1._Topic and sources


‌Choose the most elaborated topic for research.‌
A: China
B: Chinese history
C: History of Qing Dynasty
D: Emperor Qian Long and his times
答案: 【 Emperor Qian Long and his times

‌You’d better choose the topic that ______________. (多选)‌
A: you have interest
B: you have some previous knowledge
C: you don’t know enough without doing additional research
D: has practical relationships and involves something new
答案: 【 you have interest;
you have some previous knowledge;
you don’t know enough without doing additional research;
has practical relationships and involves something new


‏If you want to repeat the research process, you can find the information in the ___________.‎
A: introduction
B: methods
C: results
D: discussion
答案: 【 methods

Rearrange the order of the statements for reading the sources‍1) Read the titles and abstracts‍2) Identify the article's argument and take notes‍3) Read also the related literature‍4) Find the important article ‍5) Read the whole article‍
A: 4, 1, 5, 3, 2
B: 4, 1, 5, 2, 3
C: 1, 4, 5, 2, 3 
D: 1, 4, 5, 3, 2
答案: 【 1, 4, 5, 2, 3 


‌Which of the following is NOT academic databases? ‌
A: University libraries
B: Factiva
C: International publishers such as Springer, Routledge, Wiley
D: WOS, Scopus, or CNKI
答案: 【 Factiva

‏What can we search in WOS or CNKI?​
A: Monographs
B: Research articles
C: News reports
D: Patents
答案: 【 Research articles


‍Which of the following options is the function of Endnote?‏
A: Automatically check spelling and grammar in a document
B: Edit Tables and Figures
C: Manage references
D: Synchronise reading notes from different devices
答案: 【 Manage references

​Which of the following ways CANNOT import references to Endnote?‏
A: Manual editing
B: Export from CNKI
C: Export from WOS
D: Copy paste from references lists in word or pdf files
答案: 【 Copy paste from references lists in word or pdf files

10. Presentation

Test 5 (Unit 9&10)

​At the beginning of your presentation, which of the following will you NOT do?‌
A: Greet your audience.
B: Use attention getter.
C: Establish your credibility.
D: Introduce the abstract of your paper.
答案: 【 Introduce the abstract of your paper.

‌Which one of the following sentences can explain the meaning or the cause of the findings?‎
A: The present study tested the hypothesis that ……
B: This finding, while preliminary suggests that……
C: There are several possible explanations for this result……
D: The results are the same as those reported in Wang (2018) who suggested that……
答案: 【 There are several possible explanations for this result……

‌The best visual aid is ________.‍
A: yourself
B: PowerPoints
C: pictures
D: videos
答案: 【 yourself

‏Fill in the blanks‏‏When the work is done by two authors, name both authors in the signal phrase or in the parentheses each time you cite the work. Use the word “______” between the authors’ names within the text and use “_______” in the parentheses. If there are three to five authors, the first time a source is cited, you put all the authors and also the year. However, if it is cited again, the first author’s surname and “_______” are used. For six or more authors, use the first author’s surname followed by “_______.” every time the source is cited.‏
A: and   &   et al.   et al.
B: &   and   et al.   et al.
C: &   and   &   et al.
D: et al.   and   &   et al.
答案: 【 and   &   et al.   et al.

‎What is the difference between in-text citation and direct quotation?‎
A: Direct quotation has quotation marks.
B: Direct quotation needs page number.
C: Direct quotation is put in another paragraph.
D: Direct quotation is exactly the same as the source.
答案: 【 Direct quotation has quotation marks.;
Direct quotation needs page number.;
Direct quotation is exactly the same as the source.

​When there are 3 works by the same 2 authors Smith and Wang in the same year 2018, how can you distinguish the different sources?‎
A: Smith & Wang, 2018a
B: Smith & Wang, 2018b
C: Smith & Wang, 2018c
D: Smith & Wang, 2018
答案: 【 Smith & Wang, 2018a;
Smith & Wang, 2018b;
Smith & Wang, 2018c

‍The purpose of citations in the discussion is to‍
A: Give support to your analysis of results.
B: Give comparison with your research findings.
C: Introduce the background of your research.
D: Indicate your research purpose.
答案: 【 Give support to your analysis of results.;
Give comparison with your research findings.

