Unit 1. The Power of Image


‍According to the author, why are there fewer memorable photographs today? (Text 1A)‏
A: Because the quality of many images is still poor.
B: Because most images are not interesting to a global audience.
C: Because traditional media refuse to allow amateur photos.
D: Because there are so many good images these days. 
答案: 【 Because there are so many good images these days. 

​ What kinds of images does the author think matter most these days?   (Text 1A)‏
A: images that are important to people and that can be shared quickly
B: images that are of a high quality that help show dramatic events
C: images that reflect reality but are presented in a traditional way
D: images that can be altered to improve one’s sense of reality
答案: 【 images that are important to people and that can be shared quickly

‍Why does the author put the word improved in quotation marks in  paragraph 5 (starting line 57)? (Text 1A)‍
A: The writer is using the exact word from another source.
B: The writer wishes to stress that the picture of reality is greatly improved.
C: The writer believes it is arguable whether the picture is truly improved.  
D: The writer is not sure the reader understands the word, so draws attention to it. 
答案: 【 The writer believes it is arguable whether the picture is truly improved.  

‎What is the main idea of paragraph 8 (starting line 89)?    (Text 1A)‏
A: Big Brother is no longer watching us.  
B: Democratic governments are the only governments  that allow cameras.
C: People with cameras can help show how things really  are in the world.
D: More governments are trying to ban the use of cameras in their countries. 
答案: 【 People with cameras can help show how things really  are in the world.

‌Who does the author criticize in this reading?  (Text 1A)‍
A: citizen journalists
B: people who use surveillance cameras
C: some members of today’s media
D: people who alter photos 
答案: 【 some members of today’s media

‌When referring to visual language, what does the author mean by as with any language, there will be those who produce poetry  and those who make shopping lists (lines 104–106)?   (Text 1A)‍
A: It will be most useful for shopping and for writing beautiful poetry.
B: It will be better because it can be used for a wide variety of things.
C:  We can do the same thing with visual language as written language.
D: Some people will use it for everyday things and others for  more creative things. 
答案: 【 Some people will use it for everyday things and others for  more creative things. 

​The following sentence would best be placed at the end of which paragraph? Such images may be more useful in communicating how the person behind the  camera felt than in documenting what was actually in front of the camera. (Text 1A)‌
A: 2 (starting line 11)
B: 6 (starting line 62)
C: 9 (starting line 98)
D: 10 (starting line 107) 
答案: 【 6 (starting line 62)

‍A radical change has happened in photography. The wide  availability of smartphones means that ordinary people can  now take __________ photographs of the world around them. ‌
A: quality
B: obsessed
C: X
D: X
答案: 【 quality

‌Amateur photographers are ___________ with capturing and documenting the world around them, especially the cities in which  they live in. ‏
A: instant
B: obsessed
C: X
D: X
答案: 【 obsessed

‎When and where a photograph is taken can have a(n) __________ effect on what the viewer feels.  To bring a city to life, look for a mid-level view. It’s still  close enough to feel the experience of the city without looking down on it.‏
A: instant
B: profound
C: X
D: X
答案: 【 profound

‏In any city, there will be publicly  accessible places that let you look into the city. New York  City, especially, has a unique geography. Since Manhattan  is an island, the city has had to grow tall. That height,  surrounded by water with its bridges, makes New York a __________ place to photograph. ‏
A: tremendous
B: romanticized
C: X
D: X
答案: 【 tremendous

‎What is the purpose of the first paragraph? (Text 1B)‏
A: to describe what life was like working as a waitress 
B: to explain how waitressing helped prepare Griffiths for life as a photographer 
C: to compare Griffiths’ life before and after becoming a waitress 
D: to complain about how working as a waitress affected Griffiths’  university studies
答案: 【 to explain how waitressing helped prepare Griffiths for life as a photographer 

​In lines 16–17, the expression I was hooked is closest in meaning to___ . (Text 1B)‏
A:  I was hurt   
B: I was employed
C: I was addicted
D: I was successful
答案: 【 I was addicted

‎What happened after Griffiths graduated from college? (Text 1B)‌
A: She picked up a camera for the first time. 
B: She got a job at the Minnesota Daily. 
C: She got a job at the Worthington Daily Globe. 
D: She started taking photos for the university newspaper. 
答案: 【 She got a job at the Worthington Daily Globe. 

