第一章 概念框架


‎How does the Conceptual Framework define an asset?​‎​
A: A resource owned by an entity as a result of past events and from which future economic benefits are expected to flow to the entity
B: A resource over which an entity has legal rights as a result of past events and from which economic benefits are expected to flow to the entity
C: A resource controlled by an entity as a result of past events and from which future economic benefits are expected to flow to the entity
D: A resource to which an entity has a future commitment as a result of past events and from which future economic benefits are expected to flow from the entity
答案: 【 A resource controlled by an entity as a result of past events and from which future economic benefits are expected to flow to the entity

‏Which of the following would be classified as a liability?‍
A: Dexter's business manufactures a product under licence. In 12 months' time the licence expires and Dexter will have to pay $50,000 for it to be renewed.
B: Reckless purchased an investment 9 months ago for $120,000. The market for these investments has now fallen and Reckless's investment is valued at $90,000.
C: Carter has estimated the tax charge on its profits for the year just ended as $165,000.
D: Expansion is planning to invest in new machinery and has been quoted a price of $570,000.
答案: 【 Carter has estimated the tax charge on its profits for the year just ended as $165,000.

‌The Conceptual Framework identifies four enhancing qualitative characteristics of financial information. For which of these characteristics is DISCLOSURE OF ACCOUNTING POLICIES particularly important?‎
A: Verifiability
B: Timeliness
C: comparability
D: Understandability
答案: 【 comparability

‎The Conceptual Framework identifies an UNDERLYING ASSUMPTION in preparing financial statements. This is:​
A: Going concern
B: Materiality
C: Substance over form
D: Accruals
答案: 【 Going concern

​Recognition is the process of including within the financial statements items which meet the definition of an element according to the lASB's Conceptual Framework for Financial Reporting. Which of the following items should be recognised as an asset in the statement of financial position of a company?‎
A: A skilled and efficient workforce which has been very expensive to train. Some of these staff are still in the employment of the company.
B: A highly lucrative contract signed during the year which is due to commence shortly after the year end.
C: A government grant relating to the purchase of an item of plant several years ago, which has a  remaining life of four years.
D: A receivable from a customer which has been sold (factored) to a finance company. The finance company has full recourse to the company for any losses.
答案: 【 A receivable from a customer which has been sold (factored) to a finance company. The finance company has full recourse to the company for any losses.

​Which of the following would correctly describe the net realisable value of a two year old asset?‎​‎
A: The original cost of the asset less two years' depreciation
B: The amount that could be obtained from selling the asset, less any costs of disposal
C: The cost of an equivalent new asset less two years' depreciation
D: The present value of the future cash flows obtainable from continuing to use the asset
答案: 【 The amount that could be obtained from selling the asset, less any costs of disposal

第二章 监管框架


‍The process for developing an International Financial Reporting Standard involves a number of stages. Following receipt and review of comments on a Discussion Paper, what will be the next step undertaken by the IASB?‌‍‌
A: Publication of an Exposure Draft
B: Establishment of an Advisory Committee
C: Consultation with the Advisory Committee
D: Issue of a final IFRS
答案: 【 Publication of an Exposure Draft

​Which of the following would NOT be an advantage of adopting IFRS?‌
A: It would be easier for investors to compare the financial statements of companies with those of foreign competitors.
B: Cross-border listing would be facilitated.
C: Accountants and auditors would have more defence in case of litigation.
D: Multinational companies could more easily transfer accounting staff across national borders.
答案: 【 Accountants and auditors would have more defence in case of litigation.

‍Which one of the following statements regarding systems of regulation of accounting is true?‌
A: A principles-based system will require more detailed regulations than a rules-based system.
B: A rules-based system will tend to give rise to a smaller number of accounting standards than a principles-based system.
C: A principles-based system seeks to cover every eventuality.
D: A principles-based system requires the exercise of more judgement in application than a rules-based system.
答案: 【 A principles-based system requires the exercise of more judgement in application than a rules-based system.

