Unit 1 Overview of IT Industry

Test on Unit One 单元测验

​ Why will business transformation remain a buzzword of the moment?‌
A: Because channel firms of all stripes continue to assess the direction of their companies in the age of cloud computing, mobility, managed services, big data, social median and other market and technology forces.
B: Because each segment of this technology framework has contributed to economic growth and the well being of society.
C: Because the magnificent advances in medicine, transportation, safety, manufacturing, agriculture, media and communication are almost difficult to comprehend.
D: Because globalization, driven largely by technology, becomes ever more pervasive and influential with each passing year.
答案: 【 Because channel firms of all stripes continue to assess the direction of their companies in the age of cloud computing, mobility, managed services, big data, social median and other market and technology forces.

‏What are the innovations that drive the renewed push to simplicity?‌
A: Cloud computing and big data
B: Personal computers and Internet
C: Globalization and ever-changing international market
D: World Wide Web
答案: 【 Cloud computing and big data

‌ Where do the opportunities lie for the IT companies?‍
A: Customaries service 
B: Information technology product
C: Implementation and consulting service
D: Global market
答案: 【 Implementation and consulting service

​What does BPA stand for in this article?‏​‏
A: Business Progress Agency
B: Business Process Automation
C: Bureau of Public Affair
D: Bytes of Primitive Attributes
答案: 【 Business Process Automation

‏What is “大数据”  in English?‍‏‍
A: Large number
B: Big data
C: Large data
D: Big number
答案: 【 Big data

‌Which of the following occupation does not belong to technical occupations?‍‌‍
A: Software developers
B: Network engineers
C: Computer support specialists
D: Venders
答案: 【 Venders

‎ What is the percentage of technical positions account for an IT company’s workforce?‌‎‌
A: 25% to 70%
B: 25% to 75%
C: 30% to 75%
D: 40% to 75%
答案: 【 25% to 75%

‍Which of the following statements is right according to this article?‏‍‏
A: The BLS unemployment rate infers that the more the expansive unemployment and underemployment rate is, the better the job landscape is.
B:  The total job growth across the U.S. economy in 2014 will likely end up in the 1.5% to 1.8% range.
C: Depending on the criteria used, peripheral or knowledge worker-type positions may number between one billion and several billion additional workers.
D: IT jobs are spread across the country since the pervasive need for technology.
答案: 【 IT jobs are spread across the country since the pervasive need for technology.

‏How to explain the number of job postings exceeds the number of new IT jobs created?‎
A: It is because of labor turnover.
B: It is because of economy booming.
C: It is because of government policy.
D: It is because of globalization.
答案: 【 It is because of labor turnover.

​Why people who deal with a lot of numbers will be happy to use Macintosh?‌
A: It is easy to carry.
B: It is waterproof.
C: It has a numeral keypad.
D: It is durable.
答案: 【 It has a numeral keypad.

‏What is the most exciting moment when Steve Jobs introducing Macintosh to the large audience?‌‏‌
A: When Steve Jobs opens the bag.
B: When Macintosh speaks for itself.
C: When Steve Jobs shows up.
D: When the light is on.
答案: 【 When Macintosh speaks for itself.

​Macintosh refers Steve Jobs as its______.‍
A: Friend
B: Boss
C: Mentor
D: Father
答案: 【 Father

​When Apple Computer introduced Macintosh?‍
A: January 24th,1984
B: July 24th,1981
C: December 25th,1980
D: November24th,1984
答案: 【 January 24th,1984

‎What becomes a crucial part of almost all goods and services?‌‎‌
A: Customers service
B: Refund
C: Software
D: Brand
答案: 【 Software

‏What is the major difference between Staples and Amazon?‌‏‌
A: Staples is smaller than Amazon.
B: Staples use longer time to make one change Amazon.
C: Staples gets better management system than Amazon.
D: Staples enjoys better reputation than Amazon.
答案: 【 Staples use longer time to make one change Amazon.

​Which of the following statements is not true according to this article?‎​‎
A: Product management is transitioning from a process that involves setting strategy and forecasting response, to a much simpler process where we can experiment and directly measure the response of customers to product changes.
B: Continuous delivery of new software enables experimentation and direct measurement of the response of customers to product changes, creating integrated teamwork, speed, closeness to customers, and facilitating quick fixing of problems in real time.
C: Software is an almost-pure form of innovation.
D: Software is the future of our life.
答案: 【 Software is the future of our life.

​Why we call software 'soft'?‌​‌
A: We call it 'soft' because we can change it and reshape it easily.
B: We call it 'soft' because it is covered inside.
C: We call it 'soft' because it is like our brain.
D: We call it 'soft' because it is invisible. 
答案: 【 We call it 'soft' because we can change it and reshape it easily.