​Which sentence does NOT describe Griffiths’ job at the Globe? (Text 1B)‌
A: She received detailed instructions from her publisher. 
B: She learned to be a patient listener and give people attention. 
C: The job prepared Griffiths well for a job at National Geographic. 
D: She and the writers were expected to fill the paper with stories  that were important to readers. 
答案: 【 She received detailed instructions from her publisher. 

‏What first brought Griffiths to the attention of National Geographic? (Text 1B)​
A: a photo she had published in the Globe 
B: a photo that National Geographic had asked her to take  for them 
C: a photo she secretly sent to National Geographic 
D: a photo of hers sent by a college friend to Critical Thinking
答案: 【 a photo that National Geographic had asked her to take  for them 

​What did Griffiths find especially challenging when on assignments? (Text 1B)‎
A: the weather
B: wild animals
C: the transportation
D: being away from home 
答案: 【 the transportation

‏According to the passage, what has life as a National Geographic  photographer taught Griffiths?  (Text 1B)‎
A: that language is important  
B: that people have different hopes and fears
C: that judging people does great harm 
D: that one can never really know people as individuals 
答案: 【 that judging people does great harm 

Mark the sentences T (True) or F (False). All information is in paragraphs 1–5. (Text 1B)​The best thing about being a waitress was that it allowed Griffiths  to buy a camera.​
A: True
B: False
C: X
D: X
答案: 【 False

Mark the sentences T (True) or F (False). All information is in paragraphs 1–5. (Text 1B)‍The Worthington Daily Globe was wonderfully printed with fantastic photographs.‍
A: True
B: Flase
C: X
D: X
答案: 【 True

Mark the sentences T (True) or F (False). All information is in paragraphs 1–5. (Text 1B)‍Paul Gruchow was a Norwegian farmer she took photographs of.‍
A: True
B: Flase
C: X
D: X
答案: 【 Flase

Complete the sentences. All information is in paragraphs 6–10. (Text 1B)‌Griffiths compares getting praise from Bob Gilka to receiving a  ______   Prize.‌
A: Award
B: Pulitza
C: X
D: X
答案: 【 Pulitza

Complete the sentences. All information is in paragraphs 6–10. (Text 1B)‍Griffiths wants to take photos that make a _______ in people’s  lives.‍
A: difference
B: change
C: X
D: X
答案: 【 difference

‌The magazine’s most iconic photograph is not of anyone or anything historic. Rather, it’s a(n) __________ of Sharbat Gula, a young Afghan girl at a refugee camp in  Pakistan. ‏
A: staff
B: teamwork
C: protrait
D: thus
答案: 【 protrait

‎The  __________ of quality are very high. In order to get the best results, they understand that “the photograph is never taken—it is always given.” ‍
A: teamwork
B: project
C: staff
D: expectations
答案: 【 expectations


‌Before the age of the smartphone...‏
A: I want to travel before I reach a certain age. 
B: We are now living in the digital age.
C: X
D: X
答案: 【 We are now living in the digital age.

‍...with a huge range of camera apps...‎
A: It's the longest mountain range in the world.
B: The store has a small range of new appliances.
C: X
D: X
答案: 【 The store has a small range of new appliances.

‌...a tremendous appetite for capturing the magical...‌
A: She has an appetite for learning about new cultures.
B: She has a big appetite, so I hope you made lots of food.
C: X
D: X
答案: 【 She has an appetite for learning about new cultures.

‌...and even the course of history.‍
A: I had to take a history course in college.
B: One never knows what couse to follow.
C: X
D: X
答案: 【 One never knows what couse to follow.

‍As people everywhere embrace photography...‌
A:  She wanted to embrace her son after he was found. 
B: It was not easy for her to embrace married life.
C: X
D: X
答案: 【 It was not easy for her to embrace married life.

‎People trusted photographs to accurately reflect reality. ‎
A: His novel doesn't reflect his actual views. 
B: The water pools reflect light beautifully
C: X
D: X
答案: 【 His novel doesn't reflect his actual views. 

