第一章 引言

1.1 软件的概念 随堂测验

‌Software doesn't include _____.‎
A: data
C: manual
D: contract
答案: 【 CPU

‎Which of the following statement about software is NOT true?‍
A: Software is abstract.
B: Software is portable.
C: Software wears out.
D: Software is logical entity.
答案: 【 Software wears out.

Which of the following statements about software characteristics is true?‌‍‌‍‌
A: Software can have multiple copies. Software can have multiple copies. - 正确
B: Software is a kind of concrete physical entity.
C: The faults in a software system come from wearing out.
D: Software is something mysterious mastered by some geniuses.
答案: 【 Software can have multiple copies. Software can have multiple copies. - 正确

1.3 软件工程职业道德和从业规范 随堂测试

‌Which of the following is not a software engineering code of ethics?‌
A: Software engineers shall be fair to and supportive of their colleagues.
B: Software engineers shall participate in lifelong learning regarding the practice of their profession and shall promote an ethical approach to the practice of the profession.
C: Software engineers shall advance the integrity and reputation of the profession consistent with the public interest.
D: Software engineers shall maintain dependence in their professional judgment.
答案: 【 Software engineers shall maintain dependence in their professional judgment.

第一章 单元测试

​Which of the following is true about the possible effect of adding new programmers to a software project?__​​关于增加新程序员到软件项目的可能效果,下列哪个是正确的?__​​​
A: Production will generally be sped up because new programmers generally bring bright new implementation ideas to a project.
B: Production will generally be slowed down because of the need for training and additional coordination.
C: Production will generally be sped up because programmers are generally most productive when they first start on a project.
D: Production will generally be sped up because of the decrease in pressure on the programmers already working on the project.
答案: 【 Production will generally be slowed down because of the need for training and additional coordination.

​Which of the following statements about computer science and software engineering is correct? ______​​关于计算机科学和软件工程的以下语句哪个是正确的? ______​​​
A: Computer scientists and software engineers care about the same thing.
B: Software engineers always try to find all kinds of solutions for the target software system.
C: Computer scientists' job is to find the most suitable solution for software system.
D: The relationship between Computer Science and Software Engineering is just like the one between Chemistry and Chemical Engineering.
答案: 【 The relationship between Computer Science and Software Engineering is just like the one between Chemistry and Chemical Engineering.

‍Which of the following statements is not correct? _______ ‏‍以下哪个语句是不正确的? _______‏‍‏
A: Client is the individual or organization that wants a product to be developed.
B: Developers are the members of the organization responsible for building that product.
C: User is the person or persons on whose behalf the client has commissioned the product and who will utilize the software.
D: The client, developer and user cannot be the same person or the same organization.
答案: 【 The client, developer and user cannot be the same person or the same organization.

‌Which of the following statements about software is true? __________‌‌以下哪个语是正确的? _______‌
A: Software is transplantable.
B: Software is a kind of concrete physical entity.
C: The faults in a software system come from wearing out.
D: Software is something mysterious mastered by some geniuses.
答案: 【 Software is transplantable.

‏Which of the following statements about ethical issues is not correct? ___________‍‏关于伦理问题的以下哪些语句是不正确的? ___________‍‏‍
A: Most societies for professionals have a code of ethics to which all its members must adhere.
B: If the software engineers act in the best interests of their client and employer, he won't be able to act consistently with the public interest.
C: Software products are developed and maintained by humans. If those individuals are hard working, intelligent, sensible, up to data and above all, ethical, then the chances are good that the way that the software products they develop and maintain will be satisfactory.
D: The two major societies for computer professionals, the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) and the Computer Society of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE-CS) jointly approve a Software Engineering Code of Ethics and Professional Practice as the standard for teaching and practicing software engineering.
答案: 【 If the software engineers act in the best interests of their client and employer, he won't be able to act consistently with the public interest.

