Unit 1 Introduction to Adademic Writing

Quiz for Unit 1

​Ideally, the application will save every single little change as soon as the user makes it, ___________, after each keystroke.‌
A: nevertheless
B: in other words
C: in the same way
D: as well as
答案: 【 in other words

Papers must be handed in by the deadline. ______________ they will not be graded.‏​‏
A: Obviously 
B: Otherwise
C: As a result
D: Even though
答案: 【 Otherwise

‍There are some slight variations in temperature, but ________________ 26 to 27ºC should be expected.‌
A: consequently
B: otherwise
C: as a result
D: as a rule
答案: 【 as a rule

‍There are three major advantages of the design, ________________ cheapness, simplicity and availability. ‌
A: for example
B: for instance
C: namely
D: in other ways
答案: 【 namely

‏Many software manufacturers in developed countries put up with widespread copyright violations in less developed countries and often even offer local versions of their products. ‎
A: tolerate
B: eliminate 
C: decrease 
D: constitute 
答案: 【 tolerate

‏Academic writing is relatively formal. In general this means that in an essay you should avoid the following:‎
A: colloquial words and expressions (such as "stuff", "a lot of", "thing", "sort of")
B: abbreviated forms (such as "can't", "doesn't", "shouldn't”)
C: two word verbs (such as "put off", "bring up”)
D: asking questions (such as “So why is this?”)
答案: 【 colloquial words and expressions (such as "stuff", "a lot of", "thing", "sort of");
abbreviated forms (such as "can't", "doesn't", "shouldn't”);
two word verbs (such as "put off", "bring up”);
asking questions (such as “So why is this?”)

‎What are the main features of academic writing?‍
A: Accuracy
B: Brevity
C: Complexity
D: Formality
答案: 【 Accuracy;

‎It is explicit in its signposting of the organization of the ideas in the text. As a writer of academic English, it is your responsibility to make it clear to your reader how various parts of the text are related. These connections can be made explicit by the use of different signaling words.‌
A: 正确
B: 错误
答案: 【 正确

‍Currently the IMRAD(Introduction, Methods, Results And Discussion) structure is dominant for publishing papers in many fields of science.‌
A: 正确
B: 错误
答案: 【 正确

‍Academic writing is more explicit about its structure and purposes (i.e., contains a noticeable amount of metadiscourse). ‏
A: 正确
B: 错误
答案: 【 正确

‌Academic writing use fairly short sentences with less complicted grammar. ​
A: 正确
B: 错误
答案: 【 错误

‏Academic writing is more tolerant of asides or digressions. ‏
A: 正确
B: 错误
答案: 【 错误

‏There has been c____________(a lot of) interest in how background sounds such as music affect an individual's ability to concentrate. (请根据给出的首写字母,填入完整单词的适当形式,其意义与括号中的单词或短语相同)‌
答案: 【 considerable

‏AIDS researchers have e_________(run into) a variety of unexpected problems in their efforts to develop an effective vaccine. (请根据给出的首写字母,填入完整单词的适当形式,其意义与括号中的单词或短语相同)​
答案: 【 encountered

‏Recent studies on car scrapping have r__________ (brought up) the immportant quesiton as to whether CO2 emissions can be significantly reduced by taking old cars out of service. (请根据给出的首写字母,填入完整单词的适当形式,其意义与括号中的单词或短语相同)‎
答案: 【 raised


‏Compared with general English writing, academic writing tends to be more ​
A: objective and impersonal

B: logical
C: formal
D: all the above

答案: 【 all the above

​The general structure of academic writing consists of ‍
A: an abstract, an introduction and a discussion
B: an introduction, a result and a discussion
C: an introduction, a body and a conclusion
D: an abstract, a result and a conclusion
答案: 【 an introduction, a body and a conclusion

‍Which of the following is NOT a feature of academic text?‎
A: Formality
B: Recreational
C: Complexity

D: Accuracy
答案: 【 Recreational


1. Which of the following is NOT a reading purpose at the before-reading stage? ‎
A: To gain evidence to support readers’ argument.
B: To familiarize readers with the leading researchers

C: To gain detailed understanding of the content.

