第 1 周 思维与写作

1.1 随堂测:句子和语篇的重心

‍学国文的人出洋深造,听起来有些滑稽‌‍Those majoring in Chinese to go abroad for further study, it may sound a bit absurd.‌‍‌‍ The English version is a good transltion.‌
A: 正确
B: 错误
答案: 【 错误

‌俞敏洪是在快速发展的中国能够紧紧抓住机会的励志人物之一。‎‌1) Yu Minhong is one of the inspiring stories of those who have been albe to grasp opportunities in rapidly changing China.‎‌2) Yu Minhong  grasp opportunities in rapidly changing China, he is one of the inpiring stories.‎‌‎‌ The first translation is a better transltion.‎
A: 正确
B: 错误
答案: 【 错误

‎也许校园生活并非总像我们想像中的那样,所以很多学生才会感到失落‌‎ 1)Campus life may be not as ame as what the students thought, so many of them feel disappointed.‌‎‌‎ 2) Many students feel lost because campus life is not always what they imagined.‌‎‌‎ The first English version is a better translation.‌
A: 正确
B: 错误
答案: 【 错误

‎疫情什么时候达到高峰,很难绝对地估计。不过应该在一周或者十天左右达到高峰,不会大规模增加了。‍‎‍‎1) It's hard to predict when the epidemic will reach its peak, but it may come in a week or 10 days. After that, the number of people infected by the novel coronavirus will not increase massively.‍‎‍‎2) when the epidemic will reach its peak is hard to predict, but is may come in a week or 10 days. Then the number will not increase massively.‍‎ ‍‎The first English version is a better translation‍
A: 正确
B: 错误
答案: 【 正确

第 1 周 测试

‍ Please choose two grammatically right sentences from the following four sentences.‌
A: Since I get my smart phone, I spend too much time texting my friends, I hardly ever send e-mails anymore.
B: Since I get my smart phone, I hardly ever send e-mails. Instead, I spend too much time texting my friends.
C: Hardly do I email my friends since I get my smart phone.
D:  Since I get my smart phone, I don't e-mail my friend, I spend too much time texting them.
答案: 【 Since I get my smart phone, I hardly ever send e-mails. Instead, I spend too much time texting my friends.;
Hardly do I email my friends since I get my smart phone.

‍For the sentence"很多家长忙于工作,忽视了与孩子的沟通,这可能会导致孩子出现心理问题。" ,  which are right sentences ?‏‍‏‍‏
A: Many parents spend most of their time at work, neglect the interaction with their children, it may lead to children's psychological problems.
B: Many parents spend most of their time at work and neglecting the interaction with their children, it may lead to psychological problems.
C: Many parents spend most of their time with their work and ignore the interaction with children, which leads to children's psychological problems.
D: If many parents spend most of their time at work and neglect the interaction with their children, children may have psychological problems. 
答案: 【 Many parents spend most of their time with their work and ignore the interaction with children, which leads to children's psychological problems.;
If many parents spend most of their time at work and neglect the interaction with their children, children may have psychological problems. 

‌瑞典哥德堡丢了一个六个月大的婴儿,然后全城警察出动,调用直升机和所有警犬全城搜捕,最后,婴儿在丢失两个小时后找到。​‌​‌In Gothenburg, a six-month-old baby has been lost. Then all the police in the city went out to research her with police dogs and helicopters to help with the search efforts. Finally, the bay girl was found two hours later.​‌​‌The English part is a good translation of the Chinese version.​
A: 正确
B: 错误
答案: 【 错误

‌在暑假,有五周的时间将尝试无网络的生活方式,这令我们忐忑不安。‏‌‏‌We are  uneasy about the 5-week lifestyle experiment of living without internet during the summer holiday.‏‌The Enlish part is a good translation of the Chinese version.‏‌‏
A: 正确
B: 错误
答案: 【 正确

第 2 周 准确的用词

2.2 随堂测(用词准确)

‎Please find out an inappropriate word in the following sentence.‌‎‌‎With the digital explosion has come an abundance of cheap, easy, and addictive pieces of online content for us to snack on.‌‎‌
A: explosion 
B: an abundance 
C: addictive
D: content
答案: 【 an abundance 

‍Please find out an inappropriate word in the following sentence.‏‍2)  In a word, we gratitude our new way of life sincerely.‏
A: word
B: gratitude
C: life
D: sincerely
答案: 【 gratitude

‎Please find out an inappropriate word in the following sentence.‎‎3)  Current college students should take more exercises. In our lives, body is the most important.‎‎‎
A: current
B: exercise
C: life
D: body
答案: 【 body

