
1.1 随堂测验

A story of 5000 words is __________.‎‌‎
A: a novel 
B: a short story
C: a novelette 
D: a mini story
答案: 【 a short story

Novels come into being on the ground of these facts EXCEPT ____________.‍‌‍
A: Human activities have become growingly complicated.
B: A growing number of people are able to read.
C: Printing technology has been improved.
D: Novel writing has caused the Industrial Revolution.
答案: 【 Novel writing has caused the Industrial Revolution.

‏What is Jane Austen’s definition of the novel?‎
答案: 【 ‘work in which the greatest powers of the mind are displayed, in which the most thorough knowledge of human nature, the happiest delineation of its varieties, the liveliest effusion of wit and humour, are conveyed to the world in the best-chosen language’

1.2 随堂测验

​Jane Austen’s literary reputation has managed to survive over 200 years because all her readers appreciated her novels.​
A: 正确
B: 错误
答案: 【 错误

‌Jane Austen is aware of the fact that subjects of her works are confined.‌
A: 正确
B: 错误
答案: 【 正确

‌What makes Jane Austen and Pride and Prejudice classical?‌
答案: 【 Nowadays, readers mostly agree that her novels reveal in a subtle
yet determined manner the beauty of women (more than physical beauty),
and their longing for freedom in marriage life.
They admire her for she is able to reach this idea in the 18th Century.
Besides, her sense of humour, her literary dexterities lend support to her literary status.

1.3 随堂测验

‍Terminology: bathos‌
答案: 【 a figure of speech employed by writers to make a sudden change from a serious or great subject or feeling to something silly or trivial

​Name at least one reason why the first sentence of Pride and Prejudice has been regarded as one of the top ten great beginnings of novels?‍
答案: 【 First of all, the novelist has employed a figure of speech here, that is, bathos. The unexpected strong contrast makes people burst into laughter.
Secondly, the two commas cause the reader to read the sentence with patience, which certainly makes him believe the narrator begins her story with confidence and composure. As a matter of fact, they add comic effect to the use of bathos.
Thirdly, the author has chosen to use ‘want’ as a noun, not a verb,for ‘I want a wife’ sounds quite subjective while ‘in want of a wife’, objective.
The last point is the second use of irony. After he finishes the novel, the reader will find that it is actually all about husband hunting. In fact, the point the novel has conveyed is that it is a single young lady in possession of a small fortune, must be in want of a wealthy husband.
It is just the opposite to the point he gets in the beginning of the story.

​List titles of English peers:‍
答案: 【 Duke##%_YZPRLFH_%##Marquis



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