treasury. Since it was used to pay for someone's life, it’s unclean.” So they decided to use it to buy the potter's field where strangers could be buried. That's why that field is called “Field of Blood” to this very day. This fulfilled the words of Jeremiah the prophet: And I took the thirty pieces of silver, the price for the one whose price had been set by some of the Israelites, and I gave them for the potter's field, as the Lord commanded me.‍‏‍‏7.Why is it not right to put the money in the treasury?‍
A: Because the money was used for protecting Jesus.
B: Because the money was used to pay for someone's life.
C: Because the money has something to do with Judas. 
D: Because the money was used for save someone's life.
答案: 【 Because the money was used to pay for someone's life.

4. Judas' death‏    When Judas, who betrayed Jesus, saw that Jesus was condemned to die, he felt deep regret. He returned the thirty pieces of silver to the chief priests and elders, and said, “I did wrong because I betrayed an innocent man.”‏    But they said, “What is that to us? That's your problem.” Judas threw the silver pieces into the temple and left. Then he went and hanged himself.‏    The chief priests picked up the silver pieces and said, “According to the Law it's not right to put this money in the treasury. Since it was used to pay for someone's life, it's unclean.” So they decided to use it to buy the potter's field where strangers could be buried. That’s why that field is called “Field of Blood” to this very day. This fulfilled the words of Jeremiah the prophet: And I took the thirty pieces of silver, the price for the one whose price had been set by some of the Israelites, and I gave them for the potter's field, as the Lord commanded me.‏‏8.What can be inferred from the passage?‏
A: Judas hanged himself in a crowd. 
B: The money was used to buy the graveyard for those strangers.
C: The field is called "Field of Fire".
D: Judas threw the silver pieces so as to curse Jesus. 
答案: 【 The money was used to buy the graveyard for those strangers.

5. Crucifixion​‌    After they crucified him, they divided up his clothes among them by drawing lots. They sat there, guarding him. They placed above his head the charge against him. It read, “This is Jesus, the king of the Jews.” They crucified with him two outlaws, one on his right side and one on his left.​‌    From noon until three in the afternoon the whole earth was dark. At about three Jesus cried out with a loud shout, “Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani,” which means, “My God, my God, why have you left me?” Again Jesus cried out with a loud shout. Then he died.​‌    Look, the curtain of the sanctuary was torn in two from top to bottom. The earth shook, the rocks split, and the bodies of many holy people who had died were raised. After Jesus’ resurrection they came out of their graves and went into the holy city where they appeared to many people. When the centurion and those with him who were guarding Jesus saw the earthquake and what had just happened, they were filled with awe and said, “This was certainly God’s Son.”​‌    After the Sabbath, at dawn on the first day of the week, Mary Magdalene and the other Mary came to look at the tomb. Look, there was a great earthquake, for an angel from the Lord came down from heaven. Coming to the stone, he rolled it away and sat on it. Now his face was like lightning and his clothes as white as snow. The guards were so terrified of him that they shook with fear and became like dead men. But the angel said to the women, “Don’t be afraid. I know that you are looking for Jesus who was crucified. He isn’t here, because he’s been raised from the dead, just as he said. Come, see the place where they laid him. Now hurry, go and tell his disciples, ‘He’s been raised from the dead. He’s going on ahead of you to Galilee. You will see him there.’ I’ve given the message to you.”​‌    With great fear and excitement, they hurried away from the tomb and ran to tell his disciples. But Jesus met them and greeted them. They came and grabbed his feet and worshipped him. Then Jesus said to them, “Don’t be afraid. Go and tell my brothers that I am going into Galilee. They will see me there.”​‌​‌9.The underlined word in the passage can be replaced by?​
A: Criticized.
B: Protected.
C: Mocked.
D: Honored.
答案: 【 Honored.

5. Crucifixion‏    After they crucified him, they divided up his clothes among them by drawing lots. They sat there, guarding him. They placed above his head the charge against him. It read, “This is Jesus, the king of the Jews.” They crucified with him two outlaws, one on his right side and one on his left.‏    From noon until three in the afternoon the whole earth was dark. At about three Jesus cried out with a loud shout, “Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani,” which means, “My God, my God, why have you left me?” Again Jesus cried out with a loud shout. Then he died.‏    Look, the curtain of the sanctuary was torn in two from top to bottom. The earth shook, the rocks split, and the bodies of many holy people who had died were raised. After Jesus’ resurrection they came out of their graves and went into the holy city where they appeared to many people. When the centurion and those with him who were guarding Jesus saw the earthquake and what had just happened, they were filled with awe and said, “This was certainly God’s Son.”‏    After the Sabbath, at dawn on the first day of the week, Mary Magdalene and the other Mary came to look at the tomb. Look, there was a great earthquake, for an angel from the Lord came down from heaven. Coming to the stone, he rolled it away and sat on it. Now his face was like lightning and his clothes as white as snow. The guards were so terrified of him that they shook with fear and became like dead men. But the angel said to the women, “Don’t be afraid. I know that you are looking for Jesus who was crucified. He isn’t here, because he’s been raised from the dead, just as he said. Come, see the place where they laid him. Now hurry, go and tell his disciples, ‘He’s been raised from the dead. He’s going on ahead of you to Galilee. You will see him there.’ I’ve given the message to you.”‏    With great fear and excitement, they hurried away from the tomb and ran to tell his disciples. But Jesus met them and greeted them. They came and grabbed his feet and worshipped him. Then Jesus said to them, “Don’t be afraid. Go and tell my brothers that I am going into Galilee. They will see me there.”‏‏10. Which of the following is NOT TRUE according to the passage?‏
A: Jesus cried out with a loud shout before he died.
B: The curtain of the sanctuary was torn in two from top to bottom after Jesus died.
C: The earthquake was considered as a prophecy.
D: Jesus has been raised from the dead just as he said.
答案: 【 The earthquake was considered as a prophecy.