D: To locate answers to specific questions readers may have.
答案: 【 To familiarize readers with the leading researchers

2.  At the during-reading stage, what instructions about text scanning have NOT been mentioned? ‌
A: Read the first paragraph.
B: Read the last paragraph.
C: Read the opening sentence of other paragraphs.
D:  Read the middle sentence of other paragraphs.

答案: 【  Read the middle sentence of other paragraphs.

‌3. At the after-reading stage, what information about new words should be noted? ‏
A: Definition, part of speech, related phrases and derivatives.

B: Definition, part of speech, related phrases and inflections.
C: Definition, related phrases, derivatives and inflections.
D:  Definition, related phrases, inflections and sample sentences.

答案: 【 Definition, part of speech, related phrases and inflections.


1.  To accomplish good academic writing, writers should______​
A: support claims with evidence.
B: be impersonal and be cautious.

C: use nominalization
D: All the above.
答案: 【 All the above.

‌2. How do academic writers support their claims with evidence?‎
A: Express their opinions about research findings freely.

B: Express their arguments by referring to work done by relevant scholars.
C: Express their understanding conservatively. 
D: Express their claims by exemplifying the research procedures. 
答案: 【 Express their arguments by referring to work done by relevant scholars.

‎3.  Which of the following is NOT correct about nominalizations in academic writing?‏
A: It helps to transform complex sentences into simple ones.
B: It refers to the noun phrase construction.
C: It enables writers to avoid stating something obvious in a simple way.
D: It enables writers to choose the emphasis. 
答案: 【 It helps to transform complex sentences into simple ones.


‏1. Which of the following is NOT correct about academic writing?‎
A: It has an obvious audience.
B: It has logical expression.
C: It has a clear purpose.
D: It has a linear structure.
答案: 【 It has logical expression.

‏2. The academic language can not be acquired through ______.‎
A: simulation
B: observation
C: experiment
D: study

答案: 【 simulation

‎3. What are the recommended procedures for writing academic texts?‍
A: To think about subject academically
B: Scan or skim relevant resources from library or internet
C: Study and structure what you have selected
D: All the above
答案: 【 All the above


‎1. Which of the following is NOT a tip for good academic writing?‍
A: Make connections and establish a clear sense of direction.

B: Be your readers’ guide.
C: Present a well-structured essay.

D: Use active voice to highlight the researchers’ contribution.

答案: 【 Use active voice to highlight the researchers’ contribution.

​2. In terms of punctuation, which of the understanding is NOT correct? ‏
A: Punctuation aims to show where a reader pauses to take a breath.
B: Punctuation aims to clarify the grammatical structure of sentences.

C: Punctuation is closely connected with meaning.

D: Punctuation can realize certain important syntactic structure.

答案: 【 Punctuation aims to show where a reader pauses to take a breath.

‏3. What signpost expressions have been mentioned in lecture?‏
A: moreover

B: besides
C: however
D: all of the above
答案: 【 all of the above

Unit 2 The Title

Quiz for Unit 2

‎According to the principle of ________, the title "Transplantation of Corneal Stem Cells Cultured on Amniotic Membrane for Corneal Burn: Experimental and Clinical Study" should be changed into "Transplantation of Corneal Stem Cells Cultured on Amniotic Membrane for Corneal Burn: In Vitro and in Vivo". ‎
A: Accuracy
B: Brevity
C: Clarity
D: Attractiveness 
答案: 【 Accuracy

‏According to the principle of ________, the title "Preliminary Observations on the Effect of Salinity on Benthic Community Distribution within a Estuarine System, in the North Sea" should be changed into "Effect of Salinity on Benthic Distribution within the Scheldt Estuary (North Sea)". ‎
A: Accuracy 
B: Brevity 
C: Clarity 
D: Attractiveness 
答案: 【 Brevity 

​According to the principle of ________, the title "Measuring a Nerve Response in a Frog" should be changed into "The Effect of Ethanol on the Action Potential of a Frog Sciatic Nerve". ‎
A: Accuracy 
B: Brevity 
C: Clarity 
D: Attractiveness 
答案: 【 Clarity 

