Unit 1 Overview of IT Industry


‏The heart of any computer system is the(   ).‌‏‌
答案: 【 CPU

​(  )refers to the parts of the computer that you can see and touch.‌​‌
答案: 【 Hardware

‏The most important program on any computer is(     )‍‏‍
答案: 【 os

‌All virus scanners softwares  can scan most known  (     )‍‌‍
答案: 【 Viruses

‍The motherboard holds (     )and the processor expansion slots 。 ‏‍‏‍‏
答案: 【 memory


​The heart of any computer system is the(   ).‌​‌
答案: 【 cpu

​‏​(  )refers to the parts of the computer that you can see and touch.‏​‏
答案: 【 Hardware

‏The most important program on any computer is(     )‍‏‍
答案: 【 os

‌All virus scanners softwares  can scan most known  (     )‏‌‏
答案: 【 Viruses

‏The motherboard holds (     )and the processor expansion slots 。 ‍‏‍‏‍
答案: 【 memory

Unit 10 Preparing for the Interview

Test of Unit Ten

‌Which type of job interview is not mentioned according to the article?‍
A: Traditional Interview
B: Private Interview
C: Panel Interview
D: Behavioral Interview
答案: 【 Private Interview

‍Which one is not true about the traditional interview?​
A: You sit down with a solo interviewer and answer a series of questions designed to help her figure out if you’re a great candidate for the job.
B: You may be asked questions about the experience on your resume, what you can offer to the company or position.
C: The interviewer will ask you questions based on common situations of the job you are applying for.
D: Many times the interviewer will ask you questions such as “Why would you be good for this job?” or “Tell me about yourself.”
答案: 【 The interviewer will ask you questions based on common situations of the job you are applying for.

‍What question you may be asked in a phone interview?‌
A: You may be asked typical questions or behavioral questions.
B: Questions that inquire about what you did when you were in some situation and how did you deal with it.
C: Why would you be good for this job?
D: Questions based on common situations of the job you are applying for.
答案: 【 You may be asked typical questions or behavioral questions.

‌Which one is not true according to the article?‌
A: In a behavioral interview, the interviewer will ask you questions based on common situations of the job you are applying for.
B: A phone interview may be for a position where the candidate is not local or for an initial prescreening call to see if they want to invite you for an in-person interview.
C: No matter what type of job interview you go on, always do your best to prepare for it the best you can ahead of time, so you can do your best and show them the best of who you are.
D: In a traditional interview, you will be interviewed by a panel of interviewers.
答案: 【 In a traditional interview, you will be interviewed by a panel of interviewers.

‌Which one is wrong when you are in a lunch interview?‎
A: Never take your leftovers home in a doggy bag.
B: You will be interviewed by a panel of interviewers
C: You don’t need to offer to pay.
D: You want to have your best table manners and be as neat as possible.
答案: 【 You will be interviewed by a panel of interviewers

‌What should you do before the interview?‏
A: Smile and make eye contact as you shake hands.
B: It is not appropriate for you to end the interview.
C: Always say "Thank you" when the interview is over.
D: Review the job description or the "Help Wanted" description.
答案: 【 Review the job description or the "Help Wanted" description.

‎What should you do during the interview?‏
A: Put all of your materials in a professional-looking folder, briefcase, or handbag.
B: Practice your interview with someone you trust. Rehearse your responses out loud.
C: Make occasional eye contact for at least 5 seconds throughout the interview.
D: Research information about the company including their "mission" or goal.
答案: 【 Make occasional eye contact for at least 5 seconds throughout the interview.

‎How to dress if your interview is formal?​
A: For men: Conventional suit or coordinating jacket and knee-length skirt.
B: For women: Wear a belt and dark colored tie.
C: For men: Conventional dark-colored suit (black, navy or charcoal grey are good) with a conservative shirt: plain pastel shades or modest stripes and dark polished shoes.
D: For women: Don’t wear light colored socks or too much aftershave.
答案: 【 For men: Conventional dark-colored suit (black, navy or charcoal grey are good) with a conservative shirt: plain pastel shades or modest stripes and dark polished shoes.