​What can be included in the discussion​
A: Introduce the background of the research.
B: Restate the study’s major findings.
C: Explain the meaning and cause of the findings.
D: Relate the findings to those of similar studies.
答案: 【 Restate the study’s major findings.;
Explain the meaning and cause of the findings.;
Relate the findings to those of similar studies.

‎Some possible ways of attention getter are_________.‎
A: give amazing information and statistics
B: tell a story
C: ask a question
D: use strong visual images
答案: 【 give amazing information and statistics;
tell a story;
ask a question;
use strong visual images

‎The discussion section can be combined with the result section.‍
A: 正确
B: 错误
答案: 【 正确

​It is NOT advisable to compare the author’s results with those of the prior studies in discussion.‍
A: 正确
B: 错误
答案: 【 错误

‌The author can use subheadings to help group interpretations into themes in the discussion.‌
A: 正确
B: 错误
答案: 【 正确

‏You’d better not write the limitation of your own study because your readers will think you research is not reliable.​
A: 正确
B: 错误
答案: 【 错误

‎In the presentation, you can use transitions such as “We will go on to the next point”,“Let’s turn to……”, “Now, let’s move on to……”to make our speech easy to follow.‌
A: 正确
B: 错误
答案: 【 正确

‌The purpose of citing sources in the discussion is the same as those in the introduction or literature review.‎
A: 正确
B: 错误
答案: 【 错误

‎Please reorganize the order of the following conclusion and fill in the blanks.​‎1. It can effectively identify the critical components of road network. According to graph theory, two kinds of structural design optimization for road network are proposed to improve the road network robustness. ​‎2. The network efficiency model is used to define the structural vulnerability of road network in this paper. ​‎3. How to combine this model with the dynamic flow in road network is an interesting future research direction.​‎4. However, this study only considers the structure of road network attributes (connectivity), regardless of the dynamic flow in road network. ​‎5. The framework of the road network structural vulnerability measurement and improvement model is proposed. The actual network vulnerability analysis is carried out on Shanghai freeway network.​‎​‎16. Thesis or summary of arguments ______ ​‎17. Major findings ______​‎18. Implication for findings ______​‎19. limitations ______​‎20. Further research ______​‎请将答案分别填入16-20题中。(仅填数字即可)​‎​‎现在请填写第16题答案。​
答案: 【 2

‏17. Major findings  ______‍‏请填写第17题答案。‍
答案: 【 5

‍18. Implication for findings  ______‌‍请填写第18题答案。‌
答案: 【 1

‍19. limitations ______‍‍请填写第19题答案。‍
答案: 【 4

‍20. Further research ______‎‍请填写第20题答案。‎
答案: 【 3


​The purpose of an attention getter is to attract the attention of the audience, so it doesn’t matter whether the attention getter is related to your topic or not.​
A: 正确
B: 错误
答案: 【 错误

‎The speaker said “Here we are, 700 interviews and 5 years of research” to establish credibility.‎
A: 正确
B: 错误
答案: 【 正确


‏If you feel you are not fully prepared, you can use some detailed notes.‍
A: 正确
B: 错误
答案: 【 错误

‎Sustained eye contact involves connecting with the members of your audience, just like you would in a one to one conversation.​
A: 正确
B: 错误
答案: 【 正确


​The best preparation for question and answer session is to_______.‌
A: be familiar with your research content
B: predict some questions
C: understand the question fully
D: prepare questions in advance
答案: 【 be familiar with your research content

‌When you answer a question, which one of the following is appropriate?‏
A: Repeat or paraphrase the question aloud to the entire audience.
B: Respond to the entire audience, not just to the questioner.
C: Admit honestly if you don’t know the answer and contact later.
D: Always say “that’s a good question”.
答案: 【 Repeat or paraphrase the question aloud to the entire audience.;
Respond to the entire audience, not just to the questioner.