第三章 财务报表的列示


‍Which of the following would not NECESSARILY lead to a liability being classified as a current liability?‌
A: The liability is expected to be settled in the course of the entity's norma! operating cycle.
B: The liability has arisen during the current accounting period.
C: The liability is held primarily for the purpose of trading.
D: The liability is due to be settled within 12 months after the end of the reporting period.
答案: 【 The liability has arisen during the current accounting period.

‌Which of the following would be shown in the 'other comprehensive income' section of the statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income?‎
A: A revaluation gain on an investment property
B: Profit on sale of an investment 
C: Receipt of a government grant
D: Gain on revaluation of a factory building
答案: 【 Gain on revaluation of a factory building

‎Where are equity dividends paid presented in the financial statements?‎
A: As a deduction from retained  earnings in the statement of changes in equity
B: As a liability in the statement  of financial position
C: As an expense in profit or loss
D: As a loss in 'other comprehensive income
答案: 【 As a deduction from retained  earnings in the statement of changes in equity

‍How does IAS 1 define the 'operating cycle' of an entity?‏
A: The time between acquisition of assets for processing and delivery of finished goods to customers
B: The time between delivery of finished goods and receipt of cash from customers
C: The time between acquisition  of assets for processing and payment of cash to suppliers
D: The time between acquisition  of assets for processing and receipt of cash from customers
答案: 【 The time between acquisition  of assets for processing and receipt of cash from customers

​ which of the following are NOT items required by IAS 1 Presentation of Financial Statements to be shown on the face of the statement of financial position?​
A: Inventories
B: Provisions
C: Government grants
D: Intangible assets
答案: 【 Government grants

第四章 有形非流动资产


 Foster Co has built a new factory incurring the following costs:‏$'000‏Land                                                                               1,200‏Materials                                                                         2,400‏Labour                                                                            3,000‏Architect's fees                                                                    25‏Surveyor's fees                                                                    15‏Site overheads                                                                   300‏Apportioned administrative overheads                                 150‏Testing of fire alarms                                                           10‏Business rates for first year                                                 12‏7,112‏What will be the total amount capitalised in respect of the factory?‏
A: $6,112,000
B: $6,950,000
C: $7,112,000
D: $7,100,000
答案: 【 $6,950,000

‍An aircraft requires a planned overhaul each year at a cost of $5,000 every three years. This is a condition of being allowed to fly. How should the cost of the overhaul be treated in the financial statements? Select the correct option from those stated here:‍
A: Accrued for over the year and charged to maintenance expenses
B: Provided for in advance and charged to maintenance expenses
C: Capitalised and depreciated over the period to the next overhaul
D: Charged to profit or loss when the expenditure takes place
答案: 【 Capitalised and depreciated over the period to the next overhaul

‎  Auckland Co purchased a machine for $60,000 on 1 January 20X7 and assigned it a useful life of 15 years. On 31 March 20X9 it was revalued to $64,000 with no change in useful life.What will be depreciation charge in relation to this machine in the financial statements of Auckland Co for the year ending 31 December 20X9?‏
A: $4,765
B: $4,700
C: $4,600
D: $4,665
答案: 【 $4,765

‍Wetherby Co purchased a machine on 1 July 20X7 for $500,000. It is being depreciated on a straight-line basis over its expected life often years. Residual value is estimated at $20,000. On 1 January 20X8, following a change in legislation, Wetherby Co fitted a safety guard to the machine. The safety guard cost $25,000 and has a useful life of five years with no residual value.What amount will be charged to profit or loss for the year ended 31 March 20X8 in respect of depreciation on this machine?​
A: $37,500
B: $37,250
C: $36,250
D: $35,000
答案: 【 $37,250

​Which of the following would be recognised as an investment property under IAS 40 in the consolidated financial statements of Build Co?‎
A: A property intended for sale in the ordinary course of business
B: A property being constructed for a customer
C: A property held by Build Co as a right-of-use asset and leased  out under a six-month lease
D: A property owned by Build Co and leased out to a subsidiary
答案: 【 A property held by Build Co as a right-of-use asset and leased  out under a six-month lease

‌Which of the following statement is not allowed under IAS 40?‌‌‌
A: Following initial recognition, investment property can be held at either cost or fair value.
B: If an investment property is held at fair value, this must be applied to all of the entity's investment property.
C: An investment property is initially measured at cost, including transaction costs.
D: A gain or loss arising from a change in the fair value of an investment property should be recognised in other comprehensive income.
答案: 【 A gain or loss arising from a change in the fair value of an investment property should be recognised in other comprehensive income.