‏Her arrival served to animate the whole party.‌
A: dishearten  
B: depress
C: invigorate
D: discourage
答案: 【 invigorate

​The students studies the organs of frogs today in biology class.​
A: science of life and living things
B: science of the earth’s history
C: science of the structure of plants
D: study of the causes of disease
答案: 【 science of life and living things

​Biographies of famous people often tell us much of the history of their time.‏
A: written accounts of someone’s family
B: written history of someone’s life
C: records of a person’s income
D: records of books written by someone
答案: 【 written history of someone’s life

​To this day, I still have vivid recollections of the days I spent in Spain five years ago.‏
A: painful
B: confused
C: distinct
D: fond
答案: 【 distinct

‏He revived with artificial respiration.​
A: came back to life
B: stood up again
C: was rescued
D: was breathing
答案: 【 came back to life

‌The further survival of the bald eagle is still an important American ecological concern.​
A: migration
B: population
C: existence
D: evolution
答案: 【 existence

‍It is vital that you deliver this medicine immediately, Mrs. Cooper may die without it.‎
A: trivial
B: quick
C: specific
D: urgent
答案: 【 urgent

‌We can get stamps from automatic machines.‌
A: postal
B: hand-operated
C: self-operating
D: modern
答案: 【 self-operating

‏All the schools in the city were closed during the flu epidemic.​
A: infection
B: perfection
C: effect
D: affection
答案: 【 infection

​His newly published novel enjoys great popularity.‍
A: circulation
B: controversy
C: liking
D: affection
答案: 【 liking

‍A man’s body dies, but his soul may be immortal.​
A: perished
B: short-lived
C: ever-lasting
D: hovering
答案: 【 ever-lasting

​All living things are mortal, so you and I must be mortal, too.‏
A: mammals
B: subject to death
C: equal
D: kind in nature
答案: 【 subject to death

​The house is mortgaged to the bank for twenty thousand dollars.​
A: sold
B: connected
C: placed under lien
D: to pay the debt
答案: 【 placed under lien

‏Sally was mortified by her date’s unprecedented behavior.‏
A: eradicated
B: overjoyed
C: humiliated
D: challenged
答案: 【 humiliated

‌A patriot thinks first of his country and later of himself.‍
A:  president
B: hero
C: nationalist
D: soldier
答案: 【 nationalist

‎The exhibition was patrolled at night by policeman.‎
A: kept watched
B: out watched
C: watched over
D: in the watch
答案: 【 watched over

​The poor painter has a wealthy patron.‌
A: tutor
B: advisor
C: protector
D: customer
答案: 【 protector

‏In almost every discussion there is bound to be some disagreement. Don’t expect unanimity.‎
A: accord
B: assurance
C: promise
D: conversation
答案: 【 accord

‎If you become extremely upset when you lose a game, it is a sign that you lack equanimity.​
A: mind
B: calmness
C: experience
D: courage
答案: 【 calmness

​Her innate beauty entitles her to more chances in the choice of the jobs.‍
A: artificial
B: very
C: extraordinary
D: natural
答案: 【 natural


‍1.  Trinity College​Trinity College is a constituent college of the University of Cambridge in England. With around 600 undergraduates, 300 graduates, and over 180 fellows, it is the largest college in either of the Oxbridge universities by number of undergraduates. In terms of total student numbers, it is second only to Homerton College, Cambridge.​Members of Trinity have won 33 Nobel Prizes out of the 116 won by members of Cambridge University, the highest number of any college at either Oxford or Cambridge. Five Fields Medals in mathematics were won by members of the college (of the six awarded to members of British universities) and one Abel Prize was won.​Trinity alumni include six British prime ministers (all Tory or Whig/Liberal), physicists Isaac Newton, James Clerk Maxwell, Ernest Rutherford and Niels Bohr, mathematician Srinivasa Ramanujan, the poet Lord Byron, historian Lord Macaulay, philosophers Ludwig Wittgenstein and Bertrand Russell (whom it expelled before reaccepting), and Soviet spies Kim Philby, Guy Burgess, and Anthony Blunt.​Two members of the British royal family have studied at Trinity and been awarded degrees as a result: Prince William of Gloucester and Edinburgh, who gained an MA in 1790, and Prince Charles, who was awarded a lower second class BA in 1970. Other royal family members have studied there without obtaining degrees, including King Edward VII, King George VI, and Prince Henry, Duke of Gloucester.​Trinity has many college societies, including the Trinity Mathematical Society, which is the oldest mathematical university society in the United Kingdom, and the First and Third Trinity Boat Club, its rowing club, which gives its name to the college's May Ball. Along with Christ's, Jesus, King's and St John's colleges, it has also provided several of the well-known members of the Apostles, an intellectual secret society.​In 1848, Trinity hosted the meeting at which Cambridge undergraduates representing private schools such as Westminster drew up the first formal rules of football, known as the Cambridge Rules.​Trinity's sister college in Oxford is Christ Church. Like that college, Trinity has been linked with Westminster School since the school's re-foundation in 1560, and its Master is an ex officio governor of the school.​‍​1. Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE?​
A: Some royal family members have studied in Trinity without obtaining degrees.
B: Trinity is the largest college in either of the Oxbridge universities by total student numbers.
C: Trinity has the oldest mathematical university society in the United Kingdom.
D: Newton and Maxwell are Trinity alumni.
答案: 【 Trinity is the largest college in either of the Oxbridge universities by total student numbers.

