Unit 1 Communication

Achieving focus in academic writing

In academic contexts, the new and more important information is usually put at the end of a sentence. Compare the two sentences in each group and analyze which one is better at presenting the new information. (答案填写大写字母)‎​A. Communication consists of transmitting information from one person to another usually via language. ‎​B. Transmitting information from one person to another usually via language comprises communication.‎
答案: 【 A

‌A. Awareness of health inequalities and their causes by doctors can help to target those in need of such services, improve access and ensure equity in delivery of health services.‏‌B. Targeting those in need of such services, improving access and ensuring equity in delivery of health services can benefit from awareness of health inequalities and their causes by doctors.‏
答案: 【 A

‏A. The ‘knowledge economy’ reflects the dominance of dynamic ‘knowledge’ sectors such as finance, computers and software, telecommunications, biotechnology and the communications industries.​‏B. The dominance of dynamic ‘knowledge’ sectors such as finance, computers and software, telecommunications, biotechnology and the communications industries are reflected in the ‘knowledge economy’.​‏​
答案: 【 A

Identifying literature gaps

‍Mobile phone sensing is a relatively new topic that requires further academic research. Below are extracts from several academic articles discussing mobile phone sensing. Read the extracts and write down the number of the sentence or sentences that indicate the literature gaps identified by the authors that require further research. (答案写句子编号,若有多个选择,编号间空格)‌‍‌‍TEXT ‌‍1.An important aspect of MCS [mobile crowdsensing] applications is that they potentially collect sensitive sensor data pertaining to individuals. 2.For example, GPS sensor readings can be utilized to infer private information about the individual, such as the routes they take during their daily commutes, home, and work locations[9]. 3.On the other hand, these GPS sensor measurements (from daily commutes) shared within a larger community can be used to obtain traffic congestion levels in a given city[4]. 4.Thus, it is important to preserve the security and privacy of an individual, but at the same time enable MCS applications. 5.It is also necessary to ensure that an individual’s sensor data is not revealed to untrustworthy third parties. 6.A problem that arises from the opt-in nature of crowdsensing applications is when malicious individuals contribute erroneous sensor data (e.g. falsified GPS readings), maintaining the integrity of sensor data collected is an important problem.‌‍‌‍Source:  Ganti, R. K., Ye, F. & Lei, H. (2011). Mobile crowdsensing: Current state and future challenges. IEEE Communications Magazine, 49 (11): 32-39.‌
答案: 【 6##%_YZPRLFH_%##4 5 6

Recognizing the purpose in writing

The following verbs are often used to indicate the purpose of a piece of writing. In terms of purpose, academic writing can be categorized into two distinct types: persuasive and informative writing. Decide whether each verb suggests a persuasive or informative purpose. ​The verb "describe" suggests a ________ purpose.​
答案: 【 informative

‏The verb "analyze" suggests a ________ purpose.‏
答案: 【 informative

‍The verb "compare" suggests a ________ purpose.‎
答案: 【 informative##%_YZPRLFH_%##persuasive

​The verb "evaluate" suggests a ________ purpose.‍
答案: 【 persuasive

‍The verb "argue" suggests a ________ purpose.‍
答案: 【 persuasive

‌The verb "inform" suggests a ________ purpose.‍
答案: 【 informative

​The verb "discuss" suggests a ________ purpose.‎
答案: 【 persuasive

​The verb "explain" suggests a ________ purpose.‍
答案: 【 informative


‌Which of the following verbs suggests a persuasive purpose?‍
A: Compare.
B: Evaluate.
C: Discuss.
D: All of the above.
答案: 【 All of the above.

‌Which of the following serves as a good thesis statement?‏
A: The effect of the Internet on society.
B: The American automobile industry has many problems.
C: More people are attending community colleges.
D: Recycling programs, though expensive at first, are ultimately an efficient, cost effective, and environmentally sound means of reducing waste in our environment.
答案: 【 Recycling programs, though expensive at first, are ultimately an efficient, cost effective, and environmentally sound means of reducing waste in our environment.