‎What kind of future that software management practice of continuously releasing new product changes will bring to us>‎‎‎
A: It will help us work faster.
B: It will let more robots appear in the work place.
C: It points to a future in which organizations in almost any industry can deliver a steady stream of breakthrough innovations.
D: It will eventually cut the budget.
答案: 【 It points to a future in which organizations in almost any industry can deliver a steady stream of breakthrough innovations.

‎What are the technology-intense occupations on the periphery? ‍‎‍
A: Technical sales
B: Health information technicians
C: Implementation and consulting service
D: Automated manufacturing computer operators
答案: 【 Technical sales;
Health information technicians;
Automated manufacturing computer operators

‏Why Macintosh can be so competitive in the market? ‏
A: It is useful.
B: It is beautiful.
C: It is affordable.
D: It is easy to operate.
答案: 【 It is useful.;
It is affordable.;
It is easy to operate.

Unit 10 Preparing for the Interview

Test of Unit Ten

‎Which type of job interview is not mentioned according to the article?‏
A: Traditional Interview
B: Private Interview
C: Panel Interview
D: Behavioral Interview
答案: 【 Private Interview

​Which one is not true about the traditional interview?‎
A: You sit down with a solo interviewer and answer a series of questions designed to help her figure out if you’re a great candidate for the job.
B: You may be asked questions about the experience on your resume, what you can offer to the company or position.
C: The interviewer will ask you questions based on common situations of the job you are applying for.
D: Many times the interviewer will ask you questions such as “Why would you be good for this job?” or “Tell me about yourself.”
答案: 【 The interviewer will ask you questions based on common situations of the job you are applying for.

‏What question you may be asked in a phone interview?‍
A: You may be asked typical questions or behavioral questions.
B: Questions that inquire about what you did when you were in some situation and how did you deal with it.
C: Why would you be good for this job?
D: Questions based on common situations of the job you are applying for.
答案: 【 You may be asked typical questions or behavioral questions.

‌Which one is not true according to the article?​
A: In a behavioral interview, the interviewer will ask you questions based on common situations of the job you are applying for.
B: A phone interview may be for a position where the candidate is not local or for an initial prescreening call to see if they want to invite you for an in-person interview.
C: No matter what type of job interview you go on, always do your best to prepare for it the best you can ahead of time, so you can do your best and show them the best of who you are.
D: In a traditional interview, you will be interviewed by a panel of interviewers.
答案: 【 In a traditional interview, you will be interviewed by a panel of interviewers.

‍Which one is wrong when you are in a lunch interview?‎
A: Never take your leftovers home in a doggy bag.
B: You will be interviewed by a panel of interviewers
C: You don’t need to offer to pay.
D: You want to have your best table manners and be as neat as possible.
答案: 【 You will be interviewed by a panel of interviewers

​What should you do before the interview?‎
A: Smile and make eye contact as you shake hands.
B: It is not appropriate for you to end the interview.
C: Always say "Thank you" when the interview is over.
D: Review the job description or the "Help Wanted" description.
答案: 【 Review the job description or the "Help Wanted" description.

‎What should you do during the interview?‍
A: Put all of your materials in a professional-looking folder, briefcase, or handbag.
B: Practice your interview with someone you trust. Rehearse your responses out loud.
C: Make occasional eye contact for at least 5 seconds throughout the interview.
D: Research information about the company including their "mission" or goal.
答案: 【 Make occasional eye contact for at least 5 seconds throughout the interview.

‌How to dress if your interview is formal?‍
A: For men: Conventional suit or coordinating jacket and knee-length skirt.
B: For women: Wear a belt and dark colored tie.
C: For men: Conventional dark-colored suit (black, navy or charcoal grey are good) with a conservative shirt: plain pastel shades or modest stripes and dark polished shoes.
D: For women: Don’t wear light colored socks or too much aftershave.
答案: 【 For men: Conventional dark-colored suit (black, navy or charcoal grey are good) with a conservative shirt: plain pastel shades or modest stripes and dark polished shoes.

​What should you do after the interview?‏
A: Make sure your resume is up-to-date and print out two clean copies with no wrinkles.
B: Have a clean, professional outfit ready to wear
C: Make a list of 2-3 questions you may have about the position.
D: Within two days after your interview, you should always write a thank-you letter or email to your interviewer for meeting with you.
答案: 【 Within two days after your interview, you should always write a thank-you letter or email to your interviewer for meeting with you.