1.  Trinity College‍Trinity College is a constituent college of the University of Cambridge in England. With around 600 undergraduates, 300 graduates, and over 180 fellows, it is the largest college in either of the Oxbridge universities by number of undergraduates. In terms of total student numbers, it is second only to Homerton College, Cambridge.‍Members of Trinity have won 33 Nobel Prizes out of the 116 won by members of Cambridge University, the highest number of any college at either Oxford or Cambridge. Five Fields Medals in mathematics were won by members of the college (of the six awarded to members of British universities) and one Abel Prize was won.‍Trinity alumni include six British prime ministers (all Tory or Whig/Liberal), physicists Isaac Newton, James Clerk Maxwell, Ernest Rutherford and Niels Bohr, mathematician Srinivasa Ramanujan, the poet Lord Byron, historian Lord Macaulay, philosophers Ludwig Wittgenstein and Bertrand Russell (whom it expelled before reaccepting), and Soviet spies Kim Philby, Guy Burgess, and Anthony Blunt.‍Two members of the British royal family have studied at Trinity and been awarded degrees as a result: Prince William of Gloucester and Edinburgh, who gained an MA in 1790, and Prince Charles, who was awarded a lower second class BA in 1970. Other royal family members have studied there without obtaining degrees, including King Edward VII, King George VI, and Prince Henry, Duke of Gloucester.‍Trinity has many college societies, including the Trinity Mathematical Society, which is the oldest mathematical university society in the United Kingdom, and the First and Third Trinity Boat Club, its rowing club, which gives its name to the college's May Ball. Along with Christ's, Jesus, King's and St John's colleges, it has also provided several of the well-known members of the Apostles, an intellectual secret society.‍In 1848, Trinity hosted the meeting at which Cambridge undergraduates representing private schools such as Westminster drew up the first formal rules of football, known as the Cambridge Rules.‍Trinity's sister college in Oxford is Christ Church. Like that college, Trinity has been linked with Westminster School since the school's re-foundation in 1560, and its Master is an ex officio governor of the school.‍‍2. What can be inferred from the passage?‍
A: Members of Trinity have won 33 Nobel Prizes out of the highest number of any college at either Oxford or Cambridge.
B: Members of Trinity have won 33 Nobel Prizes while members of Cambridge University won the highest number of 116.
C: Trinity members have won 116 Nobel Prizes, the highest number of any college at either Oxford or Cambridge.
D: Trinity members won the highest number of Nobel Prizes at either Oxford or Cambridge.
答案: 【 Trinity members won the highest number of Nobel Prizes at either Oxford or Cambridge.

2. Activities on River Cam‏Like many rivers, the Cam is extensively used for several forms of recreational activity. These include angling, swimming and various kinds of boating.‏Angling‏The water is not murky and is clean enough from its source to its confluence with the Great Ouse to support fish. The fishing rights on the west bank are leased annually to the Cambridge Fish Preservation and Angling Society.‏The Cam below Bottisham Sluice may still hold burbot, a fish thought to be extinct in English waters since the early 1970s. The last known burbot caught in Britain was in 1969, on the Cam, and in 2010 a fisherman reported spotting two in the Great Ouse.‏Above Hinxton and Great Chesterford the river holds a stock of wild brown trout, though it is also stocked by the Audley Fly Fishers club and other angling societies who own the rights.‏Boating‏All boats require a navigation license from either the Conservators of the River Cam or the Environment Agency.‏There are public moorings just below Jesus Lock on both sides of the river and on the western bank just north of the bridge at Clayhithe (both with a maximum stay of 48 hours), and unofficial moorings on the railings adjoining Riverside in Cambridge (unlimited stay, but usually fully occupied) which are under review by Cambridge City Council and likely to be reduced to eight or nine formalized residential moorings, or removed altogether. The moorings on the commons in Cambridge (Jesus Green, Midsummer Common map 5 and Stourbridge Common) are reserved by the City Council for holders of its long-term mooring permits. There are also some privately owned moorings.‏There is a public slipway next to the garden of the Green Dragon pub in Water Street, Chesterton.map 4 This is occasionally used for launching small boats.‏Swimming‏The local swimming club's annual swim from the Mill pond to Jesus Green was cancelled for some years in the past because of higher pollution levels.‏Swimming on the upper river is popular in the summer, and people bathe at Grantchester Meadows all year round. Hardy bathers take part in the New Year's Day swim.‏‏3.What do we know about the River Cam according to the passage?‏
A: People dislike the recreational activities in River Cam. 
B: Burbot was thought to be extinct in English waters since the early 1950s.
C: The last known burbot caught in Britain was in 1969, on the Cam.
D: The River Cam has no pollution.
答案: 【 The last known burbot caught in Britain was in 1969, on the Cam.

