Chapter 1 Accounting theory

Test-Chapter 1

‎The main measurement scale used by accounting is​
A: Physical measurement
B: Currency measurement
C: Labor measurement
D: Physical measurement and currency measurement
答案: 【 Currency measurement

The basic functions of accounting are‏‎‏
A: Accounting and management
B: Control and supervision
C: Accounting and supervision
D: Accounting and analysis
答案: 【 Accounting and supervision

The contents of accounting's reflection and supervision can be summarized as​‌​
A: Sales activities
B: Capital movement in the process of production
C: Production activities
D: Management activities
答案: 【 Capital movement in the process of production

The following business is not within the scope of accounting‌‍‌
A: Purchase materials with bank deposits
B: Requisition of materials used for producing products
C: Storage of purchased materials
D: Storage of self-made materials
答案: 【 Storage of self-made materials

The accounting entity hypothesis stipulates that accounting‏‏‏
A: Time range
B: Spatial range
C: Period expense range
D: Cost range
答案: 【 Spatial range

Among the following principles, the principle that does not belong to the information quality requirement is‎‎‎
A: The principle of understandability
B: Comparability principle
C: Historical cost principle
D: Relevance principle
答案: 【 Historical cost principle

On September 20,2X20, the product was sold on credit for 50 000 yuan, and the payment was received on December 25 and deposited in the bank. When accounting on the basis of receipt and payment, the income should belong to​‍​
A: September 2X20
B:  October 2X20
C: November 2X20
D: December 2X20
答案: 【 December 2X20

On March 20, 2X20, the product was sold on credit for 60 000 yuan, and the payment was received on June 20 and deposited in the bank. When accounting according to accrual basis, the income should belong to‌‌‌
A: March 2X20
B: April 2X20
C: May 2X20
D: June 2X20
答案: 【 March 2X20

The basis for establishing currency measurement assumptions is‍‍‍
A: Currency changes
C: Bookkeeping standard currency
D:  The currency value remains unchanged
答案: 【  The currency value remains unchanged

When organizing accounting, the basic premise for accounting is‎‏‎
A: Accounting entity
B: Going-concern
C:  Currency measurement
D: Accounting principles
E: Accounting installment
答案: 【 Accounting entity;
 Currency measurement;
Accounting installment

The following various methods belong to the special methods of accounting‌‌‌
A:  Register books
B: Cost accounting
C: double-entry bookkeeping
D: Supervision and inspection
E: Forecast and decision
F: Property inventory
答案: 【  Register books;
Cost accounting;
double-entry bookkeeping;
Property inventory

 Accounting methods include‎‏‎
A: Accounting
B: Accounting decision
C: Accounting information
D: Accounting analysis
E:  Accounting inspection
F: Accounting forecast
答案: 【 Accounting;
Accounting analysis;
 Accounting inspection

The following business does not belong to the scope of accounting‏‎‏
A: Purchase materials with bank deposits
B: Preparation of financial plan
C:  Storage of self-made materials
D: Sign a purchase contract with a foreign company
E: The product is completed, inspected and stored in the warehouse
答案: 【 Preparation of financial plan;
Sign a purchase contract with a foreign company

According to the accrual basis principle, the following items should be included in the income and expenses of the current period:‍‌‍
A: The deposit bank for the sales of this period
B: The sales payment of the previous period was received in this period
C: Futures funds received in advance in this period are deposited into banks
D: Accrued depreciation charges for fixed assets in the current period
E:  Pay the next periodical newspaper and magazine fees with bank deposits
答案: 【 The deposit bank for the sales of this period;
Accrued depreciation charges for fixed assets in the current period

Different accounting installment will have an impact on the total profit‏‍‏
A: 正确
B: 错误
答案: 【 错误

The accounting of all enterprises in China must use RMB as the standard currency for bookkeeping​‍​
A: 正确
B: 错误
答案: 【 错误

The accrual system is based on whether the rights and responsibilities have occurred to determine the current income and expenses‍‎‍
A: 正确
B: 错误
答案: 【 正确

All accounting entities should conduct independent accounting‏‏‏
A: 正确
B: 错误
答案: 【 正确

 Accounting should distinguish between its own economic activities and those of other units​‏​
A: 正确
B: 错误
答案: 【 正确

