1 Personal Relationship

1 Personal Relationship

The man said he was willing to ________ his life for his country.‎‍‎
A: put aside
B: lay down
C: lay out
D: put down
答案: 【 lay down

Through________ she communicated that she wanted the woman to hide.‏
A: signs
B: symbols
C: notices
D: meanings
答案: 【 signs

He _______ a cry and rushed to his mother.‎​‎
A: let alone
B: let out
C: let down
D: let go
答案: 【 let out

‍The candidate tried to cover _______ her nervousness as she waited to make her speech.‌
A: up
B: on
C: off
D: against
答案: 【 up

‍I have no idea who stole his wallet. It _______ anyone.‍
A: must have been
B: could have been
C: should have been
D: need have been
答案: 【 could have been

He was knocked down by a car and badly _______.‎
A: harmed
B: damaged
C: injured
D: ruined
答案: 【 injured

‍‍ ________ and happy, Tony stood up an accepted the prize.‍
A: Surprising
B: Being surprised
C: Surprised
D: Being surprising
答案: 【 Surprised

He was listening attentively in class, his eyes_______ on the blackboard.​
A: was fixed
B: was fixing
C: fixing
D: fixed
答案: 【 fixed

A little girl was sitting ________ in the corner.‎
A: to sob
B: sobbing
C: sob
D: sobbed
答案: 【 sobbing

‌‎ Our plans were left hanging ________.‎
A: in the balance
B: in the way
C: in future
D: in the direction
答案: 【 in the balance

Climate change has been blamed for killer hurricanes, sea level rise, anddrought, but a new report suggests the effects of climate change might hit theworld’s caffeine supply. Up to 70 percent of the world’s coffee supply could bethreatened over the next 68 years, according to a new study by researchers atEngland’s Royal Botanic Gardens.‍Nearly 100 percent of the world’s Arabica coffee growing regions couldbecome unsuitable for the plant by 2080, according to the study, published in PLOSONE. Beans from Arabica coffee plants account for about 70 percent of theworld’s coffee, but the plant has to be grown under strict weather conditions:They thrive at temperatures between 64 and 70 degrees Celsius, and are highly susceptible(易受影响的) to frost or temperatures higher than 73 degreesCelsius.‍With temperatures estimated to increase by between 1.8 and 4 degreesCelsius by the end of the century, the fragile(脆弱的) plant might become increasingly expensive and difficult to grow,especially in places such as Ethiopia and Kenya. In that worst-case scenario,nearly all of the world’s native Arabica coffee would die out. Under moreconservative estimates, about 65 percent of the regions that used to grow thecoffee would become unsuitable for it. The evidence from coffee farmers, fromnumerous coffee growing regions around the world, is that they are alreadysuffering from the influences of increased warming.‍Some commercial farmers would likely be able to move their operations toother areas or would be able to overcome climate change with artificial coolingtechniques, but wild Arabica is generally considered to be much more suitablefor making high-quality coffee.‍If Arabica becomes impossible to raise in its native areas, it couldwreak havoc on the economies of the mainly third-world countries in which itgrows. Coffee is the world’s most popular drink and is the second most-tradedcommodity in the world, behind oil.‍“Our modeling shows a profoundly negative trend for the futuredistribution of indigenous(本土的). Arabica coffee under the influence of accelerated global climatechange,” the study says. “Production is likely to decrease significantly incertain areas, and especially in locations that are presently marginallysuitable for coffee production.”‍Q: What can we learn about Arabica coffee plants fromthe second paragraph?‍ ‍‎‍‎‍
A: The growth of Arabica coffee plants requires strict weather conditions.
B: The flavor of Arabica coffee is better than other’s. 
C: The Arabica coffee plants grow in the areas more subject to climate changes.
D: The Arabica coffee plants produce more coffee beans than other coffee plants.
答案: 【 The growth of Arabica coffee plants requires strict weather conditions.

​Q: What can be predicted about the future of Arabica coffee by the end ofthe century?‏
A: It will extinct throughout the world.
B:  It will cause coffee farmers to go bankrupt.
C: It might become more high-priced than ever before.
D: It might be blooming everywhere in Ethiopia and Kenya.
答案: 【 It might become more high-priced than ever before.

‏Q: Wild Arabica is widely regarded to _________.‏
A:  enhance the world’s coffee quality
B: raise commercial farmers’ income
C: be highly suitable for making excellent coffee
D: improve Arabica coffee’s growing environment
答案: 【 be highly suitable for making excellent coffee

​Q: What does “wreck havoc” (Line 1, Para. 5) mean?‏
A: To cause great damage.
B: To create a great opportunity.
C: To provide a plentiful supply.
D: To take a huge risk.
答案: 【 To cause great damage.

​Q: What does the passage mainly talk about?  ‎
A: World’s Arabica coffee is dying out.
B: Global warming affects plants’ growing.
C: Global climate change might be accelerated.
D: World coffee supply could be threatened by climate change.
答案: 【 World coffee supply could be threatened by climate change.

2 More Than Words

2 More Than Words

The poor man found himself ________ at the end of that month.‎ ‎
A: a little money
B: with little money left
C: have little money
D: leaving little money
答案: 【 with little money left

Complete the following sentence with the best choice.‍They have no idea at all ________.‍ ‍
A: where he has gone
B: where did he go
C: which place has he gone
D: where has he gone
答案: 【 where he has gone

His answer to my question only ________ my confusion.‎ ‎‌‎
A: added up to
B: added
C: added to
D: added up
答案: 【 added to

________ online shopping attracts a certain group of people, there will always be some who enjoy shopping for their own groceries.‎ ‎​‎
A: As
B: When
C: If
D: While
答案: 【 While

You must ________ what you are doing is quite illegal.‌ ‌
A: aware that
B: be aware of
C: be aware that
D: aware of
答案: 【 be aware that

 Modern science is ________ just a large amount of information; it is also a system of testing and deductive(推理的) reasoning.‌ ‌
A: far more
B: more than
C: instead of
D: rather than
答案: 【 more than

One of the members of the surgical team leaked the story to a fellow physician who, ________, revealed it to a reporter.‎ ‎
A: in turn
B: in return
C: by turns
D: take turns
答案: 【 in turn

I’d like to eat out, but _________ I should be trying to save money.‎ ‎
A: in contrast
B: on the contrary
C: on one side
D: on the other han
答案: 【 on the other han

_________ we get more money, we’ll be prevented from finishing this project.‍ ‍
A: Until
B: Unless
C: While
D: Since
答案: 【



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