2. Activies on River Cam‍Like many rivers, the Cam is extensively used for several forms of recreational activity. These include angling, swimming and various kinds of boating.‍Angling‍The water is not murky and is clean enough from its source to its confluence with the Great Ouse to support fish. The fishing rights on the west bank are leased annually to the Cambridge Fish Preservation and Angling Society.‍The Cam below Bottisham Sluice may still hold burbot, a fish thought to be extinct in English waters since the early 1970s. The last known burbot caught in Britain was in 1969, on the Cam, and in 2010 a fisherman reported spotting two in the Great Ouse.‍Above Hinxton and Great Chesterford the river holds a stock of wild brown trout, though it is also stocked by the Audley Fly Fishers club and other angling societies who own the rights.‍Boating‍All boats require a navigation license from either the Conservators of the River Cam or the Environment Agency.‍There are public moorings just below Jesus Lock on both sides of the river and on the western bank just north of the bridge at Clayhithe (both with a maximum stay of 48 hours), and unofficial moorings on the railings adjoining Riverside in Cambridge (unlimited stay, but usually fully occupied) which are under review by Cambridge City Council and likely to be reduced to eight or nine formalized residential moorings, or removed altogether. The moorings on the commons in Cambridge (Jesus Green, Midsummer Common map 5 and Stourbridge Common) are reserved by the City Council for holders of its long-term mooring permits. There are also some privately owned moorings.‍There is a public slipway next to the garden of the Green Dragon pub in Water Street, Chesterton.map 4 This is occasionally used for launching small boats.‍Swimming‍The local swimming club's annual swim from the Mill pond to Jesus Green was cancelled for some years in the past because of higher pollution levels.‍Swimming on the upper river is popular in the summer, and people bathe at Grantchester Meadows all year round. Hardy bathers take part in the New Year's Day swim.‍‍4.Which of the following is NOT TRUE according to the passage?‍
A: Swimming on the upper river is popular in the summer
B: The moorings on the commons in Cambridge are reserved by Environment Agency
C: The pollution levels of the River Cam are quite high
D: The public slipway next to the garden of the Green Dragon pub is occasionally used for launching small boats
答案: 【 The moorings on the commons in Cambridge are reserved by Environment Agency

3. History of Oxford‏As the oldest university in the English-speaking world, Oxford is a unique and historic institution. There is no clear date of foundation, but teaching existed at Oxford in some form in 1096 and developed rapidly from 1167, when Henry II banned English students from attending the University of Paris.‏In 1188, the historian, Gerald of Wales, gave a public reading to the assembled Oxford dons and in around 1190 the arrival of Emo of Friesland, the first known overseas student, set in motion the University's tradition of international scholarly links. By 1201, the University was headed by a magister scolarum Oxonie, on whom the title of Chancellor was conferred in 1214, and in 1231 the masters were recognized as a universitas or corporation.‏In the 13th century, rioting between town and gown (townspeople and students) hastened the establishment of primitive halls of residence. These were succeeded by the first of Oxford's colleges, which began as medieval 'halls of residence' or endowed houses under the supervision of a Master. University, Balliol and Merton Colleges, which were established between 1249 and 1264, are the oldest.‏Less than a century later, Oxford had achieved eminence above every other seat of learning, and won the praises of popes, kings and sages by virtue of its antiquity, curriculum, doctrine and privileges. In 1355, Edward III paid tribute to the University for its invaluable contribution to learning; he also commented on the services rendered to the state by distinguished Oxford graduates.‏From its early days, Oxford was a centre for lively controversy, with scholars involved in religious and political disputes. John Wyclif, a 14th-century Master of Balliol, campaigned for a Bible in the vernacular, against the wishes of the papacy. In 1530, Henry VIII forced the University to accept his divorce from Catherine of Aragon, and during the Reformation in the 16th century, the Anglican churchmen Cranmer, Latimer and Ridley were tried for heresy and burnt at the stake in Oxford.‏The University was Royalist in the Civil War, and Charles I held a counter-Parliament in Convocation House. In the late 17th century, the Oxford philosopher John Locke, suspected of treason, was forced to flee the country.‏The 18th century, when Oxford was said to have forsaken port for politics, was also an era of scientific discovery and religious revival. Edmund Halley, Professor of Geometry, predicted the return of the comet that bears his name; John and Charles Wesley's prayer meetings laid the foundations of the Methodist Society.‏The University assumed a leading role in the Victorian era, especially in religious controversy. From 1833 onwards The Oxford Movement sought to revitalize the Catholic aspects of the Anglican Church. One of its leaders, John Henry Newman, became a Roman Catholic in 1845 and was later made a Cardinal. In 1860 the new University Museum was the scene of a famous debate between Thomas Huxley, champion of evolution, and Bishop Wilberforce.‏From 1878, academic halls were established for women and they were admitted to full membership of the University in 1920. Five all-male colleges first admitted women in 1974 and, since then, all colleges have changed their statutes to admit both women and men. St Hilda's College, which was originally for women only, was the last of Oxford's single sex colleges. It has admitted both men and women since 2008.‏During the 20th and early 21st centuries, Oxford added to its humanistic core a major new research capacity in the natural and applied sciences, including medicine. In so doing, it has enhanced and strengthened its traditional role as an international focus for learning and a forum for intellectual debate.‏‏5.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?‏
A: Oxford was originally a centre for political disputes.
B: Oxford was founded in 1358.
C: John Locke was forced to flee the country in the late 17th century.
D: St Hilda's College was originally for men only.
答案: 【 John Locke was forced to flee the country in the late 17th century.