Accounting subject and legal person subject are the same concept‍‏‍
A: 正确
B: 错误
答案: 【 错误

The principle of prudence means that in accounting, the assets of the enterprise and the possible losses and expenses should be underestimated‍‏‍
A: 正确
B: 错误
答案: 【 错误

Currency measurement is the only accounting measurement unit‍‏‍
A: 正确
B: 错误
答案: 【 错误

Chapter 11 Financial Reports

Test-Chapter 11

‏ A transaction caused a $55,000 decrease in both total assets and total liabilities. This transaction could have been:​‏​
A:  Purchase of a delivery truck for $55,000 cash.
B: An asset with a cost of $55,000 was destroyed by fire.
C: Repayment of a $55,000 bank loan.
D: Collection of a $55,000 account receivable.
答案: 【 Repayment of a $55,000 bank loan.

​Water world Boat Shop purchased a truck for $17 000, making a down payment of $5 000 cash and signing a $5 000 note payable due in 60 days. As a result of this transaction:‎​‎
A: Total assets increased by $17 000.
B: Total liabilities increased by $5 000.
C: From the viewpoint of a short-term creditor, this transaction makes the business more liquid.
D: This transaction had no immediate effect on the owners' equity in the business.
答案: 【 Total liabilities increased by $5 000.;
This transaction had no immediate effect on the owners' equity in the business.

‏Which of the following is (are) correct about a company's balance sheet? ​‏​
A: It displays sources and uses of cash for the period.
B: It is an expansion of the basic accounting equation: Assets = Liabilities + Owners' Equity.
C: It is sometimes referred to as a statement of financial position.
D: It is unnecessary if both an income statement and statement of cash flows are available.
答案: 【 It is an expansion of the basic accounting equation: Assets = Liabilities + Owners' Equity.;
It is sometimes referred to as a statement of financial position.

Chapter 6 Long-term Liabilities -- Bonds

Test-Chapter 6

‍The balance in the discount on bonds payable account would usually be reported in the balance sheet in the:​
A: Current assets section
B: Current liabilities section
C: Long-term liabilities section
D: Investments section
答案: 【 Long-term liabilities section

‌Which of the following statements is (are) correct?‍
A: A bond issue is a technique for subdividing a very large loan into many small,transferable units.
B: Bond interest payments are contravtual obligations,whereas the board of directors determines whether or not  dividends will be  paid.
C: As interest rates rise,the market prices of bonds fall;as interest rates fall,bond prices lend to rise.
D: Bond interest payments are deductible in determining income subject to income taxes,whereas dividends paid to stockholders are not deductible.
答案: 【 A bond issue is a technique for subdividing a very large loan into many small,transferable units.;
Bond interest payments are contravtual obligations,whereas the board of directors determines whether or not  dividends will be  paid.;
As interest rates rise,the market prices of bonds fall;as interest rates fall,bond prices lend to rise.;
Bond interest payments are deductible in determining income subject to income taxes,whereas dividends paid to stockholders are not deductible.

‏ Identify all statements that are consistent with the concept of present value. ‍
A: The present value of a future amount always is less than that future amount.
B: An amount of money available today is considered more valuable than the same sum that will not become available until a future date.
C: A bond's issue price is equal to the present value of its future cash flows.
D: The liability for an installment note payable is recorded at only the principal amount,rather than the sum of the scheduled future payments.
答案: 【 The present value of a future amount always is less than that future amount.;
An amount of money available today is considered more valuable than the same sum that will not become available until a future date.;
A bond's issue price is equal to the present value of its future cash flows.;
The liability for an installment note payable is recorded at only the principal amount,rather than the sum of the scheduled future payments.

‎ ldentify those trends that are unfavorable from the viewpoint of a bondholder.‏
A: Market interest rates are steadily rising.
B: The issuing company's interest coverage ratio is steadily rising.
C: The issuing company's net cash flow from operating activities is steadily declining.
D: The issuing company's debt ratio is steadily declining.
答案: 【 Market interest rates are steadily rising.;
The issuing company's net cash flow from operating activities is steadily declining.

‌Identify the types of information that can readily be determined from an amortization table for an installment loan.‎
A: Interest expense on this liability for the curent year.
B: The present value of the future payments under changing market conditions.
C: The unpaid balance remaining after each payment.
D: The portion of the unpaid balance that is a curent li



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