Unit Five

Test Five

‎Proposal is a type of writing which ______your plans and vision in order to gain support for your plan. ‍‎‍
A: critical
B: relevant
C: maps out
D: profitable
答案: 【 maps out

Mistakes, poor design and obvious _____in your proposal will lead to failure.‍
A: flaws
B: profitable
C: convince
D: appealing
答案: 【 flaws

​A very short story or _________  or personal experience will act as an effective illustration of a point, add “color” to your presentation, and be remembered by listeners.‎​‎
A: case study
B: mail address
C: Twitter
D: slides
答案: 【 case study

‏To write a successful and convincing proposal, you should use charts and financial  _________ purposefully.‎
A: data
B: money
C: agenda
D: meeting
答案: 【 data

‌It is important that you write a business report in a _________, clean and mistake-free manner.‍
A: professtional
B: relaxed
C: critical
D: test
答案: 【 professtional

​Which of the following elements often appear in a business report?​
A: findings
B: introduction
C: adjournment
D: executive summary
答案: 【 findings;
executive summary

‏What are the main parts of meeting minutes?‏
A: Heading
B: Recommendations
C: Participants
D: Announcements
答案: 【 Heading;

‏In business report, what graph styles are often used?‎
B: Pie 
C: Bar
D: Bubble
答案: 【 Pie ;

‎Generally speaking, the slides of PPT should look flashy with suitable pictures or illustrations on them.‎
A: 正确
B: 错误
答案: 【 错误

‏Business report serves one main purpose: to help a company solve a problem.‌
A: 正确
B: 错误
答案: 【 正确

‌A good proposal should not include problems to be solved.‌
A: 正确
B: 错误
答案: 【 错误

‏Meeting minutes are the official record of the meeting, they should reflect positively on the participants and the organization.‍
A: 正确
B: 错误
答案: 【 正确

‏A meeting memo should be made direct, complicated and informative.‎
A: 正确
B: 错误
答案: 【 错误

​To build up your meeting agenda, you need to consider meeting purposes.‏
A: 正确
B: 错误
答案: 【 正确

‌The closing part of a memo focuses on outcomes and supporting details.‏
A: 正确
B: 错误
答案: 【 错误

​Every memo has two sections: __________ and
message. ‍
答案: 【 heading

‍The third slide of a wonderful PPT should set
out the________ of your presentation. ‍
答案: 【 structure

‎When you create the meeting agenda, your are
creating the road map of the meeting and planning the ____________.‌
答案: 【 outcome

Unit Four

Test Four

‌You pass a co-worker in the hallway and he asks "How are you?". ‎‌You respond by:‎
A: Telling him that your back has been hurting you and you have a cold
B: Saying "Fine, thanks"
C: Explaining that you are tired and stressed out in your job
D: asking “ Where are you going?”
答案: 【 Saying "Fine, thanks"

‌People value closeness and friendliness. It is appropriate to stand close to a business contact or a colleague and frequently touch his/her arm while talking‎
A: True
B: False
C: I can not judge.
D: It is polite.
答案: 【 False

​A co-worker comes to your office to introduce you to a friend of his. You:  ‎
A: You stand up, establish eye contact, smile and shake his hand
B: Smile and nod
C:  Wave and tell him how happy you are to meet him
D: Give him a "high five"
答案: 【 You stand up, establish eye contact, smile and shake his hand

‍You have a meeting with a colleague from a different department scheduled for 10:00am. You've spoken to the receptionist and you have been waiting outside the colleague's office for a while and it is now 10:05. You want to make sure the person knows you're there. You:​
A: Peek your head in the doorway and say "Excuse me"
B: Stand near the door where your colleague will see you
C: Continue to sit and wait
D: Enter the office confidently, introduce yourself and remind them you have a 10:00am meeting 
答案: 【 Stand near the door where your colleague will see you

‌After a meeting with a contact, in order to express your thanks, it is appropriate to:​
A: Send him/her a small box of chocolates with a note
B: Drop by the office and give him/her a hot cup of coffee
C: Send a dozen red roses to his/her home
D: Send a thank you letter
答案: 【 Send a thank you letter

‌When you are meeting your coworkers. Normally, HR manager or head of office will introduce and welcome you. Which of the following introduction speech is not appropriate?‍
A: Luckily the weather has aligned with our wishes. The sun and I bid you a warm welcome.
B: It's my pleasure to extend a cheerful welcome to you all!
C: Hello, how are you doing today?
D: On behalf of my colleagues, I wish you all a convivial welcome. 
答案: 【 Hello, how are you doing today?

‍Usually the organizational structure of the company is shown as the organizational chart. Two common types of organizational charts exist, tall and :‍
A: short chart
B: detailed chart
C: flat chart
D:  level chart
答案: 【 flat chart

‎In a typical office building, can you use the meeting room whenever it is empty? ​
A: Yes, just walk in and use it 
B: Yes, but you have to organize a meeting at first
C: No, you should never use it 
D: No, you should book the room in advance.
答案: 【 No, you should book the room in advance.