3. History of Oxford​As the oldest university in the English-speaking world, Oxford is a unique and historic institution. There is no clear date of foundation, but teaching existed at Oxford in some form in 1096 and developed rapidly from 1167, when Henry II banned English students from attending the University of Paris.​In 1188, the historian, Gerald of Wales, gave a public reading to the assembled Oxford dons and in around 1190 the arrival of Emo of Friesland, the first known overseas student, set in motion the University's tradition of international scholarly links. By 1201, the University was headed by a magister scolarum Oxonie, on whom the title of Chancellor was conferred in 1214, and in 1231 the masters were recognized as a universitas or corporation.​In the 13th century, rioting between town and gown (townspeople and students) hastened the establishment of primitive halls of residence. These were succeeded by the first of Oxford's colleges, which began as medieval 'halls of residence' or endowed houses under the supervision of a Master. University, Balliol and Merton Colleges, which were established between 1249 and 1264, are the oldest.​Less than a century later, Oxford had achieved eminence above every other seat of learning, and won the praises of popes, kings and sages by virtue of its antiquity, curriculum, doctrine and privileges. In 1355, Edward III paid tribute to the University for its invaluable contribution to learning; he also commented on the services rendered to the state by distinguished Oxford graduates.​From its early days, Oxford was a centre for lively controversy, with scholars involved in religious and political disputes. John Wyclif, a 14th-century Master of Balliol, campaigned for a Bible in the vernacular, against the wishes of the papacy. In 1530, Henry VIII forced the University to accept his divorce from Catherine of Aragon, and during the Reformation in the 16th century, the Anglican churchmen Cranmer, Latimer and Ridley were tried for heresy and burnt at the stake in Oxford.​The University was Royalist in the Civil War, and Charles I held a counter-Parliament in Convocation House. In the late 17th century, the Oxford philosopher John Locke, suspected of treason, was forced to flee the country.​The 18th century, when Oxford was said to have forsaken port for politics, was also an era of scientific discovery and religious revival. Edmund Halley, Professor of Geometry, predicted the return of the comet that bears his name; John and Charles Wesley's prayer meetings laid the foundations of the Methodist Society.​The University assumed a leading role in the Victorian era, especially in religious controversy. From 1833 onwards The Oxford Movement sought to revitalize the Catholic aspects of the Anglican Church. One of its leaders, John Henry Newman, became a Roman Catholic in 1845 and was later made a Cardinal. In 1860 the new University Museum was the scene of a famous debate between Thomas Huxley, champion of evolution, and Bishop Wilberforce.​From 1878, academic halls were established for women and they were admitted to full membership of the University in 1920. Five all-male colleges first admitted women in 1974 and, since then, all colleges have changed their statutes to admit both women and men. St Hilda's College, which was originally for women only, was the last of Oxford's single sex colleges. It has admitted both men and women since 2008.​During the 20th and early 21st centuries, Oxford added to its humanistic core a major new research capacity in the natural and applied sciences, including medicine. In so doing, it has enhanced and strengthened its traditional role as an international focus for learning and a forum for intellectual debate.​​6.What can be inferred from the passage?​
A: Henry II was indifferent to English students.
B: Edward III paid tribute to Oxford for its great contribution to learning.
C: Charles I held a counter-Parliament in Oxford.
D: John Henry Newman became a Roman Catholic in 1840.
答案: 【 Edward III paid tribute to Oxford for its great contribution to learning.

4. Cambridge‎     When we first come across Cambridge in written records, it was already a considerable town. The bridge across the River Cam or Granta, from which the town took its name, had existed since at least 875. The town was an important trading centre before the Domesday survey was compiled in 1086, by which time a castle stood on the rising ground to the north of the bridge, and there were already substantial commercial and residential properties as well as several churches in the main settlement which lay south of the bridge.‎Within the town, or very close to it, there were a number of other religious institutions. There had been canons in the Church of St Giles below the castle before 1112, when they moved to a new site across the River Cam at Barnwell, and the Convent of St Radegund had existed since 1135 on the site which eventually became Jesus College. There were also two hospitals, one reserved for lepers at Stourbridge, and a second, founded for paupers and dedicated to St John, which after 1200 occupied the site where St John's College now stands. Seventeen miles north of the town was the great Benedictine house of Ely which, after 1109, was the seat of a Bishopric.‎There was thus much to bring clerks (clergymen) to the town, but traders were also attracted to it. After about 1100 they could reach Cambridge easily by the river systems which drained the whole of the East Midlands, and through Lynn and Ely they had access to the sea. Much wealth accumulated in the town, and the eleven surviving medieval parish churches and at least one handsome stone house remain as evidence of this. There were food markets before 1066, and during the twelfth century the nuns of St Radegund were allowed to set up a fair on their own land at Garlic Lane; the canons of Barnwell had a fair in June (later Midsummer Fair), and the leper hospital was granted the right to hold a fair which developed into the well-known and long-lasting Stourbridge Fair.‎By 1200, Cambridge was a thriving commercial community which was also a county town and had at least one school of some distinction. Then, in 1209, scholars taking refuge from hostile townsmen in Oxford migrated to Cambridge and settled there. At first they lived in lodgings in the town, but in time houses were hired as hostels with a Master in charge of the students. By 1226 the scholars were numerous enough to have set up an organization, represented by an official called a Chancellor, and seem to have arranged regular courses of study, taught by their own members. From the start there was friction between the town and the students. Students, usually aged about fourteen or fifteen, often caused disturbances; citizens of the town, on the other hand, were known to overcharge for rooms and food. King Henry III took the scholars under his protection as early as 1231 and arranged for them to be sheltered from exploitation by their landlords. At the same time he tried to ensure that they had a monopoly of teaching, by an order that only those enrolled under the tuition of a recognized master were to be allowed to remain in the town.‎‎7.The underlined word in paragraph 4 can be replaced by ______.‎
A: Thrilling.
B: Flourishing.
C: Cooperative.
D: Productive.
答案: 【 Flourishing.

