1. Writing Scientific and Technical Papers

Unit 1 Quiz

Which of the following titles is suitable for a research paper?‍with the key words “nuclear power”and “safety”‍‏‍
A: Profitable Nuclear Power Generation
B: International views on nuclear safety
C: Safety evaluation of spent fuel road transportation based on weighted nearest neighbor method
D: The International Safety Framework for nuclear power source applications in outer space—Useful and substantial guidance
答案: 【 Safety evaluation of spent fuel road transportation based on weighted nearest neighbor method

‌Which of the following titles is suitable for a research paper?‏with the key words “unmanned air vehicle” and “ engine”‏‌‏
A: Design, build and test an unmanned air vehicle
B: Improved efficiency of an unmanned air vehicle IC engine using computational modelling and experimental verification
C: Unmanned air vehicles under external impact 
D: Engine-integrated solid oxide fuel cells for efficient electrical power generation on aircraft
答案: 【 Improved efficiency of an unmanned air vehicle IC engine using computational modelling and experimental verification

A good research paper title often involves the following characteristics :​​
A: predicting content, arousing interest, reflecting the tone of writing and containing key words.
B: predicting key words, arousing interest, reflecting the tone of writing and containing content.‍
C: predicting the tone of writing, arousing interest, reflecting content and containing key words.
D: predicting interest, arousing the tone of writing , reflecting  content and containing key words.
答案: 【 predicting content, arousing interest, reflecting the tone of writing and containing key words.

What principles are supposed to be taken into account when writing a scientific and technical paper? You can choose more than one answer.‏​‏
A:  Clear purpose
B: Single focus
C:  Logical organization
D: Clear point of view
E: Sufficient and relevant support
F:  Target readers
G:  Reader engagement
答案: 【  Clear purpose;
Single focus;
 Logical organization;
Clear point of view;
Sufficient and relevant support;
 Target readers;
 Reader engagement

What are the characteristics of a good research topic?  You can choose more than one answer.‍‌‍
A: Not with a simple answer
B: Based on an arguable assumption
C:  Opinion-based
D:  Research-worthy
E: Feasible or researchable
F: Narrow scope
答案: 【 Not with a simple answer;
Feasible or researchable

Is the following research topic effective? " Is nuclear power a promising energy source?"‌‏‌
A: 正确
B: 错误
答案: 【 错误

Is the following research topic effective? “Why is nuclear power a more promising energy source than solar power?”‏‏‏
A: 正确
B: 错误
答案: 【 错误

​Is the following research topic effective? “How safe is nuclear power?”‎​‎
A: 正确
B: 错误
答案: 【 正确

10. Writing an Introduction

Unit 10 Introduction Quiz 1

 Choose the proper answers for the following questions.​Ways to organize the references include:​
A: a. Chronological order of publications
B: b.  Research methods
C: c.  Research theories
D: d. Research modes
答案: 【 a. Chronological order of publications;
b.  Research methods;
c.  Research theories;
d. Research modes

What are the possible contents of an introduction?‏
A: Reviewing the existing literature relevant to the present study
B:  Announcing the purpose/focus of the study
C: Identifying a gap in the existing literature
D: Explaining the significance or necessity of the research
答案: 【 Reviewing the existing literature relevant to the present study;
 Announcing the purpose/focus of the study;
Identifying a gap in the existing literature;
Explaining the significance or necessity of the research

‌​Decide whether the following statement is true or false.‌a. It is possible to find tables or diagrams in introduction.‌​‌
A: 正确
B: 错误
答案: 【 正确

‍Decide whether the following statement is true or false.​‍b. Both introduction and abstract include research findings.​
A: 正确
B: 错误
答案: 【 错误

‎Decide whether the following statement is true or false.‏‎c. Introduction includes more detailed information than abstract.‏
A: 正确
B: 错误
答案: 【 正确

Decide whether the following statement is true or false.‌d. The purposes of the introduction are to specify the research problem and demonstrate the necessity and significance of the study.‌‍‌
A: 正确
B: 错误
答案: 【 正确

Unit 10 Introduction Quiz 2

In the coming years, the PV sector will continue to play an important role in the global ‏‌transition from a fossil-based energy system to a renewable and sustainable one.‏‌‏
A: A. Explaining the significance or necessity of the research
B: B. Reviewing the existing literature relevant to the present study
C: C. Identifying a gap in the existing literature
D: D. Announcing the purpose/focus of the study
E: E. Outlining the paper structure
答案: 【 A. Explaining the significance or necessity of the research

There are several groups which have analyzed the performance and yield of PV systems with a systematic approach that focuses on the specific yield and performance ratio of these systems.‌
A: A. Explaining the significance or necessity of the research
B: B. Reviewing the existing literature relevant to the present study
C: C. Identifying a gap in the existing literature
D: D. Announcing the purpose/focus of the study
E: E. Outlining the paper structure
答案: 【 B. Reviewing the existing literature relevant to the present study

