Unit 1 Early Autumn

Unit 1 测验

‏The words on the cardboard “I’m blind, Please help” do not seem to draw much attention because _____.‍
A: people tend to ignore such familiar street side scenes
B: the language is too simple, and not eye-catching
C: the words have a commanding air that annoys people
D: the demand for help is not direct and strong enough
答案: 【 people tend to ignore such familiar street side scenes

‏Ezra Pound has made another comment that literature is “news that stays news.” This probably means _____.‎
A: that literary writing will not go out of date
B: that literature always concerns itself with social issues
C: that literature remains to be readers’ favorite choice
D: that literature repeatedly occurs in news headlines
答案: 【 that literary writing will not go out of date

‌Which of the following adjectives can probably best describe Bill’s attitude?‎
A: Emotional.
B: Indifferent.
C: Puzzled.
D: Hopeful.
答案: 【 Indifferent.

‎All the following statements give proper summaries of some aspect of the short story “Early Autumn” except one. Which is the EXCEPTION?​
A: It is minimalistic in style.
B: It has some poetic quality.
C: It resorts to “slice of life” method of presentation.
D: It is a good lesson for young people.
答案: 【 It is a good lesson for young people.


‎When we say that the first paragraph foreshadows the body of the short story, we mean that it_____.‏
A: prepares the reader for the later event
B: casts a dark shadow over the story
C: shapes the structure of the story development
D: gives a signal that something great is to occur
答案: 【 prepares the reader for the later event

Unit 10 “The Law of Life”


‏The following statements all testify to the philosophy of Naturalism in the story except one. Which is the EXCEPTION?  ‎
A: Naturalists care little about moral issues in their judgment.
B: Man’s existence is shaped by heredity and environment.
C: Human value can only be displayed in their fight against Nature.
D: There is a strong sense of determinism in the story.
答案: 【 Human value can only be displayed in their fight against Nature.

Unit 11 “The Secret Life of Walter Mitty”


​Which of the following statements about the short story is NOT TRUE?‏
A: Mitty’s fantasies are stimulated by trivial things in reality.
B: All the daydreams are brought up by Mitty’s dissatisfaction with his real life.
C: Mitty probably has formed the habit of retreating into fantasies as he finds himself incapable of making any change in real life.
D: Mitty’s indulgence in fantasy is in fact a promising search for a new realm of reality.
答案: 【 Mitty’s indulgence in fantasy is in fact a promising search for a new realm of reality.

Unit 12 “The Glass Mountain”


‏Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE about the inter-textual relationship between “The Glass Mountain” and the original fairy tale? ​
A: The two stories tell the same thing and give the same message in very different ways of narration.
B: The knights, the castle of



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