4.  Cambridge‌     When we first come across Cambridge in written records, it was already a considerable town. The bridge across the River Cam or Granta, from which the town took its name, had existed since at least 875. The town was an important trading centre before the Domesday survey was compiled in 1086, by which time a castle stood on the rising ground to the north of the bridge, and there were already substantial commercial and residential properties as well as several churches in the main settlement which lay south of the bridge.‌Within the town, or very close to it, there were a number of other religious institutions. There had been canons in the Church of St Giles below the castle before 1112, when they moved to a new site across the River Cam at Barnwell, and the Convent of St Radegund had existed since 1135 on the site which eventually became Jesus College. There were also two hospitals, one reserved for lepers at Stourbridge, and a second, founded for paupers and dedicated to St John, which after 1200 occupied the site where St John's College now stands. Seventeen miles north of the town was the great Benedictine house of Ely which, after 1109, was the seat of a Bishopric.‌There was thus much to bring clerks (clergymen) to the town, but traders were also attracted to it. After about 1100 they could reach Cambridge easily by the river systems which drained the whole of the East Midlands, and through Lynn and Ely they had access to the sea. Much wealth accumulated in the town, and the eleven surviving medieval parish churches and at least one handsome stone house remain as evidence of this. There were food markets before 1066, and during the twelfth century the nuns of St Radegund were allowed to set up a fair on their own land at Garlic Lane; the canons of Barnwell had a fair in June (later Midsummer Fair), and the leper hospital was granted the right to hold a fair which developed into the well-known and long-lasting Stourbridge Fair.‌By 1200, Cambridge was a thriving commercial community which was also a county town and had at least one school of some distinction. Then, in 1209, scholars taking refuge from hostile townsmen in Oxford migrated to Cambridge and settled there. At first they lived in lodgings in the town, but in time houses were hired as hostels with a Master in charge of the students. By 1226 the scholars were numerous enough to have set up an organization, represented by an official called a Chancellor, and seem to have arranged regular courses of study, taught by their own members. From the start there was friction between the town and the students. Students, usually aged about fourteen or fifteen, often caused disturbances; citizens of the town, on the other hand, were known to overcharge for rooms and food. King Henry III took the scholars under his protection as early as 1231 and arranged for them to be sheltered from exploitation by their landlords. At the same time he tried to ensure that they had a monopoly of teaching, by an order that only those enrolled under the tuition of a recognized master were to be allowed to remain in the town.‌‌8. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?‌
A: Cambridge was a big castle in the past.
B: scholars in oxford despised the scholars in Cambridge.
C: King Henry III gave little support to the scholars.
D: There were food markets before 1066.
答案: 【 There were food markets before 1066.

5. Cavendish Laboratory‍The Cavendish Laboratory has had an important influence on biology, mainly through the application of X-ray crystallography to the study of structures of biological molecules. Francis Crick already worked in the Medical Research Council Unit, headed by Max Perutz and housed in the Cavendish Laboratory, when James Watson came from the United States and they made a breakthrough in discovering the structure of DNA. For their work while in the Cavendish Laboratory, they were jointly awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1962, together with Maurice Wilkins of King's College London, himself a graduate of St. John's College, Cambridge.‍The discovery was made on 28 February 1953; the first Watson/Crick paper appeared in Nature on 25 April 1953. Sir Lawrence Bragg, the director of the Cavendish Laboratory, where Watson and Crick worked, gave a talk at Guy's Hospital Medical School in London on Thursday 14 May 1953 which resulted in an article by Ritchie Calder in the News Chronicle of London, on Friday 15 May 1953, entitled "Why You Are You. Nearer Secret of Life." The news reached readers of The New York Times the next day; Victor K. McElheny, in researching his biography, Watson and DNA: Making a Scientific Revolution, found a clipping of a six-paragraph New York Times article written from London and dated 16 May 1953 with the headline "Form of `Life Unit' in Cell Is Scanned." The article ran in an early edition and was then pulled to make space for news deemed more important. (The New York Times subsequently ran a longer article on 12 June 1953). The Cambridge University undergraduate newspaper Varsity also ran its own short article on the discovery on Saturday 30 May 1953. Bragg's original announcement of the discovery at a Solvay Conference on proteins in Belgium on 8 April 1953 went unreported by the British press.‍Sydney Brenner, Jack Dunitz, Dorothy Hodgkin, Leslie Orgel, and Beryl M. Oughton, were some of the first people in April 1953 to see the model of the structure of DNA, constructed by Crick and Watson; at the time they were working at the University of Oxford's Chemistry Department. All were impressed by the new DNA model, especially Brenner who subsequently worked with Crick at Cambridge in the Cavendish Laboratory and the new Laboratory of Molecular Biology. According to the late Dr. Beryl Oughton, later Rimmer, they all travelled together in two cars once Dorothy Hodgkin announced to them that they were off to Cambridge to see the model of the structure of DNA. Orgel also later worked with Crick at the Salk Institute for Biological Studies.‍‍9. What can be inferred from the passage?‍
A: Bragg's announcement of the discovery on proteins went reported by the Japanese press.
B: The Cavendish Laboratory has had an important influence on biology.
C: Crick was not impressed by the new DNA model.
D: Dorothy Hodgkin was the third one to see the model of the structure of DNA.
答案: 【 The Cavendish Laboratory has had an important influence on biology.