2. Plagiarism, paraphrase and summary

Test 1 (Unit 1&2)

‏When doing academic reading, you can ______ to get an immediate guideline of the specific topic.‍
A: examine the list of your reference
B: read other researchers’ review of the topic
C: use a matrix
D:  sort all the papers into different perspectives
答案: 【 read other researchers’ review of the topic

​Besides title, which part of the paper are you supposed to read first when reading a paper?​
A: introduction
B: conclusion
C: abstract
D: method
答案: 【 abstract

‍Which of the following sources is the most reliable?‍
A: News report.
B: Journal article.
C: Wikipedia entry.
D: Blog.
答案: 【 Journal article.

‏How to paraphrase? Put the following steps into correct order.‏‏‏1) Check that you have included the main points and essential information.‏2) Underline the key words and take down notes. ‏3) Read the original source carefully to have a full understanding ‏‏4) Put the original text aside and rewrite it in your own words‏
A: 3241
B: 3421
C: 3142
D: 3412
答案: 【 3241

Read the following sentence and identify the best paraphrase. ‌‎The amphibia, which is the animal class to which our frogs and toads belong, were the first animals to crawl from the sea and inhabit the earth.‌
A: The first animals to leave the sea and live on dry land were the amphibia, such as frogs and toads.
B: Frogs and toads belong to the animal class amphibia.
C: The amphibia, the animal class to which frogs and toads belong, were the first animals that move from the sea to the earth.
D: Frogs and toads are the amphibia that comes from sea to earth.
答案: 【 The first animals to leave the sea and live on dry land were the amphibia, such as frogs and toads.

Read the following sentence and identify the best paraphrase. ‌‌The stages that children pass through in the development of language are very consistent. However the exact age when they hit these milestones varies a lot.‌
A: As children develop language skills, they usually go through the same stages, but they may reach the stages at different ages.
B: Developing children may pass through linguistic stages at different ages, although they will generally pass through each stage at some point.
C: The stages that are passed through by children in language development are very consistent. However, the exact time when they hit these milestones can be different.
D: Language development is very different for different children, and there can be variation in the stages they go through.
答案: 【 As children develop language skills, they usually go through the same stages, but they may reach the stages at different ages.

Read the following paragraph and identify the best one-sentence summary.  ‌‌‏Kutash and Northrop (2007) studied the comfort of family members in the ICU waiting room. They found that no matter the situation, waiting rooms are stressful for the patients and their families, and it is the nursing staff’s job to comfort both. From this emotional distress many family members judged the waiting room furniture as “uncomfortable” and only talked about it in a negative context. From this study we have learned that there is a direct relationship between a person’s emotional state and how that person perceives the physical state he or she is in, such as sitting in a chair. Is this relationship true in reverse as well? Can the way a person perceives his or her present physical state (such as sitting in a chair) affect his or her emotional state? This is the question that the present study sought to answer.‌
A: Kutash and Northrup found that anxious people in intensive care waiting rooms tend to dislike the chairs in the waiting room and describe them as “uncomfortable.”
B: The uncomfortable furniture in intensive care waiting rooms makes anxious people even more anxious.
C: This paragraph introduces a study that the authors conducted.
D: Basing their work on the results of a previous study, Baker, Beacker, and Young propose to examine whether a person’s perceived physical comfort can have an impact on their anxiety levels.
答案: 【 Basing their work on the results of a previous study, Baker, Beacker, and Young propose to examine whether a person’s perceived physical comfort can have an impact on their anxiety levels.