‌Read the following statements and decide which one is inappropriate behavior based on your common sense.​
A: Avoid “Reply All” when E-mail.
B: Bring your cute cuddly dog to the workplace. 
C: Move to a more private area to answer your personal call.
D: Clean up your mess (dishes put away or in the dishwasher, etc.) in the break room or kitchen at your workplace. 
答案: 【 Bring your cute cuddly dog to the workplace. 

‏F: Hello, Marilyn speaking.‌‏M:Marilyn, this is Orsen Parker from Technoworld. You passed the interview and we’d like you to join our team. Congratulations! Could you start next Monday morning at 9 o'clock sharp?‌‏F: Thank you! That’s great! Yes, Monday morning at 9 o'clock would be fantastic.‌‏M:OK, super. Before you begin, would you please prepare the files required by our corporation which I will send you an email later. And we also need you to fill out some additional paperwork. Is there a day this week that you could come in for an hour or two?‌‏F: Of course, I will be there on time. ‌‏‌‏When does Orsen want Marilyn to come for a start?‌
A: Tuesday at 9 o’clock
B: Monday at 9 o'clock
C: Friday at 9 o’clock
D: Wednesday at 9 o’clock
答案: 【 Monday at 9 o'clock

​F: Hello, Marilyn speaking.‏​M:Marilyn, this is Orsen Parker from Technoworld. You passed the interview and we’d like you to join our team. Congratulations! Could you start next Monday morning at 9 o'clock sharp?‏​F: Thank you! That’s great! Yes, Monday morning at 9 o'clock would be fantastic.‏​M:OK, super. Before you begin, would you please prepare the files required by our corporation which I will send you an email later. And we also need you to fill out some additional paperwork. Is there a day this week that you could come in for an hour or two?‏​F: Of course, I will be there on time. ‏​‏​How will Orsen send the files which Marilyn has to prepare?‏
A: By e-mail
B: By telegram
C: By fax
D: By phone
答案: 【 By e-mail

‏F: Hello, Marilyn speaking.‎‏M:Marilyn, this is Orsen Parker from Technoworld. You passed the interview and we’d like you to join our team. Congratulations! Could you start next Monday morning at 9 o'clock sharp?‎‏F: Thank you! That’s great! Yes, Monday morning at 9 o'clock would be fantastic.‎‏M:OK, super. Before you begin, would you please prepare the files required by our corporation which I will send you an email later. And we also need you to fill out some additional paperwork. Is there a day this week that you could come in for an hour or two?‎‏F: Of course, I will be there on time. ‎‏‎‏What does Marilyn need to do when meeting Orsen?‎
A: Fill out some paperwork
B: Turn in her CV
C: Make a presentation
D: Have a business dinner
答案: 【 Fill out some paperwork

​F:   Bob, did you contact technical support about my computer? I’m working on an important presentation, and all my work is on that computer.‌​M:  Yes, I called them. They told me they’d send someone over tomorrow afternoon.‌​F:   Tomorrow afternoon? That will be too late. I’m meeting with my clients at 4     tomorrow to discuss ways to promote their company. Could you please call tech     support again, and ask them if they can come any sooner?‌​M:   Sure, I’ll call them right away. I’ll talk to a supervisor to make sure they get a technician over here today.‌​‌​What does the woman want Bob to do?‌​‌
A: Call technical support
B: Help her to fix the machine
C: Scan the paper
D: Make a presentation
答案: 【 Call technical support

‍F:   Bob, did you contact technical support about my computer? I’m working on an important presentation, and all my work is on that computer.‏‍M:  Yes, I called them. They told me they’d send someone over tomorrow afternoon.‏‍F:   Tomorrow afternoon? That will be too late. I’m meeting with my clients at 4     tomorrow to discuss ways to promote their company. Could you please call tech     support again, and ask them if they can come any sooner?‏‍M:   Sure, I’ll call them right away. I’ll talk to a supervisor to make sure they get a technician over here today.‏‍‏‍What will the woman meet her clients for?‏
A: Discussing the tender documents
B: Having a business dinner
C: Promoting their company
D: Demonstrating her new model
答案: 【 Promoting their company

‎F:   Bob, did you contact technical support about my computer? I’m working on an important presentation, and all my work is on that computer.‎‎M:  Yes, I called them. They told me they’d send someone over tomorrow afternoon.‎‎F:   Tomorrow afternoon? That will be too late. I’m meeting with my clients at 4     tomorrow to discuss ways to promote their company. Could you please call tech     support again, and ask them if they can come any sooner?‎‎M:   Sure, I’ll call them right away. I’ll talk to a supervisor to make sure they get a technician over here today.‎‎‎‎What will Bob do later?‎
A: Call the supervisor
B: Buy a new computer
C: Cancel the meeting
D: Sign a contract
答案: 【 Call the supervisor

‏F:   Diego, have we received a fax from Chris at Complex Computers yet? ‎‏M:  We did, but it came through blurry. I called, and Chris said they were having problems with the fax machine. They’re trying to fix it.‎‏F:    Mr. Ramon needs to review that document as soon as possible. It’s the new service contract for our office PCs. ‎‏M:   I’ll phone Chris and see how they’re doing. If the machine’s still down, I’ll have him scan and e-mail it instead. Either way, I’ll run it



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