Cell injury, cell death and adaptations (2) 细胞、组织的适应和损伤(2)

Unit quiz (02)单元测验(02)

‏Which of the following sites is not likely to show hyaline degeneration?‌
A: Cytoplasm of hepatocyte
B: Fibrous scar
C: Endothelial cell
D: Arteriolar walls
答案: 【 Endothelial cell


‍A 72-year-old man died suddenly and unexpectedly from congestive heart failure. At autopsy, the heart weighed 580g and showed marked left ventricular hypertrophy and minimal coronary arterial atherosclerosis. A serum chemistry panel ordered prior to death showed no abnormalities. Which of the following pathologic processes best accounts for the appearance of the aortic valve seen in the figure? 

A: Amyloidosis
B: Dystrophic calcification
C: Fatty change
D: Lipofuscin deposition
答案: 【 Dystrophic calcification

‏Which of the following pigments is a not endogenous pigment?‏
A: hemosiderin
B: lipofuscin
C: bilirubin
D: carotene
答案: 【 carotene

‎Which of the following description is not true about the cytologic morphology in necrosis?​
A: Eosinophilic and glassy cytoplasm
B: Nuclear shrinkage and increased basophilia
C: Increased eosinophilic nucleus
D: Fragmentation of pyknosis nuclear
答案: 【 Increased eosinophilic nucleus

‎A 69-year-old woman suddenly lost consciousness and, on awakening 1 hour later, she couldn’t speak or move her right arm and leg. Two months later, a head CT scan showed a large cystic area in the left parietal lobe. Which of the following pathologic processes has most likely occurred in the brain?​
A: Fat necrosis
B: Coagulative necrosis
C: Apoptosis
D: Liquefactive necrosis
答案: 【 Liquefactive necrosis

‌A chest radiograph of an asymptomatic 37-year-old man showed a 3cm nodule in the middle lobe of the right lung. The nodule was excised with a pulmonary wedge resection, and sectioning showed the nodule to be sharply circumscribed with a soft, cheese-like center. Culture of tissue from the nodule grew Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Which of the following pathologic processes has most likely occurred in the nodule?‎
A: Caseous necrosis
B: Coagulative necrosis
C: Liquefactive necrosis
D: Fat necrosis
答案: 【 Caseous necrosis

‍Which of the following is not likely the result of necrosis?​
A: Organization
B: Encapsulation
C: Metastatic calcification
D: Disappear
答案: 【 Metastatic calcification


‍What is the necrosis in the following figure?

A: Caseous necrosis
B: Fibrinous necrosis
C: Coagulative necrosis
D: Liquefactive necrosis
答案: 【 Fibrinous necrosis

‍Which of the following is not true about apoptosis?‏
A: Apoptosis can be triggered by both intrinsic and extrinsic pathways
B: Apoptotic body is typically seen
C: Specialized membrane structures fall apart
D: Inflammation is triggered after apoptosis
答案: 【 Inflammation is triggered after apoptosis

Hemodynamic disorders and thromboembolism (1) 局部血液循环障碍 (1)

Unit quiz (04)单元测验(04)

​Which organ is the most prone to congestion in left heart failure?‌
A: Lung
B: Liver
C: Spleen
D: Kidney
答案: 【 Lung

‍In chronic pulmonary congestion caused by left heart failure, the alveolar spaces contain numerous heart failure cells, which derived from​
A: fibroblasts
B: alveolar epithelial cells
C: macrophages
D: lymphocytes
答案: 【 macrophages

‏“Nutmeg liver” refers to‍
A: the macroscopic appearance of liver cirrhosis
B: the macroscopic appearance of chronic hepatic congestion
C: the microscopic appearance of liver cirrhosis
D: the microscopic appearance of chronic hepatic congestion
答案: 【 the macroscopic appearance of chronic hepatic congestion

‍Which is NOT the major cause of edema?​
A: Increased hydrostatic pressure
B: Reduced plasma osmotic pressure
C: Sodium and water retention
D: Dry gangrene
答案: 【 Dry gangrene


‍As shown in the figure, a lot of 1 to 2 mm hemorrhagic points in the mucous membrane of stomach. It means

A: purpuras
B: petechiae
C: ecchymoses
D: spongiosis
答案: 【 petechiae

‏Hemoptysis means that the bleeding comes from‍
A: respiratory system below the larynx
B: digestive system above the duodenum
C: digestive system below the duodenum
D: oral cavity
答案: 【 respiratory system below the larynx

‎Virchow triad in thrombosis does NOT include​
A: endothelial injury
B: thrombopoiesis insufficiency
C: abnormal blood flow
D: hypercoagulability
答案: 【 thrombopoiesis insufficiency

‎Which is NOT the important factor in the process of secondary hemostatic plug?‍
A: Fibrin deposition
B: Activated tissue factor
C: Transient vasoconstriction
D: Activated thrombin
答案: 【 Transient vasoconstriction

‌Which of the following descriptions is wrong?‌
A: Normal endothelial cells express a variety of anticoagulant factors that inhibit platelet aggregation and coagulation.
B: A thrombus is a mass of cells and protein composed principally of platelets and fibrin, but also containing red and white blood cells.
C: Primary hypercoagulability is frequently caused by mutations in the factor V and prothrombin genes.
D: Flow within the vascular system is typically laminar with the fastest flow rate immediately adjacent to endothelial surfaces.
答案: 【 Flow within the vascular system is typically laminar with the fastest flow rate immediately adjacent to endothelial surfaces.

Hemodynamic disorders and thromboembolism (2) 局部血液循环障碍 (2)

Unit quiz (05)单元测验(05)


‍Which type of thrombus is shown in the picture?

A: Mural thrombus
B: Venous thrombus
C: Vegetations
D: Fibrin thrombus
答案: 【 Mural thrombus

‌Lines of Zahn of thrombus means‏
A: fibrin layers
B: platelet and fibrin layers alternating with red cell-rich layers
C: platelet layers
D: red cell-rich layers
答案: 【 platelet and fibrin layers alternating with red cell-rich layers

‎Thrombi on heart valves are called‎
A: microthrombi
B: mural thrombi
C: vegetations
D: red thrombi
答案: 【 vegetations

‎Which is the most common type of embolism?‎
A: Fat embolism
B: Amniotic fluid embolism
C: Gas embolism
D: Thromboembolism
答案: 【 Thromboembolism

‎Most of the pulmonary emboli arise from‌
A: thrombi in the large deep veins of the legs
B: thrombi in the aorta
C: thrombi in the left ventricle
D: vegetations on the mitral valves
答案: 【 thrombi in the large deep veins of the legs

‍Which is NOT correct about the clinical consequences of pulmonary thromboembolism?‌
A: Most are clinically silent because they are small, and the embolic mass is rapidly removed by fibrinolytic activity.
B: Obstruction of small to medium pulmonary branches causes sudden death.
C: Recurrent “showers” of emboli lead to pulmonary hypertension, chronic right-sided heart failure.
D: Massive pulmonary embolism is one of the few causes of virtually instantaneous death.
答案: 【 Obstruction of small to medium pulmonary branches causes sudden death.

‏The most common cause of infarction is​
A: arterial vasospasm
B: venous thrombosis
C: arterial thrombosis or arterial embolism
D: venous vasospasm
答案: 【 arterial thrombosis or arterial embolism

‍Organs prone to anemic infarction do NOT include‎
A: lung
B: heart
C: spleen
D: kidney
答案: 【 lung

‎Which of the following descriptions of infarction is



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