​Which of the following is not software ? ___________‍​以下哪项不是软件? ___________‍​‍
A:  testing plan
B: users
C: contract
D: requirements documents
答案: 【 users

‎Which of the following is true?____________‍‎以下哪项是正确的? ___________‍
A: A class can be taken as a module.
B: Business requirements is the easiest task during software life cycle, because no design and coding occur during the phase.
C: Hardware wears out. So does software. That is why software needs maintenance.
D: The task of requirements workflow is to collect and determine what client really wants.
答案: 【 A class can be taken as a module.

​___________ is a discipline whose aim is the production of fault-free software, delivered on time and within budget, that satisfies the client's needs. ‎​___________是一个学科,其目标是生产无故障的软件,按时,在预算内交付,满足客户的需求。‎​‎
A: Software engineering
B: Software process
C: Software
D: Software testing
答案: 【 Software engineering

‏Which of the following statements about software characteristics is true? _________​‏关于软件特性的描述哪项是对的? _________​
A:  The faults in a software system come from wearing out.
B: Software is something mysterious controlled by some geniuses.
C: Software is transplantable.
D: Software is a kind of concrete physical entity.
答案: 【 Software is transplantable.

‌Which of the following is not a software engineering code of ethics?______‎‌以下哪项不是软件工程的道德规范?_____‎
A: Software engineers shall advance the integrity and reputation of the profession consistent with the public interest.
B: Software engineers shall participate in lifelong learning regarding the practice of their profession and shall promote an ethical approach to the practice of the profession.
C: Software engineers shall maintain dependence in their professional judgment.
D: Software engineers shall be fair to and supportive of their colleagues.
答案: 【 Software engineers shall maintain dependence in their professional judgment.

‍Software engineers shall act consistently with the _______ interest.‎‍软件工程师应按照和_______的利益一致行事。‎
A: public
B: friends
C: government
D: family
答案: 【 public

‏Which of the following is not software? __________‎‏以下哪项不是软件? __________‎
A: Computer game
B: Power Point
D: Software Project Management Plan
答案: 【 USB

第二章 软件过程

2.1 软件过程 随堂测试

‎The series of phases that software undergoes, from concept exploration to final retirement, is termed its _______.‌
A: process or life cycle process or life cycle - 正确
B: paradigm
C: logic
D: business
答案: 【 process or life cycle process or life cycle - 正确

Which of the following should be treated as a separate workflow of software process?‌
A: Testing
B: Project Planning
C: Requirements
D: Documenting
答案: 【 Requirements

2.2 软件测试 随堂测试

​Software testing is _______.‌
A: constructive
B: destructive
C: to prove there is no faults in the software system
D: to cover faults in the software system
答案: 【 destructive

​______ is to check regression faults.‏
A: Debugging
B: Maintenance
C: Regression testing
D: Acceptance testing
答案: 【 Regression testing

第二章 单元测试

‎Which of the following statements about software life cycle is true? ___________​‎关于软件生命周期的描述以下哪项是对的? ___________​
A: Software life cycle is the repetitive nature of software testing.
B: Every software system has its life cycle.
C: Software life cycle is the period of time that a software product is in service.
D: Software life cycle is the cycling through phases of specification, design, implementation, and testing.
答案: 【 Every software system has its life cycle.

‎The series of phases that software undergoes, from concept exploration to final retirement, is termed its ______.‍‎软件经历的系列阶段,从概念探索到最终退役,被称为其______。‍
A: life cycle or process
B: paradigm
C: logic
D: business
答案: 【 life cycle or process

​Which of the following statements is true? _________‍​下列哪项是正确的? _________‍
A: If a new coding technique will reduce coding time, developing team should surely adopt it to develop projects, which will save time and cost versus the old coding technique.
B: A good coding technique cannot surely speed up the whole software development.
C: Adding more people to a project that is already behind schedule is a good way to catch up.
D: Good software systems do not need maintenance.
答案: 【 A good coding technique cannot surely speed up the whole software development.

