Book 2-Unit 3 Journey through the odyssey years

Find metaphorical expressions.

‎Read the text in Unit 3 and find at least three examples of metaphorical expressions.​
答案: 【 Title: odyssey years
Para. 3: a solid idea of childhood
Para. 5: frame their concept of adulthood
Para. 6: saddle young people with enormous pressure; 
the fluid journey of discovery
Para. 10: grow more pronounced in the coming years

Identify the figurative language and translate the sentence.

‎Passengers on the bus craned their heads out of the windows to see what was happening.‍
答案: 【 Metaphor:车上的乘客伸长脖子探出窗外看发生了什么事。

‏Judicious praise is to children what the sun is to flowers.‍
答案: 【 Simile:明智的表扬对于孩子的作用,就像阳光对于花朵的作用。

Her eyes danced with great vivacity.‍
答案: 【 Personification:她的眼睛十分欢快地上下打量着。

Quiz for B2-U3

‌The student is working very hard as he knows that how well he is doing today can have a considerable __________ on his future.‏
A: bore
B: born
C: bearing
D: bear
答案: 【 bearing

‎Because of its geographical position, Germany’s __________ on the situation in Eastern Europe is rather different from Britain’s.​
A: prospect
B: prosperity
C: prospective
D: perspective
答案: 【 perspective

‎We insist that students should give a truthful answer ___________ with what they understand about the reality of global economy.​
A: constant
B: consecutive
C: consistent
D: conservative
答案: 【 consistent

‏The audience applauded enthusiastically as the girls from the ballet school performed a __________ dance.​
A: grateful
B: gracious
C: gradual
D: graceful
答案: 【 graceful

‎After a year of bitter arguments and careful planning, preparations for the Olympic Games are now __________ smoothly.‌
A: processing
B: preceding
C: pressing
D: proceeding
答案: 【 proceeding

‌Though I have broken up with my boyfriend, I can’t bear to be parted ___ him or let any man touch me. Likewise, I don’t want to see any girls be close to him.‏
答案: 【 from

‎Nancy shut the windows right after she heard the noise for fear that the noise outside would distract her children ___ their homework.‏
答案: 【 from

‌I once knew a father and a son who, saddled ___ their respective troubles in life, had drawn so far apart over the years that they found little to say to each other.‎
答案: 【 with

‌The board is somehow suspicious about his ability to shift ___ managing a bank to managing a steel plant since he didn’t have this experience before.‌
答案: 【 from

‎Many people saw his father dragged out of the small church, but he shouted that he would never surrender himself ___ his enemies.‍
答案: 【 to

​While a large proportion ___ the people from Mexico have low educational levels, an increasing number of highly qualified professionals have found their way to the States.‌
答案: 【 of

​I was amazed and wondered ___ this little man in his eighties, with his clear mind, deep wise thoughts and endless energy.​
答案: 【 at

‌Prior ___ this decision, the authorities had resorted to violence to prevent people from seeking refuge in the embassies of various Western countries.​
答案: 【 to

‍It is very likely to reach an agreement between the two countries as both sides are willing to make allowances ___ each other’s political concerns.‍
答案: 【 for

‌With the increasing number of educational providers, the sameness of education process is likely to be lost and the focus will shift ___ the outcomes that students achieve.‎
答案: 【 to

‌I can see that I may have some difficulty explaining the first part of my story, especially to anyone not acquainted ___ the academic life.‌
答案: 【 with

‏Children usually follow their parents implicitly, so smoking by parents could have a negative effect ___ their children.‌
答案: 【 on

‌Sometimes we tend to focus on others’ looks when we make some decisions, and much of the impression we get from them is based ___ their physical appearance.‌
答案: 【 on

‎The company makes the best possible use of its staff, and it is very strict ___ respect to work ethics and the relationships between employer and employees.‎
答案: 【 with

‍In online learning you can have a responsible teacher, who is never tired ___ repeatedly answering your questions at any time and at any place.‎
答案: 【 of

Quiz of language use

‏The winter was very severe, especially at night, so the mom had to put an extra blanket over the baby for fear that __________.​
A: he catches a cold
B: he be catching a cold
C: he caught a cold
D: he would catch a cold
答案: 【 he would catch a cold

‎He might have been killed __________ the timely arrival of the ambulance and immediate operation in the hospital.‎
A: besides
B: except for
C: but for
D: except
答案: 【 but for

‏People are aware that coal, which has gone to mass production, is still a finite resource, though _________ than either oil or gas.​
A: a much more abundant energy source
B: the much more energy abundant source
C: much more energy abundant source
D: energy source more abundant
答案: 【 a much more abundant energy source

