Unit 1 Introduction and health history taking

Unit 1 Test

‎Which of the following is the symptom but not sign of the patient? ‏
A: Enlarged spleen
B: Abdominal tenderness
C: Systolic murmur
D: Palpitation
E: Enlarged liver
答案: 【 Palpitation

​When the nurse is collecting the health history data and doing physical examination in the ward, the correct standing position is standing at the‍
A: left side of the patient
B: right side of the patient
C: head of the bed
D: foot of the bed
E: There is no specific requirement
答案: 【 right side of the patient

‏The health history interview should be cut off if the patient‎
A: develops a high fever
B: has a jaundice
C: suffers from a chest pain attack
D: has edema
E: coughs a blood-streaked sputum
答案: 【 suffers from a chest pain attack

‍The best way for the nurse to communicate with the patient is‍
A: taking notes while listening to the patient
B: taking a phone call while listening to the patient
C: facing the patient and maintain eye contact
D: keeping within a distance of 250cm from the patient
E: asking the patient’s family to answer questions
答案: 【 facing the patient and maintain eye contact

​The main part of patients’ medical history is​
A: chief complaint
B: history of present illness
C: condition of daily life
D: past medical history
E: personal history
答案: 【 history of present illness

‎The depth of deep palpation usually is‎
A: above lcm
B: above 1.5cm
C: above 2cm
D: above 2.5cm
E: above 3cm
答案: 【 above 2cm

‌The best way to encourage the patient to talk about his/her condition is‌
A: to ask the patient to fill out a questionnaire
B: to nod while he/she is speaking to show approval or understanding
C: to ask the roomates to encourage the patient
D: to ask questions constantly
E: to ask the patient’s family to help
答案: 【 to nod while he/she is speaking to show approval or understanding

​The best way to acquire accurate medical history during an interview is‏
A: by listening attentively
B: by guiding the patient
C: by questioning continuously
D: by health promotion
E: by using medical terminology
答案: 【 by listening attentively

‎A male patient who is 56 years old is admitted to the hospital with diarrhea. The most appropriate question for the nurse to start with is‍
A: Do you have pain in your abdomen?
B: What brings you here today?
C: Have you suffered from diarrhea?
D: Did you do stool analysis?
E: When did the diarrhea start?
答案: 【 What brings you here today?

‍Which of the following palpation techniques helps to detect abdominal resistance?‌
A: Light palpation
B: Deep slipping palpation
C: Ballottement
D: Deep press palpation
E: Bimanual palpation
答案: 【 Light palpation

‏Which of the following is commonly used for detecting abdominal tender points?‌
A: Light palpation
B: Deep slipping palpation
C: Ballottement
D: Deep press palpation
E: Bimanual palpation
答案: 【 Deep press palpation

‏The sound of percussion of a parenchymal organ covered by tissue with gas should be‎
A: dullness
B: flatness
C: resonance
D: hyperresonance
E: tympany
答案: 【 dullness

‌Which kind of percussion note occurs on the patient with emphysema?‎
A: Dullness
B: Flatness
C: Resonance
D: Hyperresonance
E: Tympany
答案: 【 Hyperresonance

‍A 36-year-old man comes to the ward with the complaint of upper abdominal distention and discomfort. The two symptoms can be relieved after excessive vomiting. The vomitus is fermented and sour-smelling, containing food eaten many hours ago. Which is the most likely diagnosis?‎
A: Pyloric obstruction
B: Functional dyspepsia
C: Intestinal obstruction
D: Gastric perforation
E: Acute gastritis
答案: 【 Pyloric obstruction

‏In order to detect deep-seated abdominal masses and gastrointestinal lesions, which of the palpation method should be used?‎
A: Deep slipping palpation
B: Deep press palpation
C: Bimanual palpation
D: Light palpation
E: Ballottement
答案: 【 Deep slipping palpation

​The patients’ history of present illness includes​
A: onset and duration of chief symptom or signs
B: causes of illness and inducements/precipitating factors
C: features of chief symptom
D: associated symptoms and significant negative symptoms
E: previous studies and treatment
答案: 【 onset and duration of chief symptom or signs;
causes of illness and inducements/precipitating factors;
features of chief symptom;
associated symptoms and significant negative symptoms;
previous studies and treatment

‎Which of the following belongs to precipitating factors?‏
A: Injury
B: Poisoning
C: Infection
D: Climate changing
E: Depression
答案: 【 Climate changing;