‍How to dress if your interview is less formal?‍
A: For men: Conventional dark-colored suit (black, navy or charcoal grey are good) with a conservative shirt: plain pastel shades or modest stripes and dark polished shoes.
B: For men: wear nice slacks (not jeans, sweatpants, or shorts), a long-sleeve shirt with a collar that is tucked-in, and matching belt, shoes, and socks.  
C: For women: Conventional suit or coordinating jacket and knee-length skirt.
D: For women: Don’t wear lots of make-up, perfume or jewellery.
答案: 【 For men: wear nice slacks (not jeans, sweatpants, or shorts), a long-sleeve shirt with a collar that is tucked-in, and matching belt, shoes, and socks.  

‎What are tools for building an iPhone App?‏
A: Xcode + Objective-C
B: Eclipse + Java
C: Xcode + Java
D: Android Studio + C
答案: 【 Xcode + Objective-C

‏What is website’s Database according to the video?​
A: It is basically a thing that holds all the information in the site.
B: It contains a lot of apps made by other developers.
C: It is not necessary.
D: It is a program language.
答案: 【 It is basically a thing that holds all the information in the site.

‍Which one is not true about Google’s technical interview according to the video?‌
A: You are expected to know how to test your code.
B: Algorithms is not very important.
C: Some interviewers will ask basic discrete math problems.
D: Make sure that you practice physically writing your code.
答案: 【 Algorithms is not very important.

‏What mistake made by the author when she was interviewing for the job at Harvard Business Review?‏
A: The map directed her on a heavily trafficked route.
B: She was ready for anything.
C: She took her older daughter to her parents’ house so she could count on getting a full night’s sleep.
D: She had focused on all the wrong things: logistics and details instead of substance.
答案: 【 She had focused on all the wrong things: logistics and details instead of substance.

‎Which one is not true according to the article?‏
A: Nervousness is intimately related to underperforming.
B: When people are nervous, they tend to focus on themselves, what they’re saying, how they’re responding.
C: Being nervous is normal and it’s ok to dismiss your jitters sometimes.
D: Anxiety can be a blocker that stops you from listening, or makes you miss something vital your interviewer just asked.
答案: 【 Being nervous is normal and it’s ok to dismiss your jitters sometimes.

‍Which one is true according to the video? (More than one correct answer)‌
A: There are three types of jobs that a software developer might get in those fields mentioned in the video.
B: A designer only thinks about the way things look.
C: A front-end developer is someone who takes that design and then they translate it into code.
D: A back-end developer should be a front-end developer at the same time.
答案: 【 There are three types of jobs that a software developer might get in those fields mentioned in the video.;
A front-end developer is someone who takes that design and then they translate it into code.

‍What should do during Google's technical interview according to the video? (More than one correct answer)‎
A: Make sure you’re ready to prove what’s on your resume.
B: In general, you should show your problem-solving skills to the question you are asked.
C: If the question asked is a design question, you should work with your interviewer to create a high-level system.
D: If the question asked is a general analysis question, you should provide only one solution as soon as possible.
答案: 【 Make sure you’re ready to prove what’s on your resume.;
In general, you should show your problem-solving skills to the question you are asked.;
If the question asked is a design question, you should work with your interviewer to create a high-level system.

‌How to avoid the interview jitters according to Lees? (More than one correct answer)‍
A: Prepare for questions you want to avoid.
B: Try to slow yourself down by taking slow breaths and focusing on the interviewer’s words, not your ruminations.
C: Get a full night’s sleep.
D: Develop a real script.
答案: 【 Prepare for questions you want to avoid.;
Try to slow yourself down by taking slow breaths and focusing on the interviewer’s words, not your ruminations.;
Develop a real script.

​How to move swiftly past the topic? (More than one correct answer)‎
A: Keep it short and upbeat.
B: Remember that the interviewer needs to learn a certain amount about you in a short span of time.
C: "No" is always the wrong answer.
D: Shift your answer from the past to the present and keep the conversation in a comfortable place.
答案: 【 Keep it short and upbeat.;
Shift your answer from the past to the present and keep the conversation in a comfortable place.

‏What should you do if you are thrown for a loop by a question? (More than one correct answer)​
A: Look or act flustered.
B: You can buy time by summarizing the question or framing it in your way.
C: If you have to, tell your interviewer: “Let me think about that for a minute…” and then only answer when you’re ready.
D: It’s OK to repeat it and then ask, “Have I got this right?” before you start to answer.
答案: 【 You can buy time by summarizing the question or framing it in your way.;
If you have to, tell your interviewer: “Let me think about that for a minute…” and then only answer when you’re ready.