‏As a reader of research papers, titles are important since they give you​‏a quick indication of the content of a paper. Titles are also useful for you​‏when you write your own research paper. Decide which of the following are​‏reasons that a title is useful as a writer of a research paper.​‏​
A: A title is in a privileged place in the text, and it draws the reader’s most complete attention.Taking advantage of that fact, the writer can use the title’s privileged position to expressideas clearly and to articulate an argument.
B:  A title chosen early in the writing process can help writers stay on track during the writingprocess.
C: Creating a title at the end of the writing process can function as a check on the quality ofthe research paper.
D:  If coming up with a title is difficult, it may indicate to the writer that the essay’s main ideaor point is unclear.
答案: 【 A title is in a privileged place in the text, and it draws the reader’s most complete attention.Taking advantage of that fact, the writer can use the title’s privileged position to expressideas clearly and to articulate an argument.;
 A title chosen early in the writing process can help writers stay on track during the writingprocess.;
Creating a title at the end of the writing process can function as a check on the quality ofthe research paper.;
 If coming up with a title is difficult, it may indicate to the writer that the essay’s main ideaor point is unclear.

‍The title with the "√" before it is considered to be the better one. Decide whether the following choice is the correct one. ​‍​‍    A. Single-Particle Mapping of Nonequilibrium Nanocrystal Transformations​‍√ B. A Research on Mapping of Nonequilibrium Nanocrystal Transformations​‍​
A: 正确
B: 错误
答案: 【 错误

‍The title with the "√" before it is considered to be the better one. Decide whether the following choice is the correct one. ‏‏‍  A. A Study on the Formation of Peak Rings in Large Impact Craters‏‍√B. The Formation of Peak Rings in Large Impact Craters‏‍‏
A: 正确
B: 错误
答案: 【 正确

‍The title with the "√" before it is considered to be the better one. Decide whether the following choice is the correct one. ‏‍‏‍√A. A Synthetic Pathway for the Fixation of Carbon Dioxide in Vitro‏‍  B. Fixation of Carbon Dioxide in Vitro: Not Blowing in the Wind‏‍‏
A: 正确
B: 错误
答案: 【 正确

‏The title with the "√" before it is considered to be the better one. Decide whether the following choice is the correct one. ​‏​‏  A. An Experimental Observation of a Pair of Spin-Polarized Fermi Arc Surface States​‏    on the Surface of the Dirac Semimetal Na3Bi at Its Native Chemical Potential​‏√ B. Observation of Fermi Arc Surface States in a Topological Metal​‏​
A: 正确
B: 错误
答案: 【 正确

‎The title with the "√" before it is considered to be the better one. Decide whether the following choice is the correct one. ‎‎‎‎  A. A Highly Active and Stable IrOx/SrIrO3 Catalyst for the Oxygen Evolution Reaction‎‎√B. A Novel Active and Stable IrOx/SrIrO3 Catalyst for the Oxygen Evolution Reaction‎‎‎
A: 正确
B: 错误
答案: 【 错误

‎The title with the "√" before it is considered to be the better one. Decide whether the following choice is the correct one. ‌‎‌‎  √ A. An Observation of Quantum Shock Waves Created with Ultra-Compressed Slow Light Pulses in a  ‌‎          Bose-Einstein Condensate    ‌‎   B. Creating Quantum Shock Waves with Ultra-Compressed Slow Light Pulses in a Bose-Einstein           ‌‎         Condensate‌
A: 正确
B: 错误
答案: 【 错误

‌The title with the "√" before it is considered to be the better one. Decide whether the following choice is the correct one. ​‌​‌√ A. The Highly efficient waveguide grating couplers using silicon-on-insulator​‌    B. Silicon-on-insulator for high-output waveguide grating couplers​‌​
A: 正确
B: 错误
答案: 【 错误

​The title with the "√" before it is considered to be the better one. Decide whether the following choice is the correct one. ‌​‌​    A. Effects of added calcium on salinity tolerance of tomato‌​√ B. Calcium addition improves salinity tolerance of tomato‌​‌
A: 正确
B: 错误
答案: 【 正确