‎    The rise of multinational corporations (跨国公司), global marketing, new communications technologies, and shrinking cultural differences have led to an unparalleled increase in global public relations or PR.‌‎    Surprisingly, since modern PR was largely an American invention, the U.S. leadership in public relations is being threatened by PR efforts in other countries. Ten years ago, for example, the world’s top five public relations agencies were American-owned. In 1991, only one was. The British in particular are becoming more sophisticated and creative. A recent survey found that more than half of all British companies include PR as part of their corporate (公司的) planning activities, compared to about one-third of U.S. companies. It may not be long before London replaces New York as the capital of PR.‌‎    Why is America lagging behind in the global PR race? First, Americans as a whole tend to be fairly provincial and take more of an interest in local affairs. Knowledge of world geography, for example, has never been strong in this country. Secondly, Americans lag behind their European and Asian counterparts (相对应的人) in knowing a second language. Less than 5 percent of Burson—Marshall’s U.S. employees know two languages. Ogilvy and Mather has about the same percentage. Conversely, some European firms have half or more of their employees fluent in a second language. Finally, people involved in PR abroad tend to keep a closer eye on international affairs. In the financial PR area, for instance, most Americans read the Wall Street Journal. Overseas, their counterparts read the Journal as well as the Financial Times of London and The Economist, publications not often read in this country.‌‎    Perhaps the PR industry might take a lesson from Ted Turner of CNN (Cable News Network). Turner recently announced that the word “foreign” would no longer be used on CNN news broadcasts. According to Turner, global communications have made the nations of the world so interdependent that there is no longer any such things as foreign.‌‎‌‎According to the passage, U.S. leadership in public relations is being threatened because of ________.‌
A: an unparalleled increase in the number of public relations companies
B: shrinking cultural differences and new communications technologies
C:  the decreasing number of multinational corporations in the U.S.
D: increased efforts of other countries in public relations
答案: 【 increased efforts of other countries in public relations

‏London could soon replace New York as the center of PR because ________.‍
A: British companies are more ambitious than U.S. companies
B: British companies place more importance on PR than U.S. companies
C: British companies are heavily involved in planning activities
D: four of the world’s top public relations agencies are British-owned
答案: 【 British companies place more importance on PR than U.S. companies

‍The word “provincial” (Line 1, Para. 3) most probably means “________”.‌
A: limited in outlook
B: like people from the provinces
C: rigid in thinking
D:  interested in world financial affairs
答案: 【 limited in outlook

‎We learn from the third paragraph that employees in the American PR industry ________.‍‎‍
A: speak at least one foreign language fluently
B: are ignorant about world geography
C: are not as sophisticated as their European counterparts
D: enjoy reading a great variety of English business publications
答案: 【 are not as sophisticated as their European counterparts

‍What lesson might the PR industry take from Ted Turner of CNN?‌
A: American PR companies should be more internationally-minded.
B: The American PR industry should develop global communications technologies.
C: People working in PR should be more fluent in foreign languages.
D: People involved in PR should avoid using the word “foreign”.
答案: 【 American PR companies should be more internationally-minded.

New technology links the world as never before. Our planet has shrunk. It’s now a “global village” where countries are only seconds away by fax or phone or satellite link. And, of course, our ability to benefit from this high-tech communications equipment is greatly enhanced by foreign language skills.‏Deeply involved with this new technology is a breed of modern businesspeople who have a growing respect for the economic value of doing business abroad. In modern markets, success overseas often helps support domestic business efforts.‏Overseas assignments are becoming increasingly important to advancement within executive ranks. The executive stationed in another country no longer need fear being “out of sight and out of mind.” He or she can be sure that the overseas effort is central to the company’s plan for success, and that promotions often follow or accompany an assignment abroad. If an employee can succeed in a difficult assignment overseas, superiors will have greater confidence in his or her ability to cope back in the United States where cross-cultural considerations and foreign language issues are becoming more and more prevalent (普遍的).‏Thanks to a variety of relatively inexpensive communications devices with business applications, even small businesses in the United States are able to get into international markets.‏‌English is still the international language of business. But there is an ever-growing need for people who can speak another language. A second language isn’t generally required to get a job in business, but having language skills gives a candidate the edge when other qualifications appear to be equal.‏The employee posted abroad who speaks the country’s principal language has an opportunity to fast-forward certain negotiations, and can have the cultural insight to know when it is better to move more slowly. The employee at the home office who can communicate well with foreign clients over the telephone or by fax machine is an obvious asset to the firm.‏‌‏‌What is the author’s attitude toward high-tech communications equipment?‏
A: Critical.
B: Prejudiced.
C: Indifferent.
D: Positive.
答案: 【 Positive.