‍Under normal conditions, tympany can be heard on examination of‍
A: lungs
B: heart
C: liver
D: abdomen
E: stomach bubble
答案: 【 abdomen;
stomach bubble

​Under normal conditions, flatness can be heard on examination of‏
A: lungs
B: heart
C: abdomen
D: liver
E: stomach bubble
答案: 【 heart;

‍Which of the following is true regarding indirect percussion?‏
A: Strike 6 or 7 times consecutively when percussing on the same place
B: Strike lightly to identify the relative cardiac dullness
C: The nurse uses the middle finger of left hand to strike the proximal or distal interphalangeal joint of the pleximeter finger of the right hand.
D: The motion of percussion should be oriented by the movement of the wrist and metacarpophalangeal joint, and not the elbow or shoulder joint.
E: Strike hard to identify the upper border of liver.
答案: 【 Strike lightly to identify the relative cardiac dullness;
The motion of percussion should be oriented by the movement of the wrist and metacarpophalangeal joint, and not the elbow or shoulder joint.

Unit 10 Laboratory Examination

Unit 10 Test

‏Routine blood test does not include‌‏‌
A: Red blood cell count
B: Reticulocyte count
C: Hemoglobin concentration
D: White blood cell count
E:  Hematocrit determination
答案: 【 Reticulocyte count

Which of the following description meets the characteristics of leakage ?‍​‍
A: Often caused by inflammation
B:  Presents with serous appearance
C: Usually with specific gravity above 1.018
D: Can self-coagulate
E: Usually with lot of cells
答案: 【  Presents with serous appearance

Oliguria means that the urine volume within 24 hours is less than ‍‎‍
A: 100ml
B: 400ml
C: 600ml
D:  1000ml
E:  17ml
答案: 【 400ml

‌ Hyperkalemia means that the blood potassium concentration exceeds:‎‌‎
A: 3.5mmol / L
B: 4.5mmol / L
C: 5mmol / L
D: 5.5mmol / L
E:  6mmol / L
答案: 【 5.5mmol / L

A 55-year-old male patient, 2 hours after eating and drinking, suffered persistent pain in the upper abdomen and radiated to his left shoulder, lower back, and nausea and vomiting. He was admitted to the emergency department 12 hours later. Currently, the most helpful diagnostic test is: ‌‌​‌
A: Blood routine
B: Abdominal puncture
C: Blood and urine amylase
D: Plain films of chest and abdomen
E: Urine routine
答案: 【 Blood and urine amylase

 In the blood test, the right shift of the nucleus of the peripheral blood neutrophils often indicates:‏​‏
A: Leukemia
B: Allergic diseases
C: Strong hematopoietic function
D:  Low bone marrow hematopoietic function
E: Acute suppurative bacterial infection
答案: 【  Low bone marrow hematopoietic function

‍Which of the following result of blood examinations is ABNORMAL?‏‍‏
A:  Red blood cell count 5 × 1012/L (adult female)
B: Hemoglobin 130g / L (adult female)
C: Neutrophil ratio 70% (adult female)
D:  Lymphocyte ratio 10% (adult female)
E: Lymphocyte ratio 30% (adult female)
答案: 【  Lymphocyte ratio 10% (adult female)

Which of the following statement indicates liver cells seriously damaged as well as a poor prognosis? ‌‍‌
A: Increased bilirubin
B:  Increased alanine aminotransferase
C: Significantly and continuously reduced albumin
D: Increased serum cholesterol
E:  Significantly increased albumin
答案: 【 Significantly and continuously reduced albumin

‎Which of the following statements about collection procedure of stool is WRONG? ‎‎‎
A: Put in a water-absorbent container without a lid
B:  A little fresh stool
C: Do not mix external impurities
D: Take the part with pus and blood if they exist
E:  When there is no fecal discharge and must be checked, the specimen can be collected by digital rectal examination
答案: 【 Put in a water-absorbent container without a lid

Regarding the examination of red blood cells, which of the following statement is INCORRECT?‍‎‍
A: Severe vomiting can cause a relative increase in red blood cells
B: Polycythemia vera can cause an absolute increase in red blood cells
C: Women may have erythrocyte reduction in late pregnancy
D: Secondary erythrocytosis has nothing to do with EPO
E: Reticulocyte count helps the differential diagnosis of anemia
答案: 【 Secondary erythrocytosis has nothing to do with EPO