​The title with the "√" before it is considered to be the better one. Decide whether the following choice is the correct one. ​​​√A. B7-H4 Most Expresses on Ki687 Negative Brain Tumor Clels and can Express on Brain Tumor Stem Cells​  B. B7-H4 is Preferentially Expressed in Non-dividing Brain Tumor Cells and in a Subset of Brain Tumor Stem-​       like Cells ​
A: 正确
B: 错误
答案: 【 错误

​请在下列标题中填入合适介词:‍​‍​Machine Vision Qaulity Assessment _______ Robust Face Detection‍
答案: 【 for

请在下列标题中填入动词适当形式:‍‍Three Tier Fog Networks: _______(Enable) IoT/5G for Latency Sensitive Applications‍‎‍
答案: 【 Enabling

​请在下列标题中填入动词适当形式:‍​‍​Competition Between Engrams ________ (Influence) Fear Memory Formation and Recall ‍
答案: 【 Influences


______ present a miniature of the whole paper. ‏ ‏‍‏
A: Title, key words and authors
B: Title, abstract and authors
C: Title, key words and abstract
D: Title, abstract and introduction
答案: 【 Title, key words and abstract

2. What will be freely accessible to readers online?‌‌‎‌
A: Title
B: Key words
C:  Abstract
D: All the above
答案: 【 Title

3. What titles are recommended? ​‏​
A: Objective and self-explanatory titles.
B: Informative and objective titles.
C: Descriptive and informative titles.
D: Descriptive and self-explanatory titles.
答案: 【 Descriptive and self-explanatory titles.

4. Which of the following is NOT the correct author order?‏‏‎‏
A: The first author is the lead author.
B: The first author designs the research.
C: The first author is the principal investigator.
D: The first author is responsible for most of the work.
答案: 【 The first author is the principal investigator.


What are the scientific title features?‍‍‏‍
A: It is short in length.
B: It is dense in information.
C: It helps easy retrieval in computerized searches.
D: All the above.
答案: 【 All the above.

2. Which of the following strategy is NOT recommended? ‌‌‎‌
A: To scan the title searching for key words.
B: To translate the title to readers’ first language.
C: To break the title into pieces of information.
D: To analyze the grammatical structure of the title.
答案: 【 To translate the title to readers’ first language.

3. What questions are asked to paraphrase the title? ​​​​
A: What are the key words in the title?
B: Which part of the title is emphasized?
C: How do readers expect the research content?
D: All the above.
答案: 【 All the above.


Which of the following is NOT explaining the importance of the title?‎‎‌‎
A: It is a critical component of the manuscript.
B: It affects the first impression of the editor or the reader.
C: It determines to increase or lose readers’ interest in reading the paper.
D: It can be considered as a miniature of the whole paper.
答案: 【 It can be considered as a miniature of the whole paper.

‍2. When is a good title often written?‎
A: At the beginning of the paper writing.
B: After the main body of paper is finished.
C: After the entire paper is finished.
D: After the abstract is finished.
答案: 【 After the entire paper is finished.

3. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a good scientific title feature?‎‍‎‍‎
A: It highlights the structure of a research paper.
B: It is specific but informative.
C: It is typically within 10-12 words.
D: It uses descriptive terms or phrases. 
答案: 【 It highlights the structure of a research paper.

4. Which of the following is NOT a clear and persuasive title?‎‎‌‎
A: It raises questions about the paper and take notes of the answers.
B: It identifies the most important aspects of the answers.
C: It rephrases the working title in detailed phrases.
D: It drafts a working title with the key words.
答案: 【 It rephrases the working title in detailed phrases.


What questions can be asked about the paper?‍‍‌‍
A: What is the paper specifically about?
B: What is the research design and what methods were used?
C: What are the major findings?
D: All the above.
答案: 【 All the above.

2. A working title uses _______‌‌‌‌
A: one sentence. 
B: one main sentence and one relative clause.
C: more than one sentence.
D: one compound sentence.
答案: 【 one sentence. 

3. What information can be deleted?‎‍‎‍‎
A: Extra words distracting the title’s pivot.
B: Redundant words prolonging the title.
C: Vague expressions diverting the title’s highlight.
D: All the above.
答案: 【 All the above.


