Chapter 2 Comparative Advantage

Test for comparative advantage

‎When Adam Smith presented his theory of absolute advantage, he thought that all value was measured in terms of the amount of _______ used in the production of the good.‌
A: land
B: labor
C: capital
D: money
答案: 【 labor

​The Mercantilists did not advocate:‌
A: stimulating the nation's exports
B: free trade
C: restricting the nations' imports
D: the accumulation of gold by the nation
答案: 【 free trade

‏If with one hour of labor time nation A can produce either 3X or 3Y while nation B can‎‏produce either 1X or 3Y (and labor is the only input):‎‏‎
A: nation A has a comparative disadvantage in commodity X
B: nation B has a comparative disadvantage in commodity Y
C: nation A has a comparative advantage in commodity X
D: nation A has a comparative advantage in neither commodity
答案: 【 nation A has a comparative advantage in commodity X

​Ricardo explained the law of comparative advantage on the basis of:‎
A: the labor theory of value
B: the opportunity cost theory
C: the law of diminishing returns
D: all of the above
答案: 【 the labor theory of value

‌The commodity in which the nation has the smallest absolute disadvantage is the commodity of its comparative disadvantage.‌
A: 正确
B: 错误
答案: 【 错误

‎The trade theories of Adam Smith and David Ricardo viewed the determination of‎‎competitiveness from the demand side of the market.‎‎‎
A: 正确
B: 错误
答案: 【 错误

‌The mercantilists contended that because one nation’s gains from trade come the expense of its trading partners, not all nations could simultaneously realize gains from trade.‏
A: 正确
B: 错误
答案: 【 正确

‍In the Wealth of Nations, Adam Smith presented his theory of comparative advantage.‎
A: 正确
B: 错误
答案: 【 错误

Chapter 3 The Standard Trade Model

A quiz for standard trade model

‌A production frontier that is concave indicates that the nation incurs increasing opportunity‏‌costs in the production of:‏
A: commodity X only
B: commodity Y only
C: both commodities
D: neither commodity
答案: 【 both commodities

‏The marginal rate of transformation (MRT) of X for Y refers to:​
A: the amount of Y that a nation must give up to produce each additional unit of X
B: the opportunity cost of X
C: the absolute slope of the production frontier at the point of production
D: all of the above
答案: 【 all of the above

‍Community indifference curves:‌
A: are negatively sloped
B: are convex to the origin
C: should not cross
D: all of the above
答案: 【 all of the above

‎The marginal rate of substitution (MRS) of X for Y in consumption refers to the:‎
A: amount of X that a nation must give up for one extra unit of Y and still remain on thesame indifference curve
B: amount of Y that a nation must give up for one extra unit of X and still remain on the same indifference curve
C: amount of X that a nation must give up for one extra unit of Y to reach a higherindifference curve
D: amount of Y that a nation must give up for one extra unit of X to reach a higherindifference curve
答案: 【 amount of Y that a nation must give up for one extra unit of X and still remain on the same indifference curve

‍Which of the following is not true for a nation that is in equilibrium in isolation?‍
A: it consumes inside its production frontier
B: it reaches the highest indifference curve possible with its production frontier
C: the indifference curve is tangent to the nation's production frontier
D: MRT of X for Y equals MRS of X for Y, and they are equal to Px/Py
答案: 【 it consumes inside its production frontier

‎If the internal Px/Py is lower in nation 1 than in nation 2 without trade:‍
A: nation 1 has a comparative advantage in commodity Y
B: nation 2 has a comparative advantage in commodity X
C: nation 2 has a comparative advantage in commodity Y
D: none of the above
答案: 【 nation 2 has a comparative advantage in commodity Y

‎If actual Px/Py exceeds the equilibrium relative Px/Py with trade‍
A: the nation exporting commodity X wil



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