Week 1 William Shakespeare“Shall I Compare Thee to a Summer's Day”

Multiple-Choice Questions for Week 1 (William Shakespeare).

‌ ‍How many sonnets did William Shakespeare write? (Reading aloud, 00:30-31)‍‌ ‍
A: 36.
B: 37.
C: 154.
D: 152
答案: 【 154.

‌What are the major themes of Shakespeare’s sonnets? (Reading aloud, 01:41-48)​
A:  The theme of love.
B: The theme of marriage.
C: The theme of literature.
D:  All the three mentioned above.
答案: 【  All the three mentioned above.

​What is the theme of Shakespeare’s Sonnet 18? (2.2. 01:25-33)‏
A: Sonnet 18 is a poem about the immortality through love.
B: Sonnet 18 is a poem about the immortality through literature.
C: Sonnet 18 is a poem about the immortality through marriage.
D: Sonnet 18 is a poem about the immortality through offspring.
答案: 【 Sonnet 18 is a poem about the immortality through literature.

‌There is an ironic twist in the opening two lines of Shakespeare’s Sonnet 18. What is it? ‌‌(2.2. 05:32-06:02)‌
A: The changeable weather in the summer in England makes its summer days a good comparison with his beloved.
B: The variable weather in the summer in England makes its summer days a good comparison with his beloved.
C: The unpredictable weather in the summer in England makes its summer days a good comparison with his beloved.
D: His beloved is more beautiful or more handsome than a summer’s day.
答案: 【 His beloved is more beautiful or more handsome than a summer’s day.

​What is the figure of speech used in line 3 (Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May)?‌​ (2.2. 07:17-08:10)‌
A: metaphor
B: simile
C: onomatopoeia
D: personification
答案: 【 onomatopoeia

​ ​What are the figures of speech used in line 4 (And summer’s lease hath all too short a date)?(2.2. 09:10-10:15)​​ ​
A:  personification and metaphor    
B: simile and personification  
C: metaphor and onomatopoeia 
D:  onomatopoeia and personification
答案: 【  personification and metaphor    

‎‍What does “the eye of heaven” refer to in line 5 (Sometime too hot the eye of heaven shines)? (2.2. 10:21-10:45)​
A: The heavenly eye   
B: God’s eye
C: The sun   
D: The moon
答案: 【 The sun   

‌What does the two “this” refer to in the last line (So long lives this, and this gives life to thee)? ‏‌(2.2. 19:10:-19:23)‍‏
A:  This sonnet
B: This poet
C: The speaker “I”
D: This last line
答案: 【  This sonnet

​What is a sonnet? (2.3. 00:12-02:50)‏
A: A sonnet is a 14-line poem written in iambic pentameter.
B: A sonnet is a 14-line poem with its own rhyme schemes.
C: A sonnet is a 14-line poem written with its own logical and emotional organization.
D: A sonnet is a 14-line poem written in iambic pentameter with its own rhyme schemes and its own logical and emotional organization.
答案: 【 A sonnet is a 14-line poem written in iambic pentameter with its own rhyme schemes and its own logical and emotional organization.

‌What is the rhyme scheme of Shakespeare’s Sonnet 18? (2.3. 02:32-02:50)‍
A: abba abba cdcdcd
B: abba abba cdecde
C: abab cdcd efef gg
D: abab bcbc cdcd ee
答案: 【 abab cdcd efef gg

Week 2 William Wordsworth “Emotion Recollected in Tranquility”

Multiple-Choice Questions for Week 2 (William Wordsworth)

‌When and where was William Wordsworth born? (5.2. 00:05-20)‎
A: William Wordsworth was born in 1770 in the Lake District in England.
B: William Wordsworth was born in 1771 in the Lake District in England.
C: William Wordsworth was born in 1778 in the Lake District in England.
D: William Wordsworth was born in 1780 in the Lake District in England.
答案: 【 William Wordsworth was born in 1770 in the Lake District in England.

‎Who was the woman, who bore William Wordsworth an illegitimate daughter, Caroline, in December, 1792? (5.2. 04:02-04:18) ‎
A: Mary Hutchinson.‍
B: Katherine Wordsworth.
C: Annette Vallon.
D: Dorothy Wordsworth.
答案: 【 Annette Vallon.

​Who was the poet Wordsworth met daily during 1797 and 1798 to talk about poetry and to plan Lyrical Ballads, a collection of poems written by the two in close collaboration? (5.2 06:20-06:38)​
A: Dorothy Wordsworth.
B:  Samuel Taylor Coleridge.
C: Robert Jones.
D: John Keats.
答案: 【  Samuel Taylor Coleridge.

‏When was William Wordsworth named the Poet Laureate of England? (5.2. 10:59)‌



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