‎Photographs using camera apps to cover wars...‏
A: The exam will cover everything that's being taught so far.
B: It was a huge accomplishment to have his work featured on the cover of the magazine.
C: X
D: X
答案: 【 The exam will cover everything that's being taught so far.

‏...a result of a series of decisions...‏
A: There has been an unusual series of events.
B: What is the most popular comic book series.
C: X
D: X
答案: 【 There has been an unusual series of events.

‏...and what to leave out of the frame.​
A: The frame of his bicycle was destroied.
B: Look in the camera frame and tell me waht you see.
C: X
D: X
答案: 【 Look in the camera frame and tell me waht you see.

‌The best thing about being a waitress was that it allowed Griffiths to buy a camera.‏
A: 正确
B: 错误
答案: 【 错误

‍Griffiths worked at the Washington Daily Globe for two years and six months. ‏
A: 正确
B: 错误
答案: 【 错误

‌Jim Vance was the publisher of the Washington Daily Globe.​
A: 正确
B: 错误
答案: 【 正确

‎Griffiths' first photo for National Geographic was a picture of hail.​
A: 正确
B: 错误
答案: 【 错误

Unit 2. Love and Attraction

单元测试 2

‌Another title for this reading could be ______ . (Text A)​
A: Science Can Conquer Passion
B: The Right Way to Choose a Mate
C: Explaining Why We Fall in Love
D: The Case for Arranged Marriage
答案: 【 Explaining Why We Fall in Love

‍How do the Fulbe people of Cameroon feel about love? (Text A)‌
A: Everyone falls in love in the same way. 
B: The men’s wives don’t want them around.
C: It is shameful to be controlled by love.
D: Men can fall in love, but women cannot. 
答案: 【 It is shameful to be controlled by love.

‌Which choice best expresses the meaning of this theory in line 42? (Text A)​
A: Marriage is too important to leave to chance. 
B: Without the approval of family, romantic love rarely succeeds. 
C: Romantic love is based on pleasant memories that we try to find again. 
D: Memories of comfort and affection can satisfy our need for romantic love. 
答案: 【 Romantic love is based on pleasant memories that we try to find again. 

‏According to evolutionary psychology, why would a woman choose a man with rugged features?    (Text A)‏
A: to improve her immune system 
B: to have healthier children 
C: to protect her from animals and other threats 
D: because he is more likely to have a 70 percent  waist-to-hip ratio 
答案: 【 to have healthier children 

‎Why did Marazziti probably choose to study similarities between love and OCD?  (Text A)‏
A: She wanted to better understand her own experiences.
B: She had naturally low serotonin levels. 
C: Other researchers felt it was an important area to study.
D: She suffered from a mental illness. 
答案: 【 She wanted to better understand her own experiences.

‍According to researchers, which chemical is most closely  children. Do you think this related to successful long-term relationships? (Text A)‌
A: dopamine
B: oxytocin
C: serotonin for in a mate these days?
D: none of the above 
答案: 【 oxytocin

‌What advice would Helen Fisher probably give to couples who want a long-term relationship?  (Text A)‌
A: Hug each other often. 
B: Avoid having children.
C: Keep your partner’s photo in your wallet. 
D: Spend time apart so you appreciate each other when you’re together.
答案: 【 Hug each other often. 

‍Chocolate may be _________  romantic—it contains  chemicals that cause you to feel like you’re in love. ​
A: abundant
B: abundantly
C: inherent
D: inherently
答案: 【 inherently

‍However, chocolate, which may cause feelings of love in some people,  can ________  severe headaches for others. ‍
A: trigger
B: mutual
C: incline
D: chance
答案: 【 trigger

‏By exchanging gifts, a person in love sometimes discovers that the love is ________ , and that his or her feelings are returned. ​
A: chanced
B: abundant
C: mutual
D: inherent
答案: 【 mutual

‏According to a recent scientific study, women with large  chins have a greater _________ to cheat in relationships. ‍
A: trigger
B: inclination
C: chance
D: abundance
答案: 【 inclination

Although Valentine's Day may seem like a modern event, its roots go back  over 2,000 years. ‌Around 270 A.D., Roman Emperor Claudius II, seeking to recruit more soldiers for his army, prohibited young men from marrying. ‌(Choose the correct meaning of RED 



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