‎Because of the shortage of money, they've set up a plan __________ they can spread the cost over a quite long period.‎
A: whereabouts
B: wherever
C: whereas
D: whereby
答案: 【 whereby

​Even though they were in danger, they did not find __________ to prepare for the worst conditions they might meet.‏
A: worth their while
B: it worth
C: it worthwhile
D: it worthy
答案: 【 it worthwhile

‏Advertising is distinguished from other forms of communication __________ the advertiser pays for the message to be delivered.‌
A: in which
B: in that
C: in order that
D:  in that way
答案: 【 in that

‌If you have never planted anything, you won't be able to know the pleasure of watching the thing you have planted __________.‎
A: grow
B: to grow
C: grown
D: to be grown
答案: 【 grow

‍All the flights __________ because of the snowstorm, we had to take the train instead, though it would take much longer time.​
A: were canceled
B: had been canceled
C: having canceled
D: having been canceled
答案: 【 having been canceled

‏These days the president of the college, together with the deans, __________ planning a conference for the purpose of laying down a series of regulation.‎
A: were
B: are
C: was
D: is
答案: 【 is

‎Since our research so far has not produced any answers to the problem, we need to adopt a different __________ to it.‌
A: approach
B: manner
C: style
D: method
答案: 【 approach

Text summary

‎Please complete the text summary with appropirate words based on your understanding of the text:‏The odyssey years are certainly a very complicated ___ of life for young people. The odyssey years can ___ young people with enormous pressure to ___. During these years, not only do these young people need to ___ many difficulties, they also have to face many ___from their parents. But, if you stay strong, be positive, and keep focused, someday you will look back and wonder at the ___ as you passed through the odyssey years.‏
答案: 【 1. phase
2. saddle
3. move forward
4. overcome
5. challenges
6. vast changes

Book 2-Unit 4 College sweethearts

Guess what are the meanings of these expressions.

‎Instead of being panic before final exams, he could always keep a level head.‌
答案: 【 keep calm

​Hold your horses. It’s not time to go yet. We have to finish one more exercise.‍
答案: 【 hold on

‏They’ve ignored the elephant in the room: the ever-growing debt burden on graduates.​
答案: 【 an obvious truth either being ignored or going unaddressed

‌He was the black sheep of the family after he had got involved in the bank robbery.‏
答案: 【 a disfavored / disreputable member of a group

Quiz for B2-U4

‌In my opinion, it is not good ________ him for help since he is very selfish and always indifferent to other people and their matters.‏
A: turns to
B: turning to
C: turn to
D: turned to
答案: 【 turning to

‌The government claims to be trying to do all it can to ________ corruptions, but it is usually easier said than done, so the public is pessimistic about it.​
A: eliminate
B: cancel
C: ignore
D: fight
答案: 【 eliminate

‍Jason failed one of the exams, but we should make ________ for the fact that he had been ill and absent from class for a whole year.​
A: permit
B: allowance
C: permission
D: consent
答案: 【 allowance

​Being both spoiled and lazy from his childhood, he now feels like a failure, but it is a shame that he ________ everyone for his lack of success.‏
A: criticizes
B: blames
C: charges
D: accuses
答案: 【 blames

‏Here are my questions: Can we reach a ________ on this issue? What if we can’t? Who is going to bear the consequences of that?‎
A: conscience
B: consciousness
C: consequence
D: consensus
答案: 【 consensus

‍We need to be very cautious ___ how the questions are worded so that students know exactly what they are going to interpret from the text.‏
答案: 【 about

‌He said he would give up smoking, but he ended ___ yielding to temptation and took cigarettes again a few days ago.‏
答案: 【 up

‍Hoping to make some money, I have taken the liberty ___ submitting an idea to several of their research and development departments.​
答案: 【 of

‎Please relax. Your body has become immune ___ this bacterium, so it does not usually affect the same person more than once.‏
答案: 【 to

‏Once every two weeks, she went Dutch ___ a bunch of friends at one of their three favorite restaurants and then they went to a dancing ball.​
答案: 【 with

‎When he left his home town, his daughter was only eight months; after 20 years when he returned, he found that her daughter bloomed ___ an utterly beautiful creature.‏
答案: 【 into

​Every day they gazed in excitement ___ the mountain covered in clouds, for they believed it signified God’s coming down to speak with them.‎
答案: 【 at

‍Self-respect and a clear conscience are powerful components ___ integrity and are the basis for enriching your relationships with others.‌
答案: 【 of

‏If there is an earthquake when you’re in a theater, remain in your seat and wait until the shaking is over, and then proceed directly ___ the nearest exit in a calm manner.‍
答案: 【 to

‎Rose knows t



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