5. Cavendish Laboratory​The Cavendish Laboratory has had an important influence on biology, mainly through the application of X-ray crystallography to the study of structures of biological molecules. Francis Crick already worked in the Medical Research Council Unit, headed by Max Perutz and housed in the Cavendish Laboratory, when James Watson came from the United States and they made a breakthrough in discovering the structure of DNA. For their work while in the Cavendish Laboratory, they were jointly awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1962, together with Maurice Wilkins of King's College London, himself a graduate of St. John's College, Cambridge.​The discovery was made on 28 February 1953; the first Watson/Crick paper appeared in Nature on 25 April 1953. Sir Lawrence Bragg, the director of the Cavendish Laboratory, where Watson and Crick worked, gave a talk at Guy's Hospital Medical School in London on Thursday 14 May 1953 which resulted in an article by Ritchie Calder in the News Chronicle of London, on Friday 15 May 1953, entitled "Why You Are You. Nearer Secret of Life." The news reached readers of The New York Times the next day; Victor K. McElheny, in researching his biography, Watson and DNA: Making a Scientific Revolution, found a clipping of a six-paragraph New York Times article written from London and dated 16 May 1953 with the headline "Form of `Life Unit' in Cell Is Scanned." The article ran in an early edition and was then pulled to make space for news deemed more important. (The New York Times subsequently ran a longer article on 12 June 1953). The Cambridge University undergraduate newspaper Varsity also ran its own short article on the discovery on Saturday 30 May 1953. Bragg's original announcement of the discovery at a Solvay Conference on proteins in Belgium on 8 April 1953 went unreported by the British press.​Sydney Brenner, Jack Dunitz, Dorothy Hodgkin, Leslie Orgel, and Beryl M. Oughton, were some of the first people in April 1953 to see the model of the structure of DNA, constructed by Crick and Watson; at the time they were working at the University of Oxford's Chemistry Department. All were impressed by the new DNA model, especially Brenner who subsequently worked with Crick at Cambridge in the Cavendish Laboratory and the new Laboratory of Molecular Biology. According to the late Dr. Beryl Oughton, later Rimmer, they all travelled together in two cars once Dorothy Hodgkin announced to them that they were off to Cambridge to see the model of the structure of DNA. Orgel also later worked with Crick at the Salk Institute for Biological Studies. ​​10.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?​
A: Crick has no assistant in the Cavendish Laboratory.
B: The first Watson/Crick paper appeared in Nature on 1953.
C: Lawrence Bragg gave a talk about new DNA at Guy's Hospital Medical School. 
D: Dorothy Hodgkin was regarded as the most unselfish scientist by the public.
答案: 【 The first Watson/Crick paper appeared in Nature on 1953.



​Two corpses were found in the ruins of an old building.‍
A: dead dogs
B:  dead men
C: dead bodies
D: dead women
答案: 【 dead bodies

‏Your suggestions will be incorporated in the plan.‌
A: considered
B: printed
C: stressed
D: included
答案: 【 included

​Relations between the two countries have never been more cordial.‎
A: strained
B: unsympathetic
C: friendly
D: pleasant
答案: 【 pleasant

‍The counterfeit bills were a good facsimile of the real ones.‌
A: factorial
B: reproduction
C: identification
D: similarity
答案: 【 reproduction

​The flowers on the table were a manifestation of the child’s love for his mother.‎
A: demonstration
B: decoration
C: combination
D: satisfaction
答案: 【 demonstration

‌Jame’s father takes care of a vegatable garden and James peddles what his father grows.‎
A: collects
B: stores
C: sells
D: assists
答案: 【 sells

‎The baseball match attracts thousands of spectators from all over the country.‍
A: players
B: performers
C: watchers
D: sightseers
答案: 【 watchers

‎We can’t help being suspicious of someone who buys so many new clothes just after money was stolen from the office.‎
A: envious
B: doubtful
C: joyful
D: astonishing
答案: 【 doubtful

‍They were chosen according to their respective merits.‎
A: well-known
B: internal
C: particular
D: obvious
答案: 【 particular

​If something can be easily seen, we say that it is conspicuous.​
A:  picturesque
B: desolate
C: bright
D: eminent
答案: 【 eminent

​The valley took on a mysterious aspect at dusk.​
A: environment
B: scenery
C: surroundings
D: appearance
答案: 【 appearance

‎Angles are pure spirits, and are thus invisible.‌
A: unable to be heard
B: unable to be seen
C: unable to be understood
D: unable to be touched
答案: 【 unable to be seen

‏The prisoners devised a plan to escape from prison.​
A: mapped out
B: suggested
C: advised
D: got
答案: 【 mapped out

​Maria has a provisional license.‏
A: permanent
B: temporary
C: useful
D: out-of-date
答案: 【 temporary

‎The student revised his paper carefully, following the professor’s suggestions.​
A: copied
B:  retyped
C: corrected
D: reviewed
答案: 【 corrected

​The apparatus can purify a thousand gallons of water a minute.‏
A: experiment
B: pipeline
C: laboratory
D: device
答案: 【 device

‏His apparel showed him to be a successful man.‍
A: clothing
B: confidence
C: answer
D: manner
答案: 【 clothing

‌Glass making was apparently the first industry to be brought from Europe to the United States.‌
A: predictably
B: regretfully
C: seemingly
D: naturally
答案: 【 seemingly

‏The water was so transparent that we could see the fish clearly.‌
A: shallow
B: bright
C: invisible
D: clear
答案: 【 clear

‌We should never slacken in our quest for a cure for cancer.‌
A: question
B: demand
C: query
D: search
答案: 【 search