‌With the increased use of high-tech communications equipment, businesspeople ________.‌
A: have to get familiar with modern technology
B: are gaining more economic benefits from domestic operations
C:  are attaching more importance to their overseas business
D: are eager to work overseas
答案: 【  are attaching more importance to their overseas business

‎In this passage, “out of sight and out of mind” (Lines 2-3, Para. 3) probably means ________.‌
A: being unable to think properly for lack of insight
B: being totally out of touch with business at home
C: missing opportunities for promotion when abroad
D: leaving all care and worry behind
答案: 【 missing opportunities for promotion when abroad

‎According to the passage, what is an important consideration of international corporations in employing people today?​
A: Connections with businesses overseas.
B: Ability to speak the client’s language.
C: Technical know-how.
D: Business experience.
答案: 【 Ability to speak the client’s language.

‏The advantage of employees having foreign language skills is that they can ________.​
A: better control the whole negotiation process
B: easily find new approaches to meet market needs
C: fast-forward their proposals to headquarters
D: easily make friends with businesspeople abroad
答案: 【 better control the whole negotiation process

‍Most pieces of writing have a thesis, even if it isn't explicitly stated.‍
A: 正确
B: 错误
答案: 【 正确

‏ A scientific hypothesis is stated at the beginning of a scientific paper and should be answered by the conclusion.‍
A: 正确
B: 错误
答案: 【 正确

‌In English sentences the new information is usually introduced at the _______ (beginning/end) of sentences.‏
答案: 【 end

Understanding the main idea

‎The main idea is often presented at the beginning of a lecture or presentation and restated at the end. Watch Video 1 and identify the main idea and key points of the lecture. ‍‎Main idea: ‍‎Americans lack 1. _______ in the 2. _______‍‎ ‍‎Reason 1: lack of 3. _______ and a decline in 4. _______ standards‍‎Reason 2: severe 5. _______ pressure ‍‎Reason 3: an increase in 6. _______‍‎‍‎_______‍
答案: 【 trust

答案: 【 press

答案: 【 objectivity

答案: 【 reporting##%_YZPRLFH_%##journalist

答案: 【 financial

答案: 【 bias

Unit 2 Information

Cause and effect signal words

‎Which of the following signal words are transitions for CAUSE?‏
A: due to
B: accordingly
C: owing to 
D: consequently
答案: 【 due to;
owing to 

‌Which of the following signal words are transitions for EFFECT?​
A: give rise 
B: induce 
C: bring about
D: on account of
答案: 【 give rise ;
induce ;
bring about

Detecting mechanisms showing causal relations

A complete causal relation consists of three parts: cause, signal word and effect. Analyze the following cause and effect statement and answer the question.‎‎1. Which part in the following statement is the signal word?‎ A) El Niño events can B) cause far-reaching C) global disruption in the general circulation of the Pacific Ocean and atmosphere.‎
答案: 【 B

2. Which part in the following statement is the effect?‍ A) Lack of natural resources is B) one of the results of large C) ecological footprints.‍
答案: 【 A

3. Which part in the following statement is the signal word?​The A) torrential flood has B) devastated many C) villages. ​
答案: 【 B

4. Which part in the following statement is the cause?‏‎A) Ray Tomlinson, widely credited as the B) creator of C) email, has died, his employer, Raytheon, told CNN on Sunday.‏
答案: 【 A

5. Which part in the following statement is the signal word?​ Still, A) Apple’s profits B) obscured the C) fact that its share of the market was falling, despite the technological superiority of its products.​
答案: 【 B