‎The normal human albumin / globulin ratio (A / G) is:  ‎‎‎
A: 1-1.2 / 1 
B:  1-1.5 / 1 
C: 1.5-2.0 / 1   
D: 1.5-2.5 / 1   
E: 1.8-2.5 / 1
答案: 【 1.5-2.5 / 1   

Which of the following condition will cause the increase the eosinophil count:​‏​
A: Intestinal hookworm infection
B: Cardiogenic asthma
C:  Late pregnancy
D: Long term use of glucocorticoid
E: Typhoid fever
答案: 【 Intestinal hookworm infection

‏ In the urine microscopic examination, some white blood cell casts are found, most probably this may indicate:‌‏‌
A:  Acute glomerulonephritis
B:  Pyelonephritis
C: Nephrotic syndrome
D: Chronic renal failure
E: Kidney congestion
答案: 【  Pyelonephritis

Which of the following conditions will cause soy sauce urine?‏‍‏
A:  Prostatitis 
B: Urine concentration induced by high fever
C: Cirrhosis
D: Acute hepatitis
E: Transfusion of blood incompatible
答案: 【 Transfusion of blood incompatible

Which of the following conditions does not show a decrease in red blood cells and hemoglobin?‏​‏
A: End-stage renal failure
B: Massive loss of body fluids
C: Impaired bone marrow function
D: Iron deficiency
E:  Anemia
答案: 【 Massive loss of body fluids

 Which of the following element could exist in the urine of a healthy person?‍​‍
A: Water
B: Protein
C: Urea
D:  Red blood cells
E:  Inorganic salt
答案: 【 Water;
 Inorganic salt

 Under which of the following condition will the patient be tested positive for serum AFP(alpha-fetoprotein)?‌​‌
A: Acute pancreatitis
B: Cirrhosis
C: Primary liver cancer
D: Pregnancy
E: Viral hepatitis
答案: 【 Cirrhosis;
Primary liver cancer;
Viral hepatitis

Which of the following indicators can be used to assess red blood cell morphology?‌‌‌
A: Average red blood cell index
B: Mean corpuscular hemoglobin
C: Mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration
D: Mean corpuscular volume
E: Hematocrit
答案: 【 Average red blood cell index;
Mean corpuscular hemoglobin;
Mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration;
Mean corpuscular volume

Regarding the examination of stool, which of the following statements is correct?‌‍‌
A: When small intestine is inflamed, it is easy for mucus to adhere to the surface of stool
B: Purulent mucus could be found in the stool of patient with amoebic dysentery
C: Black stools may appear in the upper gastrointestinal bleeding volume of 50 ml
D: Bile duct obstruction could result in white clay-like stool
E: Rectal cancer can result in bloody stools
答案: 【 When small intestine is inflamed, it is easy for mucus to adhere to the surface of stool;
Purulent mucus could be found in the stool of patient with amoebic dysentery;
Black stools may appear in the upper gastrointestinal bleeding volume of 50 ml;
Bile duct obstruction could result in white clay-like stool;
Rectal cancer can result in bloody stools

 Abnormal urine smell can be seen in which of the following conditions?‍​‍
A: Eating food with pungent smell
B: Chronic cystitis
C: Diabetic ketoacidosis
D: Organophosphorus pesticide poisoning
E: Phenylketonuria
答案: 【 Eating food with pungent smell;
Chronic cystitis;
Diabetic ketoacidosis;
Organophosphorus pesticide poisoning;

Unit 2 General Assessment

Unit 2 test

‎Which of the following group of lymph nodes is not located in head and neck areas? ‍
A: Preauricular lymph nodes
B: Postauricular lymph nodes
C: Occipital lymph nodes
D: Inguinal lymph nodes
E: Submental lymph nodes
答案: 【 Inguinal lymph nodes

‏What kind of facies usually poses in patients with lobar pneumonia?‍
A: Masked facies
B: Full moon facies
C: Acute facies
D: Chronic facies
答案: 【 Acute facies

‎What gait could be seen in patients with rickets?​
A: Waddling gait
B: Ataxic gait
C: Festinating gait
D: Steppage gait
E: Scissors gait
答案: 【 Waddling gait

​Cyanosis is due to the change of hemoglobin which is​
A: Increase of reductive hemoglobin
B: Increase of  oxidized hemoglobin
C: Decrease of reductive hemoglobin
D: Decrease of oxidized hemoglobin
答案: 【 Increase of reductive hemoglobin

