01 What Economics Is All About


‎1. Economics deals primarily with the concept of (         )‎
A: scarcity.
B: poverty.
C: change.
D: power.
答案: 【 scarcity.

02 The Market Forces of Supply and Demand


In a perfectly competitive market,
A: advertising is widely used to influence demand and price.
B: firms are price takers rather than price makers.
C: firms produce a small number of differentiated products.
D: a small number of firms produce an identical product.
答案: 【 firms are price takers rather than price makers.

The amount of a good or service that buyers would be willing and able to purchase at a specific price is known as
A: quantity demanded.
B: demand.
C: supply.
D: quantity supplied.
答案: 【 quantity demanded.

The demand curve for Beanie Baby dolls shows the quantity of dolls demanded
A: by suppliers of those dolls.
B: at the equilibrium price for Beanie Baby dolls.
C: a. at each level of income.
D: at each possible price of Beanie Baby dolls.
答案: 【 at each possible price of Beanie Baby dolls.

Which of the following are the best examples of substitute goods?
A: Personal computers and computer software programs.
B: Milk and cookies.
C: IBM and HP personal computers.
D: Hot dogs and mustard.
答案: 【 IBM and HP personal computers.

Which of the following sets of goods are most likely to be complementary goods?
A: Shoes and pizza.
B: Automobiles and computers.
C: Baseballs and baseball gloves.
D: Football tickets and baseball tickets.
答案: 【 Baseballs and baseball gloves.

An increase in the number of tomato producers will
A: increase market supply because the price of tomatoes will rise.
B: increase market supply because market demand will increase as more tomatoes are produced.
C: increase market supply because market supply is the sum of all individual tomato producers’ supply curves.
D: increase market demand but leave market supply unchanged.
答案: 【 increase market supply because market supply is the sum of all individual tomato producers’ supply curves.

Suppose that the demand for apples increased more than the supply of apples increased. The net effect of these two changes would be a(n)
A: increase in the equilibrium price and a decrease in the equilibrium quantity.
B: increase in the equilibrium price and an increase in the equilibrium quantity.
C: decrease in the equilibrium price and an increase in the equilibrium quantity.
D: decrease in the equilibrium price and a decrease in the equilibrium quantity.
答案: 【 increase in the equilibrium price and an increase in the equilibrium quantity.

Given this data, the equilibrium price and quantity of CD players are
(units per week) (units per week)
$100 1,000 100
$150 900 300
$200 800 500
$250 600 600
$300 300 650
A: $150 and 300 players.
B: $200 and 800 players.
C: $250 and 600 players.
D: $300 and 650 players.
答案: 【 $250 and 600 players.

Given this data, if the price of CD players is $200,
A: there will be a surplus.
B: there will be a shortage.
C: the market is in equilibrium.
D: the supply will increase.
答案: 【 there will be a shortage.

Temporary shortages in a market are eliminated by
A: decreases in the price, which cause quantity supplied to fall and quantity demanded to rise.
B: decreases in the price, which cause quantity supplied to rise and quantity demanded to fall.
C: increases in the price, which cause quantity supplied to fall and quantity demanded to rise.
D: increases in the price, which cause quantity supplied to rise and quantity demanded to fall.
答案: 【 increases in the price, which cause quantity supplied to rise and quantity demanded to fall.

When a market is in equilibrium,
A: quantity demanded will equal quantity supplied.
B: a shortage will be present.
C: a surplus will be present.
D: sellers will continue to expand production to increase revenues.
答案: 【 quantity demanded will equal quantity supplied.

If a drought destroyed half of the U.S. garlic crop at a time when the health benefits of garlic were being well-publicized, economists would expect that in the market for garlic
A: quantity exchanged would rise but the change in price is uncertain without further information.
B: price would rise but the change in quantity exchanged is uncertain without further information
C: both price and quantity exchanged would rise.
D: price would rise and quantity exchanged would fall.
答案: 【 price would rise but the change in quantity exchanged is uncertain without further information

The discovery of new gold in South America will _______ the price of gold and _______ the quantity of gold traded.
A: raise; raise
B: lower; raise
C: raise; lower
D: lower; lower
答案: 【 lower; raise

Higher steel price would _______ the prices of autos and _______ the quantity exchanged.
A: lower; lower
B: lower; raise
C: raise; lower
D: raise; raise
答案: 【 raise; lower

If Francis receives a decrease in his pay, we would expect
A: Francis’s demand for each good he purchases to remain unchanged.
B: Francis’s demand for normal goods to increase.
C: Francis’s demand for luxury goods to increase.
D: Francis’s demand for inferior goods to increase.
答案: 【 Francis’s demand for inferior goods to increase.

Suppose that a decrease in the price of X results in less of good Y sold. This would mean that X and Y are
A: complementary goods.
B: normal goods.
C: inferior goods.
D: substitute goods.
答案: 【 substitute goods.

The movement from point A to point B on the graph would be caused by
A: an increase in price.
B: a decrease in price.
C: a decrease in the price of a substitute good.
D: an increase in income.
答案: 【 a decrease in price.

The movement from point A to point B on the graph shows
A: a decrease in demand.
B: an increase in demand.
C: a decrease in quantity demanded.
D: an increase in quantity demanded.
答案: 【 an increase in quantity demanded.

Which graph could be used to show the result of 5 percent of the country’s smokers deciding to stop smoking?
A: A
B: B
C: C
D: Each graph could be used to show the result.
答案: 【 C

In a market, to find the total amount supplied at a particular price,
A: we must add up all of the amounts firms are willing and able to supply at that price.
B: we need to know the demand for the good as well.
C: the tastes and preferences of buyers must be established.
D: the income level of buyers would need to be determined.
答案: 【 we must add up all of the amounts firms are willing and able to supply at that price.

The movement from point A to point B on the graph would be caused by
A: a decrease in the price of the good.
B: an increase in the price of the good.
C: an increase in technology.
D: a decrease in input prices.
答案: 【 an increase in the price of the good.

The movement from point A to point B on the graph is called
A: a decrease in supply.
B: an increase in supply.
C: an increase in the quantity supplied.
D: a decrease in the quantity supplied.
答案: 【 an increase in the quantity supplied.

When evaluating differences or similarities between an increase in supply and an increase in quantity supplied we know that
A: the former is a shift of the curve and the latter is a movement along the curve.
B: the former is a movement along the curve and the latter is a shift of the curve.
C: both are shifts of the supply curve.
D: both are movements along the curve.
答案: 【



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