Identifying cause and effect

Read the following two sentences and identify the cause and effect. ​A. In the past, it was a common belief that sitting too close to a TV set could hurt your eyes.​B. Many parents in the 1950s and 1960s told their children to move back from the TV set.​Sentence A is the effect. ​​​
A: 正确
B: 错误
答案: 【 错误

​Read the following two sentences and identify the cause and effect. ‌​A. Daily exercise strengthens the heart.‌​B. Many people who exercise daily have healthy hearts.‌​Sentence A is the effect. ‌​‌
A: 正确
B: 错误
答案: 【 正确

‍Read the following two sentences and identify the cause and effect. ​‍A. The number of Korean women in the workplace is increasing.​‍B. Korean women are gaining more financial independence. ​‍Sentence B is the cause. ​‍​
A: 正确
B: 错误
答案: 【 错误

Listening for supporting details


Watch Video 3 to find out details of the project ‘Green Horizon’. Fill in the following blanks.

1) .___________________

‌答案: 【 Beijing


Watch Video 3 to find out details of the project ‘Green Horizon’. Fill in the following blanks.

2) .___________________

​答案: 【 10 years


Watch Video 3 to find out details of the project ‘Green Horizon’. Fill in the following blanks.

3) .___________________

​答案: 【 make the city cleaner, and to make the air better


Watch Video 3 to find out details of the project ‘Green Horizon’. Fill in the following blanks.

4) .___________________

​答案: 【 information


Watch Video 3 to find out details of the project ‘Green Horizon’. Fill in the following blanks.

5) .___________________

‎答案: 【 data


Watch Video 3 to find out details of the project ‘Green Horizon’. Fill in the following blanks.

6) .___________________

‎答案: 【 actions

Listening for WHAT


Here is a talk about the new technology IoT (the Internet of Things). The speaker Benson Hougland starts his talk by explaining What is the Internet of Things. Watch Video 1. Fill in the rough notes on the Internet of Things below. 

①. _______________ 

‍答案: 【 new


②. _______________ 

‌答案: 【 things



‎答案: 【 abilities



‌答案: 【 communicate

Reading for explicit causal relations

The strength of causal connections between two phenomena differs with the modals (e.g. may) or adverbs (possibly) they co-occur. Here are some sentences from the passage. Compare the following words in bold italicized type and decide which one has the greatest causal strength (in other words, the most likely to happen)?‌ ‌1.   When these activities cause problems, they A) can result in significant financial loss and B) possibly even have macro-economic effects in fragile situations.‌2.  Software engineering is a difficult task and errors C) may occur due to any number of causes.‌3.  Computer software and hardware is responsible for making decisions which D) affect people’s lives.‌‎‌
A: A
B: B
C: C
D: D
答案: 【 D


‍Which of the following is NOT a criterion for identifying cause and effect?‍
A: Temporal precedence
B: Co-variation of cause and effect
C: Relevance of events
D: No plausible alternative explanations
答案: 【 Relevance of events

‎Which part in the following sentence is the cause-effect signal word, “The torrential flood devastated many villages just in one day.”? ‌
A: the torrential flood 
B: devastated
C: many villages
D: just in one day
答案: 【 devastated

Questions 16 to 20 are based on the following passage. ‌The rise of the Internet has been one of the most transformative developments in human history, comparable in impact to the invention of the printing press and the telegraph. Over two billion people worldwide now have access to vastly more information than ever before, and can communicate with each other instantly, often using Web-connected mobile devices they carry everywhere. But the Internet’s tremendous impact has only just begun.‌“Mass adoption of the Internet is driving one of the most exciting social, cultural, and political transformations in history, and unlike earlier periods of change, this time the effects are fully global,” Schmidt and Cohen write in their new book, The New Digital Age.‌Perhaps the most profound changes will come when the five billion people worldwide who currently lack Internet access get online. The authors do an excellent job of examining the implications of the Internet revolution for individuals, governments, and institutions like the news media. But if the book has one major shortcoming, it’s that the authors don’t spend



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