‍What should you do after the interview?‍
A: Make sure your resume is up-to-date and print out two clean copies with no wrinkles.
B: Have a clean, professional outfit ready to wear
C: Make a list of 2-3 questions you may have about the position.
D: Within two days after your interview, you should always write a thank-you letter or email to your interviewer for meeting with you.
答案: 【 Within two days after your interview, you should always write a thank-you letter or email to your interviewer for meeting with you.

‎How to dress if your interview is less formal?‍
A: For men: Conventional dark-colored suit (black, navy or charcoal grey are good) with a conservative shirt: plain pastel shades or modest stripes and dark polished shoes.
B: For men: wear nice slacks (not jeans, sweatpants, or shorts), a long-sleeve shirt with a collar that is tucked-in, and matching belt, shoes, and socks.  
C: For women: Conventional suit or coordinating jacket and knee-length skirt.
D: For women: Don’t wear lots of make-up, perfume or jewellery.
答案: 【 For men: wear nice slacks (not jeans, sweatpants, or shorts), a long-sleeve shirt with a collar that is tucked-in, and matching belt, shoes, and socks.  

‏What are tools for building an iPhone App?‏
A: Xcode + Objective-C
B: Eclipse + Java
C: Xcode + Java
D: Android Studio + C
答案: 【 Xcode + Objective-C

‏What is website’s Database according to the video?‎
A: It is basically a thing that holds all the information in the site.
B: It contains a lot of apps made by other developers.
C: It is not necessary.
D: It is a program language.
答案: 【 It is basically a thing that holds all the information in the site.

‌Which one is not true about Google’s technical interview according to the video?‏
A: You are expected to know how to test your code.
B: Algorithms is not very important.
C: Some interviewers will ask basic discrete math problems.
D: Make sure that you practice physically writing your code.
答案: 【 Algorithms is not very important.

‌Which one is true according to the video? (More than one correct answer)‍
A: There are three types of jobs that a software developer might get in those fields mentioned in the video.
B: A designer only thinks about the way things look.
C: A front-end developer is someone who takes that design and then they translate it into code.
D: A back-end developer should be a front-end developer at the same time.
答案: 【 There are three types of jobs that a software developer might get in those fields mentioned in the video.;
A front-end developer is someone who takes that design and then they translate it into code.

‍What should do during Google's technical interview according to the video? (More than one correct answer)‌
A: Make sure you’re ready to prove what’s on your resume.
B: In general, you should show your problem-solving skills to the question you are asked.
C: If the question asked is a design question, you should work with your interviewer to create a high-level system.
D: If the question asked is a general analysis question, you should provide only one solution as soon as possible.
答案: 【 Make sure you’re ready to prove what’s on your resume.;
In general, you should show your problem-solving skills to the question you are asked.;
If the question asked is a design question, you should work with your interviewer to create a high-level system.

unit 2 History of IT Industry

Test on Unit Two

‎What the first giant calculators CANNOT do?​
A: Processing information digitally
B: Maniputating numbers
C: Imitating human communication
D: Expanding to digitize other, mostly transation-oriented activities
答案: 【 Imitating human communication

‏When did the major quantitative and qualitative leap occur?​‏​
A: When work PCs were connected to each other via Local Area Networks (LANs).
B: When work PCs were connected to each other via Internet.
C: When people showed their interest in work PCs.
D: When more and more businessmen noticed the potential market for work PCs.
答案: 【 When work PCs were connected to each other via Local Area Networks (LANs).

‍What did the invention of the World Wide Web lead to/‏‍‏
A: It led to an innovative way of thinking and working.
B: It led to the proliferation of new applications, which were no longer limited to enterprise-related activities but digitized almost any activity in our lives.
C: It led to a new era for new media.
D: It led to a new era for creation.
答案: 【 It led to the proliferation of new applications, which were no longer limited to enterprise-related activities but digitized almost any activity in our lives.

‌What does “déjà vu” probably mean within the context?‏‌‏
A: Things we have known.
B: Things we have learned.
C: Things we have bought.
D: Things we have seen.
答案: 【 Things we have seen.