‎Which of the following should be treated as a separate phase of software life cycle? ______‎‎下列哪一个应该被视为软件生命周期的单独阶段? ______‎
A: Testing 
B: Project Planning
C: Implementation and integration
D: Documenting
答案: 【 Implementation and integration

‍Which of the following statements is not true? __________​‍以下哪个语句是不正确的? __________​
A: It is quite common that requirements always change, which makes big trouble for development organization.
B: Users always welcome the completed software system.
C: Sometimes, the clients do not know what they really need.
D: Some good software organizations can forecast the requirements of the potential users, so they can lead clients and users.
答案: 【 Users always welcome the completed software system.

‌Which of the following statements is not correct? ________‌‌以下哪个语句是不正确的? __________‌
A: If all the developers are professional enough, management won't be needed.
B: The software development is not the mysterious technique of a certain individual labor, but should be the engineering of an organization of all kinds of people.
C: A software development team should include kinds of people.
D: Software project development is a team work.
答案: 【 If all the developers are professional enough, management won't be needed.

‌In which of the following phases of software development is it the cheapest to fix a fault? _______​‌在软件开发的以下哪个阶段解决故障最廉价? _______​
A: The integration phase
B: The design phase
C: The implementation phase
D: The maintenance phase
答案: 【 The design phase

‍Which of the following statements is true? _______‌‍以下哪个语句是正确的? __________‌
A: Software company can always make more money from software development than from mainteannce.
B: A software system goes through its life cycle, like a human being goes through his/her birth to death.
C: Software company can make no or little money from software maintenance.
D: Software development is more important than maintenance.
答案: 【 A software system goes through its life cycle, like a human being goes through his/her birth to death.

‌Inspection and walkthrough are two types of _________.‍‌审查和走查是两种类型的_________。‍
A: maintenance
B: design
C: non-execution-based testing
D: execution-based testing
答案: 【 non-execution-based testing

‏Software testing aims to ______.​‏软件测试旨在______。​
A: cover the faults in the software system
B: prove the software is right
C: test the code only
D: find as many faults as possible in the software system
答案: 【 find as many faults as possible in the software system

​Software testing ___________.‏​软件测试______。‏
A: is to test executable code.
B: is just to read code.
C: is a phase following implementation phase.
D: includes execution-based testing and non-execution based testing.
答案: 【 includes execution-based testing and non-execution based testing.

‎Software testing is _______.‌‎软件测试是______。‌
A: constructive
B: destructive
C: to prove there is no faults in the software system.
D: a phase following implementation.
答案: 【 destructive

‍______ is to check regression faults.‏‍______是检查回归错误。‏‍‏
A: Debugging
B: Maintenance
C: Regression testing
D:  Acceptance testing
答案: 【 Regression testing

‎Suppose that the maintenance programmer has located a fault and must fix it without inadvertently introducing another fault elsewhere in the product, that is, a ________.‏‎假设维护程序员已经找到故障并且必须修复它,而不会无意中在产品的其他地方引入另一个故障,即________。‏
A: mistake
B: bug
C: regression fault
D: error
答案: 【 regression fault

第三章 软件需求

3.1 什么是需求 随堂测试

‏It is quite common that requirements always change, which makes big trouble for the development organizations.‌
A: 正确
B: 错误
答案: 【 正确

‏Users always welcome the target software system.​
A: 正确
B: 错误
答案: 【 错误

Sometimes, the clients do not know what they really need.‍
A: 正确
B: 错误
答案: 【 正确

​Some good software organizations can forecast the requirements of the potential users, so they can lead the clients and users.‍
A: 正确
B: 错误
答案: 【 正确

3.2 获取需求 随堂测试

‌It is always an easy job for the users to describe what they need or want, because they are very familiar with their own business.‏
A: 正确
B: 错误
答案: 【 错误

‎Developers can use only one way or method for each requirements capturing.‎
A: 正确
B: 错误
答案: 【 错误



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