‍Which of the following statements does not conform to metastatic lymphadenopathy?‍
A: Hard texture
B: Easy adhesion
C: Not easy to push
D: Tenderness
E: May spread to other areas
答案: 【 Tenderness

‌Please refer to the descriptions of a patient below and choose the name of the gait that best fits his conditions:‏‌The patient is diagnosed with cerebral palsy,when he walks,his gait is characterized by excessive adduction of lower limbs,his legs are crossed when moving.‏
A: Scissors gait
B: Intermittent claudication gait
C: Ataxic gait
D: Dring man gait
E: Waddling gait
答案: 【 Scissors gait

This is a patient with Parkinson disease.When the patient begins to walk,his gait is characterized by small steps at slightly fast rate,stooped posture and difficulty in stopping after starting to walk. How would you describe this kind of gait?​
A: Festinating gait  
B: Ataxic gait
C: Waddling gait
D: Intermittent claudication gait
答案: 【 Festinating gait  

‌A patient visits you with a tired looking,with pallor and pale lips and tongue,the patient tells you that he feels exhausted after walking fast or climbing the stairs. What kind of appearance will you describe him?‍
A: Anemic facies
B: Nephrotic facies
C: Myxedema facies
D: Hepatic facies
E: Mitral facies
答案: 【 Anemic facies

‎Today entering the ward a patient with meningitis,when you are communicating with him,he seems indifferent and slow in understanding your questions.How would you describe his appearance?‌
A: Typhoid facies(Masked face)
B: Anemic facies
C: Nephrotic facies
D: Hepatic facies
E: Acute facies
答案: 【 Typhoid facies(Masked face)

‌A child patient with facial edema,with pale tongue with identation on the lingual margin.What kind of facies will you describe him? ​
A: Nephrotic facies
B: Hepatic facies
C: Myxedema facies
D: Mitral facies
答案: 【 Nephrotic facies

‏Why does rickets could cause development problems among children?‏
A: Calcium absorption problem
B: Bone destruction
C: Less secretion of growth hormones
D: Muscle development problem
E: Immunological dysfunction
答案: 【 Calcium absorption problem

​Of those descriptions about sthenic type habitus,which of the following options is INCORRECT?​
A: Drooping shoulder 
B: Short and thick limbs
C: Broad shoulder
D: Epigastric angle larger than ninety
E: Epigastric angle less than ninety
答案: 【 Drooping shoulder ;
Epigastric angle less than ninety

‏This morning in the out-patient center comes a patient with mild ascites,his face is gloomy with brown pigmentation,with one spider angioma by the cheek.What kind of facies will you use to describe him?‏
A: Hepatic facies
B: Mitral facies
C: Nephrotic facies
D: Anemic facies
E: Hyperthyreosis facies
答案: 【 Hepatic facies

‍Which of the following option is NOT included in the general examination?​
A: Sight test
B: Lymph nodes examination
C: Hair examination
D: Weight assessment
E: Nutritional assessment
答案: 【 Sight test

​Systematic enlargement of lymph nodes can be seen in those diseases EXCEPT‍
A: Tonsil inflammation
B: Leukemia
C: Infectious monocytosis
D: Lymphoma
答案: 【 Tonsil inflammation

‏Which of the following options could be the appropriate sites to help estimate the state of nutrition?​
A: Flexual area of forearm or the inferior one-third of the dorsal upper arm
B: Dorsum of hands or the interior upper arm
C: Upper abdomen
D: Dorsum of hands or the superior one-third of the dorsal upper arm
E: Calf muscle
答案: 【 Flexual area of forearm or the inferior one-third of the dorsal upper arm;
Dorsum of hands or the interior upper arm;
Upper abdomen;
Dorsum of hands or the superior one-third of the dorsal upper arm;
Calf muscle

‍ Cretinism mainly occurred before maturation and often caused by‍
A: Hyperthyroidism  
B: Hypothyroidism
C: Hyperhypophysism 
D: Hypopituitarism 
E: Abnormal secretion of certain hormones
答案: 【 Hypothyroidism ;
Abnormal secretion of certain hormones

‎Passive position is seen in patients with‏
A: Extreme weakness and unconsciousness
B: Acute peritonitis
C: Massive pleural effusion
D: Unconscious patients
E: Spine disease
答案: 【 Extreme weakness and



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