‌What does the title of this passage suggest?‌‌‌
A: Within certain range of time, people will see the same things happen again in  IT industry.
B: It is not hard to predict the future.
C: History follows certain pattern.
D: We can learn many things from the past.
答案: 【 Within certain range of time, people will see the same things happen again in  IT industry.

​Why people invented the first computer?‍​‍
A: It was used to win the war.
B: It was used to kill enemies.
C: It was used to protect Allies.
D: It was used to decode Nazi’s messages during the wars.
答案: 【 It was used to decode Nazi’s messages during the wars.

‍In this video, what does it says about computer to the Allies’ victory?‌
A: It had a significant contribution to the Allies’ victory.
B: Without it, the War would go on for years.
C: It protected people from being killed.
D: It killed enemies through sending the wrong messages.
答案: 【 It had a significant contribution to the Allies’ victory.

​Which of the following sentence was not one of typical problems of the Eniac when people use it?‍​‍
A: It was heavy.
B: It was large.
C: It consumed huge amount of electricity while working.
D:  It looked ugly.
答案: 【  It looked ugly.

‎When did the Internet get started?‏
A: Fifteen years ago
B: Fifty years ago
C: Seventy years ago
D: Eighty years ago
答案: 【 Fifty years ago

‎What is the significance of WWW?‍‎‍
A: It was not a data sharing space for scientists anymore. It is an entire network of information that is accessible for anyone with Internet connection.
B: It helps us to receive emails.
C: It helps us to make video calls.
D: It helps us to shop online.
答案: 【 It was not a data sharing space for scientists anymore. It is an entire network of information that is accessible for anyone with Internet connection.

‎What changes does connecting people in a vast and distributed network of computers bring? ‌‎‌
A: It increased the amount of data generated.
B: It led to numerous new ways of getting value out of connecting people.
C: It unleashed many new enterprise applications.
D: It generated a new passion for “data mining”.
答案: 【 It increased the amount of data generated.;
It led to numerous new ways of getting value out of connecting people.;
It unleashed many new enterprise applications.;
It generated a new passion for “data mining”.

‌What are we probably going to see and maybe already are experiencing? ‌‌‌
A: A new phase in the evolution of Information Technology
B: A new direction of the development of IT
C: A new quantitative and qualitative leap in the growth of data
D: A new attitude towards life
答案: 【 A new phase in the evolution of Information Technology ;
A new quantitative and qualitative leap in the growth of data

‌Why this sort of entrepreneurial extravagance is not a bad thing at all? ‍
A: These vast and risky investments can be seen as essentially a way of recycling the enormous funds that successful firms and individuals have accumulated from you, the customer.
B: Better to re-deploy one’s fortune chasing breakthrough dreams in the sky than on palatial corporate headquarters, private islands, larger yachts, and sometimes even huge charitable contributions.
C: The entrepreneurial extravagance can bring people many benefits, which leads a more competitive market and higher work initiative.
D: The extravagance promotes technology to move quickly, and during the process people increase their ability to innovate, which is a virtuous circle.
答案: 【 These vast and risky investments can be seen as essentially a way of recycling the enormous funds that successful firms and individuals have accumulated from you, the customer.;
Better to re-deploy one’s fortune chasing breakthrough dreams in the sky than on palatial corporate headquarters, private islands, larger yachts, and sometimes even huge charitable contributions.

‎Which of the following statement is right according to this article? ‏
A: The PC era followed pretty much the same pattern.
B: This is not a proven formula for all manner of grand adventures and misadventures.
C: The history of the computer business is that its market leaders are both fabulously rich and highly ambitious.
D: Perhaps one of the reasons IBM was tempted to look upwards was because, while it had vast amounts of cash, it faced serious legal constraints in many of its core markets.
答案: 【 The PC era followed pretty much the same pattern.;
The history of the computer business is that its market leaders are both fabulously rich and highly ambitious.;
Perhaps one of the reasons IBM was tempted to look upwards was because, while it had vast amounts of cash, it faced serious legal constraints in many of its core markets.

‏What has contributed to AR's increasing success? ‌
A: Complex technological advances.
B: Meaningful content.
C: Convincing and realistic interaction of the virtua



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