The following is the beginning part of the abstract of an article: ‏‏‎Creativity and knowledge management are both important competences that university students need to strive to develop. This study therefore developed and evaluated an instructional program for improving university students’ creativity based on a blended knowledge-management (KM) model that integrates e-learning and three core processes of KM: knowledge sharing, knowledge internalization, and knowledge creation.‏‎‏‎‏What is the topic of this article?                                  ‏
A: creativity and knowledge management
B: knowledge sharing, internalization, and creation
C: instructional program for improving learning
D: university students’ competences
答案: 【 creativity and knowledge management


Read the short research paper written by students and answer the following questions.

Connections between curiosity, flow and creativity



Previous research has shown that greater curiosity, the desire to know, is associated with more creativity, which entails generating new or useful ideas or products. The intense concentration and absorption that characterizes the phenomenon of flow may connect curiosity with creativity. The present study investigated the connections between three dimensions of curiosity, namely joyous exploration-related curiosity, knowledge-deprivation sensitivity, and stress tolerance. Fifty-seven participants, with a mean age of 35, engaged in the novel task of designing a water conservation program. Participants judged their experience of designing the program on scales that assessed their curiosity and flow during the activity. Two raters independently coded each participant's program description on creativity, and the mean of the two ratings produced the creativity score for that participant. Higher joyous exploration curiosity, knowledge-deprivation sensitivity, and tolerance of stress were all associated with more flow. More experience of flow, as judged by participants after engaging in the activity, was significantly associated with greater creativity. Even though the direct relationships between curiosity and creativity did not reach statistical significance, flow linked each of the dimensions of curiosity with creativity. These findings may provide a basis for programs intended to increase flow or creativity.

Keywords: Creativity, Curiosity, Flow


1. Introduction

Curiosity, the desire to know, is a motivating characteristic (Litman, 2005; Loewenstein, 1994). Curiosity consists of several related dimensions (Kashdan et al., 2018), including desiring exploration for its own sake (Kashdan et al., 2018; Litman, 2005), deprivation sensitivity or wanting to decrease gaps in knowledge (Litman, 2005; Loewenstein, 1994) and stress tolerance when faced with novelty (Kashdan et al., 2018).

Creativity involves generating new and useful ideas or products (Sternberg, 2006). According to the process model of creativity (Mumford & McIntosh, 2017) information gathering precedes creativity, and some research (Kashdan & Steger, 2007) supports this pro- position. Curiosity may prompt that information gathering.

Several studies have found associations between higher curiosity and greater creativity (Celik, Storme, Davila, & Myszkowski, 2016; Hardy, Ness, & Mecca, 2017; Peljko, Jeraj, Săvoiu, & Marič, 2016; Puente-Díaz & Cavazos-Arroyo, 2017). Other variables linking curiosity to greater creativity remain to be investigated. The phenomena of flow may be a path between curiosity and creativity. Flow is characterized by intense concentration and absorption (Csikszentmihalyi, 2014). Kashdan et al. (2009) proposed that high levels of curiosity and the engagement associated with such high levels of curiosity may give rise to flow. Flow gives rise to optimal performance of a task (Csikszentmihalyi, 2014). According to Csikszentmihalyi's (1997) theory of creativity, flow is a person aspect of the generation of creative ideas and products, and some research supports the link between flow and creativity (Csikszentmihalyi, 1997). For example, Zubair and Kamal (2015) found that flow among employees was associated with their work-related creativity. Byrne, MacDonald, and Carlton (2003) found that higher levels of flow were associated with more creative musical compositions.


1.1  Aim of Study

The objective of the study was to investigate whether flow may link curiosity with creativity. The hypotheses were that:

1. The dimensions of joyous exploration curiosity, knowledge-deprivation sensitivity curiosity, and stress tolerance in relation to curiosity would be associated with more flow during a novel activity, as judged by participants after engaging in the activity.

2. The dimensions of joyous exploration curiosity, knowledge-deprivation sensitivity curiosity, and novelty tolerance in relation to curiosity would be associated with more creativity.

3. Greater   flow   experienced   during   the   activity, as   judged by participants after engaging in the activity, would be associated with greater creativity.



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