‏Carter Co vacated an office building and let it out to a third party on 30 June 20X8. The building had an original cost of $900,000 on 1 January 20X0 and was being depreciated over 50 years. It was judged to have a fair value on 30 June 20X8 of $950,000. At the year-end date of 31 December 20X8 the fair value of the building was estimated at $1.2 million.‏Carter Co uses the fair value model for investment property.What amount will be shown in revaluation surplus at 31 December 20X8 in respect of this building?‏‏‌‏
A: $203,000
B: $353,000
C: $747,000
D: $247,000
答案: 【 $203,000

Carriageways Co had the following bank loans outstanding during the whole of 20X8:‎‎                                                                                             $m‎9% loan repayable 20X9                                                             15‎11% loan repayable 20Y2                                                           24‎‎Carriageways Co began construction of a qualifying asset on 1 April 20X8 and withdrew funds of $6 million on that date to fund construction. On 1 August 20X8 an additional $2 million was withdrawn for the same purpose.‎Calculate the borrowing costs which can be capitalised in respect of  this project for the year ended 31 December 20X8.‎
A: $549,333
B: $411,999
C: $750,000
D: $350,000
答案: 【 $549,333

Fido Feed Ltd has the following loans in place throughout the year ended 31 December 20X8.‎ $m‎10% bank loan              140‎8% bank loan                200‎On 1 July 20X8 $50 million was drawn down for construction of a qualifying asset which was completed during 20X9.‎What amount should be capitalised as borrowing costs at 31 December 20X8 in respect of this asset?‎‏‎
A: $5.6 million
B: $2.8 million
C: $4.4 million
D: $2.2 million
答案: 【 $2.2 million

​Leclerc Co has borrowed $2.4 million to finance the building of a factory. Construction is expected to take two years. The loan was drawn down and incurred on 1 January 20X9 and work began on 1 March 20X9. $1 million of the loan was not utilised until 1 July 20X9 so Leclerc was able to invest it until needed. Leclerc Co is paying 8% on the loan and can invest surplus funds at 6%. Calculate the borrowing costs to be capitalised for the year ended 31 December 20X9 in respect of this project.‏
A: $140,000
B: $192,000
C: $100,000
D: $162,000
答案: 【 $140,000

第五章 无形资产


​When a bargain purchase arises, IFRS 3 Business Combinations requires that the amounts involved in computing the bargain purchase should first be reassessed. When the amount of the bargain purchase has been confirmed, how should it be accounted for?‌
A: Charged as an expense in profit or loss
B: Capitalised and presented under non-current assets
C: Credited to profit or loss
D: Shown as a deduction from non-current assets
答案: 【 Credited to profit or loss

‎Geek Co is developing a new product and expects to be able to capitalise the costs. Which of the following would preclude capitalisation of the costs?‍
A: Development of the product is not yet complete.
B: No patent has yet been registered in respect of the product.
C: No sales contracts have yet been signed in relation to the product.
D: It has not been possible to reliably allocate costs to development of the product.
答案: 【 It has not been possible to reliably allocate costs to development of the product.

 Assoria Co had $20 million of capitalised development expenditure at cost brought forward at 1 October 20X7 in respect of products currently in production and a new project began on the same date.‍The research stage of the new project lasted until 31 December 20X7 and incurred $1.4 million of costs. From that date the project incurred development costs of $800,000 per month. On 1 April 20X8 the directors of Assoria Co became confident that the project would be successful and yield a profit well in excess of costs. The project was still in development at 30 September 20X8. Capitalised development expenditure is amortised at 20% per annum using th



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