‎Please find out an inappropriate word in the following sentence.‌‎4)  The fact that more and more Chinese students are studying abroad is benefit to America.‌
A: fact 
B: studying
C: abroad
D: benefit
答案: 【 benefit

第 2 周测试

‏Which of the following sentences is the best one? (从句子中用词的简洁性和准确性考虑那个句子最好)‏
A: Solving little problems in the dormitory will add your social experience and help you learn to understand other people's feelings.
B: Solving trivial problems in the dormitory will enrich your social experience and help you learn to be considerate.
C: Solving little problems in the dormitory will add your social experience and help you learn to understand other people's feeling
D: Solving trivial problems in the dormitory will enrich your social experience and help you learn to be kind.
答案: 【 Solving trivial problems in the dormitory will enrich your social experience and help you learn to be considerate.

‎Which of the following sentences is the best one?(从句子中用词的简洁性和准确性考虑那个句子最好)‍
A: The science and technology have greatly influenced our lives and our society is changing very fast.
B: The science and technology have greatly influenced our lives and our society is changing at an unprecedented speed.
C: The science and technology have greatly influence our lives, as a result, our society is changing at an unprecedented speed.
D: The science and technology have penetrated every corner of  our lives, as a result, our society is changing at an unprecedented speed.
答案: 【 The science and technology have penetrated every corner of  our lives, as a result, our society is changing at an unprecedented speed.

‎1) Retirement is something most of us must face sooner or later. ‌‎2) Retirement is inevitable.‌‎‌‎The first sentence above is formal.‌‎‌‎‌
A: 正确
B: 错误
答案: 【 错误

‌ 1) The two companies combined together to form one.​‌  2) The two companies merged.​‌​‌The second sentence above is concise.​‌​
A: 正确
B: 错误
答案: 【 正确

​1) Lots of job loss is just one thing resulting from automation.‌​2) Widespread unemployment is one consequence of automation.‌​‌​The second sentence is formal. ‌
A: 正确
B: 错误
答案: 【 正确

​ During the four years at college, I learned lots of  knowledge.​​​​The above sentence is right.​​​
A: 正确
B: 错误
答案: 【 错误

第 3 周 有效的句子

3.1 测试:confusing structure

​ Which of the following is a confusing stucture? ‎
A: The use of repetition depends on cultural background and societal acceptance. 
B: Depending on the use someone uses depends on there cultural and what is accepted by society. 
C:  Neither of the above. 
D: Both of the above.
答案: 【 Depending on the use someone uses depends on there cultural and what is accepted by society. 

‎Which of the following is a confusing structure? ‎
A: The only person with whom the audience has direct relations to is the narrator. 
B:  The only person with whom the audience has direct relations with is the narrator. 
C:  The only person with whom the audience has direct relations of is the narrator. 
D: All of the above. 
答案: 【 All of the above. 

‏Which of the following is a confusing structure? ‏
A: The reason that he is late is because he had a flat tire. 
B: Because he had a flat tire is the reason he is late. 
C: Why he is late is because he had a flat tire. 
D: All of the above are confusing structures.
答案: 【 All of the above are confusing structures.

‎Which of the following is a confusing structure? ​
A: Everybody has different hobbies.
B: Everybody has his own hobbies.
C: Hobbies vary from one person to another.
D: Hobbies differ from one prson to another.
答案: 【 Everybody has different hobbies.

第 3 周 测试

‏Please chooose one concise sentence from the following four choices A, B, C and D.‍
A: The reason why most of the country shifts to daylight savings time is that winter days are much shorter than summer days.
B: There were pine trees that stood like giants.
C: The intention of the company was to expant its workforce.
D: The company  proposed to diversify the background and abilities of employees.
答案: 【 The company  proposed to diversify the background and abilities of employees.

‍Please chooose two  complete sentences from the following four choices A, B, C and D.‍
A: Dream of Red Mansion Is the best-known novels.
B: The greatest danger that a species faces in a rapidly coevolving ecosystem.
C: This problem can be effectively solved only in this way.
D: The encouragement from the tutor had a great effect on him that he worked harder.
答案: 【 This problem can be effectively solved only in this way.;
The encouragement from the tutor had a great effect on him that he worked harder.

‎Please chooose two  correct sentences from the following four choices A, B, C and D.‏
A: The young man walked quickly and with confidence up to the stage.
B: For most drivers who drank alcohol, the risk of causing an accident is doubled.
C: The internet has too much information mislead us.



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