Unit 11 Surviving in the Office

Test of Unit Eleven

‌What good leaders do to define and establish a sense of mission?‏
A: Good leaders have personal integrity and inspire trust among their followers.
B: Their actions are consistent with what they say.
C: Good leaders set goals, priorities, and standards, making sure that these objectives not only are communicated but maintained.
D: Good leaders aren’t afraid to surround themselves with talented, capable people.
答案: 【 Good leaders set goals, priorities, and standards, making sure that these objectives not only are communicated but maintained.

‎Which one is TRUE about autocratic leadership style?‌
A: The manager involves the subordinates in decision making by consulting team members.
B: The manager makes all the decisions and dominates team members.
C: The leader encourages team members to function independently and work out their problems by themselves.
D: Autocratic leadership style is usually only appropriate when the team is highly motivated and skilled, and has a history of producing excellent work.
答案: 【 The manager makes all the decisions and dominates team members.

‎Which one is NOT TRUE about office politics according to the article?​
A: "Office politics" are the strategies that people play to gain advantage, personally or for a cause they support.
B: The term often has a positive connotation.
C: The term often refers to strategies people use to seek advantage at the expense of others or the greater good.
D: Good "office politics" help you fairly promote yourself and your cause.
答案: 【 The term often has a positive connotation.

‏What should you do after having a good idea of where the power and influence lay?‏
A: Understand the social networks
B: Build your own social network
C: Learn to use relationships
D: Improve difficult relationships
答案: 【 Understand the social networks

‌Which one is NOT TRUE according to the article?‎
A: Office politics is a fact of life in any organization.
B: Office politics often circumvent the formal organization chart.
C: If you don’t participate in the political game, you risk not having a say in what happens and allowing people with less experience, skill or knowledge to influence the decisions being made around.
D: Wise politicking will help you get what you want in the world of work with compromising others in the process.
答案: 【 Wise politicking will help you get what you want in the world of work with compromising others in the process.

‏What is the analogy of being a good leader?​
A: Being a parent
B: Being a friend
C: Being a commander
D: Being a child
答案: 【 Being a parent

‏Which one is NOT TRUE about true leaders?‌
A: We do what they say because they have authority over us.
B: They have chosen to look after the person to the left of them, and they have chosen to look after the person to the right of them.
C: They take the risk before anybody else does.
D: We call them leaders because they will choose to sacrifice so that their people may be safe and protected.
答案: 【 We do what they say because they have authority over us.

‎Which one is NOT TRUE according to the video?‌
A: If the conditions are wrong, we are forced to expend our own time and energy to protect ourselves from each other, and that inherently weakens the organization.
B: When we feel safe inside the organization, we will naturally combine our talents and our strengths and work tirelessly to face the dangers outside and seize the opportunities.
C: Great leaders want to provide their people opportunity, education, discipline when necessary.
D: Leadership is a choice and a rank.
答案: 【 Leadership is a choice and a rank.

‍Why Chris indoctrinated John?‎
A: Help John learn the unspoken and unwritten norms of the organization in order for John to function more effectively.
B: Recruit John to his "camp".
C: He is worried about John.
D: He doesn’t trust John.
答案: 【 Recruit John to his "camp".

‌What should you do first before you want to indoctrinate a new colleague?‍
A: Check your motives.
B: Warn yourself that being known as a gossiper can hurt your career.
C: Consider if your opinion is right.
D: Consider whether what you say could come back and bite you later.
答案: 【 Check your motives.

​Which one is NOT TRUE about gossip according to the article?‌
A: Sharing gossip is always destructive to a work environment.
B: It’s not "Unprofessional" to gossip at work.
C: If a few people know what’s really going on, gossip becomes the means of spreading that information to everyone else.
D: Research show that gossip often reduces individuals’ anxiety and helps them cope with uncertainty.
答案: 【 Sharing gossip is always destructive to a work environment.

‌What made Janet wary about the new colleague with the loose lips?​
A: Her new colleague thought she is a newbie.
B: Her new colleague gave her an earful of all the personal lives and backstories of their work group even if they didn’t know her.
C: Her new colleague would like to recruit her.
D: Her new colleague told her secrets of the company.
答案: 【 Her new colleague gave her an earful of all the personal lives and backstories of their work group even if they didn’t know her.

‏What personal traits may be found in a good leader according to the article? (More than one correct answer)‎
A: A good leader is enthusiastic about their work or cause.
B: A good leader is confident.
C: A good leader is able to think analytically.
D: A good leader is committed to excellence.
答案: 【 A good leader is enthusiastic about their work or cause.;
A good leader is confident.;
A good leader is able to think analytically.;
A good leader is committed to excellence.

‌Why a leader needs to appear confident as a person and in the leadership role? (More than one correct answer)‍
A: Lead and set direction.
B: Not only does a good leader view a situati



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