

Controversy is a state of public dispute or debate, usually concerning a matter of _____ or opposing opinion or point of
A: conflicting
B: significant
C: beneficial
D: decisive
答案: 【 conflicting

_______these two preferences, I am inclined to choose the former one. ‏
A: Reflecting
B: Weighing
C: Judging
D: Thinking
答案: 【 Weighing

Sentence A is the correct pattern for “不可否认的是…”‎A)     There  s no denying that…‎B)      No one can refuse that…‎
A: 正确
B: 错误
答案: 【 正确


The English for “柱状图”  is ____​
A:  bar
B:  curve
C:  pie
D: table
答案: 【  bar

Translate “快餐消费迅速下降” as “The consumption of fast food declined ______.”‌
A:  steadily
B:  unexpectedly
C:  sharply
D: decreasingly
答案: 【  sharply

‎In 2010, female engineers _______ 45% ‌
A: account for
B: account to
C: account
D: account by
答案: 【 account for

The drawing ______ that the amount of time spent on part-time jobs by college students is increasing. ‌
A: describes
B: exposes
C: illustrates
D: reads
答案: 【 illustrates


Which is not the function of a piece of practical writing? ​
A: To
handle routine business.
B: To
establish good will.
C: To
respond to situations.
D: To
give opinions on a book. 
答案: 【 To
give opinions on a book. 

Which is not necessarily included in an invitation letter to a meeting?‏
A: The
purpose of the meeting. 
B: The
time and place of the meeting. 
C: The
expenditure of the meeting.
D: Your
sincere hope.
答案: 【 The
expenditure of the meeting.

I'm most ____ for your meeting with me today. I truly enjoyed our conversation and gained valuable insights.‎
A: thanking
B: appreciating
C: gratutiude
D: grateful
答案: 【 grateful

Sentence A is the most common expression to end the body part of an application letter?​A)  Your company is my first choice.​​B) Thank you for your time.​
A: 正确
B: 错误
答案: 【 错误


‍Put sentences (A)(B)(C)(D) in correct order.​ Dear Sir or Madam,​I am writing  to express my heartfelt gratitude for your hotel’s considerate service when I held my grandfather’s 90th birthday party.​All of the guests were really impressed by the party. (A)The dishes were pretty delicious, and suited everyone’s taste. (B)As they stepped into the hotel, a warm welcome was given by waitresses and waiters.(C)More importantly, many interesting activities were arranged after dinner, making everyone joyful. (D)Besides, the staff  were friendly to the elderly guests. It is your perfect service and excellent efforts that leads to the success of the party. Words fail to express my gratitude.​
A: (B)(A)(D)(C)
B: (A)(C)(B)(D)
C: (B)(D)(C)(A)
D: (A) (D) (B) (C)
答案: 【 (B)(A)(D)(C)

Read the following paragraph developed by examples that have been underlined. Delete the inappropriate examples that can’t help illustrate the topic sentence.‌‌‏    The computer is widely used in all fields of society. Today, wherever you go, you will find computers being used. (A) For example,computers are used in universities, large corporations,and small offices,etc. It has even entered the homes of ordinary people. As it is able to store and process a large amount of information,the computer bring about great convenience and high efficiency to people of all walks of life. Computers can help people in different ways. (B) Take science work as an example. Computers help scientists in analyzing data and doing complex calculation. (C)Computers, for another example, haven’t taken the place of teachers even though they are very useful in multi-media class.(D)Besides, computers may also play a great role in helping children with their lesson. Whatever you are doing, you may find computer a useful aid. ‌‏‌
A: 句(A)
B: 句 (B)
C: 句(C)
D: 句 (D)
答案: 【 句(C)

Study the following abbreviated essay outline. Only the introductory paragraph and topic sentence for body paragraphs are given. Then choose the most appropriate concluding paragraph. 阅读下面篇章的大纲,介绍段和主体段已经给出。请选择一个合适的结尾段。‍    Nowadays, the world is getting more and more civilized. There are more people than before who are keen on getting a good education and the level of education people receive is getting higher and higher. ‍    The good thing that we get well educated is that we can make our life better with knowledge, improve our personal quality and avoid making mistakes caused by ignorance. Getting a good education can also make sure that we have a satisfying career,…finally, good education for people in general is also good for the whole society…‍
A:  Due
to all the factors mentioned above, I strongly agree to the old and
self-evident saying thateducation knows no edges and I believe we should all
keep studying and strike for a brighter future.
B:  Therefore,
a good education is very important for both individual and the society. It will
benefit us mentally and financially, and it will also benefit the society on
the whole.
C: Education
is an infinite period of time that stretches to the end of your lives. Keep in
mind thateducation brings us knowledge which fits in all walks of life, that education
gives birth to new ideas oflife and that the long lasting education truly
stands the significance of our lives.
D: All in
all, efforts from all over the society are badly needed to highlight the
important role education isplaying in nowadays society.
答案: 【  Therefore,
a good education is very important for both individual and the society. It will
benefit us mentally and financially, and it will also benefit the society on
the whole.

Study the following abbreviated essay outline. Only the concluding paragraph and topic sentence for body paragraphs are given. Then choose the most appropriate introductory paragraph.阅读下面篇章的大纲,主体段和结尾段已经给出。请选择一个合适的介绍段。‏To be successful in a job interview, we should demonstrate certain personal and professional qualities First, we should be neatly dressed... And we should also speak clearly, …Besides, we should be prepared to talk knowledgeably about the requirements of the position….‏    Above all, to be successful in a job interview, we should be punctual for the arranged interview and be truthful and accurate about our personal information and strengths. Be careful neither to show too much interest in the salary nor to backbite your former employers.‏
A:  An
interview plays an important role in job hunting. Its principal purpose is to
provide evidence uponwhich the interviewer can base a prediction or judgment
of a candidate's qualification for the job. Howone performs in an interview
proves to be an important factor in determining whether he will get thejob he
is applying for.
B: Nowadays
it is not only possible to search for job vacancies on company websites, but it’s
alsopossible to use the many free searchable websites that compile job vacancies
according to such thingsas the job title, salary or location.
C:  For many
job seekers, the choice between a high salary job and a job with career
developmentpotential is an easy one to make. However, to prepare for a job
interview proves to be hard.
D:  In
order to be successful in an interview, one needs to learn about the field,
gain experience, and havea passion for the work. Out of the three, the most
important factor in an interview success is havingpassion for what you do.
答案: 【  An
interview plays an important role in job hunting. Its principal purpose is to
provide evidence uponwhich the interviewer can base a prediction or judgment
of a candidate's qualification for the job. Howone performs in an interview
proves to be an important factor in determining whether he will get thejob he
is applying for.

Study the following unfinished letter outline. Then choose the most appropriate introductory paragraph.阅读下面书信的大纲,选



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