Which of the following don’t is mentioned? ‍‍‍‍
A: Don’t be broad or vague.
B: Don’t use idiosyncratic abbreviation.
C: Don’t use waste word like a study /research on.
D: All the above.
答案: 【 All the above.

2. What will diminish the seriousness of the science study?‍‍‎‍
A: A catchy phrase or humor injection.
B: A brief and descriptive title.
C: A well-structured abstract.
D: A review of the background information.
答案: 【 A catchy phrase or humor injection.

3. What title format is suggested? ‌‌​‌
A: Construct the title with one sentence.
B: Capitalize the first alphabet of all words.
C: Follow the practice of the target journal.
D: Integrate a title and a subtitle.
答案: 【 Follow the practice of the target journal.

Unit 3 The Abstract

Quiz for Unit 3

‏By effective reading of scientific abstracts,  you cannot ______‏
A: understand the structure of a scientific paper
B: obtain the key information
C: decide whether to read the paper further
D: get the numerical data and statistical results
答案: 【 get the numerical data and statistical results

‏When composing a scientific abstract, you should be very careful about language use and style, including the correct use of words, tenses, sentence patterns, terminologies and other aspects. Read the following sentences from abstracts, identify the one using correct language.​
A: I examined the use of deep neural networks (DNNs) in the context of photo editing.
B: More than a decade of research has supported a robust consensus: Acute stress impairs memory retrieval.
C: The same value is used at the same program point as much as 80% of the time.
D: According to  author et al. (2010), there is a significant relationship between X and Y.
答案: 【 More than a decade of research has supported a robust consensus: Acute stress impairs memory retrieval.

Descriptive abstracts usually include information as follows:‌
A:  the problem studied
B:   the results or inclusions of a study
C: the methods used to study it
D:  recommendations
答案: 【  the problem studied;
the methods used to study it

‌In a Scientific abstract,  the past simple tense of verbs is used when _________________________________.‌
A:  the background or the problem of the present study is stated
B:  the methodology or materials of the present research is described
C:  results and findings are presented
D:   conclusions and applications are stated
答案: 【  the methodology or materials of the present research is described;
 results and findings are presented

Under the abstract comes the Keywords section. The words or terms in this section are used to ________ . ​
A: facilitate keyword index searches
B:  demonstrate the significance of a study
C:   assign papers to review committees or editors
D:  state the way a study is conducted
答案: 【 facilitate keyword index searches;
  assign papers to review committees or editors

‌An effective scientific abstract should be well-structured and is expected to____________________________.​
A: introduce the background of the study
B: explain the methods
C: describe the results
D: give the conclusion
答案: 【 introduce the background of the study;
explain the methods;
describe the results;
give the conclusion

‎Both descriptive abstracts and informative abstracts present the information of the original work in an objective and neutral tone.‏
A: 正确
B: 错误
答案: 【 正确

A good scientific abstract includes all the key information of the original work.‎
A: 正确
B: 错误
答案: 【 正确

Technical jargons, colloquialisms and details can be used in Scientific abstract. ‌‌‌
A: 正确
B: 错误
答案: 【 错误

People should avoid using words or terms in the title as keywords. ​‍​
A: 正确
B: 错误
答案: 【 错误

“This motivated us to explore the use of DNNs in the context of photo editing.” is an acceptable sentence in a scientific abstract.​
A: 正确
B: 错误
答案: 【 错误

‌A  good scientific abstract should be well-organized. The several sections it consists are arranged sequentially: introduction, method(s), result(s) and conclusions. ‎
A: 正确
B: 错误
答案: 【 正确

​To demonstrate the potential of this new approach, two filler geometrics ___________ (use): sandglass and cheese segment.  (在判断该句在摘要的哪部分内容中出现的基础上,填入所给动词的适当形式)‎
答案: 【 were used

​This paper____________ (investigate) a new strategy for radio resource allocation applying a non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA) scheme. (在判断该句在摘要的哪部分内容中出现的基础上,填入所给动词的适当形式)​
答案: 【 investigates


Which of the following is NOT a scientific abstract? ‏‍‏
A: It is an overview of a scientific paper. 
B: It indicates the structure of the paper.
C: It reduces long research work to essential elements.
D: It is usually designed to be standing



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