Chapter 2. Why Nations Trade(Part 2)


‏The trading principle formulated by Adam Smith maintained that: ‍
A: International prices are determined from the demand side of the market
B: Differences in resource endowments determine comparative advantage
C: Differences in income levels govern world trade patterns    
D: Absolute cost differences determine the immediate basis for trade
答案: 【 Absolute cost differences determine the immediate basis for trade

‎Unlike Adam Smith, David Ricardo’s trading principle emphasizes the: ‏
A: Demand side of the market      
B: Supply side of the market
C: Role of comparative costs     
D: Role of absolute costs
答案: 【 Role of comparative costs     

‍When a nation requires fewer resources than another nation to produce a product, the nation is said to have a(n):​
A: Absolute advantage in the production of the product    
B: Comparative advantage in the production of the product   
C:  Lower marginal rate of transformation for the product   
D: Lower opportunity cost of producing the product
答案: 【 Absolute advantage in the production of the product    

According to the principle of comparative advantage, specialization and trade increase a nation’s total output since: ‍
A: Resources are directed to their highest productivity   
B: The output of the nation’s trading partner declines    
C: The nation can produce outside of its production possibilities curve
D: The problem of unemployment is eliminated
答案: 【 Resources are directed to their highest productivity   

‍In a two-product, two-country world, international trade can lead to increases in:​
A: Consumer welfare only if output of both products is increased      
B: Output of both products and consumer welfare in both countries  
C: Total production of both products, but not consumer welfare in both countries  
D: Consumer welfare in both countries, but not total production of both products
答案: 【 Output of both products and consumer welfare in both countries  

‌If the international terms of trade settle at a level that is between each country’s opportunity cost: ​
A: There is no basis for gainful trade for either country    
B: Both countries gain from trade  
C: Only one country gains from trade      
D: One country gains and the other country loses from trade
答案: 【 Both countries gain from trade  

‌Use the data in Table 2.1 to answer Questions 7–10.‍Table 2.1 Output Possibilities for Country A and Country B‍ ‍                            Output per Worker per Day‍Country                 Tons of Steel



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