1. River Thames‎‎The River Thames is the second longest river in the United Kingdom and the longest river entirely in England, rising at Thames Head in Gloucestershire, and flowing into the North Sea at the Thames Estuary. It has a special significance in flowing through London, the capital of the United Kingdom, although London only touches a short part of its course. The river is tidal in London with a rise and fall of 7 meters (23 ft) and becomes non-tidal at Teddington Lock. The catchment area covers a large part of South Eastern and Western England and the river is fed by over 20 tributaries. The river contains over 80 islands, and having both seawater and freshwater stretches supports a variety of wildlife.‎The river has supported human activity from its source to its mouth for thousands of years providing habitation, water power, food and drink. It has also acted as a major highway both for international trade through the Port of London, and internally along its length and connecting to the British canal system. The river’s strategic position has seen it at the centre of many events and fashions in British history, earning it a description by John Burns as “Liquid History”. It has been a physical and political boundary over the centuries and generated a range of river crossings. In more recent time the river has become a major leisure area supporting tourism and pleasure outings as well as the sports of rowing, sailing, kayaking, and punting. The river has had a special appeal to writers, artists, musicians and film-makers and is well represented in the arts. It is still the subject of various debates about its course, nomenclature and history.‎The River Thames has twenty-seven bridges. But Tower Bridge, the first bridge over the Thames as you travel to London from the sea, is the most famous of them all. What makes Tower Bridge so exciting? Why do visitors from all over the world want to see it?‎  The thing that is surprising about Tower Bridge is that it is open in the middle. It does this to let the big ships through to the Pool of London. lf you are lucky enough to see the bridge with its two opening arms high in the air,you will never forget it. On its north side stands the Tower of London itself. Although they look like the same age, the Tower is almost a thousand years old,and Tower bridge is only about one hundred. It was built in the 1890s.‎‎ ‎             1.Which of the following is NOT TRUE about River Thames according to the passage?‎‏‎
A: The River Thames has twenty-nine bridges.
B: The River Thames is the second longest river in the United Kingdom.
C: The River Thames contains over 80 islands.
D: The river has had a special appeal to writers, artists, musicians and film-makers.
答案: 【 The River Thames has twenty-nine bridges.

1. River Thames‏‏The River Thames is the second longest river in the United Kingdom and the longest river entirely in England, rising at Thames Head in Gloucestershire, and flowing into the North Sea at the Thames Estuary. It has a special significance in flowing through London, the capital of the United Kingdom, although London only touches a short part of its course. The river is tidal in London with a rise and fall of 7 meters (23 ft) and becomes non-tidal at Teddington Lock. The catchment area covers a large part of South Eastern and Western England and the river is fed by over 20 tributaries. The river contains over 80 islands, and having both seawater and freshwater stretches supports a variety of wildlife.‏The river has supported human activity from its source to its mouth for thousands of years providing habitation, water power, food and drink. It has also acted as a major highway both for international trade through the Port of London, and internally along its length and connecting to the British canal system. The river’s strategic position has seen it at the centre of many events and fashions in British history, earning it a description by John Burns as “Liquid History”. It has been a physical and political boundary over the centuries and generated a range of river crossings. In more recent time the river has become a major leisure area supporting tourism and pleasure outings as well as the sports of rowing, sailing, kayaking, and punting. The river has had a special appeal to writers, artists, musicians and film-makers and is well represented in the arts. It is still the subject of various debates about its course, nomenclature and history.‏The River Thames has twenty-seven bridges. But Tower Bridge, the first bridge over the Thames as you travel to London from the sea, is the most famous of them all. What makes Tower Bridge so exciting? Why do visitors from all over the world want to see it?‏  The thing that is surprising about Tower Bridge is that it is open in the middle. It does this to let the big ships through to the Pool of London. lf you are lucky enough to see the bridge with its two opening arms high in the air,you will never forget it. On its north side stands the Tower of London itself. Although they look like the same age, the Tower is almost a thousand years old,and Tower bridge is only about one hundred. It was built in the 1890s.‏‏ ‏         2.Why is Tower Bridge open in the middle?‏
A: To make it special.
B: To attract more people from the world to see it.
C: To let the huge vessels through.
D: Because it is so long that it has to be divided into four parts.
答案: 【 To let the huge vessels through.

2. Tower Bridge‎Tower Bridge is a combined bascule and suspension bridge in London built between 1886 and 1894. The bridge crosses the River Thames close to the Tower of London and has become an iconic symbol of London. Because of this, Tower Bridge is sometimes confused with London Bridge, situated some 0.5 mi (0.80 km) upstream. Tower Bridge is one of five London bridges now owned and maintained by the Bridge House Estates, a charitable trust overseen by the City of London Corporation. It is the only one of the Trust's bridges not to connect the City of London directly to the Southwark bank, as its northern landfall is in Tower Hamlets.‎The bridge consists of two bridge towers tied together at the upper level by two horizontal walkways, designed to withstand the horizontal tension forces exerted by the suspended sections of the bridge on the landward sides of the towers. The vertical components of the forces in the suspended sections and the vertical reactions of the two walkways are carried by the two robust towers. The bascule pivots and operating machinery are housed in the base of each tower. Before its restoration in the 2010s, the bridge's colour scheme dated from 1977, when it was painted red, white and blue for Queen Elizabeth II' s Silver Jubilee. Its colors were subsequently restored to blue and white.‎The bridge deck is freely accessible to both vehicles and pedestrians, whereas the bridge's twin towers, high-level walkways and Victorian engine rooms form part of the Tower Bridge Exhibition, for which an admission charge is made. The nearest London Underground tube stations are Tower Hill on the Circle and



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