Unit 1 Introduction What Is Business English Writing 第一章 引言 何为商务英语写作


Business communication has become more challenging than ever before, because of‌‌‌‌
A:  the globalization of business and the increase in workforce diversity
B:  the increasingly flattened management style and emphasis on team work
C:  the pervasiveness of digital technology
D: all of the above
答案: 【 all of the above

Which of the following represents a goal for business writers?‍‎‍
A: You should concentrate on your feelings in business messages.
B: You should get your audience to believe and accept your ideas.
C: You should create messages that are lengthy to demonstrate your   superior intellect and language skills.
D: You should write business messages from your perspective.
答案: 【 You should get your audience to believe and accept your ideas.

Which of the following describes the language feature of business writing?‏‌‏
A: frequent use of disciplinary terminologies
B: long, complex sentences
C: plain language and familiar words
D: use of nominalizations
答案: 【 plain language and familiar words

When preparing a business message, you should make your writing audience oriented. Audience oriented means you should‎‎‎
A: write to solve a problem or convey information
B: attempt to get your audience to believe and accept your message.
C: present ideas clearly but concisely.
D: concentrate on looking at the problem from the receiver's perspective.
答案: 【 concentrate on looking at the problem from the receiver's perspective.

‌Business writing should be purposeful. In this context purposeful can best be defined as‏
A: presenting ideas clearly and concisely.
B: concentrating on the receiver's perspective instead of your own
C: solving problems and conveying information.
D: writing in plain language
答案: 【 solving problems and conveying information.

​Business writing should be economical. In this context economical can best be defined as‌
A: presenting ideas clearly and concisely.
B: concentrating on the receiver's perspective instead of your own.
C: solving problems and conveying information.
D: getting your audience to believe and accept your message.
答案: 【 presenting ideas clearly and concisely.

A business message should be long because quantity enhances quality.​‏​
A: 正确
B: 错误
答案: 【 错误

When you compose a business messages, you often need to cater for several levels of readership.‏‏‏
A: 正确
B: 错误
答案: 【 正确

One important purpose of writing a business message is to impress your reader and demonstrate your language competence by using big words and long complex sentences.‍​ ‍​‍
A: 正确
B: 错误
答案: 【 错误

Unit 2 Business Writing Process 第二章 商务英语写作过程


‍Human Resources Manager Claire Siu must inform Anthony that company job changes will require him to seek retraining or lose his position. The best channel for Ms. Siu to deliver this message is‏‍‏
A: an e-mail message
B: face-to-face communication
C: voice mail
D: an instant message
答案: 【 face-to-face communication

​Formal research methods are generally required for what type(s) of business document(s)?​
A: Routine e-mail messages
B: Routine memos
C: Long reports and complex business problems
D: All of these choices would require formal research.
答案: 【 Long reports and complex business problems

‍Which of the following business messages would use the direct strategy?‎
A: A letter denying credit to a customer
B: A sales letter
C: A letter rejecting a customer's claim
D: An e-mail to your staff reminding them of the upcoming all-staff meeting
答案: 【 An e-mail to your staff reminding them of the upcoming all-staff meeting

‏Which of the following message openings is the most direct opening for an e-mail message announcing a new telecommuting plan?‎
A: A number of employees have asked about telecommuting options.
B: Many businesses have been implementing telecommuting programs, and we have studied their programs extensively.
C: Rising gas prices have led many companies to allow telecommuting, and we think this might be a good idea for our company.
D: Our new telecommuting program will begin on August 1.
答案: 【 Our new telecommuting program will begin on August 1.

‌What is a comma splice?‌
A: Two independent clauses run together without punctuation or a  conjunction
B: Two independent clauses joined by a comma without a conjunction
C: A broken-off part of a complex sentence
D: Two dependent clauses
答案: 【 Two independent cla



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