This paper presents a yield evaluation of 23,944 roof-top PV systems in Germany over a seven-year period from 2012 to 2018.​
A: A. Explaining the significance or necessity of the research
B: B. Reviewing the existing literature relevant to the present study
C: C. Identifying a gap in the existing literature
D: D. Announcing the purpose/focus of the study
E: E. Outlining the paper structure
答案: 【 D. Announcing the purpose/focus of the study

First, the analytical methods used are presented in Section 2. Then, the results of the data analysis and evaluation are shown in Section 3. Finally, the results in Section 4 are critically questioned and evaluated. The conclusion is presented in Section 5.‎‎‎
A: A. Explaining the significance or necessity of the research
B: B. Reviewing the existing literature relevant to the present study
C: C. Identifying a gap in the existing literature
D: D. Announcing the purpose/focus of the study
E: E. Outlining the paper structure
答案: 【 E. Outlining the paper structure

 In this present work, we fabricated rGO wrapped α-MoO3 nanoplates through direct precipitation followed by a post-annealing method.​‌​
A: A. Explaining the significance or necessity of the research
B: B. Reviewing the existing literature relevant to the present study
C: C. Identifying a gap in the existing literature
D: D. Announcing the purpose/focus of the study
E: E. Outlining the paper structure
答案: 【 D. Announcing the purpose/focus of the study

To enhance the photocatalytic activity, numerous investigation has been conducted to delay the electron-hole recombination by coupling or doping with noble metals, non-metals and semiconductors.​​​
A: A. Explaining the significance or necessity of the research
B: B. Reviewing the existing literature relevant to the present study
C: C. Identifying a gap in the existing literature
D: D. Announcing the purpose/focus of the study
E: E. Outlining the paper structure
答案: 【 B. Reviewing the existing literature relevant to the present study

‏Tubular daylight guidance systems are now being widely installed in various types of buildings to deliver solar light into spaces with insufficient conventional glazing.‌
A: A. Explaining the significance or necessity of the research
B: B. Reviewing the existing literature relevant to the present study
C: C. Identifying a gap in the existing literature
D: D. Announcing the purpose/focus of the study
E: E. Outlining the paper structure 
答案: 【 A. Explaining the significance or necessity of the research

Some mathematical models or design tools have been proposed for this purpose.‍‎‍
A: A. Explaining the significance or necessity of the research
B: B. Reviewing the existing literature relevant to the present study
C: C. Identifying a gap in the existing literature
D: D. Announcing the purpose/focus of the study
E: E. Outlining the paper structure
答案: 【 B. Reviewing the existing literature relevant to the present study

Therefore, the aim of this paper is to present an improvement of the previous calculation tool under the overcast conditions and to offer a new analytic formula for the pipe's optical efficiency which provides better results than the obviously used standard CIE formula.‏
A: A. Explaining the significance or necessity of the research
B: B. Reviewing the existing literature relevant to the present study
C: C. Identifying a gap in the existing literature
D: D. Announcing the purpose/focus of the study
E: E. Outlining the paper structure
答案: 【 D. Announcing the purpose/focus of the study

 However, few have been reported on the precursor films generated by sputtering a CIG target.‌
A: A. Explaining the significance or necessity of the research
B: B. Reviewing the existing literature relevant to the present study
C: C. Identifying a gap in the existing literature
D: D. Announcing the purpose/focus of the study
E: E. Outlining the paper structure
答案: 【 C. Identifying a gap in the existing literature

 In this paper we develop a model for trajectory planning of air vehicle.‍
A: A. Explaining the significance or necessity of the research
B: B. Reviewing the existing literature relevant to the present study
C: C. Identifying a gap in the existing literature
D: D. Announcing the purpose/focus of the study
E: E. Outlining the paper structure
答案: 【 D. Announcing the purpose/focus of the study

The paper is organized as follows.​
A: A. Explaining the significance or necessity of the research
B: B. Reviewing the existing literature relevant to the present study
C: C. Identifying a gap in the existing literature
D: D. Announcing the purpose/focus of the study
E: E. Outlining the paper structure
答案: 【 E. Outlining the paper structure

For all problems described above, the goal is to find a trajectory (a flight path) such that the mission success is as large as possible.‏‎‏
A: A. Explaining the significance or necessity of the research
B: B. Reviewing the existing literature relevant to the present study
C: C. Identifying a gap in the existing literature
D: D. Announcing the purpose/focus of the study
E: E. Outlining the paper structure
答案: 【 C. Identifying a gap in the existing lit
