第一章 什么是统计学


‎The general process of gathering, organizing, summarizing, analyzing, and interpreting data to assist in making effective decisions is called:‌
A: statistics.
B: descriptive statistics.
C: inferential statistics.
D: levels of measurement.
答案: 【 statistics.

‍A sample is:​
A: at least 15 observations.
B: a group of people.
C: part of a population.
D: a set of frequencies.
答案: 【 part of a population.

The main purpose of inferential statistics is to:‍‍
A: summarize data in a useful and informative manner.
B: estimate population characteristics based on a sample information.
C: determine if the data adequately represents the population.
D: gather or collect data.
答案: 【 estimate population characteristics based on a sample information.

​To study the characteristics of loan applicants, a random sample of 50 loan applicants is selected and their annual incomes are obtained. Which level of measurement is annual income?‏
A: Nominal
B: Ordinal
C: Interval
D: Ratio
答案: 【 Ratio

‎The main purpose of descriptive statistics is to:‌
A: summarize data in a useful and informative manner.
B: estimate a population characteristic based on a sample.
C: determine if the data adequately represents the population.
D: gather or collect data.
答案: 【 summarize data in a useful and informative manner.

‏A bank asks customers to evaluate the quality of drive-through service as good, average, or poor. Which level of measurement is used to measure service quality?​
A: Nominal
B: Ordinal
C: Interval
D: Ratio
答案: 【 Ordinal

The main purpose of descriptive statistics is to:‎‎
A: summarize data in a useful and informative manner.
B: estimate a population characteristic based on a sample.
C: determine if the data adequately represents the population.
D: gather or collect data.
答案: 【 summarize data in a useful and informative manner.

‎Gallup political polls ask people their political party affiliation - Democrat, Republican or Independent. Which level of measurement is used to measure party affiliation?​
A: Nominal
B: Ordinal
C: Interval
D: Ratio
答案: 【 Nominal

‎What type of variable is: number of car accidents reported in your city?​
A: Attribute
B: Continuous
C: Discrete
D: Qualitative
答案: 【 Discrete

‏Data measured with an ordinal scale:​
A: can be ranked.
B: have a meaningful value of zero.
C: have meaningful differences between values.
D: are quantitative.
答案: 【 can be ranked.

第二章 Chapter 2 Describing Data Frequency Tables, Frequency Distributions, and Graphic Presentation


‏In a frequency distribution the classes must:‍
A: be mutually exclusive.
B: have a maximum of 10 observations.
C: have equal frequencies.
D: be measured on a nominal scale.
答案: 【 be mutually exclusive.

​For a frequency distribution, the class interval is:‏
A: the class frequencies divided by two.
B: the class frequency divided by the number of observations.
C: the difference between consecutive lower class limits.
D: the number of observations in the class.
答案: 【 the difference between consecutive lower class limits.

‌For a frequency distribution, a class frequency is:‍
A: the number of observations in the class.
B: the difference between consecutive lower class limits.
C: limited to a maximum of 10 observations.
D: the total number of observations in the sample.
答案: 【 the number of observations in the class.

‍A research organization is studying the selling price of laptop computers. They selected 25 different computers for the study. To summarize the selling price with a frequency distribution and using the 2k rule, how many classes would you recommend?‎
A: 10
B: 25
C: 4
D: 5
答案: 【 5

‎For a frequency distribution, the class midpoint is:‏
A: the class interval divided by two and added to the lower limit.
B: the difference between consecutive lower limits.
C: the number of observations in the class.
D: the class frequency divided by the number of observations.
答案: 【 the class interval divided by two and added to the lower limit.

‏Which of the following is not a guideline for a frequency distribution?​
A: Avoid open-ended classes.
B: Use the 2k rule to determine the number of classes.
C: Make the lower limit of the first class a multiple of the class interval.
D: Each class should have more than 5 observations.
答案: 【 Each class should have more than 5 observations.

‍To convert a frequency distribution to a relative frequency distribution:‏
A: find the difference between consecutive lower class limits.
B: divide the class frequency by the total number of observations.
C: divide the lower limit of the first class by the class interval.
D: multiple the class frequency by 100.
答案: 【 divide the class frequency by the total number of observations.

‌A pie chart shows:‏
A: the frequency for each class.
B: the relative frequency for each class.
C: trends in the data.
D: the class midpoints.
答案: 【 the relative frequency for each class.

‎The difference between a histogram and a frequency polygon is:‎
A: the frequency polygon is reported as a percent, a histogram does not report percents.
B: the histogram shows frequencies while a frequency polygon shows cumulative frequencies.
C: the bars in a histogram and a frequency polygon cannot be adjacent.
D: open-ended classes can be accommodated with a frequency polygon.
答案: 【 the histogram shows frequencies while a frequency polygon shows cumulative frequencies.

‏In a cumulative frequency polygon:‏
A: the class frequencies are converted to percents.
B: the cumulative frequency for the first class limit is zero.
C: we add the class frequencies starting with the first class.
D: all of the above.
答案: 【 all of the above.

第三章 Chapter 3 Describing Data Numerical Measures


​A key difference between calculating the sample mean and the population mean is:‌
A: we use  and n instead of μ and N.
B: we divide the sum of the observations by n - 1 instead of n.
C: the sample observations are ranked and the middle value is selected as the population mean.
D: there are no differences.
答案: 【 we use  and n instead of μ and N.

‏Which of the following measures of central location is affected most by extreme values?‍
A: Median
B: Mean
C: Mode
D: Variance
答案: 【 Mean

​The Empirical Rule states that:‍
A: for a bell shaped frequency distribution, approximately 68% of the observations are in the range of plus or minus one standard deviation.
B: for a positively skewed frequency distribution, approximately 68% of the observations are in the range of plus or minus one standard deviation.
C: for a bell shaped frequency distribution, approximately 75% of the observations are in the range of plus or minus one standard deviation.
D: for a positively skewed frequency distribution, approximately 75% of the observations are in the range of plus or minus one standard deviation.
答案: 【 for a bell shaped frequency distribution, approximately 68% of the observations are in the range of plus or minus one standard deviation.

​Which measure of central tendency reports the value that occurs with the highest frequency?‏
A: Mean
B: Median
C: Mode
D: Standard deviation
答案: 【 Mode

‌An example of Chebyshev's Theorem is:‌
A: for a bell shaped frequency distribution, at least 95% of the observations are in the range of plus or minus two standard deviations from the mean.
B: for a negatively skewed frequency distribution, at least 95% of the observations are in the range of plus or minus two standard deviations from the mean.
C: for any frequency distribution, at least 75% of the observations are in the range of plus or minus two standard deviations from the mean.
D: for a positively skewed frequency distribution, at least 68% of the observations are in the range of plus or minus two standard deviations from the mean.
答案: 【 for any frequency distribution, at least 75% of the observations are in the range of plus or minus two standard deviations from the mean.

‍In comparing two different samples of 100 observations, sample "A" has a mean of 10 and a standard deviation of 10. The sample "B" has a mean of 10 and a standard deviation of 50. The two samples are:‎
A: exactly the same.
B: are centered at 10, but sample "A"s data is more concentrated near the mean.
C: are centered at 10, but sample "B"s data is more concentrated near the mean.
D: positively skewed.
答案: 【 are centered at 10, but sample "A"s data is more concentrated near the mean.

‍​For a distribution, the mean is 5, the median is 15, and the mode is 20. Based on this information, the distribution is:​‍​‍​
A: positively skewed.
B: negatively skewed.
C: symmetric.
D: bell-shaped.
答案: 【 negatively skewed.




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