Mid-term Pre 1

Mid-term Pre 1

Term-final Pre 2

Term-final Pre 2


Quiz 0

‏Online quizzes and forum participation account for ____ of your overall performance. ‌
A: 10%
B: 20%
C: 30%
D: 40%
答案: 【 20%

Quiz for HCA

‍As explained on the welcome page, quizzes and forum participation account for ____ of your overall performance. ​
A: 10%
B: 20%
C: 30%
D: 40%
答案: 【 20%

Quiz for HCE

​As explained on the welcome page, quizzes and forum participation account for ___ of your overall performance. ‌
A: 10%
B: 20%
C: 30%
D: 40%
答案: 【 20%

Week 1 Meeting Public Speaking 演讲基础知识

Quiz 1

‏This course believes public speaking is for everyone. By this we mean ____. ​
A: Public speaking is done for the profit of everyone. 
B: Speakers must consider the needs of everyone when preparing a speech. 
C: Public speaking is nature, not nurture. 
D: We all engage in verbal communications that can be approached "as public speaking."
答案: 【 We all engage in verbal communications that can be approached "as public speaking."

‏Judging by the titles, which of the following TED talks is most likely to be persuasive?​
A: “Why doesn’t the leaning tower of Pisa fall over?”
B: “The secret language of the trees”
C: “The Amazon belongs to humanity—let’s protect it together”
D: “Ten ways to have a better conversation”
答案: 【 “The Amazon belongs to humanity—let’s protect it together”


Please take a quick look at the beginning 1 minute of a video clip featuring Chinese scientist Tu Yoyo’s Nobel lecture “Discovery of Artemisinin - A gift from traditional Chinese medicine to the world." The male voice at the very beginning of the video clip was from Professor Jan Andersson, Adjunct Member of the Nobel Committee for Physiology or Medicine. His was a speech of _____.

A: Introduction
B: Presentation
C: Acceptance
D: Anniversary celebration
答案: 【 Introduction

‏Public speaking and everyday conversation have much in common,
but they are also different in important ways. Which of the following
statements is true:‌
A: Everyday conversation requires no logic.
B: Nonverbals are not a concern when we participate in everyday conversations.
C: In public speeches, slang and jargon are quite acceptable. 
D: Public speaking is subject to more restrictions. 
答案: 【 Public speaking is subject to more restrictions. 

The seven elements of public speaking as a communication process are speaker,
message, channel, listener, ____, interference, and situation.‎
A: ideas
B: delivery
C: style
D: feedback
答案: 【 feedback

Message, one of the seven elements of the public speaking process, means whatever
message you convey to your audience, verbal and nonverbal.‌
A: 正确
B: 错误
答案: 【 正确

‌The optimal outcome of intercultural communicative competence is not just linguistic fluency, but cultural fluency. ‎
A: 正确
B: 错误
答案: 【 正确

‌Critical thinking is all about being sharp--that you can spot weaknesses in others' arguments. ​
A: 正确
B: 错误
答案: 【 错误

​There is no inherent conflict between being a competent English public speaker and being fully Chinese. ‌
A: 正确
B: 错误
答案: 【 正确

‍This course will be fun!​
A: 正确
B: 错误
答案: 【 正确

Week 11 Delivery (3)

Quiz 7 Delivery

‏According to the classification in Session 9.1,  waving to say goodbye would be a _____ gesture.‎
A: give
B: chop
C: show
D: /
答案: 【 show

‎The “b+d” show gesture from Session 9.1 means "______."​
A: Be diligent
B: Bold and daring
C: Belt and road
D: Bob Dylan
答案: 【 Belt and road

​Connecting our APS past (the last three weeks on delivery) and our APS future (this and the upcoming weeks on persuasive speeches): Speakers need to trust themselves, that is, to have confidence. They also need to make themselves trustworthy in the eyes of the audience, that is, to have credibility. Of the four speakers under "Public Health Special," Bill Gates is the only one who's not a medical specialist. Which of the following statements in his speech, then, can be seen as a special effort to remove doubts on his credibility?​
A: If anything kills over 10 million people in the next few decades, it's most likely to be a highly infectious virus rather than a war. Not missles, but microbes.
B: Let's look at Ebola. I'm sure all of you read about it in the newspaper, lots of challenges. I followed it carefully through the case analysis tools we use to track polio eradication. 
C: Now, in the movies it's quite different. There's a group of handsome epidemiologists ready to go, they move in, they save the day, but that's just pure Hollywood.
D: The failure to prepare could allow the next epidemic to be dramatically more devastating than Ebola. 
答案: 【 Let's look at Ebola. I'm sure all of you read about it in the newspaper, lots of challenges. I followed it carefully through the case analysis tools we use to track polio eradication. 

‍Which of the following statements about eye contact makes sense?‏
A: Speakers should actively use



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